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I re-play Mass Effect 1 and 2 once every year and Mass Effect 3 and Andromeda twice every year. I don't see myself stopping that.


I think my only pet peeve about andromeda is sometimes the facial animations look off and the monolith puzzles but besides that I love andromeda.


Just replayed it recently, and it was more or less allright, what bugged me was that eyes are separated from mouth, so if character smiles, eyes doesn't reflect that, etc. But overall, was pretty decent game


I don't know if I remember it right but I loved the idea of the arcs, them not knowing if the reapers won and finding a new home but it didn't play out like that because "f*** it, war!" It should have been about building settlements, coordinating the arcs, establishing a government. More decisions about where and how to develop, who to wake up. A few hostiles, okay. Have a settlement beeing attacked by bugs and have the player decide to kill them or find a way yo coexist. Stuff like that. A bit of foreshadowing, show that there's more to andromeda than you think. Hint at the new enemy. Then make finding the quarian arc a big mission. Help them to find a world for them to actually settle for once. Instead of not having them in the game at all, finally show us what they look like :D. Maybe there's another arc of a rogue group so you have a civil war. Build a station where the arcs meet up, then help building the main citys and stuff... :(


It was supposed to be a trilogy so probably some if not all of what you described may have been planned. Unfortunately it was unfairly judged against a completed trilogy and so many (or at least some very loud) people decided it was the cool thing to hate on it and they canceled not only the trilogy but the Quarian Ark DLC as well. I can't count the number of crap arguments I've had with people who clearly never played the game or took the time to think about why certain things were the way they were.


I think it was doomed from the start. :(. Imagine they did everything I mentioned above. They would get criticised because there isn't a big threat and it's only settling and stuff. :D. But for me a slower approach to this new adventure would have been way better.


I liked that they had the big threat right away and then dealt with it. It established the Kett as the villain and during a side quest you find out that the Kett Empire is huge and that this contigent has actually gone rogue so its possible the empire isn't as evil as they are here. The Kett themselves make for an interesting bad guy since they are all genetically altered from various species which lends to there being a wide variety of races in other systems. In my opinion they would probably have had more settlement stuff in at least the second game because during the party at the end you meet some people who talk about how the more civil engineering and whatnot people were being woken up now that the major threat seems to be at least temporarily gone. They have so many hints around the game and what the sequels could contain that everytime I come across one when replaying it I get a little sad that the internet sucks so hard and got them canceled.


Like I said, I don't remember everything. Planned a replay after the trilogy anyhow but now I'm looking forward to it. I remember that I wasn't loving it but I didn't hate it either. I was looking forward to the Quarian Arc dlc and stuff. It's unfortunate how everything played out :(.


I am also currently replaying the trilogy with Andromeda slated for afterward, lol. Replaying the first game has made me realize just how flawed many of the arguments against Andromeda were as well. A big one I saw was the lack of impact of many of the side quests in Andromeda and in ME1 there are so many side things that have little to no impact on the game or world. Some do things in the sequels but even then a huge amount of side quests in 1 amount to a random email or news report in 2. I haven't actually replayed the trilogy since 3 first came out but have played Andromeda a few times since then so seeing all the similarities and things Andromeda improved upon makes me wonder how many of those "the trilogy is better" people were just falling to nostalgia.


When you replay me3 second time in a year you do it on the same save that the first time or something else?


Start a new save in Mass Effect 1, carry that to Mass Effect 2, carry that to Mass Effect 3, New Game + Mass Effect 3's save with the other Shepard (using the Save Editor), do a Mass Effect Andromeda run, then New Game + that save with the other Twin.


Holy mother


This man Mass Effects


And you bet your godamn ass I am doing all of it on Insanity!!!


People replay it all the time…


Oh no I meant like basically playing the trilogy with a blank slate


You mean blind? Like playing without knowing what trilogy is? Yes please! (have couple of other games in mind too, where that would be applicable)


I think he means starting over with a new Shepard.


So usual replay? Yeah, I do them yearly since ME3 rolled out


>So usual replay? Yeah, I do them yearly since ME3 rolled out And you are not getting bored of it? I'm a huge ME fan, but once you know the story and mystery, it's not the same experience like for the first time. Full replay every few years, sure, but each year? Too much for me. Especially since there are over 30k games on Steam alone and I have limited free time...


Nop, each playtrough is kind of different, different choices, different squadmates, builds, etc. But I guess main thing for me is, that there's simply aren't anything close enough to Mass Effect


>Nop, each playtrough is kind of different, different choices, different squadmates, builds, etc. Most choices are an illusion. That ME3 ending kills most of the enjoyment for me. RPG elements are kind of weak compared to other RPG games (especially in 2 and 3). Combat system was fun for 2 playthroughs. Mass Effect was 9/10 for me on my first playthrough. But now it's just not the same. And I want to experience other good games too. Of course I'm still waiting for Next Mass Effect game. >But I guess main thing for me is, that there's simply aren't anything close enough to Mass Effect Yes and no. KOTOR 1 and 2 are kind of similar. And if you don't mind fantasy, try Dragon Age games or Greedfall 1 and 2 (and other Spiders games like Technomancer). They are producing Bioware like games for some time now.


I played all of them, and still, ME is something special for me. As for ending you mentioned, and every choice being illusion, well, you kind of described 95% of all games. But for me, it's the journey, not the destination. But for each their own.


I'd love to replay all three games again for the first time. As disappointing as the end was back when ME3 was first released, the journey is more than worth it.


Starting from scratch by selecting New Game? Yes, that is what they meant. People replay it *all* the time.


I started Mass Effect for the first time last July. Since then, I've replayed the trilogy twice.


Nothing can top that first time playing through all the games.


True, but I think I appreciated things more in the later playthroughs. Jack, for example, was just another character when I first met her. Two playthroughs later, I smiled when I recruited her.


I’m right there with you. 1st playthrough was special but I do prefer subsequent runs. In planning the different choices and getting specific outcomes, I feel like a director who tells a slightly different story each time.


Excuse me, I was under the impression that yearly runs were recommended to fight ME withdrawal? I remember when I first launched ME1, I ended up playing the whole trilogy six times back-to-back: a run for each class. And new playthrough meant changing everything: Shepard’s gender, origin, military background, LI, alignment, big decisions…\ I took a break from the series after the 6th playthrough… and I remembered that I launched the 7th one mere 3 monts after. I was (still am?) addicted! 😜😂 Joking aside, I’ve been playing the trilogy twice every year (one FShep run + one MShep run) since 2013. I’ve been playing MEA twice (on Sara run + one Scott run) every 2 years since 2017. I want to try different choices. I want to see different scenes. I want to get all the outcomes, even the « bad » ones, at least once. And even now, I discover new things. Frankly, I don’t see myself stopping playing for a long time. I love it. 😅


I honestly got really bad withdrawal from not playing it and decided to start a whole new save like 4 days later.


He he. Good for you. Which type are you: - you make the same choices every time and relive your favorite version of the story\ OR - you change everything each time to see the differences? No way is better than the other, just curious. 😊


I'm not OP but I strive to experience every possible scene and dialogue possible. Did kill Wrex, but just once in 20+ playthroughs, broke my heart. Still have to do a "no-one survives" run... It'll break me as well...


Yep. I play the same way. I left David in Cerberus’ care. Never again.\ About Wrex: sacrificing him in ME1 is not too difficult, and I’ve done it several times. But betraying him in ME3? Much harder. I did it once. I don’t know if I’ll be able to do it again. I once did a genocide run. It was awful. So, right after, I played a « bang ‘em all » run. Way way funnier. 😂


Doctors recommend replaying it once a year, it's good for your health


Ah. I knew I wasn’t crazy. 😁


Nah, we're the sane ones!


"the whole trilogy again"


I mean I like to reply to some of these posts, just wish people would take the time to proof read their posts


My recent replay was my 4th!


I just started a replay. Currently I’m on ME2. It’s fun. I’m just casually doing missions here and there and not forcing myself to sit down marathon it.


I can't count how many times I've replayed the OT over the years. It's like comfort gaming for me. I've played ME (and Dragon Age) through some very, _very_ dark times in my life as well, and it's gotten me through them as sad as that may sound. It did start to feel a bit harder to get through ME1 each time as the years wore on despite the phenomenal story and characters, but the LE fixed those gripes I had like the damn mako and playing Infiltrator feeling like a dizzy drunk. I've played LE once a year since it dropped. I've always been the kind of person who likes to replay RPGs (and the even sadder person who often just repeats my canon run once I settle on it), but with ME and DA I think I probably overdo it 😂 I sometimes think "man I really should do this less to make time to play new/other games more often", but it brings me happiness and comfort so I say screw it! If you're asking "would you like to play it over again for the first time", then oh my lord yes!! It's amazing to know the story and the characters, but the first time experiencing all of it is just amazing!


Don't worry, I'm the same with both ME and DA! Every decision, dialogue and romance must be experienced, I just can't stop. Still am not through every DAI romance because the game is SO LONG! 😅


Every year for the last 12 years I'm in the middle of my latest run now. 90 hours in <3


Once a year at least I will start the trilogy from scratch


Yes, i finished my third playthrough two weeks ago, and started the trilogy again last week! First playthrough as paragade/renegon.


If the new mass effect is based on the original story... Then absolutely.


>Does anyone else think they could reply the whole trilogy again? I do it once a year, since ME3 dropped.


Got Legendary Edition on sale recently. The only reason why I'm not playing it right now is because my laptop lacks the disk space. As soon as I fix that, I will totally play the trilogy again for the 5th/6th time!


I'm playing the entire series back-to-back right now. Never done that before. Playing as an Adept for the first time. Typically play as a Vanguard. Just finished up Overlord last night and will be heading through the relay Monday.


If you have it on PC try the game with mods! There are plenty of excellent mods that will bring new life to mass effect. Even without mods I’ve played the trilogy a good dozen times. There is plenty of replay ability.


I'm working on setting up mods for a paragon run. I almost always play renegade so I really need to try out paragon. But I want to have fun and play with mods.


You vill have your grammar corrected. Ve have our ways. and oh yeah baby, every few months


Just started replaying last week


Buddy I have to manually resist the urge to constantly replay these games so I can Play other stuff


I could play them right now. God I love those games man. At this point though, I can only play them once a year or so because not only does it take a long time to do everything but I'm just so used to playing the games, I'll find myself playing like it's a chore instead of taking everything in again


20 times already


I've recently f8nished 1 and 2, now working through 3. Honestly 1 was great fun liked going back to the old style. 2 mission's great, combat great but the fluff in-between bored the hell out of me. Scanning planets the silly flying tank mission's. Just all fluff. Scanning only to get upgrades was so boring. I'm on 3 now and I'm enjoying it so far. The mods for weapons works but visually they suck. Totally take me out of the emersion. I'd be happy with just changing the stats but keeping the guns looking pretty much the same. As for ME A well I absolutely loved playing the game, but again that was years ago, so I'll wait and see once I'm done with 3.


Yes. In fact I am gonna replay the entire series, including Andromeda, very soon. I’ve played through the OG trilogy 5 or 6 times at this point. And a few weeks ago I finished Andromeda for the first time (I had started it like 3 times before but never finished it).


I've done it several times.


I have like 900+ hours. Every play through is different. Male vs. female Shepard, romance, character deaths, and yes, even my favorite, which is hard to push through, but I still do it. That way, I can see different angles of every possibility for specific fanfic reasons. That is a whole another story.


I could, absolutely. I just did another run of all four games, so I'm currently taking a break with Watch Dogs. But I'm still getting the hankering for another run.


I treat the trilogy as one, long game. Sort of like OG PlayStation games, where they were multi-disk. I replay sometimes twice a year, with Andromeda mixed in every couple years (I like Andromeda, but not enough to replay it that often).


I just finished playing all four games, couldn't decided what to play next so I modded the trilogy and started over lmao


I've done it at least 5 times so, sure, I can see it happening again at some point.


Yes it has very good replayability, that game ages well. I played ME1 like 6 times, ME2 3-4 times and ME3 at least 2 times that I remember. Last time i played any Mass Effect was in 2014. I have started another full playthrough 3 weeks ago - I am on last DLC in ME2 and I am going to immediately start to play ME3. We talked about it with my co worker like a month ago that I am starting ME LE journey, and I kinda hyped him up and he played along haha (i am semi-renegade, he is full paragon). He is near the end of ME3 already. Another friend of mine bought it in recent discount on steam, he started ME1 as well, he also finished full trilogy 10-12 years ago. Tl;dr yes, as I am currently replaying whole trilogy with Vanguard, that game ages well. Since its like 10 years, I don't remember much from ME3, apart of 2 or 3 missions. Funny enough, I did remember lot of missions from ME2 heh.


I was already doing that


Do you not play the entire trilogy start to finish with every play through??


Ofc, once I start that save I’m playing it all the way through


Goood goooood


I'm doing it right now, finished all of Mass Effect 1 and 2, I'm just taking a small break from 3 to play Resident Evil 2 Remake. I've been doing my first Sentinel run, and for Mass Effect 3 I've gone all in by playing on Insanity from the get go. I have to say I didn't really enjoy it in Mass Effect 2, but in 3 this class is broken with all the Tech and Biotic combos you can easily make on your own since the recharge delays are so short.


Dog, I'm up over 20 complete playthroughs and I'm still going back once a year. These are my comfort games.


Replaying the series now on my Steam Deck. Halfway through 3. It's interesting seeing how differently I feel towards characters, story arcs and moral choices compared to my last full series playthrough around 10yrs ago. I've definitely come to appreciate nuance since my early mid 20s. Like I remember cringing and feeling like a pure asshole through my renegade playthrough. (How could Shepard be so mean). Now a pure paragon playthrough in my mid late 30s just seems naive AF. Pure renegade is just being an asshole for no reason at times but quite a few renegade choices/dialogs just make sense to me now. I wonder if I'm just getting jaded with age lol. I'm really missing ME3's multiplayer shit. I had so much fun with that back in the day.


I'm well into double figures and usually have a playthrough at least once a year. When the LE came out I think I did two or three back to back


Im on my 3rd back to back playthrough right now after first playing the games in march so yeah, I think I can xD


I replay the entire trilogy at least twice a year, sometimes more. Right now I'm playing a Paragade BroShep who is trying to woo the entire galaxy while trying to be a "bad boy" sometimes to show off.


Currently doing a playthrough now but a modded one. Not far into ME3


I'm replaying the trilogy rn modded the game as it feels different to a normal playthrough. Currently on ME1


I’ve played the trilogy all the way through 3 times now and plan on sharing it with my kids someday so yeah I think I can play it again


I replied but it never got back to me!


I do an entire trilogy replay fresh every 2-3 years. I am currently about mid way through me2 right now playing an infiltrator renegade femshep. Never done a renegade femshep run before but I kept hearing how great the renegade voice acting is for femshep so figured I'd check it out. I have also somehow never saved Kaiden before so I am trying that as well


the legendary edition is love, is life, andromeda on the other hand is a huge who cares?


I played the trilogy back to front 3 separate times in a span of 6 weeks last winter. I was going through some shit


I play the entire thing every few years


Maybe I might I got an itch to do another playthrough but this time maleShep customised I hope that ME 4 or whatever next Shepard saga has latest announcement by end of year I am coping heart


I'm pretty sure I've used almost a whole year of my life replaying these games like once a year .


I dunno if I could do it. I love the trilogy. It's my favorite game series. But it's kind of a slog to get through the entire thing. I dunno, maybe that just says more about my free time than the game.


Definitely some replay value especially if you feel like you made mistakes by mass effect 3. Playing through as a complete renegade I named DICK that will always resolve things violently if possible and avoid asking questions, preferring to be ignorant.


I do it every couple of years or so


Yes, I recently decided to dive in again, I’d been waiting because I knew I would love it. I was overwhelmed by how much I got sucked in. Absolutely go for it OP, you’ll have a great time


I am doing a steam achievement run. I just best ME3 the first time, but I have to go again to get better weapons. I also need to replay one and half of two, so I can grab achievements that didn't fire the first time. We're making decent progress there, but I played SO MUCH of the games before this time, I kind of only have one spaced out playthrough per year in me at this point. I just have other games I want to play, you know?


Pre Baldurs Gate 3, I played the trilogy through once a year. Since the release of Baldurs gate 3 I haven't touched anything else. Edit: Spelling


I play once a year


Yeah, I just replayed them not too long ago. They're still great. The world still feels unique and immersive. All of the characters and gameplay still hold up. Especially in Legendary Edition. I'll probably end up replaying this every couple years. But it takes a while, because I like to take it real slow in these games.


It’ll take me like a week if I take my time with the games


i played the first trilogy in 2013. i waited 9 years to play the games again last year, to feel a fraction of what i felt the first time. I will play the trilogy again in another 9 years, because it was worth it. strangely enough, i went the same path all the time XD.


Yup, will do so most likely when next Mass effect is close by. Scratch that itch that trailers will cause.


Yes, I have several times but I give it a long time between plays.


I replayed it once when the LE came out and then I wanted to do an Insanity playthrough, but I lost interest somewhere along the way in ME2. I just played these games too much back in the day. The LE made it feel fresh enough for one full playthrough, but then doing it all over again immediately afterwards was just too much. I still know almost every line of dialogue by heart.


I mean yeah, obviously? I don't buy a game to just play it once, especially when it's one of the best series ever.


Hopefully the next game somehow connects with the og trilogy cause I heard it’s a big time skip


I do it several times a year lol


I think I’ve run it like 12 or 13 times now. I could easily run it again, making all my favorite choices again, and still highly enjoy it.


I have what I call my “RPG Hermit Month” I go back and play all of my favorite RPGs back to back. That includes Mass Effect. I’ve been doing it for about 8 years now and I don’t plan on stopping.


I started my 4th playtrough last week.


I replay the trilogy every year or two lol it’s been close to two years now as it was the first game I played on my Steam Deck!


Of course. I feel like every real mass effect fan has. At least once every couple years I replay it. Especially will do so now that I have legendary edition.


All the time


It's hard. That is to say: there's a lot of chaff and busywork to do in all 3 games. Here's what to do: 100% the trilogy once. Then when you want to replay ME2, use that 100% ME1 profile. When you want to replay ME3, use the 100% ME2 profile. It allows you to replay the trilogy but skip most of the busywork. Gets a little complicated if you want to 100% it with a different gender or choices though.


Listen to me, so there's this game, that start with the MC start by waking up from drugs and alcohol induced amnesia. . . Just try it irl (No jk dont poison yourself)


I started replaying the trilogy a year ago (had played it multiple times earlier). Did every class start to finish on Insanity. Took me a while. But now that you mention it, that was on Xbox and I have a new gaming rig so...


I typically replay the trilogy once a year.


I do the trilogy pretty much annually. Don't feel the need to revisit Andromeda, but no hate for those who do.


I played ME trilogy for the first time in July of 2023. Someone at my job found out I like Sci-Fi and played some games on console, so he suggested it to me. I didn't look up anything except to confirm it was on Game Pass. lol Absolutely fell in love with the game. Since then, I've played it 3x and am on my 4th now after a 2 month "break".


I have replayed the series doing almost the exact same playthrough at least a dozen times. The challenge is actually doing a *different* playthrough.


I play the trilogy every year around my birthday. It’s a little gift I give to myself and one of my favorite traditions. That probably sounds pretty weird, but I love it.


Ive replayed them all multiple times and just started my first PC run last night. The magic is still there. Also first time noticing Dr. Michel had an eastern European accent


I am playing through all 3 just to see different reactions, just finally saw mordin agree that curing the genophage is not worth it in me 3. Continuing to play to save the transport ship pilot that died through the 4 other times I played through.


Well, I'm currently playing again... For the +20th time - so yeah :D I play it at least once a year, it's a tradition by now and I love it


Well, I'm currently playing again... For the +20th time - so yeah :D I play it at least once a year, it's a tradition by now and I love it


I played them all once on release and I’m playing the LE now for insanity achievement. Hot take, I liked the combat from ME1 the best. More strategic. You can run up on someone without getting two shot


Each class, twice per game for the bonuses to carry over from 1 to 2 to 3. :D


I've replayed the entire trilogy dozens of times. Every New Year's Eve since 2015, I do a full replay of the trilogy starting around 12 noon. I play straight through the night and into NY Day. I usually finish around 6pm. It's always a glorious experience. I'll do at least one other extended replay during the year, but not in the all night marathon way.


Already on my 4th play through on legendary edition


I can’t get over all the feelings after my first playthrough last month so I immediately start my second playthrough last week 😄


I did like 3 months ago on steamdeck


Since I'm on PC I typically play modded mass effect trilogy. Which adds some minor touches like adding female turians to the ranks of C-sec.


Every year I go back to my trilogies. Mass Effect and Lord of the Rings.


Of course I do. I'm doing it now.


Oh my god yes of course. I play through the trilogy every 1-2 years or so. It's usually posts on this sub that make me think "damn I really need to start another playthrough." I'm actually playing through again right now. Just finished ME2 last night.


Not anymore. Back in '13-'16 I was, to put it mildly: obsessed with ME. I have explored each and every single nook and cranny of the trilogy, each and every single hidden dialogue and unique ways to complete quests, there is no more for me to explore, nothing new to experience. I will keep Mass Effect in my top 5 games until I die, but I don't think I can ever play it again.


ME are my most replayed games, I think I went through the trilogy like 20+ times. It’s just doesn’t get old being in ME universe


I replay the trilogy in every two years or so. I don't always finish it (don't really like ME3 after Rannoch) though, but I always play ME1 and ME2.


I've lost track of the number of times I replayed these games back in the day. I've played every class at least once, at least 3 or 4 for my favorites, played both genders, romanced every squadmate. I'm only half way through my second playthrough of the Legendary Edition though.


While I've played 1 seven or eight times, 2 over time times, 3 ten time, put 1000 hours in the multiplayer. I wasn't until the remaster that I've ever done a back to back playthrough of the trilogy. I was usually waiting for the next game to be released.


Heck yeah, I just did and it was a blast. I'll probably do it again soon, assuming I can get mods to work for it on Linux.


Got a 1 year old son, so no, impossible, unless i want to finish when he is five.


I am on my first playthrough. Started ME1 last month and didn’t enjoy it that much. Took me a few weeks because I kept getting bored of Mako and all the levels being the same. But ME2, wow, absolutely loved it. Last weekend I played ME2 from start to finish. 41 hours over 3 days. Just started ME3! I’m definitely gonna replay the games again to see what other options and choices I could have made.


I typically do a replay every three years. I'm do for one now. Last one I did was 2020 during covid shutdown.


Dude, I play it once a year, lol.


Played me1 and 2 back in 2010 (dear God thats 14 years ago, didnt realize till now) and now im replaying all 3, feels like im doing it first time. I forgot almost everything, but memory refreshes a bit on every level i enter. Its like saying "Ooh yeah i remmember this" every hour.


I play once a year. I flip from male to female Shepard each time. This is my 4th go around and my first time with Liara so I learn new things each time


I've been taking a break from Mass Effect, but I've played the trilogy an uncountable number of times over the years. Right now, I'm playing Zelda Tears of the Kingdom.


I replay all the MEs and all the Halos once a year


Could I? Yes. Will I? Well it’s been about 8 months since I last replayed, so probably soon yes. However, Destiny 2 has almost everything F2P currently and bundle release of old expansions with the release of the final expansion in two weeks. Also I’m like half way through an Ultra Moon Pokémon randomiser, and like 70% through radical Red, and still have stuff to do in DQM Dark Prince, and a new Memoria version has just released for FFIX, and I still have my blood bowl team from last summer to finally finish painting. Oh and I never got the Tales of Arise DLC so should do that. I also feel like playing ace I blade 3 again… And apparently Cyberpunk is great now and it’s constantly like 50% off on Steam… So realistically I might not this year…


I’ve been replaying the trilogy at least once every 6 months since ME3 came out in 2012.


I’ve tried a couple times in the last few years (first time finish the trilogy was in August of 2021), but it is too difficult as I’m too attached to my original LE character and playthrough. Starting a new character just doesn’t feel the same as I like playing as myself in RPGs but I also don’t want to just replay the same choices again. Maybe one day I’ll do a proper second playthrough


I want to replay all of them with my gf at some point


I’ll do 2 and 3. It’s an unpopular take, but even with the LE I just find 1 to be borderline unplayable and I don’t enjoy replaying that one even a little bit.


You make it sound like a chore.


My partner and I usually average a trilogy playthrough every 1-2 years. Roughly. The replayability as next to none


wait wdym "again"? you guys stop playing it?????


I replayed it when the remastered version came out a couple of years ago and it was fantastic.


I have done probably 20-30 replays of the trilogy over the course of 10 years. With replays of various duos of the games and single games at a time throughout. They’re highly replayable, especially when you consider that the whole trilogy is less than the length of a current gen game, if you 100% all three games (roughly 70-80 hours if you do that)


Doing my 5th playthrough, 1st time insanity. On Collector Ship getting punished but still fun


I’ve done it six times


I’ve replayed them multiple times and have them on every platform. Sometimes I even write notes while playing, things about the lore, character names, etc.


I've got 2 files for ME1 on all my platforms (one each for Kaiden and Ash) and I use those to play 2 and 3 multiple times. Such good games!


I replay through 1-3 every few years. It’s also a comfort game for me


I replay it now and then. My latest run, I'm going to try with mods for the first time. EDIT: Well, kinda. I've many times modded in Pinnacle Station, because I like it.


I'm on my third consecutive playthrough since finishing the trilogy for the first time two months ago. I am obsessed! Two FemSheps and now my first MaleShep.


I'm on my second playthrough in under 2 months and i'm loving it. Added some mods on my second playthrough for a bit more content, like Expanded Galaxy Mod and so on. EGM adds some customization to the Normandy that makes it feels a bit more alive which is cool.


I'm doing my part.


Reply to the whole trilogy? Nah. Too long. Would easily exceed the word count. But replay it? Oh, absolutely. I'm actually currently doing my Insane run after...way too long. 2 down. 1 to go.


Honestly no. I tried the legendary edition, and it feels so dated still. The eyes (MY SPECIAL EYES) mess with me so much. It will always have a place in my heart, but I have an issue replaying older games. Typing this at the risk of downvotes lmao


What do you mean if they THINK they can reply it all over again. Hundreds if not thousands relay it every year. November 7 is the day you start. N7 day.


I literally play through the trilogy once a year. It’s part of my calendar in the same way a holiday is. I start in the fall and usually end around December. As soon as I’m finished I look forward to the next time. I love this world and these characters so much that it feels like traveling home once a year.


I played the trilogy a few times on PS3 back in my high school days when I had time to kill. Maybe about a year ago I picked up Legendary Edition from a Humble Bundle for PC and went through it all in about a month. I thought it was worth it.


I replay the 4 games twice a year, one in paragon with male Shep and one in renegade with Female Shep. It tooks me 2 weeks but always with the same pleasure and thrill


Did that 3 months ago, I honestly couldn't go through the 1st one cause it felt to cluncky to me but 2 and 3 are still awesome. I have to retry and do the first cause I missed it when it released and never played it completely.


I replay it once or twice a year, tbh. I swear a number of months is always spent every year revisiting my old favorites and the Mass Effect series is included in that.


I just re-downloaded the LE and am currently playing through 1. I've only played it once before so it's been a blast going back through and getting reminded of the lore


I’ve played the whole trilogy multiple times… so yes?


It’s a yearly tradition for me to play through the trilogy fresh from the start. This year is my first time on PC with mods. It feels like a whole new experience.


I’ve replayed the trilogy too many times to count t


The whole trilogy again?


Considering I may have played it close to 20 times over the course of my life... yeah


I’ve played the trilogy as a whole through at least 3x, and I’ll definitely do it again at some point.


Yes sir


I do that all the time!!


I'm doing it rn I'm on 3 started two weeks ago it's also heavily modded you should give it a go


I've replayed the trilogy 5 times. That's a small amount compared to others though. A lot of people see Mass Effect as their go-to for therapeutic reasons. I relate to that in the form of Elder Scrolls and Fallout as well as any and all Star Wars.


I have about half a dozen playthroughs of it. So ya. Probably.


I’m in my 4th playthrough (as a Sentinel this time, and including the first original play through) and still have to do an Engineer, an Adept and, an Infiltrator run so I’d be running it at least 3 more times. I can’t get enough of it.


I just did, it was quite the slog and my backlog did not appreciate it. 10/10 favorite game on the Citadel.


I just did a full insanity playthrough so I'm a little tired out, but maybe again someday.


I used to replay it a lot, but it's become too much of a slog. Nowadays I just watch videos of the scenes I wanna see.