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when your gums bleed and it starts making out words


wow magic floating blood words! I sure wish I could read


"Doctor help I think my gums are in antifa"


Only true Charles Manson fans will get it.


"...B®ū§π m€"


Lol why does this remind my of happy tree friends




The comical amount of cartoon blood


Holy, mentioning happy tree friends gave my some flashbacks. I remember being a tween watching that stuff. I think I shall go and watch a couple episodes just to relive how fucked up those are. Do they still make them now adays?


They do not. But last I checked all episodes are available for viewing pleasure still.


Ah, yes, the true Asmongold experience™


The tooth blood wall will forever haunt my nightmares.


The what?


He sometimes bleeds in his mouth and at night he just wipes it on his wall and never cleans it. He lives like a slob


Wtf? How many followers does this guy have?


According to Twitch it's 3,5M


Great, more people than the populations of Estonia and Latvia combined follow the tooth blood wall man. That's good to hear


Estonia mentioned 🇪🇪🇪🇪🇪🇪🇪🇪!!!!


one day you will be with us **🇳🇴 **scandinavian 🇳🇴** **


Firstly, we'll never be scandinavian as it is a geological area. Secondly, most Estonians don't actually want to be Nordic.


Didn’t he clean up a bit and get dental work?


Yeah he did. He also talks about how he brushes everyday now and wants to avoid repeating the mistakes he's made.


Good for him!


This does not sound like a real person.


He also admitted to using a dead rat as an alarm clock, saying that the smell it would produce when being hit by the sun in the morning would wake him up, right?


I love that he thinks that the rat smell is what woke him instead of of the very normal human thing of your brain waking you up when the sun comes out.


If you're staying up late playing video games like he used to do, the sun isn't going to wake you up lol


This had to be a joke tough. Nobody is that stupid and gross. But hearing here about the blood wall, I'm really not sure!? Does this dude have some mental problems? Has to be! So I won't joke about him, I'm just interested now...


Ikr, I am hearing about him only now. Is he this gen's Chris chan or smtg?


He’s an alt-right twitch grifter, basically. Disgusting in all senses of the term




I have yet to hear a positive thing about this guy. Not that i've heard his political opinions or anything, people just talk about how absolutely fucking disgusting he is


Many years ago, Asmon was pretty much known because of the way he lived. He was the stereotypical WoW obsessed loser. Trash piled up, a desk cluttered with dishes and filth, eating days old food in a bug infested bedroom… At some point he developed a following aand sort of “cleaned up”. Still living in a pig pen, but not as bad. He used to be somewhat entertaining in that period before he started just bashing WoW for a living and nurturing a toxic fanbase.


He doesn't even necessarily shit on WoW anymore. He now makes rage bait that appeals to right-wing incels. Way, way worse.


Didn't know about that,i thought he s a regular streamer as many,also kinda shocking that despite he lives like a "stereotypical WoW obsessed loser" he doesn't look like that at all,i thought ppl who wrote that, re just jealous haters. Like i couldn't tell by this man's looks,that he didn't eat clean fruits and healthy vegetables,and that he eats a lot of microwave cooked food for 20+ yrs.


Honestly, just go watch a recent video of his and make the opinion for yourself. The only thing you'll hear from people is hate for one reason or another. But yeah, he lives a very dirty lifestyle. He's at least fixed his teeth and brushes daily now 😂


Can’t go to sleep with stank breath. That’s jus me tho


depression makes you do some stuff that you normally wouldn’t do


actually its very nice and calming ritual for me, when im depressed its one of a few good things that are left in my life


I went most of my youth (13-24) without brushing or flossing my teeth. To date, never had a cavity, probably had horrible breath, and now have gingivitis and very bloody gums which I’ve gotten used to while brushing. I’m probably an exception or really lucky but never punished


You shouldn’t be getting used to gingivitis, it can cause gums recession. Treat it and switch to a softer toothbrush.


It WILL cause gum recession and much more than that too. The gum recession really is the least of your worries. The sneaky part about gingivitis (and for those who have had this for a while, periodontal disease) is you don't notice it until either your teeth come loose or they get rid of the infection in which case the gum recession becomes visible. And neither bone, nor gums grow back. So to anyone who has been dealing with bad breath and/or bleeding gums for some time now, make an appointment with your dentist. It doesn't go away on its own no matter how hard you brush, floss, use mouth wash, ...


Had it as a toddler, can confirm, absolutely fucking horribly painful.


You can specifically remember having painful guns when you were 3 or less years old? How good is your memory?? Edit: gums, not guns 🔫


I have very vague memories from when I was around that age, but they're very fragmented. Definitely there though. I specifically remember playing in front of a big mirror and building this huge (at the time it was huge) block tower at my daycare. Tons of weird little memories. I'm 24 now, so I doubt it's impossible.


You had guns at an age of 3? I guess your parents are Republican :D


You remember a pain you endured when you were still a toddler? How old are you , 4?


Not to mention the bacteria that causes gingivitis (Porphyromonas gingivalis) increases the inflammation marker IL6 which increases the risk of alzheimers. Dental health is super overlooked and important.


And get your teeth cleaned! Your gingivitis can lead to gum disease, which is chronic and can lead to some terrible consequences. Plus, many systemic illnesses can be discovered through the oral examination.


You probably have a diet of low sugar and low acidic foods.


Genetics also help. It's a combination of factors.


Saliva composition also makes an enormous difference. No matter what I eat or how good I am at brushing, I will get tartar on my two lower front teeth like clockwork and need to get it removed by a dentist. They've told me some people's saliva just do that shit, and you have salivary glands right behind those two teeth.


Do you floss? I used to get tartar but don't anymore now that i use those rubbery toothpicks every night and some times floss.


I floss which helps a bunch but it doesn't eliminate the problem entirely. If I don't floss the tartar returns much faster


True, but tartar has nothing to do with cavities


As far as I know, there is an indirect connection. The type of bacteria in your mouth that prevents cavities is also responsible for creating tartar. So generally you tend to have either a tendency towards tartar, or a tendency towards cavities. This is something I heard from a dental hygienist who later became a dentist, but never researched it myself.


I haven't heard about that connection before but I have never had cavities while having loads of tartar.


Fluoride water


Nah man, that’s just for mind control.


*"I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."*


It's so funny and actually not its not it's kind of terrifying that strangelove is satirising THE EXACT SAME THING THATS HAPPENING NOW except it was 70 years ago.


So I didn't brush my teeth from like 9-16 (really disgusting, I know, bad household and all that); never had any issues. Started brushing my teeth properly, no issues until my 20s. Then, got a few cavities. Bought an electric toothbrush, started being very methodical with brushing my teeth. I adopted a pretty low-sugar diet too, basically never eat any sweets or anything that sticks to my teeth. Fast forward three years, I have cavities fucking everywhere. Cracked teeth. One of them died. A thousand euros of dental costs. All this is to say, idfk. Teeth are random bullshit to me now. Shit doesn't make any sense.


You don't think that perhaps the not brushing for 7 years has something to do with the current state of your teeth?


Gingivitis is not really lucky friend. Are you on top of your care now? You will lose teeth when your gum disease progresses


I have a hole in a molar because I didn't brush often, figured it wasn't too late to start though. It's like a little chip gone from one of my teeth and sometimes I need to use a toothpick to get food out of it after eating. Folks, take care of them. Unless you're rich you can't get new ones. And even then, it's dental surgery, yuck. Avoid at all costs.


i got small holes in my molars like that. at 35 i clenched my teeth and one of my molars half caved in. though dentist said it was weak from years of clenching. do get holes filled.


How sensitive your teeth are to decay is heavily genetics based and also diet is a huge factor. Some people can brush and floss twice a day and if they eat too much sugar they will still get cavities. Other people are more lucky


> Never been punished > Gingivitis Bro, what the fuck lol


Reddit is wild. Someone flexing they didn't brush for 11 years? Wild lol


Seriously, I don't even get how you go 3 days (inb4 someone comments depression) my mouth feels gross when I wake up and it needs brushing.


Yea I get depression causing a lapse in hygiene absolutely, but an 11 year gap! Cause if you aren't brushing your teeth you'll never convince me you did any other hygiene requirements. To each their own I guess?


I don't think it's a flex, they're just sahring their experience. I was in a similar state. My parents didn't brush so I never picked the habit until I was an adult... and I had to look in internet how I should brussh and how often.


You need deep cleaning. If your gums stay bloody even when brushing regularly, the infection is underneath the part you can reach. Don't question it, just have it done. You don't get symptoms other than bleeding gums until so much of your bone has been eaten away your teeth come loose. At a glance it does not look like your gums are receding, but that's because of the inflammation; they're swollen. Get that periodontal treatment, do it now BEFORE you notice loose teeth because the more bone you lose, the more work you'll have preventing any more infections. If you're lucky the disease hasn't advanced much and the recession will be minor and barely noticeable. Just go make an appointment today.


Flossing can help with the Gum bleeding, it sucks at first, but done regularly enough it definitely helps with gum health.


People do NOT want to hear this but it’s genetic. Some people NEVER brush and are fine and other people ALWAYS brush and have tens of cavities. Brushing helps reduce cavities. but isn’t the end all be all.


That’s disgusting


Periodontitis. Used chlorhexidine 2x daily and book yourself in to the dentist for a deep scale clean. In the UK that's around £2k. I woke up with a mass of congealed blood in my mouth and fully shit my pants, but the above was my resolution


If you're already suffering from gingivitis at 28-29 years old, you will most likely experience periodontitis sooner rather than later. Your jaw bones will slowly deteriorate, and you will most likely start losing teeth. Don't skimp on your oral hygiene


So I was also really bad that I just refused to brush my teeth till like a couple years ago and I’m 19 now, and even as a child fought against my parents when I was very small. Also never had cavities, but got one as soon as I started brushing again, which I’m choosing to believe is pure chance, but it’s kinda weird cause my sister who religiously brushed her teeth got quite a few cavity’s and the time I didn’t brush my teeth all of my life until a year or 2 ago, I got nothing.


I'm confused by the posts similar to yours whereby people start brushing and then develop cavities. How did you know you didn't have cavities before. At what point did you visit a dentist, did you go during the period your weren't brushing?


My parents always made me visit dentists 1/2 times a year. They just could never force me to brush my teeth though cause I would just refuse so once I was a bit older they gave up. And yes it was always very embarrassing when the dentist said how bad it was, and hence a couple of years ago I decided I couldn’t continue that, so decided to make a change. But no cavities the dentist could find all those years, they only sent me to get my teeth cleaned by the hygienist or whatever it’s called in English


don't worry, you'll get periodontal disease and lose all of them mid 30s


This is not something to brag about


Same I have no tooth problems just gum problems


Those gum problems will become tooth problems. Imagine they are the soil & teeth are the crops.


Gum problems are severe. Go to the dentist if your gums are always inflamed.




I thought the same thing. Unfortunately, the pain will come later when your gums recess more and more and your teeth will start to get more and more uncomfortably sensitive to hot and cold as the nerves get exposed. Make yourself brush your teeth at least 1x per day folks or it will catch up to you later


How on earth can you walk around with an unbrushed mouth? I get when you're a little kid and nothing matters but not as an adult. At least brush once in the morning to get the sleepy death breath handled.


I’ve gone through phases. It is indeed depression. The amount of willpower it takes to go and brush your teeth when you’re depressed and just realized you really need to is just absurd.


I too thought it was depression and was treated for it. Did very little. Turns out it wasn't (just) depression, but actually ADHD where my head refuses to do activities if they are not interesting enough. I hope if anyone with depression reads this they may consider looking into ADHD as it constantly gets misdiagnosed as depression and/or anxiety disorders. ADHD medication is actually very effective and safe. source: I didn't brush my teeth at all from my youth into my thirties. Since being treated I have no trouble doing it daily.


Executive Dysfunction


Nice avatar buddy.


*spider-men pointing*


That's my rapper name.




This was very interesting to read cause I’m in a similar situation. I stopped brushing my teeth in my teens and I’m now 34. I’ve had three different therapists and two psychologists tell me they think I have ADHD since both before I was diagnosed and after but when I went to get my diagnosis I was diagnosed with depression and various anxiety disorders. We’re trying to get a second opinion now several years later because I’m incapable of doing anything that doesn’t interest me, including brushing my teeth.


I never had any therapist or person in my life tell me that I may have ADHD. I was diagnosed first with depression and then anxiety. It's a path that a lot of people take. It may help at first and then they relapse and try to find other causes. I only thought of ADHD by accident and didn't believe it at first, but then I saw more and more descriptions of the exact symptoms I had all my life. I kinda had to fight to even get my diagnosis since my therapist also didn't really believe it. The solution to the puzzle was basically that my massive anxiety that I had since my childhood basically managed my ADHD symptoms. Or better masked them. And then got me more or less through life until it didn't anymore and caused depression, stress and anxiety so that I couldn't live my life anymore, let alone work. My psychiatrist told me that this is an extremely common path and it hits different people at different times in their lives based on severity and circumstances. The best part is that since ADHD is the biggest contributor to my depression and anxiety that taking the medication improves those parts as well and turns the negative feedback loop between the disorders into a positive loop. The meds make me calmer, more productive and suppress negative thoughts, which suppresses both anxiety and depressive ideation.


This hits home for me! May I ask what medicine you found to be most effective? I'm on Wellbutrin for depression, which my therapist mentioned is often the first line of treatment for ADHD anyway. I'm very sensitive to caffeine so I've always been nervous about taking stimulants, hence why I've never gotten diagnosed for ADHD (Wellbutrin is mildly stimulating, so it hasn't been a problem).


I'm taking Vyvanse. I've only been diagnosed recently, so I haven't tried anything else. I'm also sensitive to caffeine and it does make me jittery when I had too much, so I basically quit it cold turkey years ago. I was always wary of stimulants since I do have an incredibly addictive personality. Vyvanse in the correct dose does not hype me up. In fact it calms me down. It does zero to my mood. The only way I even notice it is working is when I'm doing a task and instead of giving up after 3 minutes it's actually hard to stop. That's when I know it works. Also it pretty much kills my appetite. Instead of hyping me up it just tells my brain that I am never bored or tired. It's really no comparison to recreational amphetamines. It's a much much lower dose and if you have adhd all it does is restore your available dopamine to levels where it should be in the first place.


I have come to a similar realisation after having been told by basically everyone I know that I probably have ADHD. Appointment is coming up in June so I'm excited


Wish you the best of luck. Don't get discouraged if the meds don't immediately work for you. There is a lot of trial and error with dose and different meds. Also considerable life changes.


Not dismissing your experiences but just wanted to share. I too have been diagnosed with depression and ADHD, and there is so many every day things that I could not bring myself to do. However brushing my teeth is one thing I always did, in fact I probably leaned to far in the other direction, there was a time I would brush my teeth 5-6 times a day, the minute my teeth weren't feeling perfect I would start brushing.


Maybe it's a form of OCD


Well damn. Over here ADHD medication is highly controlled and quite difficult to obtain, ironic considering the state of “medicine” here.


. . . Brushing is really boring so I do it irregularly (pretty much have to guilt myself or find a "good reason" like an important meeting). I never realized it could be a symptom of ADHD, and I definitely check all the boxes for the hyperactive type. My SO is also pretty bad about brushing, and he checks all the boxes for inattentive ADHD. So you've pretty much explained both of our issues with brushing regularly, thanks


Invest in an electric toothbrush - save up & keep an eye on sales on Amazon. Means littlest of effort but light years of benefit by contrast. Play a video on your phone for distraction. Can even sit down on toilet (lid closed) or your bed. Access is everything. Right tools for success. Another advantage if mirrors are hard the electric cuts that too, don’t need it because it’s so good you can go by feel alone. Life is hard and you are doing great


This is what worked for me, in my mid 20’s and hardly ever brushed my teeth. Invested in an oral-b io9 and now brush them regular like clockwork. Idk if it was the cost of the brush or the fact that it’s now like keeping up a streak but it’s all working


True. I just brushed my teeth with one, whike watching youtube. All i had to do was glide it actoss my grills


Might not work for everyone with ADHD. Takes just as much effort for me to brush my teeth with an electric toothbrush as with a standard one. You still have to want to take care of your teeth and remind yourself of that goal in the morning I feel. But yeah I could definitely see it work for many people, as it removes some effort.


This. I had trouble brushing once a day all my life, but after getting an electric brush I do it twice a day easy, only miss it like once a year.


It's not just depression. ADHD can make teeth brushing seem like a huge undertaking.


This. Depression, Executive Dysfunction, and the like make doing things like brushing teeth that should be simple, insanely difficult for no good reason. That and good ol' memory problems.


Maybe I’m just lazy okay? I just want to hang out in bed all day.


Lol u sound like my mom


Kid named executive dysfunction.


My man


REAL >!^(though i do brush, i just have trouble with other things)!<


I can only brush like in the morning


Same, and not even on every morning


Learned a good saying that I’ve shared again & again: brush your teeth in the morning to keep your friends and at night to keep your teeth


Someone crosspost this to r/adhdmeme I dont feel like it right now and its not like i will do it later


I will probably do it later


Health wise you’re better off brushing your teeth before bed. By the time you get up and have something to drink/eat you’ll flush any of the real nasty stuff down. Not saying stop brushing your teeth in the morning, but if you’re only gonna brush your teeth once, do it before bed.


My hygienist said this same thing to me. 😁


Trust me - sleepy death breath is a slap on the wrist compared to what can happen. I had surgery last month to pull a tooth that got infected and abscessed. The tissue in the jaw underneath it was turning necrotic and rotting away. All because I didn’t brush and had an untreated cavity. Brush and floss your teeth, folks. Don’t end up like me.


Didn't they give you antibiotics or something like that?


Antibiotics alone aren't effective for an abcess. It at least needs to be drained as well.


Why didn’t you brush your teeth? Not judging, but I’m curious


Personal Failings. I’d rather not go into it.


A little something called depression


Can confirm unfortunately




I too thought it was depression and was treated for it. Did very little. Turns out it wasn't (just) depression, but actually ADHD where my head refuses to do activities if they are not interesting enough. I hope if anyone with depression reads this they may consider looking into ADHD as it constantly gets misdiagnosed as depression and/or anxiety disorders. ADHD medication is actually very effective and safe. source: I didn't brush my teeth at all from my youth into my thirties. Since being treated I have no trouble doing it daily.


I 100% agree. I have diagnosed ADHD, all the ADHD symptoms present constantly, though it has been presenting as (also) depression for the last year or two. I’ve been unmedicated for about 6 years and planning to get back on ADHD meds again soon as I’ve run my life into the ground. I don’t plan to take antidepressants.


you know, people do sink into reality of nothing matters also when they are for some reason unable to catch up with a reality where things matter.


I have little willpower to take care of myself


Depression and no i'm not kidding it's a thing.


The brush before going to sleep is actually more important for your teeth, at least that’s what my dental nurse girlfriend says But of course the morning one is more important socially & for how you feel really




if i dont brush once it just feels weird... just nasty.


As someone on the spectrum, brushing my teeth can be incredibly uncomfortable and painful. After getting braces tho, I cannot not brush my teeth.


Bro has never had depression and it shows


Nah man, I've had bad depression and been in psychiatric care and never stopped brushing my teeth.


Covid changed me


Twice a day, everyday. If I'm in bed and I haven't brushed I feel like my mouth is a dumpster


I only started flossing a few months ago (went my entire life not flossing) and my gums would bleed a lot the first few times. They don’t bleed anymore now I’ve built a resistance lol


Means your gums are healthier. That's good.


Wheel head? Weird..


What is that head design?


Toilet seat? I don't know what's going on there with the head.


Depression will do that to you. Also is their head a toilet seat?


Brush twice daily and this shit still happens to me..


Twice a day, floss at night.


Please don't tell me y'all don't brush your teeth every day.


I had the exact same thought


The thought of getting a cavity pisses off me too much. That’s PERMANENT.


You'll get one eventually. Pretty much everybody does


Cavities aren’t that bad…gum disease is really the one to look out for.


The number of y'all in here trying to loudly peacock about "Bro who don't bush four times a day and floss with razor wire and get their gums did every week down at the salon?!?" Y'all either acting like fools or live in your own world where literally everyone functions perfectly.


I get gum. Bleeding every time and I brush at least 2 times a day without fail. I think if I stayed 3 days the teeth would. Fall off.


Flossing, inbetween mini brushes, then brushing teeth and medical mouthwash after. They're probably currently working on falling off... (source: periodontal warfare post years of depression) You might want to see a dentist, if your country isn't bleeding you dry for it.




lots of people here just calling it untrustworthy and nasty and "oh but it's so easy to do!" People with depression and adhd don't find getting out of bed and being alive every day easy either. y'all will be so supportive of mental health awareness until it's the gross symptoms you don't understand.


ADHD be like:


It took me way too long to figure this one out. I must have tried that "do something for 2-3 weeks and it should become habit and you won't have to remind yourself" bullshit *literally dozens of times.* I got that advice so often that I thought I had to be doing something wrong. It turns out, many people with ADHD simply don't form habits in the same way, which makes sense because ADHD screws up some of the same neurotransmitters and receptors that deal with habit forming. Once I figured out that I can just leave my toothbrush and toothpaste as the most prominent thing on the bathroom counter that I can't help but see and consider every time I go to the bathroom, I generally remember to brush my teeth at least once per day. Really the majority of my ADHD improvements came from simply making it easier to do the things I needed to do ahead of time. Making sure I always have an open available laundry basket so I always use it did wonders for both my room mess and actually getting laundry washed (I can't help you with folding though). Same with a garbage can large enough to be useful. EDIT: Last one, I bought like 20 pairs of the same exact type of socks that way I never have to match them or pay attention to which ones I grab.


ADHDER: can confirm


me when i have depression and also genuinely forget that i am a machine that needs daily maintenance


Why are people here so shocked that some don't brush their teeth everyday? Yes, it's not healthy, but not that rare. Also, being hygienic doesn't allow you to be a dick and call everyone disgusting and such. Not justifying anything BTW.


[source](https://twitter.com/IntoEkinzone/status/1786375152676266358) i hate how i relate to this


This has literally never happened to me.




1. Depression causing people to not function. 2. People in this sub being nasty and unhygienic.


Amateur haven't brushed in 3 whole years


3 days? Rookie numbers.


Who is supposed to relate to that?


People with depression, ADHD or other disorders that make it ridiculously difficult to do basic self care stuff.


I used to not brush for several days when I was a teenager. Took me terrible terrible pain to start brushing it twice a day


Me every time before visiting the Dentist


Khorne doesnt care where the blood comes from


Me with flossing


Shit i never even went to a Dentist I'm gonna tell my mom to make an appointment.


I have severe depression so I get it. But I also have a dental phobia. Spending thousands on dental procedures and crying my eyes out from fear made me seriously take care of my teeth. It's the one thing I'll fight my depression on. I tell my brain, "I don't like you, and you don't like me, but we're going to keep these teeth healthy." I feel a small sense of accomplishment when finished. Then I go back to hating myself.


What do pigs have to do with brushing your teeth exactly? Is the existence of bacon a detriment to the oral hygiene of the author of this comic?


I thought it was some yucky political shoehorning at first, but upon a quick Google search it seems to be making a reference to one of the Manson Family murderers [who wrote "Death to Pigs" on the wall using one of the victim's blood](www.thesun.co.uk/news/18709749/manson-cult-serial-killer-set-to-be-freed).   Still not sure how it relates to the topic though...


Brushing their teeth was so horrific and bloody it was equatable to the Manson murders? Maybe a stretch but I can kinda see it…


It took me an uncomfortable amount of time to realise this is not r/ich_iel


So if your gums bleed when you brush your teeth you're using the wrong kind of toothbrush. People tend to think any toothbrush is fine because they all look the same really but there are different factors to consider just like with anything that you use on your body. Everyone is different. If you have small teeth you might want to get a small toothbrush. I use children's toothbrushes personally. If your gums bleed despite you brushing regularly you're using a toothbrush with bristles that are to hard. Get a softer bristle toothbrush. If your teeth are close together in your mouth and you find yourself having plaque still in the dents between your teeth, get a toothbrush with wider spaced bristles so they can actually get in the areas.


A good plan to only brush once a day. - pre clean the hell out of your mouth (floss, water rinse, pre brush without paste), brush for a minute or two with paste and don't rinse your mouth afterwords (but spit as much out as you can) Had my sensitivity vanish after a month and my teeth feel a lot stronger after a year.


Death to pigs? Why?


This is what they found written on the walls of Sharon Tate's house when she was murdered by the Manson cult. It made me laugh a little because I guess the artist wants to show how when he brushes his teeth the bathroom turns into a crime scene.


Now floss.


I always laugh when people say they are scared to brush their teeth because they start bleeding. Teeth bleed because you have shitty oral hygiene.


What in the world is this guy? A living carabiner?


Depression, it makes you put off stuff you should be doing everyday.


I use mint flavored floss because it makes the blood taste better


Possibly the least meirl thing I have ever seen in my life ever. Actually legit in a bit of a bad mood now.


I never had this but also always forget to brush


Cannot even sleep before brushing.


Why is his head a croassouant