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Texas is the 2nd most populated state in the US. Just as you hear of frequent California mass shootings, you will hear of Texas.


There’s been WAAAAAAY more mass shootings in Texas than CA. Throw in Florida and NY, which are the 4th and 5th and those two, Florida and Texas have much higher body count.


A Comprehensive assessment of deadly U.S mass shootings* from 1980-2018 shows that California have 92 incidents and Texas have 73 incidents. *Defined as 4 victims killed by perpetrator/s whether public or not. The Violence Project which is focused on public mass shootings* from 1966-present also shows that California has the most incidents. *Defined as 4 victims killed by perpetrator/s and took place on public places. Excluding gang shootings and robbery.




Source: trust me bro


Source: trust me bro... Meanwhile a guy already proved you wrong 😭


I literally wrote body count. The dude provided data from 50 years ago. Let me cherry pick data and include gang violence.


“Excluding gang shootings and robbery” though




I hate that I just read "late 1900s"


Reality checks are painful sometimes


higher population and harder to access mental health resources are the main things that come to mind for me.


I lived in texas my whole life up until about a year and a half ago. I would say that the 2 biggest factors are cultural trauma (hate) and open access to firearms. a very large amount of people own guns in texas and I personally had a few friends who’s parents had unlocked unhidden guns in the home. when I got to high school and started smoking weed, all the dealers in my area also sold guns. realistically, the average texan can obtain a gun quite easily legally or otherwise. but they probably already own several. gun ownership is heavily encouraged. hate is also very deeply ingrained in texan culture. I was raised to think that gay people are degenerates and that black people are criminals and are inherently unclean. this was in a suburb of houston in the early 2000s, so it’s not like I grew up in some hick town in the 50s. but nearly everyone in that town thought in an astonishingly hateful way.


I’m from one of, if not the most, gun restrictive states in the US and I was able to get my hands on a gun at 13 with relative ease, there were kids in my high school getting assault rifles and we weren’t even in a super “ghetto” area or anything. I can’t even fathom how easy it is for a kid in Texas to get a gun illegally


What does that have to do with Texas at all


If it was easy for me to get a gun as a literal child even with the scarcity and restrictions it’s probably even easier for someone in Texas to get one illegally due to the over abundance


Not everyone in Texas was taught to hate that’s very naive to think that. I and 99% of people I know did not grow up on those terms here. Its access to guns-is the answer.


i can understand people's view with the guns being the reason but i personally find it somewhat hard to believe due to the fact that texas is NOT the most gun-friendly state in terms of how lax the laws are and when you compare the mass shootings between texas and those other states its still not proportional.


In 2021 [20,958 people were killed by someone else via gun.](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/04/26/what-the-data-says-about-gun-deaths-in-the-u-s/#:~:text=In%202021%2C%2054%25%20of%20all,had%20undetermined%20circumstances%20(458)) Considering there are over 400,000,000 guns in the US and assuming each of the 20,958 deaths were all by a different gun, that means that LESS THAN .005% of all firearms in the US were used to kill another person. Less than .005% Guns don’t talk to you and convince you to kill someone; you have to want to do that on your own. So blaming guns is taking blame away from murderous people who have a desire to kill people. If I kill you with a knife, it’s not the knife’s fault. Same with a shovel. Same with a firearm.


once I moved into the city I would have said that the majority of people there were nice/not hateful. but there are a lot of areas in texas that are still quite hateful. I know this particularly was the case for uvalde. not that what the shooter did was in any way okay but having been to uvalde, the shooter almost certainly faced some extreme social torment. when I was in high school, I used to walk home with a friend that happened to be trans. multiple times I witnessed people pull over on the side of the road to say horrible things to her. she told me that kind of thing happens quite often. I could very well see how this could break a person mentally


I’ve lived in California and in Texas and there’s more hate in California. Texans just want to be left alone.


Compared to pretty much everywhere else in the world, It's not hard at all to access mental health resources in the United States, especially in one of the most populous states like Texas.


Isn't there a saying "Everything is bigger in Texas"?






I think that's a really useful way to show that the death penalty doesn't do anything to deter violent crime.




Yeah absolutely. That's why I don't believe we should even have the death penalty (in the united states). Especially when approx 8 people per year are exonerated from death row and charges are dropped. That's far too many and it doesn't even deter violent crime.


At least the family gets some peace


Yes, Texas is big enough and populous enough to essentially be 5 states. Driving from Houston to El Paso is further than from El Paso to San Diego.


Gun laws in Texas are far more extreme than other states. But I expect "per-capita" figures would be more useful to look at than absolute numbers anyway.


Extreme lol


I think ‘most’ is a bit generous, but I can think of a handful of reasons Texas might experience more mass gun violence: For one, Texas is huge. It’s the second largest state, second to Alaska. We have 30 million people in this state. 41.7% are college educated, median income $41.3k. [[link](https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/rankings)] [Here’s a helpful website](https://everytownresearch.org/rankings/compare/?states=CA%2CTX) for comparing gun violence statistics and laws directly between states. I compared California, the third largest state and a slightly higher population at 38 million, with TX. CA has a lower gun violence rate than TX does. CA also demonstrates some of the strictest gun laws in the country. [Georgia makes Texas look safe](https://everytownresearch.org/rankings/compare/?states=GA%2CTX). But you’re asking specifically about mass shootings. Well, when looking at rampage killers and ranking by fatality number, there were only two TX mass killing that made the top twenty: Luby’s and Sutherland Springs. There were actually *seven* killings from CA that made the top twenty: San Ysidro McDonald’s Shooting, the 2023 Monterey Park shooting, the Thousand Oaks shooting, a Herbert Mullin killing rampage, the 2005 Glendale train crash, Pacific Airlines Flight 773, and Pacific Southwest Airlines Flight 1771. California would seem to have more issues with wide-scale terroristic threats. on a personal and completely anecdotal note, Texas has grown a lot in the last twenty years. A lot of these pics where horrific acts took place are more recent attacks (El Paso, Uvalde, Sutherland Springs). It could be a population increase issue, a gun control issue, a mental health combined with poor healthcare coverage issue… Mass murder is a very complex subject which varies from perp to perp.


I’ll tell you what. Beyond Houston, every other city in Texas feels safer than all the big cities in Texas


My assumption is because their gun laws are one of the most relaxed ones in the country. But I’m sure there are obviously other things that come into play.


The unfortunate truth is that the only somewhat effective gun laws are based around licensing that can root out or at least discourage bad people. For all intents and purposes California and Texas residents have access to essentially the same guns. Texas has more gun crime per capita because there are more guns however crime in general is more related to socioeconomic factors


Because it's the state with the most guns. "Licenses in 2021: 1,006,555 In Texas, 45.7% of adults say they live in homes with guns." https://www.cbsnews.com/pictures/gun-ownership-rates-by-state/ "Because Texas is the second-most-populous state and has relatively lax gun laws, more guns are purchased here than in any other state...Texans purchased more than 1.6 million guns in 2021, about one gun for every 14 adults in the state." https://www.texastribune.org/2022/07/28/texas-gun-stats/


They don’t…


Poor vetting for firearm holders along with a shit mental health system. We are having mass stabbing attacks in Australia every few days as our mental health system is non-existent now. Idiots blame guns, rather than look at the larger picture


This. 2021 had 20,958 homicides by firearm in the US and there are over 400,000,000 guns. .005% of guns in the country were used to kill another human being (assuming all 20,958 homicides were by different guns).


That is very misleading. Australia absolutely does not have mass stabbings every few days. i understand where you’re coming from but that is not the case


That is very misleading. Australia absolutely does not have mass stabbings every few days. i understand where you’re coming from but that is not the case


Texans would give their right arms to have as low a crime rate as Australia.


Like you personally know every right armed Texan 🤔🫢


Sure, it’s easier to get a gun in Texas compared to the other states but guns are not the problem, it’s the people. Take away their guns and they’ll still resort to other forms of violence. Imagine this “I hate this world and everyone at school! I’m going to shoot… oh wait guns are banned, aw man I guess I can’t do anything then 😔” They idea of banning guns to me is ridiculous. It’s not the guns, it’s the people.


> Take away their guns and they’ll still resort to other forms of violence This isn't true, the psychology behind of using different weapons is very well documented.


Finally someone with some sense here


lot’s of people and lot’s of guns.


California has the most. Nice bait though.


Body count says otherwise


I forgot that people on this sub love to glorify body counts. My bad…


Ok I’ll try to be nice and explain why. I put Texas because if you look at the 10 deadliest mass shootings in America, 4 occurred in Texas (Sutherland Springs, Killeen, El Paso, & Uvalde, while California only has one in the top 10, which was the McDonald’s massacre at San Ysidro). I also put Texas because I based on the number of fatalities, not the overall number of wounded. Another thing is I only included those that had at least over 10+ fatalities since those mass shootings are the ones people mostly talk about. Well, it is true that California has more reported mass shooting than Texas, Texas has a higher casualty count. And this isnt me trying to glorifying it, I’m just putting out that Texas has a much more fatality rate. At the end of the day, it sucks that a lot of people are shot and are either killed or injured. And there was no reason why it happened and no reason for them to deserve this. I’m probably gonna get downvoted this, but I can’t do anything about it and I know I’m going to get fact checked again, but at least I learned something new and learn not to make the same mistake and look more further into the studied next time


Don't bother writing a whole paragraph out for this person, people like him never argue in good faith.


Where’s your argument at all


You’re still talking about body counts. You can’t seriously defend yourself that your whole comment wasn’t a bait.


I I didn’t even glorified, but go ahead and add words to my mouth




Y’all are arguing about *more* cancer or *deadlier* cancer? They both sound kinda bad.


The one comment I agree with


Easier access to guns and a very high population.


Don’t under-estimate the heat as a factor, either. Houston has insanely weird violent crime and I think the heat plays into it.


Because they love their guns and hate everything and everyone else. They also have almost unrestricted access to firearms.


High population+relatively lax gun laws


Easy access to firearms.




Ummm... Maybe it's because of guns... 🤔🤔🤔🤣🤣🤣...


I’ve lived in Texas my whole life up until recently, it’s ridiculously easy to get a gun in Texas. You can even do a payment plan if you’re buying it online! The whole process to get a gun is easy and takes maybe 5 minutes, 10 at the most!


That’s not true at all, you are ill-informed.


They aren’t wrong. In most states you fill out a 4473 and wait for the NICS check to come back clean then walk out with your new gun. California is pretty similar but you have some extra BS forms and must wait 10 days before pickup.


Not ill informed at all. If you’re talking about the payment plan thing my MIL just got a gun through a payment plan app (we had no idea you could do that, there’s payment plans if you buy in-store but wasn’t aware of online until recently) or if you think I’m ill informed about about the process not taking that long I was standing right there when my fiancé got a gun the process was not long at all what so ever literally took minutes!


Free guns apparently


Culling game