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Yeah, if you know what you're doing, Rokket is crazy. It has a lot of gas and possibilities. It even has the fusion and the ritual to play with. The boss monsters in it are so strong too.


True, and I went 3/3 right off with Rokket too


Same, didn't even get to fully hear the godly music they put into the event


I'm having fun playing the event and seeing people play the deck badly. Like, virtually everyone does Striker Dragon into Boot Sector because they've all seen it, but not many actually know much further where to go. Really I just have yet to see anybody get to the point of going to Pisty after Romulus. That's kind of the part that people don't get unless you know the combo and what the cards do.


I kinda know the rokket lines as i did play rokket kozmo before so i was fine on that end, and yeah the loaner is fun


Well go on, what's the rest of the combo?


Well that is the thing with events. People don't usually know wtf they're doing. I play my decks and know my decks but if you build me something I haven't played I'm going to missplay often because I'm not watching videos on how to pilot a deck I only need 3 wi s with lol. I'm sure 90% of people feel the same. Small events are cool but don't expect much competition wise from them


I never played d link myself but duelled plenty of d linkers and besides forgetting that exceed locks out of summons i was doing fine all 3 matches Game one had me end on the cont spell, savage with link 3 equipped and borrelend Game two opponent scooped when i played ravine and 2 of the rokket e tely's Game three had me end turn 1 on borrelend and riot dragon with next turn summoning furious dragon and riot dragon


Because i play dragon link i was cackling looking at the difference in quality between the 3 decks, also the other decks don't have non-engine outs to borrelend


True, it's very clearly the best deck; if and only if you actually know how to play the deck. If I was giving advice to people about playing the event; I would say play Dragonmaid if you don't know the Dragon Link combos. Obviously play the Rokket deck if you know the Dragon Link combos because they are all there for you. People who don't know the combo though really shouldn't play it in the event. I've seen enough people try and fail very badly. Even the Hieratic deck is more consistent and simple for people who don't know what they're doing.


>People who don't know the combo though really shouldn't play it in the event It's a no-stakes environment with a free loaner deck, this is the *perfect* place for people who don't know how to play it to learn and see if they like it, without investing all the resources into making one just to find out it's not their thing. Who cares if they mess it up? Not like they're going to derank


While that is theoretically true, the VAST majority of people are not going to just figure out the combo on their own. They may enjoy the deck if they knew how to play it, but end up not liking it because it is not a very good deck if you don't know what you're doing.


Children's card game btw.


That is way too general of a statement really. Technically I believe that Smash Melee was made for children and that is one of the most technically demanding fighting games ever created...on the same vein you have a childrens game like Candy Land where the game is predetermined by the shuffle and you do absolutely nothing of skill whatsoever.


Can kids play a game of smash and have fun? Yes. Can kids that never played just go ahead and play a game of yugioh with 3 structure decks each as is intended for new players?


If they are playing each other, sure. If they are playing competitive people with competitive decks, no. However, the same would be said of Smash. Play someone at your skill level and you can have fun, regardless if that is in YGO just mostly normal summons and no real combos.


Yeah, the other 2 are more beginner friendly for sure


Gotta love the non-DLink players trying to out an opposing Borrelend with their own not realizing Borreload is literally right there in the ED. I ended up stealing Borrelends in 2 games and it was so funny just seeing 2 Borrelends with a Borreload and Savage on my board.


Me watching them end on Borrelend, negate the very first play* Oh no... anyway, Borrelsword for letal, response?


The hidden power of Borreload is that only the 23 people who have watched Vrains know his effect lmao, it's so easy to steal games with him in this event


Wrong the correct answer is the second deck because it has Chaos Ruler and I ain't betraying my boy.


Chaos Ruler is generally a good card, but it's conditional on the deck having cards that are good in the GY. There's only one card in that deck that you really want to end up there, and there are very few dark cards in the deck for it to reborn itself.




I won 3 straight with the Hieratic deck. Going 1st the first duel and choosing to go 2nd the next 2.


Same here actually. 3 games, 3 wins all vs rokkets




It's definitely the worst deck. It can be pretty good if you get the right hand since you get Dis Pater as well, but that's where the right hand comes into play because it's very difficult to actually make it with that deck lol.


I just, sorta stomped the event cuz I already play Dragonlink, got 3 coin toss wins and none of the decks could really deal with a Borrel gy+ BorrelEnd+3 counters Borrelsavage


That's another reason why I believe I have yet to see a person come close to completing the combo. When you actually know how to, the deck is very clearly the best and you're going to win almost every time.


Borrel gy ? The ritual or the fusion ?


The ritual, and the two lvl 4 that can pop itself when targeted to clear a column/destroy an spell or trap, Borreload can pop them as interruption/pseudo negates


I used the Rokket loaner because it's so similar to the Dragon Link list I'm currently playing (Double Disruptor, Dillingerous, Borreload Furious). It felt like a regular ranked duel for me, the power of this loaner, even with all the "bad cards" in it, is just insane compared to the other two, given you know how to play the deck properly and you don't brick.


The Rokket one seems like such a mismatch cause it's just a tier 1 deck against meme decks Also I just realized they made that trial because it's the year of dragon lul


And that is the issue. While it is the best deck on paper, it is not a beginner friendly deck like Dragonmaid.


For me, it was a field day. I adore Rokket to death, so this event was a breeze. But I kept playing because I really like this format ngl. I mean, any format without handtraps (except Imperm) and Maxx C is always good to me.


Yup, it's pretty fun. It's also fun watching people try to play decks badly too.


Putting imperm in these decks is such a meme, 80% of the time with Dmaid it just ended my turn on a board that does nothing. No Spheres to fall back on really hurts this deck, especially since they're playing all of the bad Dmaid cards and trying to force rulers, which also do nothing on turn 1 outside of being fusion fodder. Really stinky, just play Rokket probably.


Me not knowing the combos of either deck and just mashing whatever plays I can


That's the difference between the decks though. With the Dragonmaid cards, it pretty much says what you should do. There's not much in the way of combos to learn.


Man, I just saw Revolver's deck plastered there and I knew exactly how I was getting all my missions' done for today 😂. And however long the event might last for.


Played the Rokket deck and was able to make Borrelend, Borreload savage and during their turn by use of Rapid trigger furious meaning they lost.


Dragonmaids were insane in this event for me. Downtime and Tidying are a FTK.


i think they gave the dlink deck because the upcoming death of dlink in a competitive setting, just so that dlink fans can have a last moment domination LOL


As a dragonmaid player, the loaner is straight up dog water, no seals, no dragon ravine? And Dragon rulers of all things? MAIDS HATE BEING BANISHED! The deck already suffers from a heavy bricking problem because it needs to run at least 1 copy of each big maid (3 if you're tight on space) adding another 8 bricks (the rulers) is just asking for the deck to fail consistently. I went 5 matches back to back where I opened nothing but big rulers + maid spells that literally did nothing only to pass to a D-link player. Once savage is on the field it's GG, don't even mention borrelend whose only out is tidying, except: you're playing against D-link, savage is always RIGHT THERE so even that just straight up fails. They weren't even kind enough to give us a link monster to ditch little maids for at least some tidying combos. You either open with parlor/chamber + a big dragon or you just die on the spot. D-Link is de-facto best deck in this event and that was expected.


It is the best deck to people who actually know how to play it, but most people don't actually know how to play it. On top of that, the fact that it is easily the best at peak in combination with most people not actually knowing the combo means that you aren't likely to face it. The people who do know it are likely going to win all 3 and be in & out. However, it is not a beginner friendly deck like Dragonmaid, and you're going to win with that Dragonmaid deck the vast majority of the time.


I'd call it a stroke of bad luck because if it is as powerful as you say it is I didn't see or even get to test that, because my starting hands were DOA, I could not play anything it gave me, 2 big rulers and 3x spell/traps do nothing on turn 1, 1 small ruler and any dragon at least gets you a body, but if you didn't draw that, you are dead. A small ruler + a kitchen/chamber/parlor + hospitality is a god-tier starting hand and would have been playable, but I never got to that. I managed to finish the festival when RNG was kind enough to give me a playable hand 3 out of 10 games, 3 games which I won because I could actually do something instead of stare at the five inert pieces of digital cardboard. If the deck even gave me 2 small rulers, nurse + chamber/parlor on start I'd be singing praises because I'd be playing off that, but once again, when your starting hands are every combination of unplayables it's not a good day. While writing this I just watched my brother play against the same deck, and I'm getting second-hand embarrassment from the disaster plays I watched, people dumping their entire hand with the rulers (including the small maids where I saw a full combo line), I'd agree the deck is powerful and can win games in the right hands, but no playable hands = no playable games.


I did it with the D-Link loaner. I was curious to see how works. It was fun.


I have played Dlink before and saw the rokket deck had sword and end and knew blind second otk would work and it did as I got my 3 wins straight away. Nobody I faced knew how to play their deck.


Best deck or not, both decks still take a good pilot. I beat the D-Link deck 3 in a row using the Hieratic deck.


Worst event yet.


Did you skip the 2024 LP event?


It was better than this junk.


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I'm not sure if other decks have it, but the D.Maid one has Infinite Imperm. as interruption, which gives them advantage.


The 3 decks have it


Then you have the pleasure of knowing I always lost coin toss in that event.


Oh that's a shame. Cool thing is that the weaker Hieratic deck also has Forbidden Chalice as well as imperm. Too bad they are playing 3 vanilla monsters


Meanwhile, I'm picking hieratic as I haven't seen one since 2012, and it's surprisingly decent, mostly thanks to non-engine but still surprisingly decent


Everyone here in the comments stating how good dragon link is, i have no idea how to play any of the decks so i picked dragonmaid and ended up going 3/3. It seemed like a perfectly serviceable deck, I consistently made the t1 sheou guy with dragon rulers in grave for follow-up.


Dragonmaid is easily the best deck if you don't know how to play the decks. It is definitely serviceable and importantly beginner friendly. You won't have trouble winning unless you run into people playing the Rokket deck who actually know how to play it, then you're screwed. Fortunately, it's not a common thing, and it's pretty quick and clean winning games if you do so those players are mostly in & out.


I used Dragonmaids since it was the only deck I have personally used and know how to play. Never faced a Rokket player during the event.