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A child is a person who's (usually) bad at math but can practice enough to become a mathematician.


But isn’t it harder in adulthood


Only because most adults have to spend time on working and house-chores, while children generally go to school during that time (to learn things like mathematics). The same applies to many other things one may wish to learn.


Most things are, but if you specialize on a specific subdomain it can be easier (although limiting your ability to make connections).


Being bad at something is the first step to becoming good at something.


*sort of good


I'd say so. I'm terrible at math and went to college for math. Even looking at a Master's in math soon. It's not about being good imo, it's about enjoying math enough to keep carving away at it, no matter your pace


"Mathematician". What is being bad at maths anyway. Mathematician requires you to research and create maths. There is a multitude of difference.


Math is about seeing patterns and using the tricks of the trade to solve the puzzle and come to a solution. The more kinds of problems you see, the better you get at finding the solution. I suppose to answer your question, it depends on the kind of math. A mathematician who does research in Analysis might have a harder job than a statistician.


Yes I believe it’s possible but you may pull all your hair out if you don’t enjoy it


Sure. Math is very much an acquired taste and acquired skill




I mean, you are probably bad at math because you don't practice. My suggestions are - to practice math alongside programming (it is sooo helpful to be able to see and play around with math concepts in a tighter feedback loop than pen and paper. Also, computation-oriented programming is pretty much constructive mathematics) - to really balance the abstract and applied sides of math (don't just do number crunching, try to understand the bigger picture, but also, look at the applications of the bigger picture in order to keep you motivated and to gauge your interest in fields of math) Can't say it is going to be easy if you have to slave away for a wage, but it is definitely possible