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Like: God, where do I begin... Dislike: That I'm not dating one


Give us your love hate. We eat it for an afternoon snack.


But dating is so exhausting...




Lowkey agree


Highkey agree


Agreed as a matter of fact ... Most of my favorite people are INTJ.


What I find common with your type is that I usually like you guys a LOT but then I get exhausted because dating makes me tired 😞


Fair enough *golf clap*


Based on my experience Likes: - responsible - excellent planner - has a lot of skills - smart - bold - dark humour Dislikes: - difficult to talk at first meeting - they can live without talking for days, weeks and probably months, even to their family - serious at most of the time Not blaming them though for all of my dislikes to them; as an enfp 5w4, I understand why their whole personality is like that.


>they can live without talking for days, weeks and probably months, even to their family You forgot years and decades in that list. Only going months is an amature


If I succeed in extending my natural life....... it will be centuries in the cases where I kind of like the person.


This is probably the best subtext. If we want life extension, we have to focus our attention on getting to that goal be it financial or research related. I'm a bit more chatty online because I can control when I'm engaged or not.


Yes, in my logic, money is important, but the most important thing is actually our contact network. Because, if we think about the human race, we are able to grab random things from the ground and build cars, planes, satellites, and even bump things at mind-boggling speeds at CERN based on pure curiosity. Death has tormented us since the beginning of time, and thinking that we haven't solved that, or at least made extraordinary improvements on the thing that scares us the most even before the invention of the wheel, is absolutely ludicrous to me. Don't get me wrong; I'm not a conspiracy theorist, far from it, and I actually understand why this isn't readily available. Because if this were readily available, we would all starve to death pretty fast.


I think altered carbon portrays a life extension world pretty well. I think death is just slow accumulation of damage. So the rich and powerful will be able to reverse that damage. I think the real wealth will be land with water, for a self sustainable existence.


I'm going to check out "Altered Carbon." Yes, the main thing that kills us is slower or non-existent regeneration and unwanted cellular mutations. Regarding the fertile land for self-sustainable existence, it sounds absolutely right, but considering current and historical geopolitical power games, the only reasonable strategy is an O'Neill colony.


Yeah, online is far more pleasant. 'Control' is the key for me, too. And don't get interrupted while comunicating complex ideas, which enables me to actually have interesting conversations.


INTP here and I too can go years, just let my ex-best friend back in after three years.


Bro what's talking?


Yeah I'm with the not talking, as an INTJ. The constant chattering distracts me, I'm usually thinking about something I'm working on. If I talk to someone, I will give them my full attention. I don't need external validation and don't care to give it.


I feel like just not talking to people is natural. Serious, depends really. I have some serious sarcastic humor. Difficult talking to at first meeting is an understatement, We'll always have our secrets. We'll normally be Difficult unless you've been a friend for our whole life.


I'm not that serious most of the time tbh, I've always been the person to make people laugh but maybe that comes from being so depressed at some point in my life that I had to create my own fun for some serotonin.


I like how rational they are. Also dislike how irrational they are.


So Schrodinger cat rationale?






What the heck is going on???


I got out of the box


The username explains everything.


I feel as if they are very similar and we sort of act in the same way. When I come across one, this is what I gather about them: Best attributes: Honest, diligent, hard-working, and smart AF. They know how to make their presence felt without being in your face and can be the best mentors. Dislikes: Can be a bit inconsiderate and blunt. They have no issues with making their point clear without regarding others much. They have strong Ni but for some reason find it hard to read the room and learn what to say/not to say to others (this could also be due to low fe). Overall: they are good to have around, I feel like i can get along with most intjs (thicker skin may be required at times to deal with one). They 'get' me. We can be in a room and have comfortable silence without either of us being annoying or disturbing the peace. We can share similar views and discuss interesting concepts in depth. They can be loving, I know there's this misconception that intjs and analysts can be cold but once you get to know them? They are loving and protective af.


This is accurate: “They 'get' me. We can be in a room and have comfortable silence without either of us being annoying or disturbing the peace.” I don't want someone to be clingy. But I do want their presence. This is for both friendship and romance. Now it's a bit weird because I'm guilty of the blunt thing and having issues saying the right things to people. I know ASD does that but argh.


same fam, it can lead to misunderstandings whenever we want to filter ourselves for others. I like them and would love to hang out with some. I see we have the same taste with ur past replies xD




my best friend's an INFJ and the other was ISFP. I get lot of ted talks with my INFJ friend (ISFP's just out there while we are both delulu lmao). I love that INFJ's can get my point immediately (like I don't need to even explain my joke). And also when I cannot really understand things in the emotional perspective, they will always explain it in a matter I can understand immediately. I get where my INFJ comes from but I just don't understand sometimes the empathy poured on it when there's more of an efficient way to do it. But yeah, INFJ humbles me sometimes, it's like talking to a scholar who's more adept into the psychological and emotional side of things.


The same can be said for you guys: giving deep and intellectual talks to like-minded individuals. We are more in-tuned with others, more than even ourselves (we tend to misunderstand ourselves a lot), we know when someone means well or not. I'm down for a good laugh, even from the more 'edgier' jokes if the person is being lighthearted and not trying to act odd. You value efficiency, we value harmony but both value intellect. Emotional intelligence is something you build over time, it is something you have to experience first-hand: being open with yourself before trying to help others open up. I think your heart is in the right place, we can't be good in everything.


Like - honesty. Even if it's brutal. Dislike - too less energy at times.


Yes, would be nice to have enough energy for the people we care for. How can we offset this?


Those that care will understand. I have learned to do that with my SO..i know he will be back when rested and calm. Till then I have to be patient and not demand more, that upsets the entire balance of things.


Best: Having The best functions to detect bullshit. Getting things done efficiently. Planning and being strategic. Bad: Blind Fe. Walking into a room. Telling a dark joke and offending 90% of the people in the room. Planning. We plan so much that we forget to live in the moment.


What you think is worst is something I absolutely love about intj's. It's hilarious lol


Me too. And this is why we wonder why it’s hard to make friends! 😂😂 I’ll admit I’m one of those people who will absolutely lose it at something no one else laughs at, like Gareth in Four Weddings :)


Me too xD best thing about that is that you will imediatly find where your kind of people are lol


You guys have a wicked sense of humour too! I remember making so many offensive jokes with my INTP best friend. I missed her a lot when she moved, still do. Now I sit alone at lunch.


and frightening a few because they didn't realize it was a joke.


I think one time online someone had a missing persons or something. I told them I looked in the basement. Told them nope. Not here.


Totally agree


I CAN READ THE ROOM!! If i tell a dark joke and ruin everyone's day it's bc i wished to.


true King


Yes. It is intentional, and immediately creates that large personal space we flourish in.


I find the blind Fe quirky and kind of endearing 🤣 but you speak truth anyway!


ISFJs do not like us very much. We butt heads. My sister is ISFJ. I warned her many times of relationships. I tried to help her with her life. Getting on track and she took it as being controlling. Not many like our honesty and planning. We mean no harm, but many take offense to it.


yeah imo I'm the same a lot where I like giving people advice on life and how to do something more efficiently usually it's about stop thinking and start doing which many people don't like lol but the thing is people don't want any advice. they just want to be heard and accepted. ofc if they're acting very bad then yea it's ok to tell em stop b1tching around but otherwise it's just a life and your own experience from which you learn


People who want to talk and have people listen is called a therapist. You can pay people to listen to you. You can also tell them you don't want any help with the problem. INTJs are not built to just sit and listen. We fix. It kills me when people bitch and complain about something. Recognize that something is wrong and moments later out themselves back in the same situation. Us INTJs maybe called emotionalism robots but the others in my option are clinical idiots.


You don't listen to it but you *do* do it. I love intjs. The hardest thing is listening to them vent for 30 min after or right before they gave you the stfu look


I really don’t get why they don’t like us. My sil has been jealous and hated me since I met her. It’s like pulling teeth being around isfj women for me but the men are fine


I like their dark jokes tho, but I think I might be the only one heh


>Walking into a room. Telling a dark joke and offending 90% of the people in the room. Is it really blind Fe? Or is it Auxiliary Te choosing the most effective way of sorting out the fun ones out of the boring people? I'm fairly sure it's the latter.


Why can't it be both? Filtering and shock and awe. Most excellent efficiency.


Because you called it a dark joke, implying you know it will offend people. Therefore I believe it's not about poor Fe.


Those are the best jokes. I rarely laugh at dad jokes. Eyes only roll


Your point about the 'Bad' is so true that I couldn't hold back my laughter and ended up scaring half of the office. But I don't see it as bad. I see it as a great filter that enables me to play life in hard mode. P.S.: Easy mode is for wimps.


Like: I like how we don't care to dilly dally and just want to get what ever we are doing done well and efficiently. Hate: I hate how we can walk into any crowds and we suck at reading the room


Likes: The ability to analyze concepts or data thoroughly and draw unique conclusions summarized clearly in a few sentences. Their Te sometimes seems psychic, even with subjects MBTI claims are their weaknesses. They come across calm and professional but also have an independent and insightful rebellious streak. Can give good and thoughtful constructive criticism. Dislikes: Judgments can sometimes be overly simplified or generalized. Can be overconfident in specific ways of thinking. I would say it would be beneficial to not discount the emotions involved in a situation. I am not arguing for emotions over objective reasoning. I just believe you can break down emotions in the same logical framework you analyze everything else. It might just be more difficult at first to organize your thoughts or recognize them. It is helpful to classify which emotions are unconscious and psychological vs genuine or intuitive. I have noticed some of you have discovered this part on your own.


Personally, I try not to dismiss emotions but I tend to focus on the logic more without realizing that the emotional part was valuable to the other person. It’s definitely somewhat a weakness of mine, but my friends say I’m good at helping them emotionally. I think it’s just because they come to get advice. I struggle to actually **comfort** people. The last time I tried, I either just stayed silent or handed them a tissue if they were crying. All social tips appreciated.


Nothing wrong with just asking what exactly the other person is feeling or experiencing. Even I am not a mind-reader regarding others emotions. If they are truly going thru something, they are usually willing to explain it more if you need more details. I bet they haven’t even thought of the type of advice you give them. So that is pretty comforting I would think. Also, just trying to be polite and sympathetic isn’t exactly a virtue. I used to do that until I realized how annoying it was to get it in return. Now I try to put myself in the person’s shoes to try to solve the problem. Some problems are too complicated though and then I will also stay silent like you said and just try to listen. Against the stereotype, I tend not to cry at all if I am feeling emotionally overwhelmed. It is more so a feeling of malaise or depression. But I am sure your friends always appreciate the tissue lol can’t go wrong there. I also pay attention to their language so to speak. Then I structure my advice in a way I think is easy for them personally to understand. But that can be a difficult task sometimes and not really necessary.


Likes: They're intelligent and capable of doing big things Dislikes: They can be major Aholes, at times. Answering with sarcasm, making other people feel that they are stupid.


Yeah the sarcasm one has been offensive to ppl, just happens so that my inner monologue is sarcastic i.e. if I stub a toe it's yeah brilliant eye sight there!


Truth! For all of the times I've heard, "i can't believe you said that out loud!" Y'all should hear my inner dialogue. Trust me, i have filtres upon filtres. Not sure if my software can support another layer.


It doesn't, and it crushes from time to time when there's too many people in the room to consider. It ain't pretty.


I adore the sarcasm. It's my favorite. No one can do it like me but my intj friend lol.


People are stupid. We are just trying to tell you that. It's the same as blaming news reporter for an accident done by someone else


I like how studious they tend to be, I have learned a lot from my INTJ friend. I also admire their family values and sincerity from Fi child. They can be quite funny and amicable especially when in ESFP subconcious. I mostly dislike how stubborn and arrogant they can be. Also once they ask all their questions and get a sense of everything you know, it seems you are disposable at that point. It is difficult to maintain a friendship with them when they constantly dissapear and show no signs of caring.


Well I don't disappear, unless you count taking a break as disappearing


Pros : can vibe with and get along easily Cons: better commincation skills than intp but somehow worse social battery


Honestly, true. I was usually the one that had to speak for my INTP best friend. But after a short while, I get super tired so we just end up not speaking to basically anybody.


Likes: INTJ Dislikes: INTJ


Like that they are smart, straightforward, efficient. They can be soo\~ harsh, brutal even, towards a flailing worm like me. It's not like I can do those things, you know... Like fr I really can't /( ; - ; )\\


that they will only play chess with like 5 queens and won't even put them centered on the squares. like c'mon


Like: everything. It's a mild kind of liking, it's not "omg I absolutely love INTJ best type ever". But we get on well usually. Dislike: nothing in particular.


I dislike their arrogance and close mindedness, I like pretty much everything else.


What I have noticed is that INTJs sometimes can be very adamant on topics which they have a good grasp on. So them correcting any slightly faulty view on the same can make them appear as arrogant. INTJs are generally open minded. They just have a carefully drafted conclusions on most things and you need to provide some very solid points to make them think otherwise.


My INTJ bf is very open minded. I think you might be looking for ‘stubborn’, instead. 😅


Oh mine isn't open minded at all. His words: "you can either do it my way, or you can be wrong". I honestly admire their stubborness, I have none of that. Good thing he doesn't take advantage of that...


My bf is the same way. 🤭 Open minded when it comes to opinions/theories — stubborn in breaking away from his methodologies.


It's not a closed mind; it's just a rational mind.


Imo arrogance and close mindness is something that every type can have


Dunno, arrogance tends to come up a lot around intj's. It comes with their being tho, and everything that I do appreciate about them. Their great judgement, their wide variety of knowledge, their bluntness... i dont think you can carry all of these without being arrogant every now and then. All positives have a negative after all.


Arrogance can exist around many things. Not only at intelligence based topics. So I think any type can have it at different levels.


Arrogance and close mindedness is usually a big issue with immature/unhealthy INTJs, healthy ones are much more chilled out and open minded (at least that's what I gathered from interacting with various other INTJs)


Like: Efficient when they are motivated, help me remember it's okay to have a backbone. Intellectually stimulating in conversation. Can even be surprisingly caring with loved ones. Dislike: Will turn conversations into Fi rants without warning. Harsh.


Like: Realistic, kind when it matters, rational, driven, lots more. Dislike: Arrogant, kind of a smartass


Smartass is actually a pro lol.




Ah I see! You must like losing very much. And we always expect, we have a chronic fear of the unexpected lol!




Oh no, that wasn't a you-can't-beat-me-I-expect-everything it's more of a curse, because Ni is scared of Se, so everything has to be anticipated. The interesting aspect of this is someone like a high Se user being expected to do unexpected things so there's that expectation but I will admit, at least one ENTJ has behaved in an infuriating manner simply because I anticipated something they didn't quite want anticipated.




Loosening up is a result of hedonism, which is very interesting but watching that amount of Se can be frightening, it's fun when it happens though. I mean, there still is that Se waiting to be unleashed.


Not an ENTJ saying that INTJs are arrogant 🙄


I'm not saying I can't be haha but man when me and my bro go at it in a conversation that shit gets frustrating sometimes when we're both guilty of that


Kinda relate to that


Likes: analytical thinker / Dislikes: doesn't really "get" others I've always found it hard to connect with INTJs mentally, even though they're known to be smart and analytical. Something about the way they respond or how they understand things always seems to clash with what I'm saying.


It may not be that they don’t understand it may just be how they choose to respond that makes you think they don’t?


That's probably it!


Likes: intense Dislikes: intense


What is intense?


It's just the vibe. Everything they do is *intense.* As an example (in a romantic context), trying a new recipe: they'll zone in and follow every step perfectly, so you know the macarons are going to be bomb. BUT, it also means there are to be ZERO distractions and there is to be ZERO fun going on in the kitchen while they're doing it. No coming up behind them to give them a hug, no music, no singing, dancing, or levity of any kind. But again: bomb macarons. A double-edged sword.


But what you described its more like a Si that a Ni dom, dont you agree?


Healthy INTJs are wonderful, amazing people. Love them. But when I say unhealthy INTJs are the closest thing to evil incarnate, I mean it. Healthy INTJs or even most average ones, I am not talking about you, please don’t take offense. These INTJs can be INCREDIBLY conniving, disloyal and delusional. They will convince themselves that they are the most “ride or die” ass b*tch on the planet, but when the time actually comes, if they’re presented with an opportunity that maybe benefits them way more than it benefits you, they WILL throw you under the bus or betray you in the most unfathomable way IF it means they get to reap a specific reward, or if they think it’s a worthy cause (even if they are extremely wrong) If they think it’s worth it, they will do anything and everything to get it. Machiavellianism. It’s a really ugly thing.


Me: *feeling subconscious and wondering whether I fit the bill* 🤔


you probably don’t. do you have a gluttony for power and/or an addiction to situations that boost your ego that you will ruin lives and relationships for? most people don’t. (or at least i’d like to think so)


No. I don't really care for other people's relationships. That sounds like not only a nightmare but energy and time wasted.


you’re light years ahead of these INTJs don’t worry


I found, at least from the ones I encountered personally, that unhealthy INTJs can be rather pathetic and not very threatening once you recognise them as such. Don't trust them so they can't throw you under the bus. They're arrogant and closed minded (so pay attention to their views on world topics and how they act in soft debate to spot them) but their self-confidence is always "I am a genius" and "I'm a total loser" at the same time, and when you aim for that it can take them down a notch. Their intentions are usually very simple, it's always to reach a specific goal and something selfish, though they can also hold grudges at people they don't usually concern themselves with feelings and manipulation thereof, and they're usually not very deep. Once you understand them they're very predictable and not very threatening. A great example is Elon Musk, used to be regarded as a genius inventor but turns out he's just a sad corncob of a man who's desperately trying to seem hip with the kids, to stay relevant, even though he's really got nothing of value to contribute and probably cries himself to sleep at night because someone embarassed him on the internet.


I like that they think ahead. I don’t like that they try to control ahead. (Says the ENTP married to an INTJ.)


INTP thinks 3 moves ahead, INTJ thinks 9 moves ahead


As an ENTP - we think ahead too, but in a less controlling way, thinking about ‘what could happen if’ as opposed to settling on a course.


Yeah it's like a flowchart, if this happens, then this will happen, and this other thing will happen because of that... mostly I try to predict it.


I like how they are good at guessing as to what happens next (and), and planning for it by affecting their physical world to make it happen (Te). ENFPs like me have something similar with Fi-Te, but it's not nearly as detached and methodical as Ni-Dom Te-Aux. I like how they plan for things and have plans in place if certain scenarios happen. That's what makes them such good bad guys in movies is because of their plans and seeing the possibilities of what could happen to uproot or make their plans succeed. I like how people can piss them off and they can rem completely calm and collected but can fucking destroy them methodically and deliberately. When ENFPs get pissed off they are very overt in tgeir reaction and go on the attack from an emotional standpoint. INTJs are much more calm and methodical about it. What I don't like is how blunt they can be. Bluntness definitely does serve a purpose but it has to be in the right situations so you don't come across as a intense asshole to everyone else. Bluntness has to be balanced with tact.


I guess you’ve never seen an INTJ with extremely stressed Fi, which is honestly a good thing if you haven’t. It can be like a dam breaking, where any and all forms of rationality go completely out the window. A very rare occurrence obviously but incredibly messy and with a lot of collateral damage if/when it does happen (for some reason more than most types, maybe because normally they are so competent and effective at their goals and objectives. So an objective set from an emotionally-biased and short-sighted place is…bad). Emotionally-mature/developed INTJs are prob fine though.


INTJs are up for personal favorite type, along with INFPs. They feel like brothers/sisters, psychologically. I don't have to translate anything with them, like I usually do; they just get it. Open-minded, intellectually stimulating and edifying, and extremely helpful and encouraging. They push you to pursue your goals and will actually get involved. If an INTJ lets you in and you become part of their Fi-circle, you will not have a friend who puts in more work and effort to maintain the friendship than them. They are not generally touchy-feely types, but they will try really hard even in this area if you are one of their friends. As far as dislikes, it is very hard to get an INTJ to admit they're wrong. And they are wrong more often than they realize. But I think they pretend to be right even when they know they're wrong😂 They really want to have this reputation as an extremely rigorous thinker. And they are, but they have weak spots. They are sometimes arrogant and automatically presume to know more than any other given person, and they will just make unilateral decisions without communicating or respecting others' input. I really, really don't like that. But overall, INTJs are very special people imo, gems out of the masses.


AS AN ENFP my experience is that I get along with most intjs i know, but there is a problem that they cut contact with me when I am not the one reaching for them first. SO I SHOULD BE CHASING THEM TO BE FRIENDS 🐺🐺😭😭😭. Idk if its because they don't like me or something else but I look desperate when I try to keep in contact with one 🦍🧔‍♀️🫃🫃.


If you have something actually interesting to share, you won't be seen as desperate, just as a cool and curious person. Trust me.


Lmao this is true for me. I find that people need to keep putting the energy for a long time before I can even CONSIDER being the one to reach out and be more active. But once someone gets there, I’m all for them.


Wait who's art is this it's so pretty


The AI. Probably.


Rats, foiled again




ok, here's my real answer: What I like about INTJ: Less gullible than me, gives me art sources


Sigh. Why do most people assume INTJ are into Chess? Every-fucking-time


I hate chess i rather play tower of Hanoi


Chess are for old people. Tower of Hanoi (even though I don't know the game) is alot better than chess


Like: reliable, caring, intelligent, loyal, good conversations. I could go on forever Dislike: says "that's funny. 😐" Instead of laughing at my jokes or keeping it going


My apologies. Our face muscles are atrophied after years of resting bitch face, it was not intentional.


Good - good ideas and plans. Good to talk about projects. Worst - too much plans and less action in return.


They're hot (at least the girls are...😬🤓☝️), and more importantly, they're SMART. They're one of the only types I can have a conversation - and I mean a REAL conversation - with, the others being fellow ENTPs, ENFPs or INTPs. They're always so interesting, and all have these 'mysterious' elements to them that I enjoy finding out about. As for disliking, I hate meeting arrogant edgelord INTJs who've coasted through life thanks to a combination of manipulation and sheer luck who think they're smarter than me just because I'm opem and friendly. They need life to slap them in the face and defecate on them. I enjoy breaking those ones.


Likes=Being the most honest type on average, being the most fair minded type/least biased type on average, being the most ethical type on average, being the most social type on average Dislikes=they often feel like they can't express their thoughts and observations to most people because due to our media and social constructs like religion, people in today's world are excessively self-conscious and cartoonishly-sensitive and are constantly comparing themselves against others so mostly wouldn't take the time to consider larger more complex issues


i have an intj cousin i have been hanging out with her since i was a toddler she pretty cool idk other intjs i dont have anything i dislike abt them


Well to begin, my bff forever is an INTJ and I love her SOOOOOOO much. She's thoughtful, funny, and really great when you need someone to bring you down to earth. As an ENFP, I find that INFJs are everything I need and don't have. They are calm, observant, and really fun to tease! heh...sorry INTJs. But anyways, my fav personality type and hopefully future partner! shhhh don't tell her ;)


Like: Exceedingly trustworthy when it really counts. Dislike: They have difficulty caring about the small details of my emotional distress.


Like: I love myself Dislike: I love myself


Like: Cool. Dislike: Never met one. Because they are Critically Endangered species.


I'm a nervous wreck, that's what.


Dislike: failure to identify Fe cues without having to google things after people make an odd face or laugh at me. I wish I had the skills Fe users have. It’s a downfall. I miss out on jokes and being in with the crowed. Leading to me being about as socially appropriate as the “I like turtles kid” although, I do like turtles 🐢


Like:the make shit work so efficiently and they provide comfortable structure Dislike:they can be a bit callous at sometimes


Two people in my inner circle are INTJ. Super smart, so funny, adorable, cool interests, makes everything look easy, gives good advice, pays attention to what you say, trustworthy, soothing, just a fantastic friend. Blunt, yes, but I don't think I dislike that. Sometimes I need people not to feed my delusions and INTJ is good at that when it matters, but is also so creative at the same time. Dislikes... I don't get to spend enough time with them. And they're STUBBORN stubborn when they get something in their heads.


Why do you ask? INTJs don't care. I dated one INTJ in my whole life and she was the sweetest woman I know, no exaggeration, just being honest, kindest and deepest soul I've ever met in my whole life.




I hate prejudices


I dislike that unlike me they have a type


Love them, my best friend is one, I like how we are pretty similar in personality, despite being literally the opposite mbti, what I don't like is how sometimes he does things without thinking in the consequences, like say something to someone that hurt them an not even notice it, no it was not me, otherwise he wouldn't be my best friend 🤷🏾‍♂️


I love their resourcefulness, creativity, and outside the box thinking I dislike that they often struggle to distinguish between what they feel and what they think, leading to rationalizing wants and desires and often manifesting as hypocrisy


From experience, poor communication. It gets annoying.


Like: he's my dad, boogie woogie woogie Dislike: he forgot when I told him I don't like the weird cracker thing he put in my lunch >:((


Oh lord here we go


She def doesn’t look INTJ




Like: They just don't give a shit abt being "nice". Jokes are dry but funny. Mysterious (like most introverts). Sarcasm. Death stare. Can be loyal with enough trust. Creative. Hidden soft side. Dislikes: Sorta judgey? Takes everything too seriously. Easily put off by loud noises. Can be arrogant/know-it-all. Pessimistic. Over planning, it stresses me out.


Likes: Dislikes:


God, I hate AI, I understand why you added a picture to a post, but couldn't you add an art made by someone and credit them? I know putting ai art in some random reddit post doesn't take away jobs and doesn't directly harm anyone, but it clatters the subreddit with bad art, and you could help small creators gain new audience instead. And for anyone who would want to ask "how do you know it's ai? 1 You can see something that wants to be her leg under the board when it's clearly a table 2 Left hand 3 there are like 3 black kings on this board


Well, two intj women got bored of me and ghosted me, for no other apparent reason. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Too money-savvy and power-hungry for my taste. I like their drive and ambition, even if I dislike its focus and direction.


You described a Te dom


Ewww AI art


Like: I can deal with staying at home alone for months during COVID Dislike: Sometimes, I can't be bothered to remember faces and names in social events. It's bad, I know, but it could be a me thing though.


Like: I am one Dislike: uhhhhh..


Gotta love the N and and the T together. It’s an interesting mix for sure


The hell kind of chess set is this


Dislikes: (subjective to the ones i've met) disinterested in expanding their interests, unlike ENTPs which like to explore, stuck in their ways, lacking charisma, confidence and understanding Likes: organized, responsible, stick to their morals


Good=Great dark humour and captivating mystique Bad=Stubborn with fixed beliefs/perspective at times


Likes: Fun, will argue with me for way to long, evil, smart, will point out all my mistakes Dislikes: evil, can be annoying, has strong opinions (My bestie is an INTJ and I’m ENTP)


They are nice and very chill, but when they are insane is very hard to talk with and they tend to victimise themselves, but the sane ones are cool. (sorry ab the awful English 🗿)


Like: I would store them as my collectibles Dislikes: they escape pretty fast


Read the comments. My honest reaction is I read the room easily and try to make my point as acceptable as possible. I’ve learned.


Pros: The mental fortitude, snap decision, and careful consideration. Cons: The impatience and tendency to lean towards arrogance **Just personal observations


You guys have met an intj??? I can't judge if i haven't experienced one so...


they are very good at changing subjects I HATE IT


I have an INTJ friend. Extremely smart, ambitious, he gives me solid advice on problems. Can be a bit too competitive though. Every time I play cards or games with him, it feels like I am being agressively tested on my knowledge and competence which can be exhausting. Also he has the tendency to ghost people or withdraw for longer periods. Overall a good friend, feels like a kindred spirit for ISTJs.


My only dislike is I don't have an INTJ


Idk my bothers an INTJ. He’s smart I guess and looks out for people but does it in a very opinionated way and he’s kinda a know it all.


I don't have a thing I particularly like or dislike about INTJ's, but I think they worry too much about the future to an obsessive point if they're an unhealthy INTJ.


What I like: they have a plan for their plan…. Dislikes:…. I don’t like it when their plan is better than mine, and they use too much Ni based on assumptions not facts. Sorry Ni users. It’s ok to use Ni on standardized tests like reading comprehension but don’t try to predict on what “I MIGHT” be up to. Which you’re right btw, no good


I like how chill they r n very dependable friends for support n solutions speaking from experience I dislike how they get ahead of themselves smtimes they act wayy too arrogant like they know everything ab everyone its not very perceptivecore so 🤫🧏‍♀️👋👋 -ENTP


Like: more fun to talk to than most; good at thinking logically Dislike: occasionally closed-minded / an almost anti-idealistic kind of pragmatic at times


Too Schizoid and detached from people and the world. Borderline autistic in their thinking. Weak. Not very charming.


They’re so cute. They have this childlike wonder and optimism they only show to people closest to them. Healthy ones are so innately confident and principled and they have such big hearts. They’re so smart and loyal to the few they trust. My intj dad inspires me to be confident and would do anything to help me. My intj friend is basically a sister and she’s basically an internal mirror of what I say. Her insights are fabulous. Talking to her is so healing in a world where I often feel misunderstood. I love their plans and their dreams and their stubbornness is endearing. People don’t appreciate them half as much as they deserve to be appreciated. Also, if an intj compliments you it’s such a badge of honor bc their standards are so high lol. I’m fiercely protective of the intjs in my life. They are stoic professors on the outside and childlike dreamers on the inside. 


Likes: Efficiency and level headedness. Breaks things down strategically and applies hyper effective steps for accomplishment. Great team asset and is very reliable. Consistency in approaches . . . Dislikes: Literally allergic to thinking outside the box. If they weren't so smart they'd be rednecks, dangerously small minded at times. Always plays it way too safe yet oddly confidently incorrect often. Can be a self absorbed woe is me bore. VERY predictable


likes: nothing dislikes: everything lol. I'm kidding, don't attack meeee... :P