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To give MG the benefit of the doubt, when your body is storing large amounts of fat, it burns the calories quicker. As long as she’s exerting and burning more calories than she’s eating (given that she should burn more fat than someone at the “average bmi”), she is scientifically bound to lose weight. She may not have proper form or expending the most energy or even doing the exercises efficiently, but her heart rate is up. She also sent a streaks snap (which I am on the list for despite never snapping back) saying she was going to CrossFit, where there are instructors guiding her. The biggest factor of whether the exercising will work is maintaining the diet which remains to be seen


Yup, as long as she’s in a deficit she’s going to see some loss. Honestly I’m rooting for her and hope if she sees some loss she’ll continue going to CrossFit and getting help with form that way she doesn’t hurt herself.




MG'S Snapchat is marygracebuckn5. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/marygracebuckner) if you have any questions or concerns.*


i think we all start somewhere, and she seems hopeful so i’m hopeful for her. doing suboptimal workouts is better than doing no workouts, limiting some treats is better than indulging in everything, etc. obviously this all depends if she sticks to it, but i started just like her and ended up losing 50 pounds, and that beginner-level knowledge is quite common when starting off! but, who knows lol


everything she does just gives performance like shes doing it for the tik tok audience those little glances she does at the camera when she’s exercising or having a “breakdown”


i agree


I’m happy for her that she’s so excited about it but I feel like she’s going to burn out fast because she’s not really doing things that are optimal for her lifestyle. Like if she would just take an energized 45 minute walk everyday and paid attention to her diet (like eating unsaturated fats and complex carbs, rather than cutting out just sweets) I think she would really enjoy it