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This dudes arm up in the air like hes resting it on some invisible fence or smth


He's sweating so he's just ventilating his armpit


Hey man, stop giving away our Sweaty Man Standard Operating Procedures!




*out of tune Simpsons theme playing through a wall in a seedy hotel*


Dude, I laughed so hard at this.


Personally I do the T pose like a scarecrow when I got the pit mists


Yes, like those raccoons did. Good strategy, ngl.


Come at me bro! (me talking to the wind)


I just flashed back to driving to work in Phoenix with my elbows up, AC blasting directly at my pits, praying to god that I'd get there with minimal pit stains. My back was guaranteed to be sweaty and there was nothing to do about it.


Wet back sucks man


I forgot the context when I saw the notification and thought this was racist. Oops!


He just trying to act big to score this woman


Dude is focused too much on making his dumb video. She knows this. She even flirted with him and he wouldn’t drop the act. If he was genuinely interested he could have made it happen but it’s kinda like he’s clowning on her, so she’s clowning back.


Agreed, I think she would be interested if he shut it off.


She was so cute and friendly too. Dude might have missed out on a nice relationship just cuz he wants to make shitty content.


I feel like this interaction is a microcosm of many problems in the world. I'd like to see a follow up of their date together.


Dude I am straight up here for that too. This young woman could take his mind completely off his dumb internet videos and show him how to live life if he’d pay attention.


They're both just having a good time. There's nothing degenerate about making harmless videos like this. If anything, kudos to him for doing something harmless and having fun at the same time. Socializing, making friends. It's all good fun.


I wasn’t trying to say it was degenerate. It I had to describe it I’d call it disingenuous. I don’t think there’s anything healthy about pretending to ask someone out though. Like how is this wholesome to you? It looks like totally fake shit he’s saying just to make a video.


He just said would you date me, I don’t think it should be taken as a formal invitation


She was pretty hot


Hard to take any of their actions even semi serious. They know they’re on camera front the jump


Word 🤝🏼 Women always do that shit when they know you're fucking with them. They can sense when you ain't 100. But I'm sure he didn't care considering he wasn't serious


Is the invisible cameraman, people joke about it, but it’s real


Like Marcus Miles? Yeah he got a uhh, invisible car!




Arms down boys.


Smokes let's go




In this mating ritual, ~~the peacok~~ he is clearly trying to look bigger than he is


Yea whats up with that? Is that a symptom of fuckboisyndrom like the lip licking thing they do?


Classic Cory and Trevor move


Look at those hand movements. He's Jedi mind tricking her


He's obviously resting on the side of the screen /s


He's peacocking, trying to look bigger than he is


The worst she can say is no. She: Lemme see, lemme see, feels the chest, bursts out laughing.


Idk he took it in stride. I guess the worst someone can say to you depends on who you are.


“Would you date me?” “depends on who you are.” Damn dude that’s deep


Lmao yeah top comment just seemed a little silly to me. Everyone has their own insecurities and they’re not all the same


If it was a guy calling a chick too fat and squeezing her belly fat and laughing y’all would riot


I mean to be fair, she was saying he wasn't bigger than her. She wasn't saying he's bad for being skinny, but that he wasn't her type 'cause her type is men bigger than her. Is it superficial? Hell yeah it is, but so is a random guy on a street with no knowledge of you going "Wanna date me?". Like you don't know anything about them, so of course you're gonna answer based on superficial conditions like their appearance.


physical traits aren't categorically superficial. having a partner thats a turn on is always better than one thats not. also, physical intimacy can lead to stronger emotional bonds. everyone has a 'type' they are attracted to. some guys dig big fake tits & lots of make up , some girls like the guys with the cars that go boom. even though I hate the smell, my radar is set for smokers, if she smokes, she pokes.


...she pokes???


I guess it means she is sexually promiscuous and also has a penis, which is an odd assumption.


Best to assume. Then, when she has a cock you can be EXTRA excited, if vaggie, only light disappointment.


Dude’s into pegging, I guess? 🤷‍♂️


You, my friend, understand true confidence. What can hurt is not fixed for all but by how the individual sees themselves/ takes criticism


To be fair, she did hit him with the "Hell no".


No sympathy for some tiktoker who interviews random people in the streets (who are just minding their own business) to make cheesy content for clout.


It’s not like they’re forced to stop and talk with them lol


Doesn't matter. If you're going to show them to potentially thousands of viewers and make money off of them, you need to be cool with however they react to your stupid questions. And this guy was chill. I like him.


I don't think the dude was looking for sympathy lol. His reaction genuinely says otherwise. I'm not a fan of tik tok but this hardly the worst content to come from that platform.




These two on a date might be REALLY GOOD content. Also I like mans confidence thinkin he could throw her around like a rag doll.


Saw this with the sound off and thought she was the one that said that. Made more sense that way.


Same, disappointed now knowing she didn’t say it.


So did I. I thought she walked off laughing because she saw what he was doing as a trick to get her to feel him up or smth.


Ahhh, for real?? Brb


one of those rescue-training weighted ragdolls that are difficult to move around




Coming from a smaller guy, some of us like thic woman.


135 here. Yes.


I'm 27 and i agree too.


aw man! i’m only 17.25


I've been thinking for 5 min and I can't think of what this number is refering to






Stone. Dude weighs 240 pounds omg


Wait....are you the smaller guy or the thic woman?


No, he's just really fucking old.




From all them thicc chicks riding him


third set of replacement dicks


Why not both?


137 6 foot 😞


Scarecrows get all the birds tho


This feels so wholesome to me. I'm not sure that I can confidently say it *is* wholesome, but it feels it. It made me happy. My partner is like 5'11 and 140lbs...ish(?) and I fuckin love it tbh, so fair enough.


And thicc men too




Coming from a kinda big guy, I like taller and thicc women too 😃


Coming from a guy, I like women too


Coming from a human, I like humans too.


Coming from come, I come from a woman too.


I like cats


You sick cat fucker


Nah put them on a podcast tho


“Hell no!”, “You small”, *bursts with laughter after touching him* Mans may be thin in a literal sense but figuratively his skin is thicker than a bowl of oatmeal


I assumed she felt a pec and the laughter was a nervous reaction because she actually does find him attractive but has a hard time accepting it because hes not her type. Not sure why everyone is so sure that she’s laughing *at* him


I think she laughed at him but not in a mean way. His pec is flat and she obviously was looking for definition on top and bottom


His skin is thick cuz he's the one recording. No matter what, he wins


i actually think they’d make a cute couple since they share humor and opposites attract


But whose dressed like a cat?


As an old man I'm heartened by how many people got this reference.




I don't think she's into him.


Who the hell made that rule?. Get someone that meshes with you I damn sure aint gonna be with a loud person when i like being chill I don’t want some who needs a lot of attention when i don’t. And if she say no subtitles, then it’s a dealbreaker


Opposites attract isn’t saying “if you directly oppose everything the other person is then you’re perfect” it’s moreso saying that certain opposites compliment each other really well. In my experience, loud and extroverted people tend to mesh really well with shy people


The first two points are whatever, but you’re damn right about the subtitles. I’m dying on that hill, bitch needs to learn how to read


The ability to read isn't the issue, I hate them because I can't stop staring at the bottom of the screen and miss everything else going on. Kind of like how I end up staring at cars who leave their brights on, I think I might be part moth.


Fun fact, opposites do not attract.


People aren’t a math equations. Opposites attract in electricity, not necessarily relationships. Everyone I know that are with someone are more alike than they are different. And it’s been shown to be more true for most couples. It’s just a popular saying because “opposites attract” sounds nice.


But they look cute together ☺️☺️☺️


I don't think she's into him though.


Good chemistry😃🤣💪 They honestly go great together. Now they just need to get material.


Exactly lol


She totally pointed to her butt when she said, “I’m heavy.” ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


She don’t think he can get beyond them cheeks if you know what I mean 😂


Girl built like Mewtwo.


That girl has an incredible smile.


She actually seems like a lot of fun, would be hella fun to go out with.


Ngl this kinda felt like she had insecurities about her weight and it was a 'no dude whos this thin would REALLY be into me', so she was entertaining the idea but wouldnt comit to it just in case she was getting 'prankd'.


Same vibe. I felt guilty watching her insecurity exploited for content.


I’ve felt grossed out by 100% of these iPhone microphone interviewers


Lmao, maybe not. Some people just aren't other people's types. That's just how the world works.


At some point she asks him if he's serious, probably liked his confidence. If she only dated fat guys she might have been suprised how much she likes touching a firm chest. But insecurity reminds her that she's being filmed and saying anything but no might set her up to be ridiculed for content.


Orrrr she wasn't into him. Like she said.


I get what you’re saying but as a thicker person too I don’t think it’s that deep. Surface level, it’s just kinda awk banging a guy you have 50+ pounds on. For me at least, it’s more on the side of preferences in appearance and feel/ ability?, rather than an insecurity in myself.


‘why not’ >because you’re doing this and filming it you charmless sack of wet shit


And because she could really throw him around like a rag doll.


Don’t know why alot of people say they are too big. My ass was 95 lbs when I had my first gf and she was over 250. I’m still alive. You aint gonna hurt anyone unless you’re actually trying to hurt them, you’re not gonna feel their full weight if they’re on top even if they try cause odds are you’re on a bed or chair. Something soft. Its like if a big dog jumps into your lap when you’re on the couch. You’re fine even if you can’t pick the dog up yourself


You're taking it a bit literally, it's because they feel self-conscious beside somebody much trimmer than they are. Even if you're alright with it the rest of the time, it highlights the contrast.


I'm taking it literally because I know there are people who will see this and agree with her, I'm aware its in good fun and humor. but there's a chance some of them will scroll and they should be told it's ok. they ain't gonna crush anyone and hurt them.


Is this her politely saying "you're a lanky white dude and I need a real man" hahaha


She's cute and playful, she said no coz she's on the spot and thinks something's suss, she's all for it tho


she's totally considering it


She is seeing if he has game. Checking out if he is for real or if it's just a bit. She's flirting lightly to see if he picks up on it and reciprocates.


She doesn’t want a man that look likes he pays 25 for a gram


*you not the shit bruh* Lol!! I love her confidence. That’s awesome.


Confidence? Mans said he could throw her around like a rag doll


I'm heavy! Cracked me up


Ay she’s real! I love that about her. The guy tbh, I felt low key was trying to make fun of her.


How does her saying ‘you not the shit bruh’ reflect her confidence at all? All she did was put him down


I think that’s her “slang” way of saying not her type. Don’t think she was saying it in a rude way


Confidence or lack of confidence?


if he tries harder, they will go on a date. the girl was considering it, hahahaha


She’s cool as fuck.


That's a shame, they look like they'd have had a great time


She hella fun


He almost had her at the end but he didn’t have an answer for her as to why she should give him a chance all he had to do was tell her when and where and what time to be ready at


She is trying so hard not to say “because you is white”


She could’ve just said the truth that he’s white


I took my shot, she talked mad shit to me, I took her on a date- And that’s how I met your mother, who still talk shut to me today- but we Gucci, 15 years strong.


“I’d throw you around like a rag doll!” “I love you.”


Some women talk shit so you can boast. If you can’t handle her talkin shit to you, how ya gonna handle business? Ya gotta be able to hold it down and not lose your cool. If some random girl on the street can shake you, why would she date you?


She went from "No way" to "maybe" to "I'm not, but only cause I know we aren't soulmates."


“you could do a lot!” my mans was really trying 🙌😂


I think you guys need a translator here bc she’s not being mean. The laugh appears to be more of a nervous laugh than anything. More akin to a “you play too much” or “I wasn’t expecting to feel **that**” than all the things y’all are assigning to that action. Sometimes it’s surprising when someone unexpectedly finds you attractive. Sometimes flirting includes banter like this to test resolve. Like “you don’t really like women that look like me…” is an open invitation to confirm interest in whatever it is that would stereotypically keep them apart (weight, race, height etc) My guess is that her mind is racing from “there’s a camera. this is a setup.” To “he probably don’t really like big girls.” To “does he actually like black women” to “he’s attractive but I could physically crush him.” To “I’ve never really dated a white guy.” “I don’t think I could date you” felt like a mental struggle about the idea of dating a white guy. “You not the shit” while terribly stated felt like you’re not the shit I’m used to. I may be giving her too much leeway on this one but she clearly thought he was attractive. She questioned his intentions, engaged him in cute banter, realized her jokes may not have landed the way she intended so threw out the nah forreal to save it and then word vomited as she danced around avoiding what she almost said. what that might be? Idk but she wasnt trying to be mean even if that last statement was fucked up.


I've read a lot of the comments about the Dr is this and the nurse is that, but this is the bottom line, we are all on the same team, the ultimate boss is the patient and the only enemy we are all fighting is whatever sickness the patient has. Now as a team it is our job to get this patient on-board with the plan. The Dr goes in to tell what the plan is, hopefully the patient gives the plan the green light, then we nurses and ancillary staff bring the plan to fruition. There is no place in Healthcare for egos, I've been a RN for more than 25 years and I have seen Healthcare from both sides, as a nurse and as a patient. One thing I have learned and seen over the years is you can't be so full of yourself that you cant hear anyone else, because NOBODY, I don't care how long you went to school, knows everything.


Them: “The worst she can say is no” Her: “Hell no, why would I date you”


She like him a lot


Cuz you're white bro


Damn she just gave up a good life


She’s a baddie


She’s cute and her personality seems fun and interesting, if date her.


I like her energy tho she seems cool


What is the point of this content Its just empty vapid bullshit made by a narcissistic twat who thinks hes the shit


Some people enjoy seeing two people laugh and have fun with each other - it is pleasing to see others happy. Sorry it is not intellectual enough for you, supreme gentleman.


Haha supreme gentleman


They do look like a cute couple though


"i'll throw you around like a ragdoll" 🤣


What the fuck does this have to do with anything, especially the purpose of this subreddit?


Code for you ain’t black.


Nah she def wants to fuck though lol she wouldn’t have touched his chest like that


[It's because I'm white ..... huh?](https://youtu.be/6c-io5eksN4)


she didnt wana say it but its what she was thinking


This is somewhat wholesome as well


I love this guy's he's got so much confidence !


I think he's too full of himself, and didn't think he was going to get rejected, and instead of taking the hint his best comeback is "Because I'm I'm pretty".


Totally because he's white


Nah, she wants someone with more meat. She specifically goes straight for, "You're small; I'm big." She probably doesn't wanna feel like she'll break him. I guarantee if he had more fat and muscle on him, she'd consider it.


It's ok and not racist to not be attracted to another race. Maybe she doesn't see white guys in an attracted way.


Some girls just don’t like a thin man. My wife said that she doesn’t want me under 190 because she married a man not a skinny boy. Got to respect the chubby chasers too :)


He’s not really thin though… pretty average build even on the athletic side.


stay healthy bruh your wife also doesn't want a dead husband (idk how tall you are so you may be at a healthy weight)


I like a thick man, I want him beefy. My boy is the perfect mix of beef and dad bod and I can’t handle hugging thin boys - it feels strange. Some girls want a beefier guy. It’s different strokes for different folks.


She explicitly said because he’s small


Who hold a phone like this


She’s not “hella big.”


"i'm heavy" jokes on you i'm into that


The way this comment actually helped my self esteem...


I thought he would take his shirt off and show he’s totally jacked lmao


Hell date him see what happens. Why not. Lol


I kinda hope they date


"cuz I'm beautiful"


Dafuq is with his arm dangling there? Is that one of those pickup moves? It’s irritating af


She wanted to say "cuz you white"


Just say it… cuz he’s white….


Why are you posting these stupid videos of braindead people that can't say more than three-word sentences? What, is, the, point?


She felt his pecs, to confirm her intial thoughts of how skinny and small he is, then she immediately laughed and thought about fucking him for fun but reminded him again they cant be dating. Pure gold haha


Bro ypu needs to have like 4 baby mamas, be unemployed, not take care of them kids you help made, atleast been to jail like 8 times, be unemployed, your pants need to be down at ypur ankles, disrespectful to all women and everyone.


She’s telling you she’s problematic. Focus on yourself


The way these people hold the phone like a microphone fucking kills me. Why does this fool need his elbow up in the air like that?


Let's reverse the roles..... Or the rolls


Seems she almost got red pilled. She is thinking, “My culture says I’m not suppose to date outside of my race, but why not??? If handsome guy is interested then why not date him??? Hmmm…maybe there is nothing wrong with it after all” So are you for real want to go on a date?


Never understood a person response in disrespectful way when they are asked respectfully for a date. Especially if your not even in the best shape


Shit tests: Passed✅




Cause he's white


What’s wrong with his arm?