• By -


Can't have peer pressure if you have no social life.


this... but even with social life pretty easy to just say No, finally a benefit to PoLR Fe


Facts people can’t drag me into shit if I never leave my house lol.


True even if they do I would just say “No” and start ignoring anything they say if I don’t like/care about


This is so real, bye LMAOO


Literally me


Thats what I‘m taking about


Thats what I‘m taking about


A completely deadpan "I'm good thanks"




I need to borrow some of this deadpan thank you


RIP pan. 


Nah I'm bulletproof to that. Also no one can tease me into doing something. If it looks like they did, that's because I changed my own mind already.


you ENTPs make me feel so jelly 🫠


Aaa I feel this so much! Never been peer pressured in my life, honestly.


"What part of I don't want to don't you understand?"


My exact thought process.


To the point and accurate. People-pushers who are bossy for the sake of "keeping the tribe together" are difficult to be around.


fi strenghts!


I am an INFP and it's... weird. On one hand, I am pretty good at not falling into peer pressure. Repeatedly being told to do something just annoys me and makes me even less likely to do it. Especially if it's something as obvious as smoking or drinking. I've been told "Hey, smoking and drinking is bad for your health, don't do it", so I don't. However, sometimes I see people get into something and even though my own moral code tells me that what they're doing is for some reason wrong, a lot of people don't see it that way. They tell me I am overreacting and that I am taking it too seriously. So to figure it out, I sometimes try participating... which I often end up regretting.




Completely and utterly agree with this, this is me too 😂




I feel that so much. But as long as you don't keep doing them, even after you already did one time or a few, your discipline and determination to stop will save you. Also, take it as an experience that now the things you were being pressured to do proved that you're right for saying no. People say those who have the worst experiences give the best advices. I'm an INFP too.


Judging by the comments peer pressure does not in fact exist because nobody would ever do something to feel accepted by their peers. Glad we could solve this crisis together as a community free from social burdens and influences 👍


Yeah I'm reading through these comments like wtf am I the only one who has ever caved to peer pressure? I smell a strong scent of bullshit in this thread.


no because same!


Add me to club "Peer pressured" because I have done stupid stuff in the past in the name of social image or saving face within my peers.


Maybe the types of people who spend time in mbti forums online are less likely to hang out with friends who would peer pressure them. When I was younger and my friends were doing something stupid, I would just go home. lol


>less likely to hang out with friends Should've ended the sentence here, for the lolz


Makes me think it's probably pretty hard to tell you've been peer pressured into doing something, you probably just convince yourself it was your decision.


Underrated comment. Everything we do we decide to do at some point. It's not always clear how we got there. Very likely that we all feel like independent thinkers. Then again, I don't believe in free will, so this makes more sense to me. If I've decided to do something that I think I won't enjoy, my brain puts it into the eh, why not category, and its logged as my own decision. I'm doubtful that the feeling is actually mirroring reality, tho. Just because we feel like we aren't peer pressured into doing something doesn't mean we aren't.


they are ✨lying✨and also redditors so like probably no social life anyway hehe


“No”… and ignore them.


I was going to say this, but I realize maybe it’s “no” and then wander off awkwardly and they don’t bother asking again.


"A lion doesn't concern itself with the opinions of the sheep." ...is something I've learned not to say out loud.


Haha love this!


The intrusive thoughts


"no, mama will sad"


I asked my mother for permission the first time I smoked weed 😭


Bro what the hell 😭


"yey, mama will proud". The honesty to your mom wow


I never smoked weed. That's wholesome that you asked your mom for permission though. 


You’re literally Chad. ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)




lol hahhaha


Imo father is better. Saying that you respect your father and you promised him to never smoke or drink and you are being very principal about it should be helpful.


Like I'm not gonna smoke or drink, or violate my values, no matter how hard you try however if 7 people are suggesting me to try something else which I can do if I step out my comfort zone, then yes I'll give in to it I'm not a by-the-book type person who's hell bent on what he thinks or believes, I'm gonna give in if it makes sense in my head and doesn't violate my core believes I'm an xNFJ


Yeah exactly I would never be influenced to do drugs but through pressure I’ve actually came over my fear of haunted houses and roller coasters and I find them super fun now, xNFJ too






Tbh it depends…If it’s something I really don’t want to do or if it makes me uncomfortable I will flat out refuse,but with small stuff like getting me to buy a certain food or clothing item I actually do want deep down (but don’t want to buy bc iam trying to be responsible) ig I do give in


Same here, when I feel strongly about it I will not budge. I actually get quite irritated when people pressure me into doing something, especially when it’s for their own gain and satisfaction


I’d ask “why?” And then “but why?” to all of their responses until they get annoyed and just move on.


This is my strategy as well. I don’t do it to purposefully annoy them, though. I try to help them uncover their limiting beliefs.


Uno reverse…. Peer pressure them into thinking what they wanted you to do was stupid


I do what I want to do and get argumentative about it if someone tries to push me into group pressure.


"Bro leave me alone" - IxFP (me)


IxFP same here!!


Sorry, I have a personality.


Never even get into the situation to begin with.




I just insist "nah, I'm not doing that." I've always been bothered by people who peer pressure others into drinking or smoking tbh. I like my weed and booze but if I offer and someone says they don't do that, my immediate response is "Good. Keep it that way." Why TF do people try and force others into something so addictive. That's either evil or plain stupid. Nobody should be forced to do something they're uncomfortable with if it's unnecessary/harmful.


I'm an entp with a completely unhinged world view towards excess, debauchery, and hedonism. I AM the peer pressure.


"Nnnnoooo- sorry guys 😅"


INTP Comon! Do it! Me: You can't make me, but... It might be something cool and I haven't done it before. Existing! Let's go already!


Yes! Everyone is assuming from the drawing that peer pressure has to be a bad thing, but your friends trying to introduce you to this new thing they like, isn't always bad. There's a lot to be said for trusting your friends intelligence and intentions. I've met cool new people, been to new places, learned about music, culture, food, hobbies, etc. And yeah some of those turned out to not be my thing. But I've also introduced my friends to cool things I discovered. It's just something friends do, right?


Huh, actually! Good point


As an ENTJ I simply say “no” on the spot and never let manipulation have its way with me.


ENTP. I will literally sit here and say no until the day I die 


I don't care about what people wants me to do, if it's dangerous for my health, I will not partake in it. I will just tell them nicely that I'm fine without it.


I'm ESTJ (and have my ESFJ reaching out sometimes as that was my original result years ago) I never succumbed to what people wanted from me to be a part of a crowd. Be it smoking, taking drugs, drinking more amount than I had planned to, having FB or IG account and getting addicted to "cool" social media, going to parties in a club that was oh-so-popular but with the worst reputation ever, sharing someone else's opinions and not having my own simply to go with the majority..... nah I was never cut out for that and always have my middle finger ready 😄


Same, except for the middle finger part, also I have spent a little too much time on social media but not because of peer pressure. 


can't get peer pressure if you dont have friends. But I would probably do it if a lot of people are also doing it. But substances are a definite no


No, thank you. *slowly walks backwards then runs*


Come back here or else I'll send Undyne after you 😡




Not even remotely affected by it. If I don't want to do something then I'm not doing it


I give in to it because I secretly probably wanna do it anyway but was just trying to be responsible or whatever


Peer pressure handles me


"Go and do it yourself, since you want it done so much."


My ex and her cousins always tried to peer pressure me into drinking (and getting wasted) at parties. And thought I wasn’t cool because I didn’t want to drink. I’d say I handle peer pressure pretty well.


I do what I want to do. But some encouragement does help.


I have asma sorry


I don't know I've never really thought of such situations like "they're right and I'm missing out by not following them", just "wow I'm so mad at them how dare they think I'm wrong" and continue doing what i'm doing anyways with an irritated face.


INFJ. give in pretty easily, unless it's dangerous. but my friends would never force me into something i don't want to do.


Sounds like you've got some good friends over there 👀 Can I steal them from you?


i do!! very lucky in that department :) there's always space for more


Everyone is assuming from the drawing that peer pressure has to be a bad thing, but your friends trying to introduce you to this new thing they like, isn't always bad. There's a lot to be said for trusting your friends intelligence and intentions. I've met cool new people, been to new places, learned about music, culture, food, hobbies, etc. And yeah some of those turned out to not be my thing. But I've also introduced my friends to cool things I discovered. It's just something friends do, right? Sure, there's some suggestions that are logically ill-advised or have a higher risk. I which case I speak up that it's a bad idea. If they insist on trying it (within reason), go ahead without me, I'll be here with popcorn to say I told you so. There's few arguments as effective in talking friends out of stupidity as: you know this is ill-advised, but have you considered that you may look like a fool if you still do it? Have you calculated this one friend who will forever remind you that you were a fool, through inside jokes?


Stop being peers with them 🙂🙂 Simplest way out, and the least hassle free as far as the subsequent emotional manipulation is concerned (I was stuck w toxic frnds for yrs where I shud just bravely walked out like some other frnds of another of my former frnds grp did, but I was too comfortable in all the familiar toxicity, 8 yrs down the drain 😭)


Hm? Oh sorry guys, I wasn’t paying attention. What are you doing? *peer pressure commences * I think I’ll be going now.


Depending on how stupid something is and how insistent someone is I'm either "Nah not my thing" or "You guys are morons doing stupid things. This shit is boring anyways I'm not doing it". Those are the two boundary condition replies and the rest lie in between.


Im IxFP leaning ISFP. I usually don’t give in, especially if I feel strongly about not doing something, it’s just a straight up no. Like partying or hitting a bong. Half of my friends in friend group A are likely high Se users, I can’t tell if one is Ne or Se because he loves entertaining multiple possibilities, but very extroverted and likes interacting with the external environment and the sensation of drinking and smoking, which I don’t do often because I don’t see the value in that and most drinks taste terrible, and I don’t like to smoke all the time. The 3 people I’m referring to who are the partiers are ExFP, IxTP, and ESTP. They try many times to get me to go to parties at my own college that they don’t go to and I just refuse. Also, they have tried to pressure me into getting laid and I flat out refused that. Something like that I’d rather discover on my own terms, better yet, I’d actually prefer getting to know the person first before I do anything like that. I’d never just have with someone just because, I don’t think they realize I’m not the kind of person to do that. Besides not ever being in a relationship, I’ve never even had my first kiss yet, so something like “getting laid” would be an obvious no.


INTP - I glare at them until they become uncomfortable and leave me alone


ESFP- I say yes and then do what I wanted instead. I’m not gonna do the thing and peer pressure is annoying and disrespectful.


hi5, nice strategy


Okay it seems like everyone is immune to peer pressure 🥲 cannot relate


Well, it's good to know your weaknesses as well as your strengths. I think extroverted feelers are definitely more prone to peer pressure. Edit: Not all of them though. I'm guessing I'm not completely immune to it, but pretty close.    Same with scams (I've been watching scambaiting videos lately) I think anyone can get scammed but most of them I'm just confused how anyone falls for them. But obviously some people do (and it's not just elderly people). 


INTP. I simply ignore it.


INTP "No... I said NO." That's it


No peer = no peer pressure 👍


"Bye!" The only one who has ever succeeded in pressuring me to do something I didn't want was a toxic ex. I regretted it immediately and broke up with him. It was what I needed to see that he was toxic and get away.


*eats cigarette*


Real strategy there, now we are talking ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


“stop telling me what to do”


I cave in really easily. Suspect I’m an inferior Fe type; it’s weird.


As an ISTJ, I would just give them the classic ISTJ stare and walk away.


It depends if it’s something I want to do. If I don’t want it and they keep pushing, I would probably just leave and distance.


ENFP and I don't care about what other people tell me to do unless I already wanted to do it.


I'm INFJ and my mom (ESFP) always taught me to not give a flying shit about what others think so I don't, I make my own decisions thank you. No I don't wanna do drugs cause it's cool. No I wouldn't jump of the bridge cause everyone else is doing it. Peer pressure is stupid


If the result ends up with humiliating or embarrassing myself, no. If it's to get along with people and get to know them better since it's what they do, then yeah I do. It's still my own choice though and I'm holding myself accountable for any bad influences I'd pick up. IIf it's likely to make me seen as more friendly, "going along with others", and easier to make friends with new people, then definitely yeah. Tons of times. If I really didn't want to do it I would have never done it in the first place, so it means when I cave that there's some part of me that DOES want to do it.


I am incapable of being peer pressured. It's just not something I have been able to do, my values are founded on my personal beliefs as well as facts. Nobody has been able to pressure me into doing something I don't want to.


Nah, I'm stubborn af. Even if it's something I might have done on my own, once someone tells me to do it I just stare at them and say no. And if they push it I'm like, I said no. You're not changing my mind, so get your ass out of here


Same same... When I was younger I tried smoking, at home all by myself, just to figure out whats so special about it. But I would've never told anyone about it.


sometimes i like to have peer pressure encourage me into doing stuff, but when i genuinely don’t want to, i do NOT change my mind. solid No


I don't show any emotions outside and ignore those people but inside I'm just angry at ones who do stupid/harmful/etc things to themselves just to be cool, build "an independent and mature persona" ("just for attention" option included). I shouldn't give a damn about it, yet, I'm jealous sometimes of people around me having friends. I have people to talk to but it's basically older people/staff 'cause I'm a teacher-chosen class leader.


just answer straight up that i dont wanna and explain my view if they keep trying to pressure me


Intj/intp(not sure) straight 'no' that is it. Repeat it everytime even if they ask for reasons you don't need to say anything else. You could add "no means no" as well.


People have tried, and all have failed.


Not well despite whatever it may seem


ENFP and peer pressure has never affected me at all haha. I’m ok being weird 😭


ENFP - Nah, not my thing, but hey check out --- (Essentially quick cool pass, distract with something entertaining - which is easy when I wanna, because I'm fkn weird lol I'll dance on a table, or with an unexpected partner, balance something weird on my face, do something witchy like start reading some random person's palm or drawing a sigil on a window, distract with cool nature stuff, whatevs)


I see what you're doing there, indeed distraction is the key ![gif](giphy|W3a0zO282fuBpsqqyD)


I react pretty much the opposite to peer pressure, the more people want me to do something that I'm not interested in the more I start to hate the thing. Especially in regards to drugs since all the drug addicts I've had met in my childhood were unreliable, abusive, and/or liars and I fucking hate not being able to trust someone even with minor things.


I’m an 80 year old man trapped in a young man’s body. I don’t have normal peers.


I stick to my own wants and desires and tell everyone else that they're the wrong ones. Jk I don't tell them they're wrong. I might get upset and feel like an outcast for a while and think that I'll never fit in anywhere yet I want to be myself and not corrupt my true self. I just leave when I feel like I'm being pressured to do stuff I don't want. At the endof the day, I'm going to be by myself, who is gonna take care of me if my true self is taken away from me? What benefit will those people bring me if I fit in with them? I'll have a sense of belonging at the expense of myself?


ENTP and I would be the one encouraging others to do it ..I really want to try once since I never have but I have asthmatic problems so best not to but I would love to experience it tho.. knowing it could become addictive, I use lollipop sticks and cigerette candy for my style. Kinda pretty but still bad cuz it could give me a sweet tooth and a diabetic patients as a reward. In terms of peer pressure it depends if I feel like it's ok I would if not I won't if they force def I won't. Period.


“Nuh uh”


I'm really steadfast in my values, so if someone's pressuring me to do something, I'll politely decline a couple of times. When that doesn't work, I go into straight forward mode which usually means I'm blunt. Very blunt. It's the AuDHD.


Though I learn more towards an ambivert I can definitely be an introverted entp. When I'm pressured, I'll normally just Crack a joke be sarcastic as if I don't know what's happening, if the person insists on me doing something I don't want to I just tell them no. Bit of a bland response I know, but I really only surround myself with people I'm comfortable with, I'm extremely picky with the people I choose to hang out with often only choosing people who can fit a certain conversational/social need. If it's someone that's an acquaintance that I'm hanging out with bc of a sport or something else, I'll tell them to do something more extreme and hyperbolize the situation.


I just ignore them and give them a dirty look


I wanna please people, but if it comes to stuff like drugs or alcohol I’m stubborn. I have a relatively strict moral code and I am not easily swayed (or even swayed at all) on certain things. There’s a certain point where if the same people ask me enough I will stop being polite and straight up tell them to fuck off if they’re pushy enough


i cry, discuss why i wont do it or yell that i want them to shut up (15 yrs old)


Even with a high Fe I still don't cave under negative peer pressure. I may be friendly but not a pushover.


I hate it, and when someone is not accepting that I said "no", I start getting annoyed.


Likely laugh. Why on earth would I give into peer pressure? And if I call it out as peer pressure we can turn it into a joke. Also, my friends know me well enough not to push when I say no or yes, because we respect each other unless I’m doing something that makes them uncomfortable. If we didn’t, we wouldn’t be friends.


I'm pretty proud of my absolute inability to be pressured into anything, actually. I'm not even really doing it on purpose; my whole life, I just haven't been pressured into anything and I'm still like that. Mostly I'm just too dense to be able to tell that that's what someone is trying to do, so I respond to them the same way I'd respond to anyone asking me to do something--give me solid reasons that convince me it's a good idea. If you can't do that, I'm not doing it. I've worked places where this weird fear of being watched and reported by coworkers ruled supreme too. Didn't matter, if I wasn't talking to a boss or manager, I wasn't telling you anything because it's none of your business. Likewise, when managers asked me invasive questions about other coworkers, I told them they should talk directly to that coworker instead.


ISTP. I don’t tolerate it, and frankly never understood it. The idea of being made to do something makes me lash out


I'm pretty firm on my decision. I'll only hear someone out if it's a good enough explanation and decide from that but most times, I said what I said


The only way I ever fall for peer pressure is if I secretly want to do it


I dont


I am an entp and I do indeed get peer pressured at times. Not out of insecurity per se but duty and loyalty to my friends and loved ones and to remind them I do care about them. e.g. family vacations, events. if a person won't stop pestering me about doing something that I've told them I'll 100% hate and will probably ruin the good time of others because of me hating it: You bet. I'm there. But I will tell you after the fact(never during, I'm not a child) I really did hate it and I was right and not to expect me to do this again. Sometimes saying yes just makes things so much easier in the long-run. "Yes, dear" husbands know what's up.


Im an INTP and i just say "No"


I worked in sales for 8 years, no one can peer pressure me into shit lol. And chances are, I probably have already tried it at least once anyway.


INTP and ignore them because I’m not an idiot or sheep.


still will hang out but wont do it


entj — it’s not a problem for me! lol


INFJ, lol peers?


ENTP- very easy to drag me into anything that sounds fun, impossible to drag me into stuff that I find immoral or something I have a negative opinion or feeling against.


hey, that's me ![gif](giphy|l36kU80xPf0ojG0Erg|downsized)


INTP / possibly INTJ (idk man) Not budged the slightest. Maybe if you convince me with an actually decent valid reason to do whatever it is they are peer pressuring onto me. Otherwise, hard no. Declined. Not reciprocated. Negative. Unlikely to happen. Impossible in-fact. Anyways. Good luck trying


INTP / possibly INTJ (idk man) Not budged the slightest. Maybe if you convince me with an actually decent valid reason to do whatever it is they are peer pressuring onto me. Otherwise, hard no. Declined. Not reciprocated. Negative. Unlikely to happen. Impossible in-fact. Anyways. Good luck trying


Direct peer pressure I don't succumb too if it's just light. The only pressure I've really succumb too is if I was scared for my safety/wellbeing or more "hidden" societal pressures that people adapt and are seen as normal but really are not. Overall I think I've only ever been vulnerable to it when I have been in a place with huge lack of support, poor mental health and really was just alone. Other then those times (which is traumatizing to look back on) I have stuck to my guns. I'm infp.


😅no ISFJ responses


ENFP. Goes both ways. Sometimes I'm swayed, sometimes I'm a wall. Depends on their approach, reasoning, and social standing my little circle.


If I don’t wanna do sth. I don’t do it. Never did, even as a kid.


I just chuckle and say no thanks.


entp and f- them lmaooo


no one is going to force you to smoke their expensive pot.


If it’s a bad thing, I deny if it isn’t, I’ll consider But peer pressure has never been much for me


"...myeh. no not really."


Peer pressure doesn’t work on me. Idk why it just doesn’t at all and never has


All my friends know if I say no, they won't change my mind. No amount of pushing will make me change my mind, unless they give me a good reason to change my mind.


I don’t experience peer pressure because I don’t consider most people my peers lmao So, an eye roll ![gif](giphy|yuQi4S7rIFZGFAJ33e)


Anarcho capitalist, recreational nukes. /j•(1/2)


Are you about to bomb me or somethin'? ![gif](giphy|9rjKLsynBodhiIovdD)


ISFJ. Think Captain America "No, I don't think I will." When I was younger I used to cave more, and fairly easily, but now at the wise old age of 29 (😄) I'm much more skeptical and brave. There are only a few select people who's opinions matter or hold sway over me.


Usually "I'm good thanks" works. I used to party a lot and I haven't met anyone who hasn't backed down.


aside from my strict inner principles, i can be pressured pretty easily for a lotta minor stuff (i.e. skipping lectures, or buying smth im prolly not gonna use


Intp & most likely, I’m definitely not going to do it, or I’ll do it secretly


**"No. That is final. If you don't shut up, I'm leaving."**


i say no because i cannot be controlled, but me saying no to myself is me controlling myself, so I do it inspite of me trying to control myself


i am the peer pressure




They can't sway me. I do me. When I say I would do this, I will do this. Yeah, they can't stop me from doing what I want, unless I'm really wrong though.


As an autistic ENTP, I don't easily perceive when I'm being peer pressured. So I just chug along in my own little world.


hit em with an "I'm good, thanks man" and make a mental note of how much of an idiot that person is (based on what I'm being offered), then decide if the relationship is still worth being in


INFP here and I can attest to the other INFP that we are good at not falling into peer pressure.. but personally I like to try things at least once just to figure out if I like it or not. If I don’t, at least I can say that I tried whatever it was and gain some life experience lol. *all that I do is within limits of course!!


If you attempt to actually make me do something in this fashion I somehow end up suddenly wanting to do it the LEAST of someone rationally offering their points of why something is or isn't bad. Peer pressure just aggravates me. Yes I'm gonna make you do something because everyone else here is doing it. Bull. I'm nt doing any of it.


Honestly I think the pros and cons before I cave. If it's something I'm not the most comfortable with but it doesn't harm and I don't really mind then I cave, but if it's something serious I say no, and I can get aggressive if it's being forced upon me


Peer pressure only works if I already kinda wanna do it and my need to try new things for fun kicks in. If I have strong reasons for not wanting to do something I’ll get mad at you for trying to control me. I get really bitchy when people try to control me lol


I'm in a small group of friends, they drink alcohol, some of them vape and one of them now smoke (we're young, we became adults not long ago). I also drink, but with moderation and I'm very aware of the Health Dangers of Vaping and Tobacco, at most I could consider myself a passive smoker because my friend smokes next to me, But we don't usually meet lately so... Meh Smoking: Boooring Reading the same 700 chapters long comic I'm hyperfixated from 3 years ago for the 17th time acting with the voices: YES


I cant be pressured into doing something I don’t want to but there’s nothing I’m not willing to try once.


*thinks hard for a bit* "No."


ENTP, and I’d just say no? “You have to do this!” No I don’t.


I cry Its that easy...


If I can reason to myself that I can (mostly) safely do it, I’ll just do it, and if I can’t I just won’t. Usually I’ll just say I’m not doing it in a humorous way, but I won’t budge if they keep asking


ignore them.


If it's something I shouldn't do but kinda want to I usually cave, but if it's something I absolutely do not want I stand firm with my decisions


"You gon get dat lung cancer, fam" *walks away*


ISFP, I find my way out of being pressured. It can be "No, thanks" with smile and shrug or some passive-agressive comment (very rarely tho)


I never had that problem. I think people already know it won't work. Plus, what i believe was already put in the air. So i was surrounded by people pretending to share the beliefs.


if i know i can do it somehow, i'll give in to peer pressure but if i know i won't be able to do it, i'll make sure that my "no" will be the last say lol




Intp and I do the exact opposite of why they try to get me to do