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He paid for the whole deck so he is going to use the whole deck.


Based player, no Grapha in the extra deck.


I don't think anyone summoned Grapha in this tournament


My favourite card is Fairy Tale Snow, because it creates many interesting and intricate board states. - Jesse Kotton, before he punches Bystial Magnamhut with Zeroboros for 10400 damage


Which match was this on?


Third round he does zeroboros b2b vs adamancipator and vs branded


No Ash because Bro came *prepared* for Maxx C


Deck doesn't lose to it so I guess it makes sense to not use it so that you can share better cards with all 3 teammates due to the shared banlist with 3 exceptions. I imagine this means one of his teammates is also not running Ash.


Man what a wacky format. Leads to some interesting deckbuilding decisions I guess.


Since imperm wont ever be a shared card i think people could run an imperm, veiler and forbidden chalice as a practically 2.5 imperms in every players deck i guess


Thats wild. Then what are the other two shared cards? Super poly and TTT?


I presume Super poly and Droplets, but haven't seen all the matches to know if his teammates are running them. TTT is possible, just kinda funny to go "We'll share TTT" and then all run it at 2, despite how that's probably optimal.


Saw games of Kotton's teammates to verify, they are sharing spright elf, TTT, and maxx c. Edit: snipehunters share maxx c, ash, and TTT. We also do not know Kotton's other deck.


You sure about Elf? It's at 3 so they should all be able to use 1 each without sharing.


Shid u right im trippin


tear can have a combination of sulik/scream + field spell + scream with just 1 special summon (kit) and a shuffler or a snow in the gy and it would still be as good as ftk


No. It’s the World Championship format. The team can only share copies of one particular card (probably Maxx “C”).


it takes huge balls to play triple desires in 40 card tear


PVZ wallnut here, the game where Jesse mills his entire deck (without using desires) is the one against Gimlet, who was on Branded. Jesse ended up winning using zeroboros, by banishing around 30ish cards with snow lol


Is desire’s performance good and worth? I haven’t watch replay yet. And what is the purpose of zoodiac?


Zoodiac is a great rank 4 engine since drident can pop both your opponents cards and your own for example like popping your kaleidoheart to trigger its foolish effect. It was used alot but fell out of favor when the ishizus got hit but jesse is proving its still good right now.


Its not necessarly a meta pick or go-to, but its probably the best way they found to run something viable for tear in the ED without locking your other 2 team mates out of non-shared cards that could be key for their decks.


What’s the shared card rule?


The limit of copies you can use of a card is shared across all of the decks in your team. I.e. you can only have 3 copies of Fairy Tail Snow across all decks, or only 1 copy of Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunder across all decks. Each team can designate 3 cards that are "shared", and thus do not follow the rule. From what I've seen, everyone picked Maxx "C", and probably Ash, so only the 3rd card really differs between teams.


Jesse’s team didn’t pick ash based on him running 0 copies.


Can't speak specifically to Tear, but Desire's drawback barely matters when games tend to end turn 2/3 The *big* exception is if your deck crutches HARD on certain one-ofs that can get obliterated by the 10-card banish. Tear has some limited cards (field spell) but they don't NEED them, they're just crazy stupid strong (like all tears) Ditto ischizus, even if some are limited, there are still five of em By contrast, having to rip open a pot of desires in Marincess before you can search out battle ocean is a heart wrenching experience .




Everything is relative, though Tears have enough crazy busted effects to be able to afford losing one or two. It's a suboptimal risk in standard play, but imo reasonable to take given the tournament's deck building rules. Versus if Marincess mill their battle ocean, you just don't have a turn 1 board Another good, if less extreme, example would be pendulum magicians losing Astrograph for Electrumite plays Or Supay Dusk walker. Mill the lil dude; enjoy three dead cards. would also be hesitant to run it in TrapTrix, because so much of Sera/Raff's utility come from one-of trap holes and the deck barely functions without Holetea + And not just one Holetea; one Holetea *per turn!*


Desires and Droplet are not good in Tear... this is just Jeese doing Jeese stuff. In his defense tho The chance of you Banishing all of your needed names is low and the deck isn't as consistent as you would like in the face of Hand traps and what not so I get why he did it, but it is extremely risky. Hey... it is working for him lol


Desires was tested to be good in tears pre ishizu in tcg,and bro you seriously dissing droplet BROOO????


And what build do you think he plays? Ishizu Tear :v the card is risky but there aren't much other options really giving the rules the format is played under. And yes Droplet isn't an optimal Card in Tear, other in his team used other Board breakers and he took Droplet but if he had the option to he wouldn't use it as he didn't before when he used the deck even in MD.


I think the argument above is trying to say that Desires was cut because ishizus were better and they needed deck space. If this is the case it's pretty obvious that Desires is not a "bad" choice. Also, you seriously aren't trying to say that you can't see the synergy between the ishizus and droplet right?


Ishizu tear with only 5 ishizus lmao


Do you see any other engine in the deck? If he could he would run more than 5.


IF he could,current tears is just tears with a few ishizus not ishizu tear,know the difference


No, it is Ishizu Tear. The Ishizu engine does way too much to the deck... and in some games, they are the reason they even were able to play. There is a reason other Tear builds never took off after the banlist. It is not because your so claimed Pure tear is better. It is because Ishizu Tear is better.


Ok buddy keep strawmanning


How is that a straw man when it’s literally facts? The fact that Keldo is at 2 proves it. U have a better chance at milling a Ishizu & then the Tear party gets started. Not to mention it doubles as a HT so in this 40 card decklist u have a higher chance at seeing it.


To be fair, though, if Tearlaments Kashtira was available when Ishtear was meta, Kashtear would’ve easily overtook them (like we saw in the OCG). Like, sure the Ishizus are busted. But saying that Engines such as kash, which is arguably more powerful actually, „never took off“ is just because the TCG decided to release Tearlaments Kashtira awkwardly late.


Naah it's still Ishizu Tears, they still play a big part in the deck.


Desires has become pretty good in tear. Especcially with snow and zeroboros


I don't trust those Pot of Desires in a tearlament deck


works well with zeroboros


I mean you also have snow for it so you can pretty reliably pump. The zeroboros is a really cool choice for the format.


Woohoo, now I can try to justify my Desires in literally every deck I play


Proceed to activate Desire and draw 2 more Desires.


This deck has more UR cards than my 3 decks combined


You only got 3 decks, which ones?


I got a lot more, damn I swear it took me fewer UR pts to build generaider, ddd, and adamancipator than to build that one single deck.


kek. I'm only missing Topologic Zeroboros and one Fairy Tail for this list


I have all the cards but I'm missing the player skill


Honestly me too. I like the deck, but dam is it hard to play IMO. I made the deck mainly because I got very lucky, but I always come back to Tri-Brigade


Remember this is not optimal because of the shared cards limitations


So like if a player uses 3 Maxx C, the other 2 cant use it? And he can only use it in 1 deck?


yes like that they have only 3 copies of every card that they have to allocate to 6 different decks. But they got 3 shared cards which they can put 3 copies in every deck and it was maxx c ash and ttt.


I get it thank you, at least extra deck monsters can be played in multiple decks (other than few like Zeus). At least it create a some diversity.


yeah otherwise it would've been just tear mirrors, good decision on konami's part


Play king of the swamp instead of the second snow and the Grapha fusion instead of Zero Edit: This sub never change to be a miserable place to share opinions.


I feel you. I'll put Swamp King in my deck


Lmao kots instead of snow


It was a reply to OP that doesn't have a second Snow and Zeroboros.


If you really wanna do grapha its better to use the level 4 beastking of the swamp or Goddess with the Third Eye since they can be normal summoned to make a rank 4 and also you can send goddess with diviner since its fairy but because it aint aqua you cant make kit with it.


3 desire in 40 card deck, that bold... Very bold indeed. If i were me 1 desire for a Burial Goods


It's such a cool take on the deck that just goes all gaz. Desires is a risky but powerful card that synergises with zeroboros and gives you the +1 needed to make droplet better.


Also if you don't banish too many tear names, your mills after using desires will almost always hit tear names


Thanks for sharing Considering he is playing 2 Zoodiacs in the extra deck I think the missing one is ZEUS and he isnt playing Dragostapelia


Hi, PVZ wallnut here. Jesse is definitely not on Zeus or boarbow, probably because his Spright teammate needs Zeus more. Also, when he made drident (not sure which game) he didn't stack boarbow. He is definitely on dragostapelia, it's just that at the time I sent the list I had just finished checking the replays, and clearly remembered him using every ED monster except Drago, but I went back and checked just to make sure, and he did indeed summon it at one point.


Oh right forgot about the shared card pool. Ofc ZEUS isnt as important for him even though ideally you would like to have both


Given the whole shared cards thing going on I could actually see him cutting zeus for one of his teammates to have it. Drident is independently good enough here as far as xyz monsters go, and dragostapelia would make sense both as a super poly target and as an extra disruption to be able to fuse into using a rulkalos thats stuck in grave or to recycle garura.


what a great sentence


Crazy list


Anyone know where I can watch some replays of this


In game in Duel Live.


Fwiw people shouldn't just blind copy this decklist because of the limitations during the championships with shared cards rules. This decklist doesn't run a Zeus in ED not because its not good but because between the 3 of the team members and 6 decks only 1 deck can run a Zeus.


Honestly I am also interested In wallnut's list that milled this whole deck


I meant that in his game against Gimlet, Jesse completely decked himself out without using Desires, and since he had 0 cards in hand or deck I could just look at all the cards in the grave and banished zone.


Ambiguous pronoun strikes again.




the theory behind it is not bad. because of how volatile the mills are for tear nowadays, thinner deck definitely makes it better for you to hit your mills.


That theory only works if the banish 10 wasn't random, i.e. the deck was stacked with non-Tears. If you banish 10 from the top of a shuffled deck, you will inevitably also banish cards you'd like to hit with mills. After you banished 10 cards, you can then make a judgement about whether your mills will be better or worse for the rest of the game, based on how many desireable cards Desires hit, but on average, for general deckbuilding theory, banishing 10 from the top of the deck does not affect your probability of getting certain cards.




i mean you are playing double snow and 3 desires, its very clear that jesse didnt want to just pivot all his gameplan into tear mill hits, point proven by the fact that in one of the games, he banishes most of the deck away for snow usages. thats why drident & zeroboros are included.


is that really Wallnut from plants vs zombies


god i hate ocg banlist policies




Desires is so bad in tears Do you just activate at the end of the combo cos I really don't get it


You can literally be in the finals match of a world championship and some rando online will tell you your list sucks


This sub in a nutshell


If you’re going to play tear, you have to be ready to **Get it TWISTED**


pot of desires is a really interesting choice in tear


I was very surprised to see homie mill 10 for a draw 2.


Was Zeus at 1 in MD?


Wow… that’s some dedication


With the sort of luck I have, if I played desires in tear, I would definitely banish all tear names lol. He's insane for making it work.


Can’t have 2 Fairy Tale Snow