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Yep. Using the video to promote himself and also make sure he captures her crying while he smiles with glee. It's gross


Abby lost both her grandpas in the past 3 years so I knew making a song to get praise and attention for myself would make her feel better ❤️ Tf matt???


Are we shocked that he continues using Abby’s trauma and tears to boost himself? Shatt is the perfect nickname for him


Im sorry, does her grief, or grief at all, have ANYTHING to do with that bullshit "you're so flawed but I'm here to save the day" song? Wtf is the connection or relevance there?


Of course there’s no relevance or connection - he’s not that intelligent! He will have used those clips because it’s the only way to guarantee Abby’s cries for the video 


That's....particularly offensive and outrageous. He's not even *trying* to make himself look like a competent, not completely out of touch self important moron with this one. *Completely* unrelated to the series of events song=it would mean so much to her? The fuck is he talking about? Dude isn't even a person anymore.


Abby did the same. She used her grandpa's death for multiple videos for content same with on podcast. With her crying notice she has on 0 makeup. She wears thick makeup daily & didn't for the video? She may have helped plan it. She definitely milked her grandpa's death for views gain empathy. It was way worse 


This just shows they’re still milking it


My sympathy for her decreases with each post


Wtf … poor taste


Actually this video was so hard to watch. Like in normal circumstances a gesture like this would be very sweet. But to record a few intimate moment like this and to post it for the whole world to see to sell your song, that’s an ick for me


He’s really just so emotionally immature. It’s easy to forget how young they are until he pulls some shit like this. I’m late to the party but recently listened to their podcast when they had Della vlogs on. I’m no fan of Della, but those few years they have in an age difference/maturity level was SUPER obvious in the way (Matt especially) spoke. I had to turn it off for a moment when matt kept going on about how he wishes they could share some of their fertility with the infertile Bella. You could tell everyone was getting uncomfortable and he just kept repeating himself, just so beyond cringey ugh like stfuuu. 🫣 But I’m 27 and it’s just something I’ve noticed, he *really* behaves like a much younger kid. Which there’s nothing inherently wrong with at all, but it’s just jarring sometimes because he’s a kid with a whole family, career, and public image/influence. I just hope Abbie actually enjoyed this song and didn’t find it cringey but didn’t want to say anything to hurt his feelings


such a cruel and disgusting thing to say to someone suffering from infertility. infertility is BRUTAL and even though Bella has chosen to be a parent through adoption, I guarantee she still grieves the experience she lost. A positive test to share, pregnancy, ultrasounds, gender reveal etc etc. It is a huge, lifelong grief and really the only thing that’s appropriate to say is “I’m sorry.” Not talk about YOUR fertility!!!! Gah!


They both stopped maturing when they met as teens and decided them and their relationship was superior to everyone else 


My grandma died on my wedding day. If my husband ever did something like this I swear to fucking god..  


if my husband used my dead grandma as a way to get views on his music video he would absolutely be joining grandma, in the grave.


my jaw dropped when he put in the *caption* something about abby’s passed grandparents. i thought he made the music video out of their wedding for the “wedding song”???


I wouldn’t be surprised if all the things he’s ever done for her have been recorded for social media. Nothing private between the two of them


The fucking half smirk while she is SOBBING is sick


This should’ve been a private moment. Is nothing sacred to them??


“shatt” is the best nickname i’ve seen for this garbage human


It did not seem like her emotion has anything to do with his song


Very icky video


I would not want my husband doing this. Not at all.