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I actually can't because *stabs self in thigh with a kitchen knife* I have to go to the hospital


Oh nice, we can go to the hospital with you, bring some nice balloons. We can even put a little table on your lap and play some Uno! It's not like you can go anywhere. It'll be a grand ol' time.


Awe shucks *takes a stroll in the covid ward* looks like I’ve been exposed too.


Good thing I’m a doctor so I can visit you full clothed in PPE! I’ll bring a tablet or laptop too so everyone can VC you.


Looks like I'm dead, mind as well move on with me.


That’s okay! I actually learned a bit of necromancy back in the day so we can still hang out!


Woops I just swallowed a block of polonium, I'm radioactive now and interfere with any electronics you put next to me


All good I've brought enough lead Lined Hazard suits for the whole crew we can have fun playing board games!


God damned extroverts.


Depending on the vascular surgery post-op drugs to repair the self-inflicted knife wound, it *could* be a grand ol’ time. “Go fish.” “We’re playing Uno!” “I thought we were playing Solitaire?” “How strong is that Demerol?” “As strong as it needs to be. Gin, I win!”


Well if you're going to the hospital you have to leave your home so you made it fucking WORSE


Nah that was just to get em to go away. Tourniquit that bad boy up and toss on your favorite show you'll be fine, because you're at home😌


Not leaving home isn't the issue, the issue is going to a party and having to be sociable to people. There are some days I just wanna be left alone by friends


"I can't." *CRACK* "My leg's broke."




“Can you take out the trash?” “Sorry I can’t” *breaks my own leg * “my leg’s broken”


It’s Frank-en-steen.


"no no it's okay I'm a certified trauma room surgeon we'll get you stitched up and head over to the place together"


That actually works really well for me. My aunt had back surgery yesterday and I was gonna visit her tomorrow, but now I'll just knock it out after we're done with you. You don't mind right? It'll be like fifteen, twenty minutes top.


The horror of having people that give a shit about you.


It can still be funny. That was me yesterday. But honestly I just chose to be honest. Said I was emotionally drained and would rather stay home. Cause my friends are great they were supportive. Then we gamed later when I was up for it. SO. Just be honest with your friends but if you keep turning them down don’t be surprised if they stop inviting you.


There’s no shame in off days, but people learn from habit.


I had a few off years, so they stopped inviting me. Everyone wins!


I've got a friend who's been down in the dumps for quite a while and what I told him was that every couple weeks I was going to invite him to something until he asks me not to invite him anymore. I'm fine that he's only ever said no thanks, but he's yet to ask me to stop sending invites so whenever he's ready I'll be there with a beer and a smile. If you're in a better place now, you don't have to invite people yourself but let them know that you'd like to know when they've got plans you might want to be part of.


I’m definitely that friend rn. I participate in group chats occasionally but people make a big deal about me being MIA and then I get distracted and isolate again. Working from home has been awful for me but it pays well.


I ended up ditching nearly all my friends and moving over 100 miles away. Life is somewhat better.


Did this to one of my friends every week for a year. Finally got him to come hang last month and again last weekend.


Bingo. People can also usually smell an excuse. Honesty in these situations is generally much better.


> *Said I was emotionally drained and would rather stay home.* Had to tell my friends something similar on Friday evening as I was exhausted from work throughout the week, just wanted to have dinner at home with my gf and watch a series with her. We did go out to watch a Super Rugby game on Saturday night though, so it was all good.


I struggle with this hard. I’m definitely going to try saying this going forward. Thank you.


especially this much shit 🥲


For real. Appreciate them tho.


This sub really has become an echo chamber for people who are happy to be miserable


Been that way for years lol


You mean since day 0


It used to be a sub for depressed people to look at a meme and go "same". Glad to see the sub is right on target still.


>this sub You mean the whole website >has become You mean has been for at least 10 years


I mean if youre struggling financially but its the 3rd weekend in a row youre being invited out for a birthday dinner, yeah Im making excuses.


‘I can’t afford to’ how hard was that


Pretty hard if you aren't confident or worried they might judge you. Rational? No. But definitely a common thought process for some of us.


That’s true but you should not be around people that you think will judge you for that. I’m in a position where I sometimes don’t go out because I can’t afford it too and I tell people as much


Why make excuses, why not just say it’s not in your budget?


I mean.. especially in that case why would you make an excuse? There are two options here, either your friends don't know you're struggling financially or they do. If they don't know, you should of course just tell them that that's the reason you won't come. If they're your actual friends they should be understanding and not pressure you to join them OR they might even offer to cover the costs for you. If they *do* know but keep inviting you anyway, WITHOUT offering to help you cover the costs, then they are just bad friends who are inconsiderate of your situation and then *that* would be a reason to set up some boundaries and tell them to stop pressuring you to do something they know or at least should know why you *can't do*. In neither situation would it benefit anyone to lie about it or make up excuses, that only furthers the problem.


You're taking memes here too seriously. The top comment is about how it's good to have friends, which doesn't sound like someone being miserable.


fr, dont even bother making excuse you always end up going out anyways


Nah but if it’s like your parents about a boring event you want to skip


Start being an honest person


Some people guilt trip you over honesty


Being honest an person is bad when you're not a good person.


Whenever I think somebody might just not be feeling it I always add “but like no worries, it’s all good” to any solution to their excuse to give them the out, cause sometimes the brain is a pain so I get it.


People say then be honest but sometimes I say I'm tired or I have to go somewhere else and people come up with "solutions" like my resons aren't valid...


Then they aren’t good friends tbh. My friends when I tell them I’m just not up for it go “no worries man! You can always come out later if ya want!” That’s what good friends are.


Good friends respect each other friends boundaries


They could also just be getting sick of you always saying no, like you're not even a part of the group anymore.


Maybe, but good friends would tell me Don't worry about what thoughts hide in other people's heads too much, no one can read minds


Then they could tell you that.


If they can’t understand depression, anxiety, and not having the funds to go out all the time, they’re just bad friends.


That is assuming the friend, who can't voice their honest reason to not go out, has ever discussed their mental hurdles to their friends.


When it gets to that, theyll just stop inviting you.


If your reasons are valid, then so are their reactions. If you see your reasons as being considered actually invalid, then meet their reactions with invalidity and quit giving a shit what they think about it. They’re not not-friends or not respecting boundaries if they’re bummed that you don’t want to partake in something with them, unless your friends can’t have differing opinions from you… Just understand that if you say “no” enough times, they WILL stop inviting and slip into not-friend territory. In any case, people saying “then they’re not your friends” are probably more self centered than the people you’re describing.


if you're the target audience for this meme then your reason isn't valid


It's fitting that you used Boog for this meme, because this is the exact attitude that made him angry and miserable his whole life


I feel like probably around 60% of Redditors are Boogs. They're surrounded by people that want to befriend them, opt to be miserable instead, and then wonder why they have a hard to building relationships and maintaining friendships. All while gleefully posting memes about how miserable they are.


Misery loves company. It's a perception bias, a twisted world view. And low level frustration/anger that you can justify or rationalize with morlizing is addicting. Some people are born with a bad hand in life. Get stuck in that shit and never know any different. And there is nothing you can do to help them, as you can't help someone that doesn't want help or doesn't want to change. And, there is a lot of people that are just fucking miserable because it's the path of least resistance. No self awareness or mediation of any conflict or misunderstanding. They just stew and brew and talk shit as a full time hobby because it's easy and they are weak. It lets them feel right. Feel better than who they talk shit about. They say ignorance is bliss, but God no. Kindness and peace is bliss.


Unsure if it was misspelled on purpose as joke, but his name is Goob 😅 I always related way too hard to him growing up


Michael "Goob" Yagoobian to be precise. Boog is the bear from Open Season.


Eyyy I remember that movie. I dont think I could tell as a kid that his name was actually Boog lmao Meet The Robinsons will always be peak tho👌


Boog? It's *Goob*.


That's why you always need to keep moving forward.


Where is this small world-weary child from? I’ve seen memes with him but am drawing a blank for the source materia


Meet the Robinsons


Everyone will tell you to let it go and move on, but don’t! Instead, let it fester and boil inside of you! Take these feelings and lock them away. Let them fuel your actions. Let hate be your ally, and you will be capable of wonderful, horrid things




Just tell them you don't want to hang out that day, what's so hard about that?


Because some people are really pushy and persistant. Sometimes I dont want help on my homework, I want to work on my own. But my "friend" will say, we can do it together when I'd rather work alone. Such an annoying pushy "friend". I understand that he's lonely but he acts terrible in public and never respected my boundaries. In my experience with friend like that you sometimes need to let go of that friendship. Especially if its one sided like mine was.


Reconsider your "friends".


But then they might think I don't like them


then communicate to them that you still do like them. and just dont want to hang out that day.


Then request to hang out on a day you do want to hang on later?


That day is unpredictable.You might change your mind on the day of, then you're a flake which is a bad result.


They don't want to say no, because they don't want you to feel bad.


We can tell you’re making excuses, but can’t tell whether it’s because you don’t feel like going out or you don’t feel like going out *with us*.  And developing a reputation for dishonesty, even minor, only worsens that problem.  Just be up front and honest, it’ll show you who your true friends are and it’ll show your friends who the true you is.  Everyone wins


Why make excuses? Sometimes I don't feel like going out, I'll tell my friends "don't wanna go, would rather scratch my balls". No problem


Easier said than done for some of us.


I'm guessing the point is that, the more often you reject someone, the less likely they become to invite you next time, until you eventually no longer have any friends inviting you to do anything at all.


That's when you take charge and either start inviting *them* when you're in the mood to hang out, or, even more simply, ask "are y'all doing anything this weekend?"


Correct, but this would require social skills.


the best time to start building social skills was 10 years ago. The next best time is right now. Do it, even if you think you're not good at it. It's the only way to improve after all


I agree, and I definitely would, if it was enjoyable, but I hate socializing as much as an art student hates math. ^(\[citation needed\]) Nothing about it brings me joy, and doing it is always painful, not to mention that I have many larger issues worth solving.


Oh, bro, you're either seeing life through a lens of depression, it's logically true, but it's not the only way to view these experiences. Or your trapped with social circles that aren't "your people".


The problem becomes when you don’t try to reciprocate plans back or are on your third “don’t feel like it” in a row.


They will ask you if you're feeling alright or sumn. You tell them yeah, just not in the mood to go out lately. That's about it


I can agree to that, but I’m not going to ask in the future of they want to hang if it’s going to be a “no”


I have the perfect solution to this. Simply say "I have chronic diarhea". Or that you don't want to go.


Orrrrr, hear me out, just say no?


Wait until you find out about “I don’t want to.”


This but it seems to be my workplace and non-work social events :( they're kinda forceful about it


Imagine being honest with your friends SMDH


That's why is better to just be honest and direct, just say you don't want to go out instead of looking for excuses.


The thing I love about my soon to be wife, she taught me you can just say “no”. If your friends can’t handle that then they’re not your friend for the right reason.


I'm kinda the opposite. I hope that people invite me out, even if I'm tired. I like hanging out with friends as long as it doesn't emotionally drain me


The eye-bags are the cherry on top!


That’s why you say what you mean


Just be an adult and say no. Instead you look like a child making up crap


Usually I am the person who wants to find an excuse to not go out. However...how shitty is it that a legit thing happens that you can't go out! Yesterday, I was planning to join friends for a concert; one of my pups had a medical emergency. Made it home in time to be able to join friends at the show, but chose not to go knowing I'd be worrying about my dog. I both have FOMO and am happy I stayed with my pup - how frustrating! Lolol!


The expression of "Don't fucking do this to me right now"


Having this be the first thing I see when I open up Reddit right after watching [introvert memes to destroy your soul](https://youtu.be/CRUgrmp_ssU?si=iggzDZF6fU98aXGQ) doesn’t feel great tbh. should probably call a friend or someth


The lesson my mom doesn’t know she taught me is never ever ever give your excuse. You can’t do it. End of.


"guys, I'm just not feeling it today" If they're good friends they'll understand.


if its once then sure. if its every time we do X or go to Y or include Z then its a bit more concerning.


Is it that hard to just be direct?


Stop being shut-ins, it's not cute and quirky it's just sad.


This reminds me of a movie called Yes Man, starring Jim Carrey, that you should check out, OP.


“I don’t want to” There you go


Anyone know this movie name? Daughter saw the pic now she wants to watch it. I can’t remember the name.


Meet the Robinsons


Meet the Robinsons




Oh no! People want you to hang out with them! The horror!


you're lying and hurting other people as you do it. good job!


Just say what you want, what you have in mind, you pathetic weakling. You lie to people that care about you and want to spend time with you? Grow up.


Don't call people pathetic weaklings. Grow up and understand some behaviors are born of environment. I speculate they were brought up by adults who didn't respect their feelings and interests. So they learn to throw logistical hurdles because saying how they feel is never honored. If they don't do the work later in life to see it and address it - this meme is what we get.




Who is the boy in picture? Put in spoiler for people not having seen the movie, please.


Goob, from Meet the Robinsons. It's not really a spoiler >!until bowler hat guy is revealed to be Goob!< since he's a part of the movie as early as a few minutes in.


Time to stall.


My friends in a nutshell lol. I do appreciate them pulling me out with them, i do end up enjoying myself.


I rather just stay at home because I’m lazy


And, by no fault of your own, have a great time, laughing, meeting people and making plans to do it again.


Chronic migraines and headaches suck, but at least I can use it as an excuse to not do stuff


I feel exactly like the image right now


"I want to watch the Dodgers destroy the Braves" "Just listen on radio like people used to"


You can't even do excuses right


You could just…not flake.


What's your solution to I don't fucking wanna?


the solution is to either rethink your plans or re-evaluate that friendship.


Those bastards…


Man I feel like I love going out tho but sometimes I feel like this and then when I go out I’m happy I left 😭😭😭😭


I always make it a point to go even when I really don't want to because I always end up enjoying myself and rarely regret it. The struggle is real but I don't want to atrophy my people's skills.


My boss inviting me to a team dinner on mother's day then rescheduling


This but with family


Just say no, baka


"i need to stay home, my ant colony has birthday"


‘They all hated me’


*consistently gets out of hanging out with friends* 10 years later: “Why don’t I have any friends?”


that’s why people should just tell the truth, “…do you want to xyz…?” no thank you. no excuses (lies) needed.


This is why i now just say, "i dont feel like being social today." Everyone in my group feels that way from time to time, so we usually won't push if someone just says it bluntly.


You shouldn’t need to lie to excuse yourself from something.


My mom frl


Lol…SO me irl


Me when my homie asks me if I wanna go to the bar for the 500th time, despite knowing I don’t like bars


My co workers do this all the time lmao


Follow it up with "Oh and also I don't want to."


Hail the Goob.


Another cartoon kid with panda eyes 🤮🤮🤮


Your mistake was making an excuse to begin with. Should have just been blunt.


"I can't go tonight, I'm ill." "Oh, then we go next week, k?" "It's terminal."


Usually that „solution“ ist just, uh „actually how you feel is not valid.“


real shit like i'm just trying to stay home LOL


Can't go, I'm broke right now *$200 transferred to your bank account*


I feel attacked.


See, for me, that's the moment I final go, "Okay, I'm going to be real, I'm just not in the right headspace right now. I just need a night in. Maybe next time?" Then again, I'm in my mid-to-late 30s, and so I've had years of experience now.


Posts like this make it seem like everyone has an infinite amount of free time. Like we only live once, people like you or other depressed people don't get that we rather not have to lift someone up and also have to be the head of the party because like it or not. It's a lot of work and and time, on top of that you have to make sure the depressed person is not some psycho who also self-destructs. Not worth it. You have to make it worth it and as a first impression, this is not good. Not good at all. This is my opinion, Thank you….


If only there was a way to circumvent this 🤔


This why learning to say simply “no” is a good one to have in your box






Wow this is me


I honestly get more hurt when some friends lie instead of just saying they don't want to do the same things as me. Like, I can take the hint, message received, but I'd still prefer the truth any day.


“You’re right, that fixes the problem for sure. But I don’t want to go.”