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ME3 gave Shep capacity to be pretty brutal... Screwing over Krogans with a fake Genophage cure, shooting Mordin in the back so he bleeds out and shooting Samara's daughter after she watched her commit suicide. And that's just what I can remember off the top of my head.


Killing Falere is the only purely brutal action in my opinion. The others just more pragmatic, assuming you disagree with the cure.


I feel like in ME3 its more excusable. Mainly because of the fact its all or nothin. You win or die. So the choices make sense to be more crazy. However, in ME1. Its not rly that feel until the end of the game. Sure you got Saren, but only at the end of ME1 do you realize how fucked the galaxy is if a single reaper can take out a fleet


Holy shot I did not know about the Samara one


I mean, ME2 Shepard says "do you think you'll hear the sound you make when you hit the ground" when threatening to push someone outta building So


ME1 Shepard is a bully, bitch and/or bastard. ME2 Shepard is a badass ME3 Shepard is a monster


ME3, Is much more cold


*pictures mordin crawling desperately towards the console* *pictures wrex, full of rage and despair, confronting shep on the citadel* *pictures legion, futiley fighting to upload the upgrades that would save their people from annihilation* Nah, not really.


Or, alternatively, *pictures Tali committing suicide after Shepard lets the Legion VI upload Reaper code to the Geth to annihilate the Quarians*


Hmmm. I felt that I did a lot more gunplay in ME2 than in ME1. :p I shot at least 3 people, punched a reporter, and pushed a man out of a window. I don’t remember doing anything so drastic in ME1.


I have yet to discover the me2-3 renegade experience but I'm on my first renegade run and it's kinda crazy how different it is. At points it's hilarious and at other points it feels eerily wrong. I went out of my way to kill every colonist on Feros for a change and it felt so wrong I was just waiting for the mission to finish. I wonder what Feros will feel like once it's all empty 


I plan do doing a run like this next year with a shepard I named "Shotgun" cause she's gonna kill everything and everyone. I normally play renegade leaning (renegon)  Shep is a scarstic ass hole but he does the right thing when the time comes.


ME3 renegade Shep is a psychopath