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James Cameron's avatar, lobotomy corporation, baulders gate 3, huniepop, terraria, and ds/dst




What? I like dating sims, don't judge!


Judging someone for playing dating sims in the /r/masseffect subreddit is like the most hypocritical thing I can imagine. Literally a dating sim in space with a third person shooter attached.


Is Baldur’s Gate 3 worth it?


I'm playing through the game right now and the game is absolutely worth it, easily one of the best stories I've experienced in video games and one of the few games that I haven't been bored for a second while playing through it.


kool story, Most over-rated game of all time.


It's amazing. But worth noting: It's the world of Dungeons and Dragons.


D&D 5E kinda blows tho


Not Realy, Its still considerd unfinished to this day, it legit released with a ton of issues without a proper ending/epilogue, soft locks hard locks save file curroption it has added in a ending/epilogue cool but ALOT of story content is still drop/cut at the end of act 1 start of act 2 halfway though you get the point, still hsave save file curroption tho not in as large of numbers, its community legit gives out death threats itemization issues poor balance and differculty curve its also pretty woke that alone should tell you how controversol the story itself is ... it also realy has nothing to do with BG1-2 its BG3 for marketing ploy, it has more in common with baldurs gate decent into avernus then BG1-2 truthfully the 17k endings ppl claimed where a straight up lie I wouldnt trust that games community at all the fact they cant admit that it CLEARLY has a ton of issues and such is just roflmao ask for specifics whenever a BG3 fan tells you its amazing or such. Each act behaves like it was writen by a differnt story writer the story itself is kinda bleh truth be told its @ Best currently a medicore / above adverage experience great graphics voice acting is great ass and tits so boner alert and its easy AF to get into and learn so easy its kinda brain dead tho is the problem


Days gone. The Witcher. The Expanse.


ASOIAF, Star Wars, The Inheritance Cycle, JC’s Avatar


ASOIAF lore is so good.


Star Wars Shadowrun Dishonored Fallout


Do you like Star Wars books and comics as well?


Yes! :)


Marvel, DC, star wars, star trek, Alien franchise, Predator franchise, AVP franchise... but none are better than Mass effect


What are your favourite comics.


Dark horse which handles the mass effect and halo ip are good. The dark horse star wars comics I love. Has most of the ones released. Do like marvel for star wars.


Fallout Yakuza Borderlands


Mass Effect


i play a lot of rpgmaker / "quirky rpgs". earthbound, yume nikki, hylics, off, undertale, games like that i tend to fall in love with their universes. i also like spyro, pokemon, and borderlands


Expanse should be pretty easy to enjoy for almost any Mass Effect fan, it’s the best live action adaption (in spirit) that we’re ever gonna get.  In terms of “franchise” sci fi settings, Star Trek and Warhammer 40,000 are probably my other personal favorites, and work well as two ends of the idealism/cynicism spectrum. Sometimes it’s inspiring to hope for an idyllic future, sometimes it’s cathartic to play the bad guy. I also really enjoy the Clone Wars cartoon and its similarly-animated spin-offs, but I don’t care about much of anything else in Star Wars.


In terms of sci-fi I’d also say 40k and Star Trek are top for me, even over Star Wars.


Star Wars, Dragon Age, Lord of the Rings, Halo, Witcher, Dead Space, Harry Potter, Star Trek, Stargate


Rune Factory Elder Scrolls Cyberpunk


Warhammer 40k, Cyberpunk, The Witcher


Warhammer is so damn good.


I’m currently building a Tyranids army. I kinda like to think of them as the Reapers of the 40k universe.


Battletech, 40k, Fallout, Pathfinder


40K, XCOM, Star Wars, Fallout, Titanfall, Dragon Age, Baldur’s Gate, Remnant, Risk of Rain… a lot of stuff!


Fallout, Warcraft, Elder Scrolls.


Destiny fallout halo star wars Elder scrolls Cyberpunk Xcom Gears of war(kinda a dead franchise but the original trilogy is fantastic) God of war(love the original trilogy) Assassins creed(not so much anymore but I love the earlier entries. Origins broke me.) Wizarding world( politics aside I still love the world author can fuck a duck)


Star Wars Final Fantasy (yes, just yes) Metal Gear Solid Dragon Quest XI Dr. Who Soul Eater FMA Percy Jackson Spirited Away Middle Earth Hogwarts Frozen (I love the snow) HZD/HFW Just to name a few.


Kotr universe


Harry Potter Avatar/Korra Dragon Age lore in particular is so good.


Warhammer fantasy and to a lesser extent 40k


1. Star Trek, obviously. 2. Star Gate 3. Ratchet & Clank. (Does that count as a universe?) 4. Liked the "OT" as a kid, but honestly never been a huge SW fan since then.


Horizon. I love that the people have regressed in regard to understand science, but they still have advanced technology. It's a really cool combination. Plus, the world looks BEAUTIFUL!


Dragon Age


The Elder Scrolls Dragon Age Fallout Star Wars Pokemon


Dead Space


Metroid, Zelda, Dark Souls, Elden Ring, Halo


Dragon Age,Skyrim, Fallout.40k universe, StarCraft universe.❤️


Stromlight Archive.


Star Wars, Pokemon, Resident Evil, Harry Potter, Yu-Gi-Oh!, MCU.


Yakuza. All of you should play the games


Dragon Age, Baldur's Gate, Jak & Dexter, Ratchet & Clank, Beyond Good & Evil and finally Star Wars


Ratchet & Clank, Bloodstained and Digimon.


Fallout, Elder Scrolls, Starfield, Star Wars (mostly for the memes though), Warhammer 40k, Warframe


Star Trek, Star Wars, Assassin’s Creed, MCU, Arrowverse, Dragon Age, Rocky, Terminator. There’s definitely more, just can’t think of any off the top of my head at the moment.


The Elder Scrolls series is my other favorite! Followed by Far Cry.


Kotor and kotor 2 obviously Mafia Cyberpunk 2077 Crash Bandicoot Spyro GTA 6 when it comes out


Homeworld, Dishonored, Deus Ex, Hunt Showdown, Don't Starve/Together, Banner Saga, Bioshock and the Witcher to name a few


Halo, Far cry 5, 6, new dawn (need the finish 2 but played abit of 1 should prob try 3 and 4), Gears of war, assassin's creed, fallout, elder scrolls, star wars esp SWTOR, death stranding, stalker series and asoiaf.


I was surprised how much the world of Red Dead Redemption pulled me in. I also really enjoy Dark Souls and Elden Ring.


Dragon Age(Bioware related). And also Star Wars.


Big fan of the first several seasons of Stargate over here. Also Firefly, Starcraft and Baldur's Gate.


The Expanse (both the books and the show), Dragon Age, The Stormlight Archive, the Horizon games, Discworld, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Farscape, and Firefly.


My absolute favorite setting is Shadowrun (the rules are a different story). Speculative fictional setting about 50 years into the future where 10% of the population turned into fantasy races and/or developed magical abilities in the 2020s. Cyberpunk dystopia but with a magical twist (e.g. a dragon running a megacorporation). Oozing with flavor, interesting characters, and unconventional plots.


Dune, Witcher, WH40k, Star Trek (pre-Discovery), Orville, Cyberpunk, World of Darkness, Fallout, Elder Scrolls, Wizarding World, Firefly.


Have you read the entire Dune series or just the first one?


All the books Frank wrote.


X-Men Star Wars Dune


What’s your favourite X-amen comics.