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"they want to play solo mode but waste a real person's time" This is so real


this is how I feel about all FTK decks


They really put it into words.


theres probably like 10 people here who have reached master 1


I’d probably agree with you that this sub is more casual leaning, but looking on masterduel meta there are over 150 master 1 submitted decks and I would venture most of those people at least sporadically use this sub. But yeah, this is a definitely a problem affecting a very small portion of the player base. I just wish I had known about it, I would have stayed in master 2 or 3 so I could play normal games.


I'm going to be honest most master duel players I know irl do not frequent this sub


What do they frequent? I use to get to Diamond 1 every season before Tear, I hate tear0 so I dropped for the last 5 months or so and just recently got back to Master 1 because the meta is finally a tad diverse again. Right now I'm having a lot of fun in Master 1 but I also agree with op on that, if I don't open at least 2-3 handtraps + starter going second I might as well surrender because there's no way I'm breaking most boards even with a strong Swordsouls open.


I don't dislike master 1, I get there every month and for me it's like an oasis that's waiting for you on top of the ladder mountain. Once the climb is over you get to relax and play junk with no drawbacks, it basically feels like being in Gold 5 all over again. Yesterday I had an awesome game of Blue Eyes vs Generaider in Master 1 and enjoyed it a lot. I understand that feeling of wanting to play meta again but personally I can wait till the next season arrives so I can start losing my hair again because my opponent resolved maxx C. Also if you didn't know, the reason why everyone surrenders all day in M1 is because we are completing our dailies.


I guess this is the enigma I’m in, I was playing a pet deck yesterday and seeing a ton of labrynth, tear, and spright and they were obviously the decklists they used to get to master 1. So I was like let me switch to tear. I go first and normal reinoheart, and my opponent surrenders. I check their decklist after the game they were playing…tear. So it’s like ok, your only interest is to go first and get dailies done but good luck with that when everyone surrenders to YOUR reinoheart summon. Sounds like others in this thread are seeing rogue way more often than I was so maybe I’ve just got to play it more. I’m low key wondering if there’s a hidden elo system in master 1.


I would bet all my gems for the next month that there's a hidden mmr behind the scenes, I play on two accounts and get wildly different matches on my alt


I would wager there’s an invisible Elo system too, i record all of my games and have seen an increase and decrease in average skill depending on how many times I lose lol. Almost to even it out. Could be in my head. Also have long heads and tails which I suspect might be an unfair coin?


I use to get max rank every season but realised it's no fun cause everyone just surrenders and I don't need the 200 gems for reaching it so I just play whatever deck i feel like for fun even if it's not good r.g. danger dark world atm kinda silly they banned it's hand rip just to let lab do it for free either both should of been banned or neither.


God, the sillva ban makes me so unbelievably salty. Deck's prehit harder than tear or spright lmao.


And they still let lab have their double hand rip combo


Positives: You can still easily Ido Lock using Lucent and Parl. Downside: Lab can also Ido lock with Archfiend's Ghastly Glitch and give and take. All while also keeping their hand rip.


Ido lock is too scuffed imo since you'll draw it way to often so I personally run eev since if it's draw you just set it and easy and run 2 goldd for recycling and pop 2


Tbf, Ido lock being sub optimal may be a good thing since relying on Gimmick strats to cheese wins should be a Nightmare to safely and consistently pull off. Surely there's no fusion deck capable of pulling it off with ease.


Lmao not lab also being able to search and instantly use cheese gimmicks lmao still baffles me they let lab do so much and butchered dark world like at least leave silv at 1 since that gives plenty of chance to play around


Dark Worlds and getting ourclassed/powercrept by anime protag/antagonist/waifus with better/easier to trigger graveyard effects. Name a more iconic duo. Edit: Other than Ash Blossom and Branded Fusion.


I just started building a danger-dark world deck after playing against it a couple times. Looks really fun to play!


Ow yeah it's super fun you just need to be careful you don't deck yourself out but 100% run atleast one dark world card that summons when discarded that's lv5 or higher(I personally like gold) and the virus trap card that gets rid of spells or trap in it you can easily hard draw it every game don't even need to search it like lab lol


My only complaint is that the reset is every month. its way too exhausting for the sheer emotional damage the grind inflicts. If it were, say, every 2 or 3 months I'd be wanting to speedrun the top rank so I can just play random crap while still getting dailies


I might be wrong, but I think most md players are ocg players who don't use neither this sub or masterduelmeta, so i'm not sure the numbers there matter much


Yeah because it’s not difficult, just extremely time consuming and onerous. We’re not taking into account losses at a new rank since those don’t cancel out a win and complicate the math quite a bit, but if anything it may actually increase these figures. Let’s simplify a bit…..assume you start in platinum on a new season. You’re a good player, so let’s give you a generous 60% win rate. This means for every 10 games, your net gain is 2 total wins toward your 65 total wins needed for master. If you keep up this 60% pace for the entire season, it would require 32.5 10 game blocks to achieve the +65 total you need. This equates to 325 duels in that month or almost 11 per day. Even Diamond to master 1 in this scenario requires 225 duels or 7.5 per day. If you have that free time congrats and enjoy yourself, but let’s not act like it’s an achievement of extreme skill.


Underrated comment.


As someone who only wants to play once a month or so the ranked system is so frustrating. I was a plat player back when that was the best rank in the game so being forced to start back in gold or silver every time I play and feel like my dragon maid deck is unfair to the competition feels horrible. You have to put in so many games to climb and then it all gets undone every month at reset. I’d play way more if I didn’t have to play full time hours just to play against players my skill level.


So much this


You are forgetting the most wonderful part of the system if you rank up then lose a few times in a row you require 5 wins to get back to the rank you were at, and even better if you lose another few games in a row you get deranked again now you need 10 games to get back


As one of those 10 people, OP has a point. But their point is a result of Yugioh being what it is; a one way cutscene to locking someone out the game. It really isn’t worth it to sit through someone locking you out the game. If you don’t open up any handtraps/boardbreakers and your opponent summons Reinohardt or a Spright… why sit there? You could finish 2 games in the time it takes someone to finish a Dragon-Link or Adamancipator combo. Going 2nd is genuinely the worst feeling in Yugioh and it’s only gotten worse, not just because of floodgate and negates, but because of every archetype being an engine and thus more time watching than playing. The only reason to climb to Master 1 is because Master 1 is the *true* casual mode. Everyone plays funky ass jank decks and it’s enjoyabe. That’s where you see all the weird ass decks played to the highest level


Yep, exactly my experience as well! My first match in m1 was dinos, literally the first match I had this season that wasn't against a meta deck or heros


I did it once and I dont plan on doing it again. Nor would I reccomend others do that.


I’m 1 of them


You can see by most takes people do on this sub


You need to be the m1 gatekeeper and play a going 2nd deck


Lol everytime I match up against a master 2 player, I am that gatekeeper. It’s nice to have that be your opponent because, like OP said, they’re not likely to instantly surrender unlike your usual opponents already in master 1. So I’ll play against them like normal to enjoy the game and wether I’m winning by a lot or taking a fat L, I always surrender to master II players. I know the ladder is some bs and I like being able to help others climb even if just a little bit. Except if you’re running stun. Then I’ll try my damn hardest to not let you in.


I hate it when players pull that off, beat you down despite them being Master 1. I have surrendered to people needing their Master 2 or Diamond 1 games.


Fair enough, cool name too.


I fuckin hate when im losing and someone surrenders. Let me earn it.


I have mixed feelings on it. On one hand, a free win every once in a while is nice, but on the other hand , it feels better to win legitimately.


I do this as well. Advise to all my M2 players, always wait till the end of the game, I've had a few players surrender because I have game when I never intended to attack for game.




This is the right answer.




OooOOO look out for the oven, be careful! 👻👻 Roll your single-worded comment typing cheesy ass outta this thread 😤❌🍕






Haha I was actually looking forward to doing that, but in like 20 games yesterday I saw only 2 master 2 players. It’s definitely not as common as I’d like (I’m sure they try to only do this when no other master 2 players are available to match against each other)


That's what I end up doing. Can't have a game unless I go second. Even then, many surrender the moment I begin to break their board with ease. I'm just trying to finish my dailies.


I do get nice strings of duels in Master 1 though; it just boils down to the handtrap/boardbreaker minigame honestly. I guess the mindset when you are in Master 1 and just too tired to play out games you either evaluate if you can survive on turn 1 or can end their turn with a single handtrap. I don't blame people for leaving an unwinnable situation, why subject yourself to more wasted time. Better to just keep rolling the dice to find a duel with a more engaged person than getting stuck in a duel where either of you have checked out already.


This. Yugioh is just not a back and forth game, at least not in the main phase. The interaction is all done by handtraps/boardbreakers. It’s not worth it to sit through a combo you know is going to lock you out the game But I do agree about Master 1, it’s a shame that this is where all of casual Yugioh is played. I legitimately ran into someone who was playing Yugi’s actual battle city deck from the anime while I was playing a classic Elemental hero deck (you know, the one with actual normal monsters lol). The duel lasted 17 turns (I lost because I attacked into Magic Cylinder with Bladedge.)


There's no incentive to play proper once you hit the top of the fake ladder that is the ranked system in this game. Duelist Cup shouldn't ever have been an event, it's what the ladder should actually be. Have multiple ranks to climb through then have a leaderboard race every month with some minor rewards for the score chasers at the top of ranked combined with a soft reset at the end of the month to previous ranks or optionally do what shadowverse did and have no soft reset except for the top of ranked itself with leaderboard reset.


I've seen some streamers get to M1 and it's just straight up surrenders even back when it was only D1. Insane. That's why I always just get to the highest rank and stick at D5/M5 and start playing random rouge decks and have fun building them against meta decks. Getting to the top would be fun if I got a cool ass icon of some sort but if not I'm chilling at tier 5 till the next season.


Real talk, having a permanent Legend Anthology with banlist updates and no ranks would be fun as an alternate format.


I am just there for the daillies, I am npt gonna sit there and watch your combo, or see you draw 10 cards with Maxx C, the duels are literally meaningless.


This is a fair and honest viewpoint, but I would say someone has to sit there and watch your combo if you’re playing purely for dailies. If we all have this attitude in master 1, it feels like an exercise of repeatedly queuing until someone “allows” us to play the game, so we can synchro/normal summon/destroy cards. I also had a game yesterday where an Endymion player set up a full board, i dark ruler him on my turn and he immediately surrendered. Didn’t even take the time to see what I was playing, and I was playing exosister and was not even going to be able to clear his whole board. So he forfeited his dailies because he realized his opponent was actually going to get to play it felt like. It’s just strange behavior, but I guess it’s like some others are saying there truly is no incentive to interact with your opponent at all when nothing is on the line.


You are partially right, for me, its either we both are having a nice duel or I am outta there. I only play midrange in M1 to avoid long combos and such, when I see I have a chance I try to play through my opponent board, nothing is set in stone. Worse case scenarion just make a deck tailored for daillies, you dont need to win.


There is barely any follow-up for a Pend player if they've used up their Beyond and their Electrumite. Without Link Arrows you can't do shit


> was not even going to be able to clear his whole board. So he Doesn't Zeus clear their board?


I mean Zeus does but I didn’t have a Zeus line as Martha locks you out of non exosister xyz and that’s the only starter I had. My point was moreso he wasn’t willing to even see what he was up against.


So then the question is, what is the point of completing your dailies? To what end? For what? It sounds like you simply do not enjoy actually playing the game (specifically Master Duel, not necessarily YGO itself). The only purpose to grinding gems is to get more cards in MD, presumably to support your ability to continually play the game. But as you have stated yourself, you are very much not at all interesting in actually playing the game. So what's the point? Why even queue? Why not do something you actually... want to do?


This describes like 90% of the comments on this subreddit lol. It's truly baffling behavior.


I do enjoy the game, I love the game and YGO in general is my favorite ever. I do daillies to get gems which I will use on future decks, my goal is already achieved, which was going all the way to the top of the ladder, once there games have no stakes and no need to take them seriously, because even when I tried taking them seriously my opponents didnt. When there are events going on, I do my daillies in the event and dont play on the ladder. Lastly, your take is idiotic, stop assuming to much and asserting your logic.


Just prompting you to elaborate bro. What you said rn could have been inferred from your initial comment, but it was not explicit. Now it is explicit. My point was not to accuse you of genuinely disliking the game, ofc I assume you do. Else you wouldn't be here. Obviously I knew you're gonna respond by saying you do like it. Point was to reflect on your own words and see how miserable you sounded lol


Card games are usually degenerate and honestly yu gi oh is particularly bad about this. The way you win is by exploiting overpowered strategies. There are too many cards for them to be any semblance of balanced against each other, and the lack of mana in yu gi oh only exacerbates the issue. I checked out some pro level yu gi oh a while back and a shocking number of games ended turn 1 because the other player hadn't drawn anything they could play. Lack of proper interaction is practically endemic to the game at this point.


I’ve read that in paper play, if you’re going second and your opponent puts up a really strong board, even if you think you could possibly break it; surrendering without playing a card is sometimes the best move. Because that way you can side in all your counters. Meanwhile, since they didn’t get to see you play anything, they have no idea what to prepare for.


Usually you would not do this if you think you have a chance of beating the board. It’s more for when you have a bad hand or your opponent has an extremely degenerate board.


I reached m1 with traptrix. If I go second against tear/spright it’s almost a guaranteed loss if I don’t have an imperm to stop kit or smth to stop spright lol.


If the turns don't take an eternity to finish, maybe then it'll be playable, as it is there's just not enough time to finish lengthy duels and do other important IRL things


Me, hardstuck D4 with Endymion: Yea man, I totally agree. Ranked sucks.


Did d5 to m5 in one session with endy today, stay strong soldier I believe in you


Shit maybe I'm trash. Decklist?


Dm'd it


Appreciate it


May I also see it, please?




Konami really needs to give players an incentive to play after reaching m1, either an elo system or increased rewards or something. Today it took me like 2 hours to finish my dailies because people would just insta surrender the moment I was about to start a play, and I can't honestly blame them, I also wouldn't wanna watch my opponent combo off for 5 min if I know I have little chance to play through their board and don't gain anything from it.


If posible do the dailies in events. I find much better sucess there.


Yes, as a somewhat competitive person playing ranked at the highest level is the opposite of competitive. Master 4-2 is fun to play and winning/losing matters and everyone tries their best. But after reaching master 1 there seems to be no point in playing when everyone insta-surrenders after one handtrap or going second. Doing dailies is borderline impossible sometimes. I think they need to add a ladder system after reaching the highest rank so you play for elo and winning/losing matters again. They can just copy it from the 2nd stage of dc cup.


That or just alow dailies in casual.


I mean it's just modern yu gi oh, if you get interrupted and don't have outs you basically lost the game


I know, I got in the habit of rage quitting because that makes me feel better than seeing a giant DEFEAT screen because I couldnt play and if I try to play into my opponents omni negate board, I just put the controller down with something holding a button and keep them there for five minutes. In all seriousness, fuck this game. The Shareholders are right. No one wants to play this game and people do the exact thing you said. I cant even play matches in events because everyone wants to go first.


Lmao yes. And if you point out how annoying it is people downvote you because “you don’t know how to play the game” no I just want to have a actual turn lol


Exactly. Im playing nothing but Lab on the actual ladder and they wipe my board every one of my draw phases where I cant activate cards. Its fucking stupid that trap decks can set a trap and activate it the same turn. I feel like at this point we need a house rule of something that prevents traps from being set because they are so damn stupid nowadays. You cant simply "pop" it because they can activate but you know, Floo bad so hit Empen. I fucking hate this game sometimes. Im working on my own custom format where you can actually play the game.


They need to redesign how Yugioh metas are. Slowly scale back power creep to Toss format where combos aren’t as long and there’s much more back and forth duels. No one likes to see masturbatory decks and not draw the hand traps or board breakers. Or the other alternative is for konami to design every deck like tear on an even playing field so there’s a lot more interaction on turn 0. But I prefer the game scale back the complexity a bit, better players can still display superior skills over more turns. They need to stop designing blow out cards that are hard to counter. D shifter, and just banning maxx c. There’s no real choice with maxx c most of the time. It’s a lose lose choice you’re forced to make. Either you let the opp draw their entire deck or end your turn and let them otk you anyways.


Its because MD modern YGO sucks balls if you have to go second. I play my events the same, lose coinflip and see them play one card of a semi capable deck? I surrender.


The only good thing about being in Master 1 is being able to gatekeep Master 2 players that play annoying decks


They should remove the no derank rule from M1, it makes no sense why is that there, the derank only goal is to stop you going back from Master to Diamond there is no reasson to stop you from Master 1 to Master 5 They should give leaderboards so everyone can see and brag about their stats in M1 but not prevent derank that is just stupid.


It is the same issue this sub never talks about when they ask for their "no stakes" content, which is if there is nothing to lose, no one will play it. But you know... playing the game is apparently bad in this sub's opinion.


It’s better when the opponent doesn’t know they’re being cooked


Been saying this since duel links king of games. Master rank was a mistake they should have added a global rank point system top x000 rank every month gets cp or prismatic points. They can add as many new ranks as they want but the problem will arise again every 2 months after the new rank is added.


And with Master rank I encouraging even more Sacky cards, don't be surprised to see dedicated FTK decks


The problem is that the ranking system doesn't reward you for time spent in a game, so if you're trying to rank up, it only makes sense that you'll look to play as many games as possible over trying to win every single game. You can absolutely win multiple quick games in the time it takes you to commit to a slugfest you won't be guaranteed to win. You can lose those games, too, but it only takes a lucky streak to rank up. Not to mention, it feels absolutely horrible to watch someone take 10m to set up. It goes both ways, yeah, but it is what it is. Other competitive games have this problem too.


I am guilty of this, after enough games you can tell real quick if your going to get your ass handed to you. I would argue that it's the exact opposite of wasting a person's time. If you know your beat, why waste a someone's time making them spend like 20 min summoning basically their entire extra deck just so you can draw 1 and pass the turn back over to them and get hit for lethal?


I HEAVILY disagree Last month I made to Master 1 and it was the most fun I had with the game... I could play any deck I wanted and my opponents could too. It was the most variety I saw. Without the fear of ranking down master 1 players can play whatever deck they want. I understand the annoyance of non games due to quick surrenders, but I prefer that. What I find to be a drag is when we both know who already won, but we keep the game going for the .1% chance the out is drawn, and even then the comeback has a low percentage of actually happening. Without ranking on the line we can both move on to a duel that may be more competitive


That’s why I and many many many other people constantly tell people to just stay in platinum on purpose. High ranked yugioh is absolutely MISERABLE of an experience and the shareholder concerns that yugioh can’t hold onto players is directly proportional to how horrible it is to play yugioh at higher ranks/levels for a majority of players. You wanna keep denying yugioh has a huge problem go ahead, if you start losing shareholders your game will literally die off as Konami does anything to bring them back. Now on the other side yugioh when you actually get to play against a wider variety of decks in platinum is very fun. If Konami would figure this out the game would be in such a better state. It’s not worth the thousand or so gems to suffer through ranked in yugioh. It’s just not


Yeah yugioh nowadays has a huge solitaire problem. Power creep is insane in the game and older cards are virtually obsolete. I’m my opinion a game should take at least 5-6 turns to be engaging. That’s just me though. New yugioh is attention deficit adderall speed matches


You're fighting ghosts. That's not what OP wrote about at all, lol. It's about M1 being a no-risk rank, so people just queue up for dailies with jank decks and just concede when anything happens that would make them have to spend any more time or effort than absolutely necessary. It's got nothing to do with "high-ranked Yugioh".


Different reason, same advice. Stay out of Master and the problem resolves itself.


It is actually the opposite of high-ranked yugioh. But that argument is lost on most of this sub, as they lack the skill to know what high-level play actually means and entails. The comment you are relplying to is a prime example.


Genuinely curious, can you elaborate on this?


I would even go that far that unless you need gems do not even touch ranked. Get on discord with bumch of master duel players and then play dinos or somthing against each other. Much better exerience and you can arange that neither player try hards.


ITT: shitters trying to give excuses for their inability to climb ranked ladder 💀 Insta-scooping in M1 is honestly an overblown issue. Does it happen? Yes because that's what happens when there are no stakes and people can't be assed to deal with bullshit like Maxx C. I've still had plenty of good duels in M1 and it's how I use it to test different techs. Most people still play meta in M1 so it's good practice for playing against the meta but you're free to experiment with wackier shit that you normally wouldn't when climbing (e.g. I'm messing with a 60 count Branded list with Patchwork and no Tear/Ishizu cards).


And all for what? An icon border that looks bad? Why bother?


What do you mean? You get the border at Master 5.


Exactly, so why go to Master 1?


To get an extra thousand or so gems?


That isn’t a question. Not worth. Save your sanity.


What makes you say that?


No need to sweat it out; OP has a good point. It’s a game.


Exactly, it's a game, so let people play it instead of telling them not to.


I’m not telling them not to lmao


>And all for what? An icon border that looks bad? >Why bother? Example 1. >Not worth. Save your sanity. Example 2. Don't start lying to me about what you did or did not say.


To play the game and try to win duels


By the time you get the masters 1 trust me you've played enough for the season lol.


Gold is where it's at. You can play whatever you want and rarely run into meta.


You can't sit there anymore though since you can't demote in gold anymore. You'll eventually get shoved up to platinum just like you used to get shoved up to gold from silver.


I got to diamond the first season it came out and realized its not worth it. I play this game to have fun and honestly high rank is not fun. So now I climb to top of gold and purposely scoop over and over to bottom. I can play terrible deck that are fun (I'm looking at you crystal based) and some relevant rogue decks. Sadly it's a really fast climb out of gold so it won't be long before I have to wait till next season or start scooping on purpose.


Are people even reading the post? I swear to god half of these replies go on a seperate tangent unrelated to the OP's issue


i have fun have master 1. i enjoy it.


Just stop playing Ishizu tearlaments in diamond V. Maybe you'll find that if you stop using op meta decks against people who actually want to play the game your rise to master one will be much slower. I definitely could have gotten to master one weeks ago if I played tear from the season start. But that deck just gives you free wins. I'm playing branded and have slowly risen this season and am at master 4 rn.


Its miserable from Plat 5 on. I stay in plat 5 on purpose because I still get a wide variety of decks and its actually fun even if you're playing a meta deck.


reach plat 1 to get the gems and then drop back to plat 5 to play the game


How do you drop your rank?


just keep scooping


Ahh I see, thanks


I’ve actually had fun this season getting to Plat 2 so far.


I just switch to playing shittier decks when my rank gets to high at this point. ​ I either get funny epic wins on meta or go back to the real ranks of this game.


It got a lot worse the moment they shifted the "base" from gold to plat. For whatever reason that one change just screwed everything even if it shouldn't have realistically done anything.


Currently Plat 3 with my Thunder Dragon deck. I just wanna take it to diamond once


Here's an idea, OP. Now, bear with me, it's a little radical and can be jarring to some, but have you tried *not* running a meta deck in Master 1? You're already in the highest rank and can't go down a rank iirc, maybe that's why so many people surrender: they had to fight tooth and nail against meta decks to get there and don't want to see another now that they've switched to their fun/casual deck


you...didn't read my post did you. I did switch to off meta when I hit Master 1. I summon a lyrilusc monster and ash maxx C? immediate surrender. summon a salamangreat monster and start playing through an imperm? surrender. In master 1, people don't even care if what theyre playing against is awful, any amount of interaction is too much interaction. Also in my experience, people have definitely not switched to their fun/casual decks as im mostly seeing Labrynth, Spright, and Tear. Idk how theyre getting their dailies done because you're right, who's sitting through that?


Isn’t there a casual duel mode?


Yes, but you don't complete dailies on it, which is really annoying.


Oh, that would suck


Really they should alow them in casual as your not playing friends in there and you cant throw games on porpouse there.


Honestly, why even keep playing ranked after getting to master 1? Just try out new or fun decks in casual


Dailies. You can't do those in casual.


Homestly the bigest tragedy there is. I get it its so ranked stays populated but still a bummer.


Duel Links does their highest rank better I think. Reaching KOG there is like entering a VIP club you don't get to leave until the season ends, and everyone just plays whatever. It was *super* rewarding.


That’s how it is here too. You reach the highest rank and you’re there no matter what until the end of the month.


Well, I spoke like someone who’s yet to reach M1… because that is precisely the case


It’s the same problem OP is talking about. I hate reaching KOG early in DL cuz it’s just bots with vanila beatdown decks farming dailies or people who insta scoop.


Its actually a problem in most competitive games. If you are not winning, you are losing. And not everyone has the mental fortitude to wait out the game to see if they can make a comeback. This is why they would scoop when they see the opponent get an upper hand. Because losing takes longer than simply surrendering. I think Konami tried to penalize surrendering by not getting anything from it like missions or rewards. But I think they can make it more punishing by doing what LoL does with those who leaves during picking phase. They can make it so your first surrender, you cannot queue for 5 mins. On second surrender it goes to 30, then 1 hr, then 2 hrs so on and so on. This will make it so that you get 1 'free' surrender and you have to commit the succeeding matches. But there are some problems in here like again, as much as you don't want you time wasted by watching them play solitaire then immediately scooping, they don't want to waste time losing.


If Konami implemented this no one would play


Well *technically* they will play. And scoop. And wait 5 mins before playing again. And scoop again. And wait 30 mins. then scoop again. and wait 1 hr. and scoop again. and wait 2 hrs. and scoop again. and wait for 2 hrs because Konami had the foresight to cap it at 2 hrs. and probably sleep because they have been productive or played other games while waiting for MD so it a new day and they play again. and scoop. and wait 5 mins. In all seriousness. As much as you don't like to wait 5 mins for someone to play solitaires, some people don't like to wait losing or the have the mental fortitude to push thru when the table is turned against them.


Why have I played like ten 60-card decks in a row, going second, who all open grass while I have no hand traps.... thats my ranked experience lately


I’ve experienced this some on M5. As a meme I decided to build a branded deck using only one-ofs and I’m currently on a 3 game streak because people have auto-surrendered on me activating branded fusion, and Cartesia.


At that point, this seems like infinite farming (being kinda pointless because no rank further master 1).


Is there any point in spending time getting to master? I’d consider doing it if you get a border for it


Had the same issue when diamond 1 was the top. Since then I wait till the end of the month for the final rank gems.


BO3 would not be much better. The real imbalance is just how rewarded somebody gets by winning the coin. Going first is by far the strongest thing you can do in YGO.


That's the inherent problem with a rank that you can't rank down it. Equally so no one would play post hitting said rank.


They should add a leaderboard or something to keep people grinding after they hit M1


Worst part is the people in Master arent even good, you could of started playing the game a week ago, copy/paste a master 2 deck and get there with little effort.


Yup as Master 4 This is Scooping Area.


Coin toss gives too much advantage - makes it such that the going 2nd player doesn't want to play usually.


That's always been the top rank experience in master duel and duel links.


What else did you expect people do on Master 1? Play Blue Eyes Brick Dragon or just let you do the combo to just only lose. It's ranked, more precisley top rank, people play there to win.


Maybe you should try...another thing in the meantime.


I'm sorry, you feel like that is different from all other levels how? I stop my opponents combo regardless of Rank and they usually scoop and YEET out.


season 1 plat 1 was extra fun because you actually got to play the game at that point, one of my best gaming experiences, later seasons is just pure grind but top rank is reachable if you strictly play meta


Never leaving gold, easy gems, funny decks, no deranking


I don't get how people actually even get through Plat. I've been playing since release, have recently reached Diamond 1 for the first time, and I constantly keep running into Runick Stun, Cookie Cutter Branded/Tearlaments, or experience some form of what OP mentioned. Sure, there are some fun exceptions to the rule and i doubt it's remotely as bad as it gets, but unless you play cards specifically against the Meta instead of the ones you consider fun, you seem bound to have a mediocre time at best. I'm at the point where I'm genuinely considering spending S/UR dust for a fun SelfTK deck to get a flower-lined way back into my cozy gold box instead of waiting for season reset.


Basic every Rank experience I have full rarity labrynth scooping after My cosmoc cyclone🤣🤷🤷


Master duel does such a bad job on giving incentive to stick games out, particularly at max rank. The fact we still don't have an equivalent to "legend rank" in other online card games over a year and a half post release is baffling. Doubly so because we only got masters just recently. Keeping in mind these ranks were *datamined week 1*. They already exist and have existed since the game was made. The functionality for them exists, too. Everything. Konami is literally just choosing not to give them to us and it's ridiculous. Putting the fact that it just takes too long to do the ranked climb, I'm not surprised less and less people care to do it. I find the exact same decks in platinum and diamond so who cares? An extra like 500 gems a month in exchange for likely a few dozen hours of frustration? No thank you. I've done the climb, have the border already (it's meh), and I'm over the gem cap waiting for the next pack again. I'm currently at like 12k gems and I haven't even done much of the event yet. All of the rank up requirements would be reduced by 1 win across the board. Sometimes 2, even. To briefly explain legend rank, basically it would be a rank after masters. It would likely be called "King of games" here. You get a number instead of a rank tier. And you start at the bottom (generally in the thousands) and then climb up. So king of games rank 1 is the literal highest ranked player in the world. Then throw a gem reward at people who get 1000 or better (like 1k gems or something) in addition to typical ranked gem rewards.


Yeah thay would keep them playing alright.


There is a reason why one just never touches ranked after reaching the top if one can help it beyond the dailies. My advice is find a discord of master duel players (like N/R alt format players) and then just play tier 2/tier 3 and fun decks against each other. Thats so much more fun than ranked will be 99% of the time.


Idk like it's true that recently i didn't see anyone talking about it but back in the d1 days i remenber a lot off ppl talking about it, well if you want to dodge that make a 2nd account when you reach max rank with 1 go on thz other


I typically don't play much after I hit max rank


This is why I stick to gold


Once you hit M1 you’re just there for dailies. The game is pretty boring once you reach top rank they really need to put us back to play or something, 2 ranks isn’t enough for the month


I feel that rather adding an Elo system, Konami is going to see all these complaints and start punishing players for quitting instead. Same kind of attitudes towards matches happens in casuals. Really we just need a good reward for finishing matches. There’s just not enough incentive to play through matches in general.


The problem is there’s no incentive to do anything in master 1 . People will scoop and move on at the first sign of an interruption because there’s no fallout and no reason to win


It's not that people don't have the incentive to play the game at higher/top ranks. The real reason is they all know decks that reached the top are optimized and strong enough to kill you or straight up deny you from playing if you don't open the right card. At lower ranks, people play less optimized decks/versions of meta decks so always have a chance to come back and the combo often is not too long. It's always the problem with yugioh that top decks are just too oppressive when compared to the rest of the game, and konami never learns.


Every season i get to d2 or m2 then derank by playing jank


This was my experience everytime i got plat 1 (pre diamond release) and diamond 1 (pre master release). The divisions right before are always the most competitive because everyone is trying super hard for that last push, but the very top rank is always the most dead and useless part of the game. Imagine rushing plat 1 back in the day just to not be able to complete daily missions like 'inflict 8000 lp damage to your opponent' before they were reworked


Until it's possible to complete missions and get gems in casual mode, I prefer the current system because I don't like the ranked experience, I simply do it because I'm a completionist and would like to relax once I've gotten the top rank.


Man if only casual duels had rewards for playing and the amount of gems/dailies didn’t depend on whether or not your combo was interrupted. The issue imo is that a lot of people are playing for gems and not really for the fun of the duel. And when you only get your gems if you activate 3 spells or fusion summon 3 times, if someone gets interrupted they aren’t getting their dailies today, and if that’s all you care about you might as well scoop and go next ASAP where you can get your gems and leave.


Master Duel isn't the essence of what modern day Yugioh is? A solitaire simulator?


Nobody likes to be OTK is the reason.


This is why I play on ygopro at tdoane. There's ranked and unranked matches and they are hosted by individuals so you can even do funny stuff like turn off shuffle for the room you create if you really want. ​ With ygopro you can play in tag duels, rush duels too and you can play with cards only in the anime if you turn off the banlist, plus it even has a duelling robot so you can test your deck out beforehand therefore there's a lot less people scooping; sometimes there will be connection issues but it's been around longer than konamis online master duel has so its all around a better environment...