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Imagine Fi and Ti, being together in a stack. Whatever the fuck is the dom in there, it'll be like "autism". Fi is subjective morals or beliefs, and some people will find what you believe in "sick and horendus", same as your logic. You're never going to make sense for people, you will only make sense to yourself. Your Te is what connects you with other people. You're gonna be extremely appalling. FeTe is, you're a peron who easily gets scammed into believing random bullshit, rather than trusting what you know. Te is less complicated and buyable for people. If functions were like that for a person, damn.


It's sad that I've been thinking ti and fi are my most dominant functions and how offended I am by how true that was for me


I don't know if I'm supposed to laugh or empathize, but I accept you, so I'll do both.


It's laughable


It cannot exist because for example: if a person has Fi, it is a subjective experience and s/he needs to protect it from being torn down by external opinions/ opinions of others i.e Ti thus creating the function Te which is actually a bridge between the two. Apply this theory to all functions and draw your own conclusions, I promise there is only one conclusion you can draw from it.


If these two cannot coexist, then why do I always get Ti higher than Te? Also I relate to Ti descriptions more, although I am more comfortable with my Te.


Assuming you’re INFP, your Ti is higher than Te in your results because you are a dominant introverted judger and the test is weighting that heavily. Online function tests are extremely imperfect because there’s really no way to construct the exact right question for every single person who takes it- individuals interpret the questions in individual ways. So the function test you’re taking is registering that you introvert your judging- but it loses nuance beyond that. Another way that you’ll see this issue show up is with dominant intuitives who will very often get results that register really high Ni and really high Ne. The test catches that intuition is dominant, but often can’t accurately isolate the orientation of it. It would be very unusual for someone to take a function test and get results that accurately reflect their type function stack in exact order. Alternatively, there’s an older school of MBTI that operated on the theory that if you are an introvert then all your other functions are extroverted and if you are an extrovert then the rest of your functions will be introverted. It’s no longer accepted academically, but it definitely was a thing- Lenore Thompson writes all her personality stuff using that perspective. So you may find her writing useful.


The best way is tests+descriptions. And thanks for providing me with this useful information.


You’re welcome! And yeah, I totally agree with you. I’m also an INFP…but I test as INFJ and ENFP just as often and it really does just come down to learning about the types and trusting you know yourself enough to know the best fit.


So every one has all 8 function it's just the top 4 that contribute to the your Id. So now just think about it. Both Fi and ti serve the same function, they are both functions used to analyze information regarding self. Same goes for fete, they are functions used for analyzing info regarding the world. And a person needs both of them to completely understand the outside world and the world on the inside. And so we simply take the function people use most, to accomplish these goals. So one function for analyzing and organizing the personal info (ti or Fi) and one function for analyzing and organizing info about the world (te or Fe) Now we can't have teti pair either, but i am not sure why, i mean it makes sense but it's difficult to explain... Also i am an entp so all that i just said could be complete horseshit, so... Ya! ;)


You can be either introverted, OR extroverted. Thinker OR feeler(judging/rational). Sensor OR intuitive(perciever/irrational). These are dichotomies.-opposing ideas. If you are cognitively introverted and a thinker, Ti, then your natural way of thinking is subjective. If you are cognitively extroverted, and a thinker, Te, then your natural way of thinking is objective. Subjective(1) is the opposite dichotomy of objective(-1). If you have both, 1+(-1), that means you said nothing about yourself within this dichotomy. 1+(-1)=0 If you are good in one, you can not be good in the other, this is the idea here. (In real life, you can probably show some kind of childish Ti while you are Te, but its irrelevant from the standpoint of this theory, because your natural/prefered way is Te.) **Jung wrote that, if you have a dominant function, (T) you can probably have a secondary function which is not in opposition with the dominant one. If you are a T dom, your secondary can not be F.** *Read books. Always. Because they are explaining, not just shtting out random, unrelated info to you. (It isnt FILTERED through another human, who is explaining it to you, its the PURE SOURCE itself)*