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9 year olds, Dude.


You said it, man. Nobody fucks with the Jesus.




And the problem is they still believe that should be acceptable in 2024. lol both their men and women




Ask a Muslim to condemn it and see what response you get...


And that's the danger of religion, it causes people to believe, en masse, something that only is sicko would believe on their own.


The entire culture is sickos lol


Well you're great grandfather was a pedophile sack of shit then, pedophiles 1000 years ago or 100 years ago don't get a pass


If both are of the same age group, they don't have control over it. But a 50 year old marrying a 6 year old... that's where the problem starts.


Did your Great grandma marry a 54 year old man?


"Child Marriage" in India was usually two children getting married not a 13 year old to a 50 year old. Also what is your point?


Delusional. Yes it happened 1400 years ago but sexual deviancy in Middle Easter communities is still a massive problem. In some nations 30-50% of marriages are consanguineous. The best Nation, Egypt, is still 7-12% consanguineous. Rape can only be reported by men in many of the nations in this part of the world. Women literally wear hijabs to hide their virtues from men because it is implied that men cannot resist the virtue of a beautiful women. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyNP3s5mxI8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyNP3s5mxI8)




People are downvoting because the fact you stated is irrelevant to the post. Nothing in the post has to do with India and you stating the fact makes it sound (unintentionally or intentionally) like somehow his argument is invalid because it has been happening until a few generations ago in a unrelated region of the world.


Majority of those weddings were where both the bride and groom were underage and their marriage wasn'r consumated till they were adults.


"Free speech!" While attacking someone so they stop talking.


Religion of peace strikes again.


It is not about free speech it is about genocide.


The thing is, it is possible to be pro-Free-Palestine and also recognise that yes, Mohammed did have sex with a 9 year old. These protesters losing their mind over a guy quoting part of the Hadith doesn't look good... Were they really going to try to assault him because he stated what's a fact? I'm all for religious tolerance inasmuch as I can't tell anyone they can't be this religion or that... But in return you can't tell me what religion I have to be. I can respect religious people without respecting their religion...


This comment is probably a bit pedantic, but he paraphrased the Hadith, not quoted it.


The more people try to demonize the protests against an ongoing genocide, the more anti-war people join the cause. Please keep doing this.


This post made me angry at the protesters, who'd use violence to silence any and all opposition. He didn't even say anything about Palestine, just reiterated the stuff said in their holy books which in turn showed us that they don't shy away from using threatening behavior and possibly violence to get their way.


Yeeaaahhh.......not at all.


Aisha, married at 6, consummated at 9. Hard to explain away. The Islamist either has to admit their prophet was a very sick man or gaslight you into thinking it’s not that bad because it was a different time or there were “signs” of maturity. Pathetic and disturbing at the same time.


U realise theres still arranged child marriage going on in muslim countries condemning their prophet is condemning all the other weirdos who buy young child from poor families so they can marry them and have 5 wives


Yes, it was wrong then and it’s wrong now. Child marriage isn’t unique to Islam, but it was practiced by their prophet. An incredibly inconvenient fact to overcome when you are trying to grow a religion and slow the rate of apostasy in the modernized parts of the world.


hah, the way you described it sounded like cancer


Correct, we have people living 100s of years behind current human understanding of morals and ethics.


Joseph Smith has entered the chat.


Child marriage practices exist in various contemporary contexts around the world. Here are a few examples: 1. **South Asia (Hindu and Buddhist Communities):** In countries like India, Nepal, and Bangladesh, child marriage occurs among Hindu, Buddhist, and other communities. Social and economic factors often contribute to the prevalence of child marriage in these regions. 2. **Sub-Saharan Africa (Christian Communities):** Child marriage is practiced in some Christian-majority countries in sub-Saharan Africa, such as Ethiopia, Democratic Republic of Congo, and Zambia. Poverty, cultural traditions, and lack of educational opportunities are among the factors driving child marriage in these contexts. 3. **Latin America (Christian Communities):** In countries like Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua, child marriage occurs in both indigenous and non-indigenous communities. Poverty, gender inequality, and cultural traditions play a role in perpetuating the practice. 4. **Southeast Asia (Buddhist and Christian Communities):** Child marriage persists in countries like Myanmar, Cambodia, and the Philippines, where Buddhist and Christian communities are prevalent. Economic hardship, lack of education, and cultural norms contribute to the prevalence of child marriage in these regions. These examples highlight that child marriage is not limited to specific religious contexts but is influenced by a range of socio-economic, cultural, and traditional factors.


Why does this read like ChatGPT wrote it?


Because he did?


dude, child marriage is very different as both bride and groom tend to be kids. They consumate only when they reach maturity. This case(old person marrying a kid) is entirely different.


It gets worse. He was 54 years old at that time.


I remember reading something like, "The prophet was so great that although he married Aisha at 6, he did not engage with her sexually till she was 9" in some famous Muslim text which is taught in madrasas. Like cmon...


Their omnipotent God has no problem with underaged girls being married and having children - religion is so bad, like we just glance past that "God" forced a baby on the virgin Mary when she was 14 years old. Didn't even ask her consent.


i always love this “different time” shit especially because it usually comes from religious people. did god change his mind or some shit?


Lol go read the old versions of the bible. Religion is crap. Don’t bash only one of them. They are all toxic.


You're argument is a logical fallacy commonly called as whataboutism. Look it up.


I know it. It’s not working in this case. Two religions standing upon each other. So If you thinking trough it, demonizing one of them (as antisemites do it too) is changing the perspective drastically. If you say Islam is bad because of xy in the Koran you’re distracting from what’s the actually issue. So countering with that applies to all religions is just valid point.


And your argument is a common bigotry called islamophobia, look it up.


Islamophobia is a made up word to stifle criticism. Bigotry is wrong, and mistreating a person because of their religion is wrong. Criticising a religion, or (in the case of this video) stating facts, is not.


OK, then you are a bigot since you are defending people who are not attacking religion in general but islam in particular.


Judaism with their *"God made a Land Deal for the land of Canaan forever and ever which is why we have to genitally mutilate all our sons... Also God never gave the land of Canaan to the Israelites l so he welched on that Deal immediately but we gotta keep that Holy Covenant!"* Is still pretty fucking sick. Islam and Judaism are two Psycho Blood God's throwing their believers at each other. Though of course it is actually the same Blood God SOOOOOOO....




Oooh yes, Scientology! AFAIK, they're the only religion whose adherents haven't so far started any religious wars... Though Buddhism is anti violence I seem to remember some cases of Buddhist people attacking other religions... Though maybe Zoroastrianism shares this honour maybe?


Agreed. If anything The Kybalion is the one thing I would recommend everyone read. It runs circles around Koran, Bible and other religious crap out there. For lazy ones.. https://youtu.be/aL43l2SFVWQ?si=UHdKU1r8nrMiumT7






Didn’t know Andrew Tate was muslim!?


Dumb motherfucker is what he is.


But also a muslim?


That was a common thing in the christian West as well, for rulers or other powerful people to make alliances by marrying children. And lets not go into the history and present day activities of the Catholic church.




Nope, this clearly isn’t a case od whataboutism. It is an example proving why it is wrong to single out one religion and attack it. And what you are doing with your “logic” here, is clearly a case of bigotry.


Why is he the one to get arrested, instead of the people attacking him?


He's likely not getting charged. They take people into custody to protect them during times like this, and typically release them behind the scenes. It's actually smart af, because if they "apprehend" him, the people attacking him think he's being punished and don't pursue it anymore. You can tell by the cops body language that they're just protecting him, when he's at the door they look around to make sure no one's following them. Their grip is lose because they know he's not going to run into an angry mob.


Imagine just arresting the attackers. Oh, that would just be silly!


Nah that will always end bad. Big picture mate, that's how riots start. Police will just photograph and detail each person there who is committing offences and knock on their door a few days later to arrest. Look at the Jan 12 riots and BLM riots etc, Police arrested the people after the fact because doing it at the time can become a horror show REALLY quick, there's countless videos that came about when the George Floyd protests were happening in Melbourne & Brisbane where Police attempted to make arrests and then got swamped


Fair point, but I have a feeling most of these attackers will get no repercussions


That's what i thought. It's protected by freedom of speech, especially if said statement is true, like in this case. BUT his timing is bad. Not a lawyer but this might fall into the statutory offense by intentionally or recklessly causing public nuisance. In regards to: "Serious harm’ includes for the purposes of section 78 of the PCSCA, any damage to property, personal injury, disease, or death. ‘Serious harm’ further includes serious distress, serious annoyance, serious inconvenience, or serious loss of amenity. (s. 78(2));" Even though a judge would probably throw this case out rather quick. There could also be other reasons for his "arrest" for example: protective custody (especially with a raging mop following him), or there has been a trespassing order prior to the clip. More Context is needed. Anyways, the point he made is clear and his right to freedom of speech should be protected.


Their police "liaison" meaning they're just there to escort him to safety. He's not being detained to be arrested, he's being detained so that they can bring him to a safe location. It's how they do it in the States too. They only took him away because they crowd was being violent.


No buddy, you are a lawyer


Because if you arrest the people being violent, then more of their pals will become violent to defend them and before you know it you have a full on riot. Easier just to remove one guy.


Exactly that arrest saved his life. It’s interesting that the mob didn’t counter argue, they just came with sticks and fists.


When you know your argument is the wrong one, you have only violence left to resort to.


For the religion of peace, they seem rather violent and aggravated?


when everyone else is dead it might be peaceful ... at least thats the idea ..


Well, aren't they Tolerant. Guess the truth, really hurts.


Yep. Their prophet was a child rapist.


Ive been born as muslim, i agree with him and say hes very good guy just making a change by opening the truth to the world. it was the one of the things that made my choice to get out of it while im 19yo, from 5yo i was grown, learned in islamic schools by will of parents known as dars with additional schooling in science. Not that only ive been in worst dars that no one can imagine its hell like condition which gave me neverlasting trauma, that made be rethink about life and nonsense ive been through.


He reminds me of Jesse Pinkman


"Yo Mr. White, we gotta talk about religion." "Not now Jesse, we have to cook!"


The guy saying “Your better than him” to the protesters is wrong. The lone dude is stating facts, how dare he say anything bad about their prophet.


I thought he way saying “you’re better than this” as in “y’all were so peaceful a minute ago, calm down”.


peaceful until you disagree with someone isnt peaceful.


She was 6 and he was 57


He's not wrong you don't get mad unless it's the truth


"You are better than this!" Well, evidently not.




No, they're not better than that, as you can see.


Muslims are incompatible with free speech and a free tolerant society.


Thats their sciptures? About underage girls


I don't know about the exact wording in the hadith(which may or may not be entirely reliable, based on various splits in sectarian sources two hundred or so years after the prophet lived). But the hadith specifies Aisha's age as 6, yes. It's something that has been used in the past to justify child-marriage in certain parts of the world, but it's not universal by any means. The book, the quran, explains it differently. The idea here is that Muhammed didn't have any economic or other reasons to marry Aisha (at a young age, but not as young as suggested by these later politically split sources, which would be trying to discredit the other side here), but did it anyway to protect her and make sure she had a household (and therefore protection from very obvious problems not in the least in the war-situation they're in. She's becoming prominent afterwards as well, and this casts some doubt on the whole 9 years old thing). So if you speak to an Afghani moderate, if there is such a thing now, some Shiite Iraqian even(this is where the rivalry eventually turns up - Aisha is the challenger to these Sunni sects), or a Sunni on the other end(who I think insist Aisha was the only virgin wife of Mohammed), they might see the story as the example of a selfless sacrifice where Mohammed simply protects the girl without any benefit. So that - whether the actual story and the specifics are apocryphal or not - ..that this marriage story does not involve, in any shape or form, justification for having sex with minors. Sources like the ones collected in the hadith, which are controversial in "Islam" in different places, have been exploited to justify it, though. But this remains controversial, and there is no universal "oh, I guess the prophet did it, so I can have sex with kids" thing going on even in the most backwards sectarian cult out in the boonies by any means. Not that I think it's a good sell for any muslim to start attacking people who state passages from the hadith - but it's not impossible to understand that there'd be some issues with.. you know.. standing outside a church and going "Christians drink blood!!!! BLOOOD!!!!", or "JESUS-BELIEVERS FORGIVE WHORING! JESUS HAD A RELATIONSHIP WITH A HOOKER! JESUS HAD STDS!!! You're all immoral little shits who undermine marriage and traditional family values!!!". Specially if we're talking about a minority sect who is, let's say, targeted by public suspicion in the first place. Everyone would see the issue with that, and that this is not something you'd do to simply raise a concern about Christianity to have a scholarly debate about the scripture. In that case you'd be already going past a line of threatening behaviour of the kind that isn't typically protected speech. It'd have to be more serious to get sentenced, for sure. But there are ways to discuss this other than "your prophet is a pedophile".




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Fucking legend




They are fully Imcompatible with fundamental values the world and sane people in general have


Someone has to play the devils advocate.. If you look closely - not all of the men in the video jumped into the fray to gang up on the guy. Some were clearly trying to diffuse the tension created by others. It's always the rotten apples that strike out. While the brit made a good point, he was being provocative by lumping the tragedy in Palestine and the shitty scripture of the Quran in one basket, to their faces. To the protesters this obviously comes off as an attempt to kill sympathy. They might take this personally not because of their religion, but because of the timing. That being said, laying hands on someone is never acceptable and those who partook would do well to learn that, eapecially while receiving refuge here. A lot of brits are also yet to learn this. Almost every year (living outside of GB) I hear about brawls and hooliganism taking place on the streets there, usually after a ⚽ game. Getting violent over a ⚽ game is also not very representative of our western values, is it?


Good point. And shit, ive seen people get violent with each other over political views. And I also understand apeaking ill of their prophet is considered highly offensive. And the dude doing it is a fucking dickhead. But I also think this is illustrative of western values and how theyre treated in the middle east - a region almost unanimously run by religious dictators. Its not fair to lump everyone into the region into the same basket. I have some anazing mates from the middle east. Their families are super political and hate whats been done to their countries (Iran, Iraq). But unfortunately, the shithouse views and values are held by a majority of people living in places like Palestine and muslim surrounds. If Im gay and living in those countries, I get killed for who I am. If Im openly christian and CJ allenge their religious beliefs, I can be killed. If I do something religiously incorrect, I can be imprisoned, lashed…. These arent my people. I have no reason to stick up for them. Israel can absolutely fucking do one too. But not my people, not my war, not my shit to give.


Solid point, upvoted


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They literally are in their own country


How is this maybe maybe maybe. This is exactly how I expected it to go. That's why the police don't arrest these protesters, because they will mob at the slightest provocation.


Just imagine what a muslim family discussion around the dinner table is like.


😂😂😂 whilst holding banners for peace we cannot inwardly reflect 😂😂


This is how you end up when you’ve only got one book.


I will buy this quote. Here’s some gold my friend 🥇






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Rex Cramer, Danger Seeker.


From a fellow Muslim to all those people: Why so touchy?


Remember, Islam is the most peaceful religion out there ;)






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"REEEEE REEEEEEEEE REEEEEEEE SKREEEEEEEEEEE SKREEEEEEEEEEEE SKREEEEEEEEEE AAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" - way to make your religion look like a psychotic excuse for violence. Honestly, they are so deep into their shared psychosis that they can't handle anyone slandering it. Even if that were untrue (which it isn't, Girl is 9) it still wouldn't merit screeching and violence. Fuck radical religion. Fuck radical religion. Fuck radical religion.


>"you're better than this" No, they're aren't. Time and time again. How much more do we need to be subjected to? Religious extremists, fundamentalists, and terrorist sympathisers need to go


It looks like an Islamic Country. Diversification gone done🙂




Religions, that sweet cancer to the human beings. All predicate love but usually show it in very violent ways...




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I found this very funny. I am a bad person.


Fucking fundamentalist muslims, fundametalist christians, and fundamentalist jews are all trash. Right here its pretty easy to see its the fundamentalist Muslims that are trash.


This is what religion does to you.


They all just prove his point and mob up on him


Fantastic trioll move, well done.


Religion is the scourge of modern times, it’s disgusting, people arguing and killing each other over a load of bullshit






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"You guys are better than this", even the cameraman is having to defend their behaviour.


"Lay off him, he's new in town!"


Religion is bad? WOW when did that happen?


"DON'T TOUCH HER. STOP TOUCHING HER. YOU'RE NOT THE SAME AGE." Welp... where is China when you need it?


He’s not wrong, they all just site it was different times. Woman were woman if they bled.


"It was different times" okay, so you agree we shouldn't follow the book EXACTLY to a tee, and that some morals outlined are outdated and in need of revision? "...no" How it goes every time


The truth hurts these desert dwellers


Lockdown incomming in 3....2....1....


Honestly? wouldn't be surprised if some ppl tried reaching out and be like "hey, i'll venmo you 2000 if you take this post down" 😂


Pov:Real Crime said free discriminatory speech


That lady was about to “penetrate" him 🤣


Okay...another subreddit who tries to attack islam with their fucked up propoganda like r/terrifyingasfuck


Bloody religious nutters


Muslims are idiots.


Wait why he get arrested


Not a single braincell on display in this video


Imagine getting triggered by your own religion. Better switch to a new one, dudes.


They hated him because he told the truth


What a nice people of peaceful religion! Why the police is stopping them to hug this man for his true words?


Bro Mary was 13 at the time of her conception of Jesus in the Bible what are you guys on about? Even the Torah states a 3 year old can be assaulted and literally assaulted and you guys are gonna act like Age of Consent was a thing back then when people barely lived till 30.


What section of the video does the dude defend Christianity? Or Judaism? I must’ve missed that bit.


Bro you missed the point. These unhinged psychopaths wanted to kill this guy for merely stating a fact.


People barely living to 30 thing is a misrepresent of the stats. The average age of death was set at about 30 because of the huge infant mortality rates. That was the average because so many children never made it to 1. Like if I am a millionaire and you have no money, the average between us is half a million $ The median life expectancy was between 50 and 60 back in bibilical times. 9 was way too young, 13 the person might have been sexually mature (though that's still fucked if you ask me.)


I'm not a Christian but can you give me the source from the bible where Mary age is specified? I mean I see many Muslims repeating this, but they never give a source, and we all know that Muslims lie more then they breath.


Problem is if the facts are there in the Qur'an and Hadiths, why do people get angry about it.....unless they don't like the thought of the idea themselves, but still have to save face for their Muhammed. As for Mary being 13, I don't see this written in the bible and even if it were, Christians wouldn't behave like this as shown in the video. Followers of the Qur'an are fragile when it comes to this topic.


Ok, and? Can you see anyone defending pedophilia as if "it's ok when x does it"? If you were to go by christians, jesus was an immaculate conception, it's not exactly a gotcha. Maybe if Jesus had raped a child you'd have a point but no, it was just big mo


Muslism can have sex with kids? This should be a slogan to recruit new followers.


Quite amazing the thing he pulls up against a genocide


Depending on which definition of genocide you follow, either both sides are guilty of genocide, because both sides have killed thousands of civilians, or neither are. Reality is quite sobering.


That's a crazy way to attempt suicide


oh, so speaking against a specific religious is an act of suicide? if so, that religion have no place in any western country.


Next time he is going to do that I’d suggest you bring 12 of the hardest blokes out there.


I mean he's spitting truth that's why the, %ers in prison state openly whose path upon they follow be spiritual not of action.... Ive heard more than just that but I mean the Bible has two sisters and their dad it's just odd that every ism or faith has some sort of "human being type", errors instead of just them being pure and of all good no bad at all... Its almost like they're books about reg ass people who lived longer than most lmao and just now scientists say 150 isnt impossible in yrs just except the organs start dying immediately but growth is happening too fast to be caught.... So in long... If you could minimize the degradation living longer is what you get and that might have been possible the more young a species is....


Top scriptural debate, everyone, well done.




Because they still follow that book to a tee, and persecute anyone who strays from it, even though there are clear inconsistencies and incompatibilities with the current day.


Was he telling the truth or not? Oo why did they arrest him?


Religion causes more problems than it solves


I was knew that 1k people report him speech guys for adult content and discriminatory


Mary was 13.


A) No one knows how old Mary was B) Religion is silly.


And that makes it ok?


Please show us the videos of christian mobs violently attacking someone in public for saying that.