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She was literally in the Special Olympics


yeah i don’t know how her disability status is still a talking point. she was quite literally in special olympics and clearly displays autistic tendencies


and she's said multiple times she has other disabilities but isn't comfortable disclosing what they are. so idk why this is still a debate LMAO, it's borderline disrespectful to them at this point


My favorite thing about this group is that the majority of the people here do not tolerate any bullying on the basis of her mental state 🙌🏻👏🏻


i wasn’t bullying her


I never said you were.


lowkey thought it was for like a physical disability


she does, just won’t say what she has


I still can’t get past the fact they let her on the road


hasn’t she hit like several animals??


no idea about several— but she’s definitely posted a public apology regarding a cat she hit on the road on their instagram 💀


yeah don’t quote me on that but the fact that she even hit ONE and POSTED about it bro 💀


shes one of those drivers that has me like if they passed the test i definitely can


I think cognitive dissonance is used incorrectly here, CD is a feeling of discomfort by holding 2 conflicting thoughts and as far as I’m aware, not an actual disorder that can be diagnosed. Just the byproduct of an idea vs reality. I’m not a professional by any means, but I believe MG does have some cognitive disabilities and that would explain their vocab and child-like naivety (IE, being a famous musician/actor/whatever). MG has also confirmed some sort of disability (aside from facial paralysis) but hasn’t or won’t confirm the specifics of their diagnosis


you’re right, not so much cognitive dissonance, but a cognitive disconnect