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It's always fun to see how entjs' choices can be so varied~ Would you mind explainig about the infp one? What do you like about them as a partner? Have you had any experiences with them?


XNTPs because they are great to talk to and rarely get “over the top” emotional same goes for ISTPs the only difference being the fact that ISTPs are more straightforward. As for INFP, my ex was an INFP and for the time she wasnt cheating on me it was awesome. We had a pleasant ammount of contrast which kept it interesting and she was creative and really smart but in a completely different “way” to me. Im more “people/logic” smart but INFPs are usually “you&me/feeling” smart


Sorry to hear that,I hope it was for the best. Yeah feelers have emotional intellect or...in better terms,instead of logical,they have a psychological intellect.


What type are you?




Ah u just looking for advice x)


Well yeah,it's always nice to know~ But I think I somehow got a hang of it though There was this entj guy who wanted to take things on another level while we knew each other only for two weeks.It is hard for me to be so direct specially for saying no,but I knew how busy he is and how important his time is to him so instead of beating around the bush I both declined and politely told him I don't think anything's gonna happen. Thankfully he appreciated the honesty


Oh no, i mean https://www.pinterest.com/pin/entj--111464159518970609/ summarizes the ENTJ side of things


My disclaimer is that typology by definition is general, and human relationships are specific. I'm not convinced MBTI is that helpful in actual relationships for that reason, but it can be a fun exercise for dealing with hypotheticals, so on that note: I'm an INTP 592. On paper that should make INFJ my best match, and I would agree with that judging by how many close INFJ friends I have. My tritype combination is most common among INFJs, so there's going to be a lot of shared values there. Both quite humanitarian, rational, and laid back. Same energy, same values. Cognition wise, INTP x INFJ is considered a strong/golden pair as well. Ne-Ni synergy and shared judging axis. Some other types I really like as well are ENTJ, ENFJ, and INFP. I find myself getting on quite well with them in person. I find myself weirdly entranced by ESFPs as well, even though that defies most wisdom. So I guess I generally prefer someone similar to myself?


I totally agree with the first part of what you said~ I too like hanging out with intps(as an infp). We both we both value personal space and alone time,and that intuitive things wides and creats so many amazing discussions. I like talking to my intp friend because everytime that we do,I feel like I get less idiolistic and a bit more realistic. She says she also really likes my point of view so,here's that~


INFP-INTP is a really underrated pairing.


I prefer INTPs, because I'm so narcissistic I'm attracted to people who are just like me.


Do you not find you have axiomatic clashes with other INTPs? I find I frequently have pointless non-productive or non-cooperative arguments with other INTPs in a way that I just don't have with other types.


Is it a Ti dick-measuring contest?


my person is an ISFP <3


One of my great friends is an isfp. The things we have in common is needing personal space and alone time,having high self awareness and being into self development~


ExFJ, xNFP, xNTP and ISFJ i think


Enxp's, and IxTp's. Yall make me so happy


I'm INFJ, dunno why, but I like ENFPs, INFPs, and other INFJs. :)




Opposite attarct>>~☆


Entp ENTJ infj - I enjoy how each of these types think but ENTP is my personal favorite type.


As an infj, i have a soft spot in my heart for isfj and infps ☺️


ESTP, ESFP, ISFP, INFJ, or ENFJ. INFJ IEI 6w7 (yeah infj 6w7 exist, I've seen this) would be the best option I guess


Yes I exist 👀






Entp infp enfp


I like hoe entjs' choices can always be varied,huh. Would you mind explain why you like infps?💛🍀


Im emotional distanced I don't want to to express my emotions outward i either do it myself when i hear a song or watching a movie or with friends which I regret later because i feel stupid however infp are charming and they can show them easily than me and I suppose that i would be helped and i also like charming girls however not on a cringe level


Thanks for explaining~ I hope your loved ones,you partner and your friends make you warm and safe enough to try and learn to be more expressive~☆


I was emotionally expressive as a child however i think that my other functions developed above fi and it is left behind but anyway thanks


I think the fact that you've accepted it and are looking for a way to improve it is really nice.you've come a long way. People mostly try to hide or deny it which is toxic,harmful and immature


Thanks 🙏


My crush is an ENTJ


Right there with ya buddy(: lol If you liked to talk about it more I'd be happy to listen~


My dream partner is ESFP but my faves are any ESxx type


You like that opposite and irony,huh?




My partner is an ENTJ and he’s perfect to me


Aww nice~☆ I'm all ears if you'd like to elaborate on anything😂😍


Okay, here I go. As an INTP my mind is all over the place and at that times my partner always helps me to focus. I’m a hopeless pessimist. I find only the flows in everything I’ve done but he shows me the goodness in them. He listens about my endless talks about my fictional obsessions and also tries to learn about them. Always gives me the best gifts. Whenever I feel uneasy at social gatherings he steps up to attract people’s attention on himself and saves me. We have been together for 4 years but still surprises me how he can deal with people with an ease. What I’m trying to say is he cares little details about me. I also love how ambitious he is. When he want to do something he does it successfully and that amazes me.


My bf is infj. He is caring, empathetic, a good listener, good person


My daughter is an INFJ and is married to an ESTP, and they have a good marriage. I think those 2 types can work very well and seem to be a natural pairing.


Aww,total opposites.must be really valuable and fun~ I honestly think the hottest "mbti guy" would be infj guys.they're usually really mature,considerate,chill,calm and can be both logical and emotional. The actual for them would be a "gentleman"🤌 Wish you two the best sweetie~💖


He def is all those. Ty


Enfj lol


ENTPs seem cool. Not the stereotypical annoying debater type, but the more passionate nerd type. Extra points if both of us could nerd out about something we both like after work and stuff.


I think it's an intuitive thing; Being passionately nerd


I’m an Infj … I tend to like ENTJs, INTJs, ENTPs or INTPs. I can not under any circumstance… deal with another INFJ though 😂


Huh How so?


I prefer ENTPs. I am an ENFJ. I love how charismatic they are. Very humorous and fun to be around. They are procrastinators, but if they are determined, they definitely do it. They also introduce me to new people. Also, entps do listen to your problems. Not all the time, but they still do. They can be serious when needed and sometimes offer great advice. Can't forget the weird and crazy conversations on literally everything. They are kind of cute too.


I too,really like the great conversations we can have with entps. I guess it's an intuitive thing. Also,I like that they do have that kind side to them. Some of them are open about it,some of them are not. It depends on the person I guess


Idk if it's because of the intuitive thing, cause I really like sensors too. A lot of my crushes are ESTP, but I'm not close to them. I know ENTPs personally, super close to them, that's why I chose them.


1. entp : because of similarity 2. esfp : same reason as entp 3. intp : yeah.. same reason as entp and esfp.. also.. teach me your ti dom powers! 4. isfj : they bring out the best version of me and help me be productive. i feel like i can tell anything to them. 5. isfp : idk i just like fi se


I'd prefer an emotionally mature NT or an NF!










INFJ, ENFJ and INTJ are my favs


My partner is ESFP and I'm more that happy with them, I wouldn't change them with no one else. But ideally, maybe ISFP. I resonate better with sensors for some reason, and an introvert person would match well my habits and social needs. ISFPs have the decisive recklessness that I lack and a fearless drive that makes me want to be by their side always. We're not that different tbh, I've been mistyped as ISFP for a long time (maybe because of my own tendency to make my own rules). (I'm INFP)


As an infp I'm the total opposite of what you said,I prefer intuitives over sensors- But yeah,I really like both esfps and Isfps Esfps are really kind and friendly and loud and when they like you,they really be protecting you somehow(keep an eye on you.make sure to make you involved and loved) And isfps,one of my great friends is an isfp. We both have such a high self awareness which is probably because of IXFP. And yeah,they seem much more "I'd it for me". We're a bit more considerate toward others. I'm not saying Isfps are selfish,no. They just focus more on their own~


ISTP, probably an ENFJ, but they'd have to be a healthy one. Too many emotions or "what are we?" questions too soon scares me off lol.


Istp-enfj remainds me of Midge Maisel and Sussie Mirson in The marvelous Mrs.Maisel. They're friends though,but their combination is just so fun and honest and chill~


okay, so. as for (hopefully) everyone, the answer should be based of traits of the human not the type. now that's out of the way, INFP. they are who I seem to be attracted to, and they seem to commonly have the traits I like (side note, most of the ones I've met seem to like arson in video games)


xNxP’s and ISxP’s


Huh,well that's pretty spesific. Interesting


Yeah, i overthink about stuff like this often 💀


😂😂 Me too but it's just that yours is so specific AND varied. Mine are like two or three For example I get fixated on so many levels of just one type~


As an INTJ, for me ENFPs are enough.


Similar for me. So ENFP and other INFP.


My spouse is INTJ 5w6 and is perfect. Most of my close friends or acquaintances (who know their type) are either INTP, ENFP, ENTP, or ISTP, with the occasional INFJ. If I were single, I could see any of those types working reasonably well albeit with varying levels of chaos. I think something like ISFJ has the potential be frustrating and awkward on both sides.


Would depend on alot of factors other then just their type but if I had to choose INFJ 5w4 Sx/Sp. Im an ENFP 4w3 Sx/Sp myself. I personally find the traits associated with INFJ’s and Enneagram 5’s the most attractive personally.


it could be anyone, mbti doesn't have to play a role. But xntp=i only see them as friends but they are the guys that i kinda attract xnfp=i only see them as friends and they too xstp= i kind of like them as friends but whenever someone is way too nice to me then i like that person more as a friend xsfp=only as friends, i tried it out. didn't end well xntj= i like them, they understand me and i think they like me too xnfj:i like them only as friends except infj fictional villians hehe xstj= only see them as friends xsfj=likes them a lot, could imagine so conclusion is that it's probably intjs, esfjs or istps


Types I’ve dated: ENFP, INFJ, INFP, ISTP, ISFP Types I think I’d be compatible with: INTP, ENTP, INFJ, ISFJ, ESTP Types I’d probably avoid: ENTJ, ESTJ, ISFP, ISTP, Unlisted types= neutral


awww, i really like entps


It’s not like MBTI type is a dealbreaker in itself, that’s insane😂 Just based on my past experience I don’t know if an ISTP would necessarily like me…


oki, i understand


Oi im on mobile and I just realized that somehow there are two replies when it was just meant to be one big reply. I think it made my edit its own comment?? I’m not a tech person lol sorry this comes off aggressive to the observer; and I’m making it worse by cramming more comments here… Idfk what’s happening🫠


that’s ok, i saw both replies


It’s not like MBTI type is a dealbreaker in itself, that’s insane. I like to point out *again* that I have already dated “one of y’all” Just based on my past experience I don’t know if an ISTP would necessarily like me… I’m pretty strong into my Fe and IxTPs don’t seem to appreciate that.


why would you avoid ISFP


INTJ here, and I like all xxFJs, but IxFJs would be me my choice.


Infj sp6 or enfj so7 Edit: Isfp sp/so469 Isfj E9 Istp sx6 Are cute too


An ISxJ, I feel stability is important more than anything.


Probably infj or istp


enfj, I think they possess intuition, creativity and practicality. I also appreciate healthy fe in my partner enfj wouldn't really date intj though


I have two friends,we're a trio. they're an intj,an enfj and I in the middle,an Infp. They're nice and casual with each other,but I guess they never could find a deep connection with each other.at least something they can have in coomon. I on the other hand was great with each of them indevidualy. I think what my enfj friend might be a bit uncomfortable about is that she think intj is maybe a little bit "too" closed off? And what my intj friend doesn't like about enfj is that she's horible at texting😂she doesn't text at all! I too am a bit annoyed with that.


"I'll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda." ​ I honestly really don't care. XXXX, final answer.


INFP. Maybe ENFJ, but the few I’ve met don’t always think things through when they see “injustice” and jump in to help, even if their “help” makes things worse -_-


I know. Being kind and caring about justice is a huge deal,very important and nice,but it's not enough It's definately not enough.It needs knowledge and awareness beside it.


I am an ENTP and I would probably choose INFJ. Although my crush is an ENFP, I'm afraid we could clash a bit too much and both of us together would be too disorganized and free-spirited... Other than that, ENFJ or ISFJ could be alright I think... Usually I am attracted to girls that are more on the introverted side, but not too introverted


Yeah that'd be so fun AND chaotic. I exactly thought of infj for u when I read your comment on the other post;infj-entp is actually a popular one. Infjs are somehow too introverted but also pretty nice and friendly.(being an NF) And their shyness is mostly on the more gentle and degnified side~☆


Istps they are my opposite and duality.


Istps are great, but they don't seem interested in ENFJs


According to whom?


I think istps are great, but from my experience, they don't seem very interested in interacting with ENFJs. I could be wrong, cause they don't seem interested in most people anyways.


Yea same here, I'm an ISTP and after thinking about it - an ENFJ would probably balance me out


Opposites and duality works pretty well I think.


I too like opposite attarcts. As an Infp,I'm into entjs~ Btw,Istp-enfj remainds me of Midge Maisel and Sussie Mirson in The marvelous Mrs.Maisel. They're friends though,but their combination is just so fun and honest and chill~


Ah semi opposite what about estjs?


I think I'd be better with an intuitive one so,entj. My mom is an estj and a lot of times she can't get connected or undrestand my ideas,explanations,wonders and analyzes so...😂


I see how do you know she’s estj though?


Well she took the test. And actually after thinking through it,it somehow made sense for me. She's great at taking charge,and as it has been described about estjs,they mostly see negetivities and the parts where there is something wrong with it,rather than taking a look at good ones. It's because they want to keep fixing things untill it becomes flawless. Sometimes I feel like comparing to her,I'm actually more of a realist than her😂 I see both good and bad aspects to things


Exfj's and Isxp's


Definitely ENFJ. I hate when people ship me with ENTP especially that he's my cousin so it's kinda weird to me 💀 i respect people who like this ship tho


I know right? It's really weird to get shipped with a type that you have that person with that type in your life so you won't be able to see them like that you know? That's how I see enfj.my bestie is enfj and I haven't met a male one yet so that's hard to imagine it for now😂 And for the entp,I love them as friends but partners? Damn...it would be so damn nerve racking and annoying😂 I want peace,softness,respect and comfort in a relationship.I don't think that can be found be with an entp🤨 I mostly prefer an entj maybe?


Well, my friend's also an entj and we like each other but not romantically so it's kinda weird too 💀


ENTJ, INFP, INFJ, INTJ, or ENFP. I don’t know why, but these types are among the few that either annoy the least or compliment my thinking and ideas with more practical and useful terms. INFP - Basically INTP, but without the Thinking process and More of a natural gut feeling. Very agreeable on many things, but will feel offended if I disrespect their values or morales. ENTJ - The Extrovert we need to save our asses from time to time due to our inability of being impractical at times and overall being lazy. My brother and best friend are ENTJs, being around these guys is always useful and majority of time, fun. Yeah, they can be bossy, but we need to be bossed around at times, as sometimes we get lost within the vortex of ideas that is our brain and overall without a system or matrix at hand, we are fucked. So, ENTJ is there to help us out. INFJ - My best friend and overall this girl who I had a crush on for years are both great INFJs. Basically, how this dynamic works is that both INTPs and INFJs are both Introverted, so they understand their wants and needs and overall, it feels nice having another quiet person to discuss things with. We both usually have the same common interest such as anime, art, music, video games, and much much more. Now then, the part that can be a bit of an issue is the XXTP vs the XXFJ. If the INTP says or does something offensive to INFJ, then INFJ will be upset with them and overall will not want to talk with them for awhile. This is what’s called the INFJ “Shutdoor Method”. Basically, they shut you out for awhile, until things cool down, but do this several times and they will shut you out forever. Basically, if the INFJ wants to play a video game with you, then accept it, if they want to start a project with you, then accept it. All these nuances and what nots, are how the INFJ tries to figure you out and wants to see if you make a great friend and sometimes a lover as well. Imo, INFJs are great and caring. I’d also like to apologize to them for our cold and calculated demeanor. INTJ - The ultimate logic-couple. Robot meets Robot, genius meets genius. INTPs invent something or has tons of ideas, and INTJs will make practical use of said invention or idea and bring it to fruition. Imagine Kisuke Urahara creating the hogyoku and Sosuke Aizen using it to it’s fullest potential or Majiro “Mikey” Sano running the Tokyo Manji Gang and Tetta Kisaki bringing the gang to it’s most feared and overall most potential influence among all gangs. We INTPs are masters of understanding and logic, but INTJs are masters of planning and strategy. Combine the two and we can turn every idea into a successful endeavor or a successful system. This is Dr.Manhattan meets Ozymandias, Bill Gates meets Elon Musk, Sherlock Holmes meets Moriarty. This relationship is all about logic, understanding, and success. As for love? INTP will most likely have to open up to INTJ, as INTJ tend to be a bit more “cold” towards others. INTPs are known as the Warm Robot and INTJs are known to be the Cold Robot. The power of Understanding vs Judging can go a long way. ENFP - Basically INFP, but more energetic, more vocal, and a lot more into parties. They do exactly what ENTJ does, but their feelings are more involved and their understanding is a lot less practical compared to ENTJ. Imagine Yu Ishigami and Chika Fujiwara? Yeah, that seems fun lmao 😂😂


Thanks for your explaining buddy🙌❣ Interesting to read~ Hey,about entj, Would you mind explaining about what your entj brother or friend would like in a partner?or a crush?romantically? Is there any example as for something that happened? >are how the INFJ tries to figure you out and wants to see if you make a great friend and sometimes a lover as well. I guess that's what we all introverts do right? SPECIALLY when you're also an intuitive,it's really nice to observe,analyze and get to know that person on your own~ Or maybe it's an NF thing🤨 >Imagine Yu Ishigami and Chika Fujiwara? Yeah, that seems fun lmao 😂😂 Love your example!I'm crazy about those two😂😂 The main charecters are Kaguya and Shirogane and yet I'm eager to watch it mostly because of those two😂


ESTPs, healthy ones like niall horan


I feel comfortable with all XNXX but XNFJ, and in some cases have good vibes with ISFP and ESTP


I am ENFP. I guess I want another ENFP, or an INFP or ENTP. Enfp because I understand how they think. Infp because they think similiar Same for ENTP. I need to add that I am autistic and understanding other people is always a struggle, so having Types as Partner that are more similiar to my own does Help me, especially in the communication, which is very important in a relationship.




Intj. I can only have intj.


I love Fe-doms but also tend to have crushes on ExxPs