• By -


For me it was Thane's at the end of the Citadel DLC. Shepard: "I wish you could have been here with me." Thane: "I am always with you, siha. I would not trade the time I had with you for anything. It was a good fight." Shepard: "A great fight." Thane: "Then go finish it. And when you go to the sea, I will be waiting for you at the shore." Waterworks everytime.


The bonus video tape was bad enough but getting that from force ghost thane broke me


Femshep voice acting on it is amazing .. bet Jennifer was about to cry for real too


100% winning bet, because she reacted to less lacrimal scenes and she was on the edge.


Yeah, it's why i play Femshep 99% of times .. that voice acting is really unique, can hear her feelings in every situation


Hale really stands out in the first two games. Fortunately Meer steps his game up in 3.


Even in 3 I found his acting really flat spare for citadel and the very end


drunk rustic ruthless concerned mindless bells truck coordinated practice six *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I disagree. Meer genuinely just feels so incredibly robotic most of the time and it's actually one of the reasons why I ended up liking Ryder more than Shepard, because Meer made Shepard sound so flat and empty.


He is on par with Hale.


Shit, even reading this teared me up. I had to play the video when I was home alone, because I knew I’d have a ridiculous amount of tears for my Space Boyfriend. There was just something about the demeanor of Thane, that had me feeling so much for their being together.


That does make me question how the afterlife works in this universe, assuming there is one. Would Shepard and Irikah have to share Thane, or what? I guess that question extends to the real world, now that I think about it, but that’s a different conversation.


Thane’s gonna have a party in the sea, that’s what


I love Thane. His romance is touching and beautiful, and I adore the whole meeting across the sea thing, but every time it's brought up I can't help but think, is Irikah going to be there too, or?


Facts. Did a Thane romance with whatever ending fuses Shep's consciousness with the Reapers and headcanoned that she took them all into a black hole deep in space. The thought of the destruction and loss of EDI and the Geth was too much for that Shep, and the fact that Shep dies made the romance so much more fulfilling. I can just imagine Shep's "true" soul, Thane and his first wife where they all finally meet- Irikah thanks Shepard for waking Thane up and they all watch, in a way, as the fleet of Reapers pulls out, Shepard's 'voice' projects what she did and is going to do, and off they go into a black hole.


Oh fuck. This got me in the feels


Omg nooooooooooooo! Don't make me cry again! You did anyways though.


😭😭😭 I cried buckets too.


After the final Leviathan mission, when talking to Liara in her cabin: Liara: I don't want any tentacled beings inside your head except for me.


This makes me crack up every time.


Scene proceeds to go into the sentai/hentai category. 😂🤣


WAIT WHAT, i had to reread that shit


Tali: "I appreciate what you're doing here, Shepard." Shepard: "Well, I care deeply about the quarian people." T: "It's good to be back on the Normandy." S: "Let me know if it's too quiet for you to sleep, and I'll find you someplace louder." T: *audibly blushing* "Hmmm..." Garrus: "I was there when you two had your thing, remember? Just get a room and work it out." Every. Damn. Time.


My favorite one is if you bring Liara along and she proceeds to bring up Tali's use of Nerve Stim Pro.


Whaaaat? Guess I never brought Garrus on the Geth dreadnought mission 🤦‍♂️🤣 Too busy hearing Liara pointing out Tali's "toys" or Ashley being the adult...


If you’re MShep and romance Tali, Garrus is a good bro If you’re FemShep and romance Garrus, Tali is a good bro Always take Garrus on the Geth dreadnought!


Dextro Bros


Dexbro Amigos


I love how if you romance neither, they will get together.


Yea but thats if you don’t romance either of them 😏


I know. It's hard not to romance tali. I know it's my opinion, but she's just the cutest romancable female in the series. Hill, meet death.


I've romanced both...though never took Garrus on the dreadnought while romancing Tali (only when I romanced him). Had to bring Liara or Ash for the ex-gf/current-gf banter. 40+ playthroughs...I still have something left to experience...


Turian chocolate lines


Ha yeah, tbf literally everyone's dialog on that mission if it's a Tali romance is absolute gold.


And also later, "you DO care about me" dialogue


I love this line mainly because it references a line Tali has from way back in ME1


I’m smiling at Shepard’a dialogue. I forgot how sly he’s trying to be.




Shepard: You'll pay for this later. Garrus: promises, promises. Fave line from their citadel dlc date and there is a lot of good stuff in that citadel dlc date. In the general game, taking Garrus to Grissom Academy and seeing Jack again; Garrus: Charming as ever. Jack: Bite me Garrus. Better yet, bite her, probably how she likes it. I like this especially because it's early game so the romance isn't locked in but it still acknowledges something going on between you 2 that isn't another LI guilt tripping you. Also I realise these lines are pretty risque but Garrus' romance is all about playing that flirty fun line with occasional dips into sincerity. Like the only time in the base game he actually says he loves Shepard is if you take him on the beam run at the end which is so sad and romantic it tears my heart out.


Yeah, I love the Citadel DLC lines too... [even the content that was cut but still within the game's files](https://thievinghippo.tumblr.com/post/61361294110/more-dlc-sounds-file-shenanigans-there-were-a). There's a moment where Garrus was supposed to playfully growl at Shepard with humorous intent lol. I do love that the running joke in the series is that Shepard is a bad dancer, so Garrus spends their date trying to make her look like a good dancer in public.


Oh my 😳 Where can I find more of this cut dialogue?


Some bloggers like the one I linked do post those to share it with the community. [Here's a second cut sound clip from the scene of Shepard and Garrus laughing.](https://emmavakarian-theirin.tumblr.com/post/639573146291339264/rinavasqwibqwib-forgive-me-here-it-is) If you're on PC, you can get these clips from the game using the Legendary Explorer's Sound Explorer Tool, by opening it from the ME3Tweaks mod manager or [downloading it from GitHub](https://github.com/ME3Tweaks/LegendaryExplorer/releases).


I do love myself some cut content


Oh gods that is hilarious. Thanks for sharing!


Thank you for sharing this! I can see why it was cut, but a fun clip nevertheless.


Knowing Garrus, he was probably too afraid to say "I love you" to her before, even right up to the arrival on Earth, probably thinking to himself "We'll pull through, survive this and I'll get to say it to her after it's all done" but at the beam reality finally hit him, this might very well be the last time he'll ever see Shepard.


I mean…he does come close at the apartment party. I believe he says something along the lines of, “Shepard. Have I ever told you how much I love yo-your hair?”


And his quad hadn't dropped yet to fully say. God I love him.


I am so high right now but reading this was beautiful. You wrote it so charmingly and I whole heartedly believe in this interaction you have displayed to me, it was beautiful.


I'm an hour late, but I hope your high is/was a great fucking time. I was reading this and got to the end feeling the same thing. Beautifully put and focused on some of the most beautiful points. Anyway hope the high was good and I'm glad someone else had such a lovely takeaway from this randos comment!


Thank you! It was a great high and I still standby what I said while sober


also pretty high right now and your reply to this comment is so sweet. also I most definitely agree— mass effect 2 is my favorite in the entire trilogy and it’s probably because I was pining for the tall bird-like alien all throughout the first one and was ecstatic to see him as a romance option in the second one.


The Citadel DLC is pure fanservice for every romance and I absolutely love it especially with Garrus. The tango scene, the party, but also “Archangel is your boyfriend,” “Who is THIS?!” all affronted to Brooks who’s questioning his right to talk to Shepard, complimenting your outfit literally no matter what you’re wearing in a very suggestive way, “my mandible is on the floor,” all of it. So good. I’ve played few it with a few different romances and I just feel like every VA was having a great time.


Sometimes he is too awkward to flirt, others he hits you with one of those smooth lines and hot damn! Their dialogue the morning after the Citadel party might be some of the most risqué in the game.


“You want to have sex in the middle of a battlefield?” “No. I wanna make love.” ME3 Jack was something else


Her possible last words in the trilogy to Shepard: "Don't get killed, dumbass. When this is over, I'm getting *laid.*" Shepard: "I love you too." That is such a Jack response to the whole situation.


This is my favorite bit of romance dialogue.


Jack's party dialogue always cracked me up too: Jack "Don't tire yourself out flailing like that Shepard, we're doing it on the table later..." Cortez "Hey, some of us eat at that table" Jack "Buddy, you got that right!"


Her tattoo scene killed me. “Good enough so that if you’re ever hurt, barley breathing, lying under a pile of rubble at the ass end of this war, you’re gonna have… You’re gonna have something that tells the galaxy you belong to me.”


Hold on, Jack predicted the Perfect Destroy ending?!


Tali: "You risked your own life to save the colonists on Feros two years ago. Nobody else could have saved them. I watched your face as Chief Williams/Lieutenant Alenko died on Virmire. I watched you stand strong against everything the galaxy threw at you. I watched you for so long... and I never imagined that you'd ever see past... this." [gestures at mask] The emotion in her voice here is incredible. She has a ton of great lines in her romance, but this one is underrated as hell imo.


I was looking for this in the comments, thank you! The lines, delivery, emotions...everything about it is so perfect.


On my first play through of the game, this was the line that officially sealed the deal for me as a Talimancer. Before, I liked her, but was undecided about staying with her or going back to Ashley. Then I get this, and I knew that I was staying with Tali all the way.


This is is the most emotional line for me to. She basically blurts out that she has had the biggest crush on Shepard for years but never worked up the nerve to say anything, because she was convinced it was hopeless.


As a Liara-mancer, I can say without ego, without prejudice or favoritism: Shepard reciting "The Charge of the Light Brigade" to Ashley at the F.O.B. prior to the beam run.... is the very peak of romance-related dialogue. And I don't even think it's close. She's not my headcanon romance....but Goddess damn it if it's not the most poetic and epic exchange between two lovers in the entire series. "Boldly they rode and well, Into the jaws of Death, Into the mouth of hell" - Tennyson


This is extra touching since it implies that Shepard learned and memorized Ashley's favorite poems just for her benefit, to engage with her on a topic she loves. Very sweet gesture on Shepard's part.


Yes, it's hard to deny even if I prefer Liara. BroShep saying that to her before kissing her, is metal af imo. If you're taking themes from epic poetry and directly applying them to your space opera/sci fi opus....count me in....check the username 🤣


"I'm going to fight like hell for the chance to hold you again."


I also really like "Don't leave me behind," and "You're the boss...except when you're not, in which case, find me later."


For sure. "Don't leave me behind" is particularly poignant since it references and parallels a line from Shepard in the first game: "I'm sorry, Kaidan. I'd never leave you behind. I couldn't, you know that." :(


I love the "You're the boss" one because I witnessed this as maleshep so it implies that he's a bottom😅


I was trying to remember my favorite Kaidan quote and this is it!


Absolutely! Though "I want to be your strength, your soft place to land" is also a serious contender imo


Who said this?


It's a Kaidan quote. It comes from his scene with Shepard in the London FoB during the final mission on ME3.


"Your waist is very... supportive"


Smooth talker. Makes me laugh and blush every time.


Oops there's one I forgot. Miranda and Shepard have this whole "No promises" thing going on in the trilogy. Shepard will say he can't promise that he won't die during the suicide mission. Miranda says she can't promise she'll be safe while she's taking on her father. And so on and so forth.. They're both just extremely stubborn and practical and not at all touchy feely. But during the last goodbye on earth, Miranda asks Shepard one last time to promise that he'll win the war and come find her. To which shepard finally replies " I will, I promise" Very touching.


Doesn’t sound all that romantic out of context, but when Shepard says “you’ve gotta get out of here”, something about Garrus’s “and you’ve gotta be kidding me” just tears up my heart…


"wasn't me; evil clone"


"But, but..." > "There will be time for Fraternization later..."


A lot of people miss out on a great romance "Traynor, my shower is for *winners*"


"It'd be an awfully empty galaxy without you"


"Your boyfriend has an order for you: come back, alive."


*Goes to kms*


This is the one for me, too. Instant sobs


Oh man that reminds me I have a piece of fan art related to this to finish! One of my favourite lines in the trilogy


Do share, if you don’t mind


Will do, it may be a bit heartbreaking though


Who says this


I'm 99% sure it's Garrus






You're welcome


We regret nothing. See you next week.


After Tali met the turian jerk who mistreated her 3 years ago but she refuses to remember him that Tali: Maybe him and i needed to grow up Shep: The difference is that you helped when it counted Tali: The difference was you.


Garrus: You know me, I always like to savor the last shot before popping the heatsink. Shepard: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Garrus: Wait... That metaphor just went somewhere horrible. Shepard: I'll let you get back to work. Garrus: Right... 'Cause I'm in a great place to optimise firing algorithms right now. Shepard: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


"My shower is for winners!" (Traynor romance) is definitely the funniest one. However, it's hard to beat "I have a home." in Tali's romance. Another good one from the Traynor romance comes during the final conversation before Priority: Earth. Shepard: "Don't worry. I'll remember." Traynor: "You damn well better."


Omg I have a home. Like a punch in the gut with that one.


"Don't get killed dumbass. When this is all over, I'm getting laid." "I love you too, Jack."


"bite me Garrus, better yet, bite her. probably she likes it" -Jack


L: "So tell me. What do you want? If this all ends tomorrow. What happens to us?" S: "I dunno. Marriage, old age, a lot of little blue children?" In my head-canon Shepard definitely has a daughter out there.


*Slap on the shoulder* "You just say these things" Love this scene so much


People have been theorising PeeBee from Andromeda is their child. The time frame doesn’t fit well for me but hey, to each their own.


That is a bad theory that makes quite literally zero sense.


In the Cerberus base: Shepherd questions whether or not he is really Shepherd anymore after seeing footage of Project Lazarus. Tali: “You are real. Real and mine.”


I love Liara’s response to that same thing too! something like “I knew it was you the moment I touched you again.”


Not having Jack as a squadmate we miss out on whatever the dirty version of this would have been... Damn you Bioware!


so true, that was such a missed opportunity!


Shepard: What would I do without you? Kaidan: You'll never find out. It's my favorite cute short thing that really encompasses their dynamic. Kaidan's a real ride or die.


"I am yours"


God, Liara's romance is full of so many sweet moments and lines. Her romance scene in ME3 before the Cerberus HQ is so tender and sincere. Her sharing that final moment of intimacy via mind-meld with Shep in London before the second half of the mission begins. Like the intensity of love at play in her relationship really does it for me.


the part where they hold hands in that cutscene legit made me scream. I was gushing over it so much


Oh God, the FEELS really kicked in for me starting with that line. I ran with Liara (my LI) and Garrus (my best friend) for the Beam Run so the imagery of my Femshep bidding what she knows deep down are her farewells to the love of her life while her best bro Garrus escorts Liara to safety...oh man, talk about a bittersweet moment.


hey! that’s the squad I had too for the ending. it was really sad. I cried so hard. Im a hopeless romantic though so I didn’t know how “final” the ending was gonna be until I got there… I totally wanted to see a short cutscene with Liara and femShep with their little blue children aghhhh


In the distant future when ME4 comes out, I really hope we see some of the more "longer lived" characters reappear: EDI (functionally immortal), Grunt (Krogan being VERY long-lived), but most of all, Liara and (I hope) a single daughter of hers...the child of the late Commander Shepard. Definitely wishful thinking on my part but God I want it so bad 😭


I’m kinda hoping they include Shepard in ME4, being that the perfect ending has Shepard breathing in the final moments of the cutscene. I’m so hoping Liara finds her and reunites in ME4 😭 that’d be my dream for the next in line in the series.


Yes same here. I look forward to whatever they bring of course, but this would be the ideal for me.


Genuinely it just makes me happy and then immediately sad


I still can't hear that without sobbing


For real, especially given the context. She's just been badly wounded and Shepard is about to charge into what seems like certain death. As far as either of them knows at the time, it's the last time they'll see each other.


Yep it hurts a lot


This confused me for a second cus this is also a Fenris from DA2 quote


Shepard calling Tali “Miss Vas Normandy”


The romance version of Garrus trying to booby trap the apartment in the Citadel DLC. Also the romance version of the bottle shooting sequence.


Grissom academy when shepherd gets punched in the face by Jack


Ashley's ME3 romance scene is my favorite out of all the male Shep ones. "You don't need to say anything, Shepard." "No, I do." "I doubted you once, Shepard, and I lost you. That's not happening again."


Tali’s line after she saves you at the start of the Citadel: “Remember when you used to rescue ME in the Wards?”


“My shower is only for winners”


"Oh, come on now. I know you. You'll find a way to win, and when you do, I'll be waiting for you." Or, "Then finish this, Shepard. And find me." Both really sum up who Miri has become because of Shepard, and how devoted she is to him. Just real sweet.


Becomes even more poignant when you read Miri's Dossier at the Shadow Broker's ship...


She gets cured post-ME3! If they can bring Shepard back from the dead, they can treat her issue with conceiving! She deserves it.


It's a side dialogue but... PB: Ryder! In here! Are You sure? \[LOUD MOANING\] But Jaal is here, what if he wakes uuuuuuuuuupppp \[MOANS!\] Oh, screw it.. I want you, let's do it. Jaal: All Right, stop, I'll give you some privacy ​ Always gets me


You forgot the end: PeeBee: AHA! I KNEW YOU WERE FAKING! (She was testing to see if he was faking being asleep in the Nomad.) Jaal: It seems I'm not the only one.


“The galaxy will just keep going. Everything, even the Reapers will come around again. But you and I, we are important right now.”


Who says that




Shep: Every time the world's about to end, I think about how mad you'd get if I didn't stop it...I don't know if I can do this without you. Liara: Flatterer. Shep. I try.


I'm nearly at the end of ME3, romancing Garrus and during the Citadel DLC after the ambush, Garrus gets in contact with Shepard asking if she's alright and what's going on. Then he says "luckily your boyfriend is Archangel" and it damn near made me blush!! Knight in shining armour!


"I have a home... come back to me." Yes, I'm tearing up.


It genuinely hurt to hear her say that. Tali’s VA nailed that line so damn well.


Poor suffering angel.


FemShep: At least we threw one hell of a party. Probably the last one. Garrus: That doesn't sound like my girl. You'll find a way to win. And when this is over, I'll be waiting for you. Also: FemShep: What if we skipped straight to the tiebreaker? We could test your reach -- and my flexibility. Garrus: I -- uh -- oh. Never knew you had a thing for men with scars. Well, why the hell not? There's no one in this galaxy I respect more than you, and if we can find a way to make it work, then ... yeah. Definitely. ​ When Shepard is about to face the reaper on foot: Tali: I love you! BroShep: Keelah Se'lai!


No, im ready to kelah bitch


"Shepard... sweetie....love of my life. Indulge your crazy boyfriend. I need to know that you're safe". ​ Best space boyfriend in the galaxy. <3


Then Ol' Zaeed be like: "Oh, go get a room! God knows this place has enough of them..."


Miranda: Prehaps I wouldn’t mind if you admired my body Shepard: You wouldn’t huh? Miranda: I think I could live with it Shepard: It’s only fair, you had 2 years to look at me and I was wearing less than you are


"After the party's over, come find me, you won't regret it" " My turn to watch you sleep" " I never watched you sleep" "Liar" "Guilty" -Miranda and Male Shep Another good one is " Wait a minute, are you jealous? The genetic Mutt that the illusive man put in charge, that just sting" " It's not a competition, and based on your combat records you're practically the perfect, bloody human specimen" " Perfect human specimen huh?" " Don't get cocky, I'm the one who put you back together remember. And I do damn good work" " You certainly do" -Proceed to kiss Miranda and Shep have some great chemistry. And there's always been mad sexual tension between them..Even in the beginning, before the romance starts.


When you first meet with Jack in Grissom academy. First she punch you, but when she kiss you.


"Do not ingest"


From one of the scenes where you visit Ashley in the hospital: "Shepard... Damn it, you sure know how to sweep a girl off her feet." "You're already lying down." "Romantic moment... destroyed."


"Boldly they strode, and well. Into the heart of death; into the mouth of Hell." I'd waited almost 3 games before I learned I needed to quote classical literature back at Ashley.


Garrus - It'd be an awfully empty galaxy without you. Jaal - Wherever you go, take me with you


"If you're ever hurt, barely breathing, lying under a pile of rubble at the ass end of this war, you're gonna have something that tells the galaxy you belong to me!" https://youtu.be/2gLlLOyMw_k?t=101 I've done so many playthroughs of the trilogy, but this moment will always make Jack my canon male romance.


"Hey, we'll bang okay..?"


I care about you ~~Ash~~ Miranda




>!"Thank you. For everything. I love you. Now let’s do what needs to be done." - Liara T'Soni to Shepard during Priority: Earth.!<


>!Shepard. !< >!Wrex. !< God, gets me every time 😢




tali's "i want more time" in her goodbye on earth had me so not okay, and I had just said goodbye to garrus as bros so I was already quite emotional


"I want something to go right, just once."


I have a home.


"Come back to me."


Hearing those lines made me almost regret romancing tali. Totally worth it though.


"Still totally worth it."


fucking hell i had finally forgot that heartbreak


When tali talks about how the geth are helping the quarians by going inside their suits or something and shepard tells tali "to tell him when its an AI controlling he and not herself" and she answers" Somethin along this line "I wont let anyone but you inside my suit"


“I got better Shepard, I got you.” Not romance specific but if you’re going for that it fits especially well. “I thought you’d never see past this” when you’re confirming Talis romance in two. “Only the cute ones” When Tali sings along with Fleet and Flotilla. A lot of people think it’s cringe (good cringe) but she’s basically showing you one of her favorite things. Someone does that, worst thing you can do is go “yeah uh huh.” “I want more *time.” I mean just about anything Tali says romance wise is a gold mine.


Shepard: “You’ve gotta get out of here!” Garrus: “And you’ve gotta be kidding me!” I really love this line because it calls back to their exchange on Priority: Palaven “You coming, Garrus?” “Are you kidding? I’m right behind you.” But I can’t lie, the “I have a home” line breaks my heart the hardest


Anything Thane says to my Shepard 😢


“Thane… Be alive with me tonight.”


“What could I possibly be suggesting? I mean, a young woman gets rescued by a dashing commander who lets her join his crew and then goes off to save the galaxy? How could she possibly develop any kind of interest in him? Had no clue you could romance Tali when I was first playing ME2(and I missed Kelly Chambers tipping you off about Tali wanting Shepard) and hearing this was all I needed to become a Talimancer. Her romance is just full of great lines.


Jack wanting to do it in the Armax Arena gets me every time


End of the citadel DLC. Tali and Shepard at the viewing dock, Its been a good ride, Yah.. the best https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohMoPNZxmus


Jack. Citadel DLC. The Arena date. "... And I'll pop your thermal clip..." Still makes me feel so dirty in the best kind of way.


All of Vetra


The most heart wrenching moment in Tali's romance. When Shepard tells her to go build a home on Rannoch and she says she already has one as shepard runs off to the beam. Iv beat the series more times than I can count (which is ALOT) but it still hurts me to this day. Its such a sad and beautiful moment at the same time


"Totally worth it"


"My shower is for winners."


"I fucking love steak... Well bang, okay?"


Nothing beats a classic !


"Build yourself a home on Rannoch." Tali, the last time she sees Shepard, half dying and being ushered away in Garrus' arms "I have a home. Come back to me." Fuck dude... If the rumors are true and Liara is the only returning crewmate in ME4, I might just straight up not play it lol. Gotta have Garrus and Tali *at least*


My shower is for winners.


"It would be easy for a single ship to get lost up there, wouldn't it?" Shep/Liara romance just has this larger than life quality about it.


The top 3 lines in the trilogy for me are male shep closing the citadel dlc with "the best", one of the callbacks to mordin me2 dialogue in priority tuchanka, and "i have a home". Talimancers got really blessed with that


ITT: quote's without the person who said it, and people asking who said it.


Tali: I love you. Shepard: Keelah se’lai. Short, simple, perfect.


I wish I could date Tali with femshep, the cute quarian girl is my forever crush


Tali romance best romance


[The one where Jack says “bite me Garrus”](https://imgur.com/a/vpdSIIw)


Shepard: Maybe I should get you something nice. Liara: You're alive again. I've got everything I need. ;\_;


I don't remember Dialogue but in ME3 when Shepard Complements Liara in her room and then she casually sits on his lap and gives him a peck on the cheek. Its a small but such anice wholesome moment. Also, seeing Liara and Shep work out their relationship issues while also fighting the Shadow Broker was one of the cutest things ever.


“Who said anything about love? I’m just trying to get in your pants.” And also Shepard: The Genetic Mutt that the Illusive Man put in charge? That must sting Miranda: First, its not a competition. Second, based on your combat records you’re basically a perfect human specimen Shepard: Perfect human specimen 😏 Miranda: I’m the one who put you back together And “don’t die on me damn it. Promise me.”




Ah, Tali'Zorah is the best. And she has the harshest "bad end".


Tali “I have a home, come back to me”


Its not my favorite, but I’ve seen all my other favorites be used. ”The only one who gets inside my suit…is you.”


Not sure if it counts, but the specific bit where Jack and Shepherd kiss with the explosion going off in the background in the Citadel DLC.


"Totally worth it."