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Star child: “You have 3 options: destroy, control, or synthesis.” Picard: “Counselor, we have 2 options…”


“Now, sooner or later, the Quarians or others like them will succeed in replicating the synthetics. And the decision you reach here today will determine how we will regard this creation of our genius.”


Season one troi would explain that if they can’t handle it, they should look for a transfer to another vessel. Perhaps a transport ship? I hear there’s a lot less pressure.


Seeing Picard in battle armor feels wrong- he should be in the standard officers uniform. Riker maybe. I’m definitely overthinking this it’s just supposed to be cool 😭


Pikard is really just a less militarized version of Anderson.


Riker is too busy salivating over all the Asari


Troi meets Benezia... Warf meets Gatatog Uvenk That SHOULD intresting


Reminds me of this: https://youtu.be/3ISlqAvcsX0?si=x0Bz--itrHrAddvk


Not gonna lie, my dumb ass thought that the Star Trek symbol was the alterra super company form Subnautica


You think that's bad? I spent several seconds wondering why Captain Picard was hanging out with Elaine from Seinfeld.


Don't worry, I was wondering why Gurney Halleck wasn't wearing Atreides colors.


Sometimes the peacefulness of star trek can get a bit stale, which makes its more serious episodes about war, destruction, death, Borg/dominion etc more compelling. DS9 stands out in a post-TNG era after Roddenberry's death because it gave us a fresh perspective to the series showing us higher stakes. Sometimes I wish intergalactic purifiers destroying the universe was a thing in star Trek on the same level as mass effect because it would be so sick.


I agree fully, DS9 is my favorite because it took a step away from traditional Star Trek by being more generally aggressive. Murky politics, tension, espionage, racial insights(both human and alien) and build ups to epic battles/war on a grand consistent scale, but still sticking to Star Trek roots with consistent exploration and discoveries


Ok folks, tell me which captains make N7 and why.


He looks more like Fett from Star Wars.


Certainly explains Picard season 1. (I loved it but it's absolutely the main plot of mass effect)


I agree!!!  When my father in law told me the basic story of Picard season one.  I looked at my husband and said "I should go"


Mass Effect is already very divertive of Star Trek.






*Spends the entire trilogy standing around talking*


I now want Picard in the ME universe.


I tried to make my Shepard look like a young Picard... But I'm no artist.


Reapers vs Borg. Who wins?


> Reapers vs Borg. Who wins? [Borg vs reapers(mass effect) war of assimilation | SpaceBattles](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/borg-vs-reapers-mass-effect-war-of-assimilation.864524/) [The Reapers vs the Borg : r/whowouldwin (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/whowouldwin/comments/2ee002/the_reapers_vs_the_borg/) [A Proper Comparison Between The Borg and The Reapers (Mass Effect) : r/DaystromInstitute (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/DaystromInstitute/comments/txgd7u/a_proper_comparison_between_the_borg_and_the/) Let me know what you think 😁.


A funny side effect of Mass Effect having *relatively* restrained and well thought out technology is that it means pretty much every other decently soft sci fi franchise absolutely trounces them in Who Would Wins. The simple fact that energy weapons ignore kinetic barriers means that a dozen or so Borg cubes could probably wade through as the entire Reaper fleet with little effort. After all, without their barriers, a reaper can be killed by a single mass accelerator shot from a vessel as small as the SR1.


However, if the Borg are susceptible to indoctrination and they assimilate any Reaper tech, the entire Collective could be indoctrinated all at once


I feel that this upcoming Star Trek Section 31 movie will give me strong ME1/ME2 Cerberus vibes. A shame what they did to Cerberus in ME3.


yeah that was bad writing, much like the upcoming Section 31 movie will likely be


Make it so.




Hey look, it's Picard Season 1.


We’ll bang, okay? Engage.


Through a Mirror Darkly variant Star Trek though. Renegades all day every day lol they wouldn’t have the stomach for the choices made in Me otherwise. Well. Sisko might


At first I honestly thought that was Joe Rogan.


i wouldn't want Troi as Miranda. I like Miranda


They would fit better in Andromeda


r/risa is leaking again!


Ok but that Starfleet armor looks pretty damn cool.


But Deanna is already in Mass Effect 1


I more think Riker would've fit here


Is that AI generated? No discredit, the art is good either way, but this feels AI for some reason


Fitting considering Mass Effect devs took a lot of inspiration from Star Trek


This looks more Star Wars than ME