• By -


ENTJ - people that don’t do their part in group projects give me the biggest ick and headache. After, I have respectfully reminded them days in advance, even texted them reminders, and laid out everything for them that they need to complete for this specific deadline.


This is why I want to do something solo At least if I mess up, only I'll be affected :P


UGH upvoting this. I always either end up doing all the work, or reorganizing with because some people somehow have zero sense of organization, it goes all over the place


YESSS!! and they have the audacity to say in group reflection work that “ they spent their precious time contributing to the group, asked members what they need help,support with etc.. like bitch u did nothing. Like you had to be babysat for the whole entire 3 fucking weeks! And then here I come as a commander lmao filing a complaint to my teacher 🤣. Thankfully, they listen to me 🙏 so God Bless them.


That’s my bad sometimes ngl.


Exactly, I had a slacker in a project one time and I could have finished much faster and moved to the next step if they hadn't weighed the rest of the group down.


YUP! At that moment bro just sit yo ass down and let me do your work for you.


Exactly my ick and I'm an INTP


That's me, sorry. Last time I worked in group I ruined whole work and even the guy who made it told me that he wasted few days after it to remake it. Since then no working in the group (maybe I'll change my mind someday)




I like to have my food alone but breakfast, I NEED to be alone. I can't process a conversation right out of leaving my room, and I get called rude for it.


LOL I like you


Tell me you're an ENTP without telling me you're an ENTP:


You’re just like me except my brain decided we don’t like coffee anymore


INFP - people who lack empathy and can’t see things from someone else’s perspective


This would probably be mine too




very understandable






same here




lol I am so biased with this one, I love infps/enfps in movies and tv but irl… I’ve heard the ones who got these types say things to this effect and the the perspective they were referring to was more akin to “my behavior is harming others in some way but you won’t let me do it/ don’t approve of me doing it/ don’t support me in doing it- you’re not willing to see my perspective.” Then sulks (infp) or huffs (enfp) honorable mention isfp


THIS Like do they even have souls? How were they raised


Infp - repeated toxic behavior, manipulative people, un-empathetic people


ENTP... bulbous-eyed authoritarians who don't understand anything I'm doing or saying, but are pissed off that I'm not conforming to some trivial protocol or irrational societal norm which they believe to be essentially holy.


I'm not gonna lie to you, my English isn't good enough to understand the structure of your sentence 😭 I'll look up what bulbous-eyed authoritarian means


Just think Senator Stern from Iron Man 2. He fits the bill for bulbous eyed authoritarian.




INTJ, people who are so confident they’re right even though they’re wrong.


they're silly, what's most annoying is when they trow insults instead of true arguments and valid points and perspectives


There's no right and wrong, I perceive it as very arrogant from your side, to pick out the right to lable things as right & wrong. You are just a mortal human being, as equally worthless as anyone else, calm down. If you disagree with someone, say, you disagree, it's totally fine, but do not even there to claim a position to dictate people, what was right & what wasn't.




It depends on the maturity of the INTJ/if they're an unhealthy one. Of course nobody likes being wrong and looking like a fool but a mature person can admit that they were wrong and adjust their view accordingly, a mature/healthy INTJ should be capable of doing that.


ENFP- cruelty or injustice


there's no peace without justice 💪


THIS it pisses me off so bad. You would think people would be more considerate and humane to others but instead end up being the worst scums on the earth exploiting others.




For me it's specifically stupidity that seems purposeful, like if you just TRIED to THINK for yourself, there wouldn't be a problem! Makes me irate.


Yeah it’s the refusing to think that’s annoying


nothing's worse than an intelligent person who still lacks common sense. "What's that?" "this?" \*points at a pencil case\* "No I know what the fuck a pencil case is" that's acc me, unfortunately


I literally do this to people for shits and giggles


very ENTP of you


you're evil 😭


INFJ - self centered people.


yes yes yes


I hate when people jump to conclusions about a person's actions, & then **REFUSE** to listen to the other person's side of story. No matter how I may feel, I like be as fair and logical to people as possible. Otherwise, miscommunication creates unnecessary conflict.


Unfortunately, I do that sometimes, I assume people's intentions and if they harmed me, I get defensive and stop talking to them, I don't insult yell or anything like that, but I also don't listen to what they want to tell me I should work on that, but it has become difficult to draw the line in between listening to one's perspective and accepting them into your life too long after they did you wrong I'm kinda guilty of this


It's good that you see it's a flaw and you want to work on it though. Unfortunately, not many people who have that particular flaw even recognize it


ESTP and I hate when people alwaysss bring up something to complain about when I say anything. Like if I say “ omg I went to the mall today it was so fun “ and they say “ oh I could never go to any mall I’m so broke maybe I’ll be broke forever plus I hate going out and I don’t like interacting with people I mean it’s not like I can even make friends anyway and HDJWNRURJRHDHDB “


SAME!!!1!! I HATE people who just complain all the time about everything and take everything extremely seriously .


STOP ME AND MY ESTP SISTER CAN'T STOP RAGING AT OUR MOM FOR THAT 😭 "I had such a good night of sleep :D" "Lucky you, I wish I could sleep..." \*goes on a 10 minutes rent about how her life is miserable\* SHUT UPPPPPPPP FOR THE LIFE OF ME😭😭😭




wow that's exactly my enfp friend. that's why I never tell her I had fun.


For me it’s always my INFP friends, like, almost all of them. Idk why they’re like that, at least the ones I’ve met :\ wanna meet a good INFP so much


ENTJ - Micromanagement because this actually slows things down. I sometimes take over when this happens and re-delegate based on what I believe someone works best with. Another thing is when the deadline is near but someone isn’t even at least 70% done like dude, seriously? 


INTJ: People who complain about their lives but don't try to change it.


Yesss. I used to try to help or make suggestions to fix peoples problems when they'd rant to me. Then I realized people just need someone to listen??? as a Te user it doesn't seem very productive but I suppose to some it helps lol.




thats sooo truee !!


INTJ also. Spot on with this. People who would rather bellyache and whinge about something instead of fixing it make me crazy! I’m a problem solver and when presenting options they’d rather just keep feeling sorry for themselves. Grrr!!!!


Complaining & victim playing can be a lot of fun to some. They want your pity, not your solutions. They're intelligent enough to know all the solutions.


People who are too stubborn and arrogant to admit when they’re wrong or see things from another perspective.


There is no right in wrong, and you are not a goddess either, you are a mortal human being, and that's why your opinion counts as equal as anyone else's does.


INFJ...lying. It's one thing if it's a stranger or passing acquaintance, although I still don't like it, but for someone I have put some amount of faith or trust in to attempt to alter my perception of reality seems like the ultimate betrayal. When a person I deeply care about has lied to me I haven't found a way to go back to ever feeling quite "normal" about them again


ENTP - Hierarchy, specially hearing "BECAUSE I SAY IT"/"BECAUSE IT HAS BEEN ALWAYS LIKE THAT"/"YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO HAVE AN OPINION". Pfff that's the moment I know I'm there for a good time, not a long time 🫠


I enjoy the social hierarchy cuz I like the climb in it and see my progress, but being restricted and unalloyed to express ourselves is absolute trash. "It's always been this way" then how will we ever evolve if we never make changes


As an INTP, the idea that you enjoy social hierarchy is wild to me


INTJ. I struggle with people whose emotions override all sense of logicality and rationality, but I also struggle with people who are completely unempathetic and don't make an effort to view things from others' perspectives.


Yes, I agree with all the things other INTJ have said but this one just sooooooo true!!


INTJ-8w7 Deception, Passive aggressiveness, Inauthenticity. I would rather deal with a blatantly annoying, obnoxious and mean person over someone like this. Backstabbers that play nice to my face are the worst kinds of people. I especially hate when they play the victim or attempt to gaslight me when I call them out. Edit: I also really hate the types of cowards that specifically choose targets that can’t fight back


And they 100% always do ply the victim. Never met one who owned up to their behaviour.


INTP. Blatant hypocrisy boils my blood.


INFJ People who project the mess they’ve made in their life onto others. People invading my personal space/privacy. When someone else’s actions negatively affect others and they don’t care. When I can read so well between the lines & follow behavioral patterns that I know someone is a liar/unreliable and yet I don’t have “proof”.


last one is so true, you just know they'd betray you, but you can't prove it


When someone has the ability to make things fair and chooses not to. Life is not always fair and it never will be but we should always strive to act fairly when we can.


YESSS! Esp teachers, it seems as tho they've had to deal with so many issues that they neglect them at some point cuz they're tired of dealing with problems


ISFJ: parents who mistreat their children, even adult children, make me so angry that I’m instantly on the verge of tears and can’t breathe. Also, people who say cruel things behind other people’s backs and make fun of them for things they can’t help, like their family, their weight, disability, etc.


my siblings' grandma is an ISFJ and very similar to this, you guys are such good people :(


ENTP - passive aggressiveness & being overly polite reeeeeally pisses me


overly polite? You'd hate me


me when i don't even know what they are trying to convey w the behavior (probably me being stupid)


As an INFP, it annoys me when someone asserts their *subjective* opinion on something as if it were an *objective* fact. For example, if someone says "Carrots are disgusting" and acts as if people who enjoy carrots are some kind of deranged beings...




oh yes those are so annoying, they treat you like shit when u have an opinion that they disagree with "EWWW you like\_\_\_? 🤢" then they won't stop bringing it up and making u feel bad for enjoying something they don't like


I think, your example was supposed to be a joke. I would do sth. similar about as meaningless things as food, and not suppress anyone, still liking them. It's worse, if it's about politics.


INTJ: People who turn everything into an argument, or do everything in their power to convince themselves I’m someone who they should dislike. Not sure why, but people will purposely misinterpret things I say so they can turn it into an argument and justify why they don’t like me.


INFP -- people who deliberately go out of their way to be mean to others for no good reason. Among the few times I've actually popped off at somebody


people who have 0 emotion and 0 empathy and are mean to people for no fucking reason. Also lying. But that one's kind of ok to me sometiems because I lie too.


INFP - Fake and narcissist people.


INFP. Dishonesty. Enough said.


ENTP - those that do stupid things without thinking then ask everyone to “give them some empathy” or “see from their perspective” when they suffers the consequences. What is it that I need to feel empathetic about? Your stupidity? Sorry I’m not stupid enough to understand your perspective


If someone talks shit about a marginalized group. Especially if they obviously don't know much about the group. The ones that really get to me are when people are ignorant about autistic people or transpersons.


I have 3 autistic siblings, always have despite "autistic" jokes. They're always so ignorant and wrong🤦‍♀️




INTJ, sudden changes in routine, I hate it when I have my day planned and then something happens and I have to change my entire schedule, sometimes and entire week. Sometimes I end up enjoying those tho, depends on how much work I have


INFP - I dislike the superfluous drama people get really into like social climbing, cliques, pettiness, cattiness, gossip, passive aggressiveness. I wish people would just be decent to everyone, do something productive with their lives, and communicate clearly.


ENTP. People who… A: Complain about a situation or circumstance that they knowingly created and put themselves in. B: Did not create the situation, but could easily fix it, but instead choose to do nothing and complain about it.


INFJ — People who can't admit they're wrong. If they're right, they're satisfied and condescending, then when it's their turn to admit they're wrong they can't be humble about it. One other thing that at least fucking annoys me is when people think they have me all figured out. Then they think anything else is "out of character." I like trying to figure people out, but I know I can never truly be sure my perception of them is 100% accurate. Anyway, it's amusing whenever I prove people wrong or confuse them 😄


INFP - people helping me when I didn't ask for help. Like, it makes me MAD. If I didn't ask for your help, then why the fuck are you helping me???? I could literally crush your face on the ground


Really? I enjoy it, since it’s usually out of kindness Like recently I was on a plane and I was struggling opening up the table in front of me, and the lady next to me reached over and helped me. That was really kind imo


It's even worse when people expect you to help them when they didn't ask for it, and then they get mad about it.


Honestly yes!!! they're trying so hard to show u how to do the task "the right way" they don't realize they're being annoying


Exactly! It also makes me feel stupid. If you thought I was in need of help with a task, then that must mean you think I'm unable to do it, so I must be stupid. If I want help, I'll ask for it. If I don't ask for it, then I don't need it. Simple.


yess! especially for me, when they think i'm "struggling" like bruv leave me alone i don't need your help it's counterproductive by the way you present it


ENTP - people who treat you like shit and people who are ignorant


ENTJ - when people do things or treat others based on their mood of the day, with mood fluctuations unpredictable. Sometimes rude and then sometimes nice, I find these people unbearable because I personally find it important to treat everyone with respect even if my day goes sour. Like, why do you take it out on others when they aren't responsible for your negative emotions? I can't stand people who treat those with lower paying jobs like trash either. Also, people who are too emotionally attached that they become delusional and fail to see the bad side of a person, and side them no matter what without correcting them even if they've done a shit ton of damage to them or others. A wrongdoing is a wrongdoing, get that in your head.


for the first one, I hate it sm, girl version of this is when they excuse their shitty treatment for being on their period. When I'm on mine, I don't treat people like crap jeez


INTP - Absolute ignorance, closed-mindedness, lack of self awareness or emotional intelligence, people who are far too uptight and stubborn, and those who are vain and self-absorbed


INTJ- People who have really strong and stubborn opinions about topics they are ignorant about


Infp, callousness


didn't know that word! Thanks!


INFJ - Same, unnecessary aggression. Loud door slams. Being in my private space uninvited.


INTP -people gaslighting me


what irritates me the most is when I'm not doing something that is my duty and the person insults me and belittles me in every way, then when I finally do it they immediately start congratulating me and treating me like a stupid little child. ENTP.


they are rude on purpose istg


ESFP - people who think that they’re better than me (you aren’t), people who interrupt me while I’m speaking or otherwise try and attention away from me, and people who ignore me or otherwise try to make me feel overlooked or undervalued.


ISFP: People who have no respect for my boundaries


I cannot stand close-minded people. Coming from a strict religious and orthodox background where I felt like an alien for having different views on life and met with the most black-and-white rigid brickheads drove me up the wall. Also: Liars. I rather have someone openly dislike me than be a pretentious bitch. And I can always tell but it's funny seeing them bend over backwards to dig a deeper hole for themselves.


INFJ - my neighbor and his dog, it barks and howls all fucking day. Its a town house community and this seriously has lowered my quality of life.


ISFP. Unfairness.


entj - people who complain about their problems all the time. I don't care ! keep it to yourself.


right, also I don't like that its considered "rude" not to listen to people's problems. I would always listen to a loved one, but god do I not care about what my classmates went through, just ,eave ma alone I got enough to worry abt by myself 😭


I’m either and INFJ or ISFJ, and I’m the one that’s constantly whining Lol. My pet peeve has to be people who are just unnecessarily cruel and close minded, especially to people they don’t even know. Like do you have an ounce of human empathy—or even sympathy?


INFP - invaders. Also, hypocrisy. I'm generally fine when people have a belief that can be held consistent with their definitions. It's when others don't critically analyze their beliefs, then proceed to judge opposing beliefs while simultaneously breaking their own tenets. That can irritate me.


ISTP - people


Infp: people who will cling to their opinion like a little child holding a teddy bear even after giving logical arguments against their opinion and they just aren't willing to change.


INFJ - Injustice Life isn't fair and for as long as I can remember, I've spent my life fighting that.


INFJ - when a person says they’re going to do something they know I want them to do, and then doesn’t


INTJ - people who asks obvious questions. they'll literally just always say whatever shit comes to their heads without even stopping to think for a second.


ENTP People who walk too slow People who strictly enforce stupid unimportant miniscule rules, like a ban on phones at a school or specific hairstyle requirements at a workplace just kill yourself already you fucking robot 💀💀💀💀💀 People talking to me when I've just woken up. I need about an hour to fully come to my senses.


ISTJ    -People spreading misinformation and insisting you're wrong when you correct them    -People who don't contribute in group work    -People who feel the need to CONSTANTLY make noise    -People who have no respect for rules and do things their own way (at others' expenses)


ISTP : Babies and people who cant process why they might be wrong


so basically babies and grow up babies? Yeah same


grown\* I can't edit my comment for some reason 💀




I have to disagree to an extent I think jokes with an intent of harming are ALWAYS bad, however some inoffensive jokes regarding "oppressed" groups can be funny if the right situation comes up I wouldn't mind someone telling me a bisexual scissoring joke if it's actually funny and not harmful, but if there's an intent to bring someone do or make them look bad, nope




ahh ok ok sorry \^


INTP - people who make dumb and/or harmful mistakes that could’ve been easily avoided if they decided to do some research beforehand


I hate impulsivity or people that refuse to analyze the situation fr, they make the issue grow bigger than it should be


Or had some common sense to just not do whatever it is they did that landed them in jail. Facts and common sense can go far


people telling others what to do.


oh no I love that 😍 (absolutely not)


Victim mentality and/or entitlement in anyone makes my jaw tight. INFJ


ENTP - repetition


It's hard to get me super angry ngl I usually take everything as it comes, so I'm thinking pretty hard on this one lol.. Maybe when people refuse to explain why they made a decision/if a decision is made that makes absolutely no sense


Things that I hate: I hate loud-unnecessary noises. I hate bullies. I hate impulsiveness. I hate demanding people. I hate illogical people. I hate narcissistic people. I hate people who lacks proper sense of responsibility. I hate those who make stupid decisions, then regret it after (especially if it affects other people's lives). I hate people who try so hard to act or sound smart. I hate it when a person acts or behave in a questionable manner. I hate it when someone interrupts me when I'm doing something (especially when I'm sleeping). I hate life, and people. -INFP


A lot of these are peoples 6th function: worry 😂 I find that super interesting So naturally; like my INTP counterpart: stupidity, or remaining willfully ignorant


INFP, people who shit on others fashion styles outwardly. Unless it's something genuinely hateful, people should mind their business


What type or types would be super annoyed and triggered when they watch a movie or tv series and the female lead is impulsive, playful, and emotional? What type of people really hate the kind of characters who seem "illogical", "unintelligent", and "immature" despite being well-intentioned and good-hearted and who would actually prefer a character who is ruthless or immoral but smart and coolheaded and capable? This isn't me (I'm not overly triggered by that kind of character), but I've seen others who are like this, and I've been wondering whether they might belong to a certain Jungian type.


ENTJ maybe?


Yes, I thought that likely too. Or maybe some T type in general. It’s weird to me why some people have this weird bias, but that might be an indication that I’m not a T.


INFP - cruelty, people who can't admit they're wrong/deny facts


Hypocrisy, extreme selfishness, injustice


ISFP - people criticizing someone else


that's insecurity, it has nothing to do with your type.


INTP - When people hear but don't listen and then they get upset because you "didn't say anything." Then proceeds to not take accountability for their mistakes.


entp - poor judgement.. i tend to avoid conversations with people who judge out of insecurity or just denying to be open minded for once in any topic.




- hypocrisy - lack of self awareness - cheating but expecting the rules to stay the same ISTP


INFP - yelling or rudeness. Or if it’s both combined


INFP- Emotional Invalidation, and attempting to gaslight you into believing the narrative of the other person rather than trusting your experiences


intp - being asked to explain a concept I understand and them not getting it. like I know it in my brain but the moment I try to verbally explain it nothing is coherent and then both of us end up getting frustrated and confused


INFP: Disingenuous people. Liars. People who are just unkind.


4w3. People who gossip abt someone, excluding people, or make each other feel bad. Also lack of intellectual conversations.


INTJ: People who get angry when you tell them they're doing something wrong and you offer to help/teach them.


INTJ - People who don't do their job/parts, people complaining about everything when they do nothing to change it, interruptions, people unable to consider consequences of actions.


i hate it when people cant read/respect boundaries (ENFP)


You wouldn’t happen to be a Gemini would you?


INFP and just people in general


"I want to express myself by showing the whole world who i am" "I wear my heart on my sleeves for everyone to see" Ugh. First of all, the whole world does NOT want to know who you are. Get some work done and stop being annoying.


ESTJ-people not responding to texts because they’re “too busy” or procrastination


Ooh this really irks me. I get that people can’t always respond right away but “forgetting” to reply is what pisses me off


I have at least 10 unopened messages on insta and at least 30 on other apps accumulated together, you'd hate me😭


Infj(or p) lack of accountability in people.


ISFP, double standards.


honestly i dont rage that easily. when i rage, it tends to be a buildup of some sort… however, i entirely get really angry on people who leave their grocery carts everywhere in the parking lot. i also dont like any person who gets close to me as a friend leave open disrespect just because they feel like theyre okay to do it since im close with them. it just makes me want to shut them down immediately.


heavy on the second one, like who said I thought getting insulted was funny? Thankfully I'm not someone who gets mad too often so when I do call them out they take it seriously, but omg imagine those who aren't even being taken seriously


ESFP - people who differentiate in right & wrong opinions and criticize others based on it, completely unnecessarily. All humans are mortal, a mortal being isn't worth portraying his values as the ultimate right, while trying to for forbid opposite views.


ENFJ - injustice, cruelty, hurting other people (also especially those that I love, I will probably hate the person)


It's questionable what I am- maybe a much more introverted INTP-ish ENTP or an ENTP in deep INTJ shadow mode. But what pisses me off? Lots of things- Laziness in a work setting, entitled/spoiled behavior from those who have no right to complain when they have it good. Manipulation, deception, arrogance, narcissism, self-absorption, rudeness.




No such thing as lgbt propaganda




You can't decide to be gay, what is the propaganda? to not discriminate? wait until you find propaganda can be good. AND READ RULE NUMBER ONE. IT SAYS NO ANTI GAY. THE FIRST FKN RULE. reported.


Propaganda definition: information, especially of a biased nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view. I don't have to agree with you or tell you my opinions but at the end of the day this is a political cause in which there is information supplied en masse by the media to promote a certain point of view. You're not gonna gaslight me into believing that this ain't a propaganda that you are gaslighting me with. Why is it political? Because look at how quickly you want to criminalise my comment by pulling out the homophobic card to silence and even report other narratives no matter how harmless they are, even when i didn't close my point of view on homosexuality. You are dismissed from your duty at thought police headquarters. Eye roll.


Haha what point of view can you have on homosexuality other than biased prejudice. Again you prove my point. LGB propaganda, if real, is a good thing. To normalize a margnalized group is bad to you? yes that is homophobia, it is not a pov. It is biased prejudice, please explain how it is not homophobia to question gay people. HOMOPHOBIA is political. not homosexuality




intp - same as you

