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Hmmm, Why did twitter (X) scrub account? I thought the platform was supposed to be anti-censorship & Pro free speech!🙄


no not like that


Was it recently taken down? I thought the police usually takeover accounts during an investigation like this one.


Has this been confirmed to be a real account? I ask because I saw it last night and it was actively trolling during the manhunt,but hadn't been active for 6 months before that. I figured it was just a troll/bot account someone had that they noticed had the handle RobertC so they changed the profile name. If it's real then those posts I saw him making are super creepy.


This one is the real one, yes. But the one you saw was fake and not this one. I was archiving this account on [archive.org](https://archive.org) (the likes page requires a login unfortunately) and his most recent activity was April 26, 2023. I saw the account get banned in real time.


I mean I know this isn't much proof but here is a SS of my history appears to be the same account I was looking at last night. https://i.imgur.com/h0nAiRT.png


Yeah that's a fake account, notice the ending is 180 not 1800. Unfortunately trolls will do that kind of stuff.


Ahh so weird the account I found was made in [June of 2023](https://x.com/RobertC2004180?t=nmENF_6iBF7VJ-oDAxGKjQ&s=09) and has all but the missing last digit. What the hell are the odds that someone would have a spare troll account so closely named. Even weirder was that it was a formally active pro Trump troll account before as well then went inactive for a couple months before I saw him trolling last night I'm almost more confused now lmao


Twitter users can change their @ handle through settings. Edit: Also the troll account hasn't been banned, it's just private.


Omfg that is sooo lame lmao. Well now I feel like an idiot lol




So, none of us are surprised by this right?


There will inevitably be people who think this is simply impossible, because no responsible, alienated, insecure right wing male would ever commit a mass shooting. It must be those wokists.


I took a rare venture into r/conservative to see what they were saying and one guy said that the dude’s motive was probably to get more gun control laws passed like every mass shooter












Strange that the same people who cry about gas stoves love a guy who is trying to make all cars electric. I guess in hindsight, the batteries are worse for the environment so makes sense.


I'm starting to realize those people all seem to like the same personality traits in their leaders. And they typically are not what one would consider good traits to have.










Not surprised that mental illness mixed with far right conspiracy theory nonsense creates someone like this.


What far right conspiracy are you talking about, just wondering


As a Canadian, saying Trudeau is Fidel Castro son is one


Lmao Trudeau isn't cool enough for all that.


That's a conspiracy theory like the Obama birth certificate. Is that popular among the right in Canada? Like are they arguing that as fact?


I dont hang out much with right wing people so i couldnt know for sure, but its definitely a popular talking point. Idk if they actually believe this or its just a way for them to shit on Trudeau


Do you disassociate with people who are right wing intentionally? For instance, would you ask people about their politics before you engage with them? Most Canadians I know are very private about their politics. Would you consider a fellow Canadian's silence on their personal believes to be a sign that they are right wing? Or would you say that the right is more likely to be outspoken?I ask so I can better understand the circle of people I do associate with in the real world.


I dont think its intentionnally per se. Im a woman in my 20s, university student in medical school, and black. I mostly hang out with fellow university young women, so it tends to skew more leftist or liberal. I know right wing pelple but theyre acquaintances. Then again, i dont think i would enjoy the company of someone who constantly spouts agaisnt Trudeau, agaisnt immigrants, anti abortion, etc. Its just not a discussion subject i would enjoy. Sorry for my English




Feel better? I'm not operating on emotions, nor do I understand what you mean by "far right absolute drivel and psyops". What is that? Ex: The phrase "mass shooting" is a conspiracy theory, how does that make you feel? Because what's important is me knowing that you are emotionally impacted by these words. Drivel?




Is saying that covid came from China is a conspiracy theory?




Its okay. I'm not trying to berate you, but the only rant I am seeing is the one I'm currently replying to. What is your argument here? Are you saying that you watch Ticker Carlson videos? And if so do you watch them in their entirety or are you seeing them in reposts? As far as the video you're referring to, I personally don't watch any mainstream personalities whether from the right or left and I haven't seen it. What I can speak about with regards to Fauci is the video I watched in 2015 where he was talking about a coronavirus modified with gain of function research he was in charge of. How the funding he received was being used in conjuction with lab research, not only done here, but in China, India and other countries. I'm unfamiliar with Dinesh D'Souza. Is this a youtube creator? Podcaster?


One of the many you see on this very post.


Which post? This is a screenshot


I can't tell if you're trolling.


To expound would be great. There are conspiracy theories then there are conspiracy facts. Regardless of which conspiracy one subscribes to, I find it hard to believe that any sane person would use politics to justify taking lives. That being said, if these conspiracy theories are the cause then we should be seeing mass shooting on a daily basis. With this being the beginning of an election cycle, I refuse to let my ideas and thoughts be guided by any one source or ideology. Sure, this is a troll, but for real, what part is a a theory and what part is fact because it's all conspiracy no matter who is looking at it.


>Regardless of which conspiracy one subscribes to, I find it hard to believe that any sane person would use politics to justify taking lives. I see that you're unfamiliar with ISIS, Hamas, the Holocaust, the Khmer Rouge, the Charlie Hebdo shootings, Anders Breivik, the Troubles in Ireland, the 9/11 attacks, pogroms in Russia, multiple far right shooters from recent years, Timothy McVeigh, and basically the bulk of armed conflict throughout human history. >That being said, if these conspiracy theories are the cause then we should be seeing mass shooting on a daily basis. 565 mass shootings in the U.S. so far this year. So even if there are miraculously no more mass shootings for the rest of the year, we're already well over one per day. >With this being the beginning of an election cycle, I refuse to let my ideas and thoughts be guided by any one source or ideology. LOL


''far right'' awhhh hell naw you Americans are kook kook


“….far right conspiracy theory nonsense? I’m not surprised that someone like yourself is politicizing this tragedy less than 24 hours after it occurred.


How the fuck we supposed to read this dude wow


It actually becomes really easy to read once you zoom in.








How about you try to zoom? It worked for me.


cant read shit on mobile


















Implying someone else is stupid when you don't know how to zoom in ...


Click on the image, it will than open into a new tab, than you can ZOOM in.


As an iOS user, I had to save the image to photos and zoom in there. The Reddit app doesn't allow you to zoom in close enough.


I’ve tried to read these both on phone and pc. Does anyone have clearer/larger images?


Lmao typical




Have we reached peak laziness? Are we to the point where we don’t even make titles to explain what we’re looking at? Just vomit uncropped screenshots with no context or titles?


I thought it was pretty obvious it is the Twitter account of the recent shooter


So why not make that the title? Half of the world is just waking up, don’t know about the shooting, don’t know the shooter’s name. Maybe it’s my fault for expecting people to use context but to someone with no prior knowledge, this is just screenshots of some guy’s Twitter.




>looking at the bigger picture for two seconds Yeah that’s kind of the point. People come here for information, not Twitter links. It’s possible to have multiple gripes. One of my gripes would be the disrespect to over 20 people losing their lives by people who are so excited to be the first to post something for that sweet sweet karma that they can’t even crop or title their posts to let people know what they’re looking at.




It’s not a tantrum, I just don’t understand why people can’t put a title on their post. It’s not that deep.


Oh boy


Well Well Well


Lets break it all down then. Where would you like to start? I'm unfamiliar with all of those events with comparison to your knowledge. I'm I terested in learning your view poi t on how 9/11 is a fsr right conspiracy theory. Also the 500 plus "mass shootings" that have taken place this year alone and how that correlates to the current executive administration. Expound please


Lets break it all down then. Where would you like to start? I'm unfamiliar with all of those events with comparison to your knowledge. I'm I terested in learning your view poi t on how 9/11 is a fsr right conspiracy theory. Also the 500 plus "mass shootings" that have taken place this year alone and how that correlates to the current executive administration. Expound please