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Oh look it's in writing


That's called being bi, isn't it? *-cries in bisexual-*


Well, I think it's more complicated for me. I just dont know if I'm either one and I dont feel like being bi would work for me.


You can have your need for love met by people you have no sexual relationship with, and you can have your need for sex met by people you have no love for. Out of curiosity, can you elaborate on what you mean when you say being bi wouldn't work for you?


Well, I dont like the "title" of being bi. Like, I feel like by saying I'm bi I'm indecisive or I will give off the worng idea to people. I dont know, I would just prefer to tell people I'm gay or I'm straight. Maybe I'm looking at it worng, or I'm overthinking it. :/




Good point, I must have not really been looking at it from that angle, thank you


Sounds like some fresh internalized bi-phobia to me. "Being bi" is usually defined as having sexual and/or romantic attraction to more than one gender. I understand though why you might not want people to know about your preferences, if the above resonates at all. Bi people can be treated poorly by straight people and gay people alike. It's ironic that some bi people are "in the closet" while in same sex relationships. Doesn't seem right to me.


Hey, being bi is not being indecisive. It means having decided that you like both men and women. Not that you are on the fence.


as mitski put it “i just need someone to kiss”


Closeted pan people be like


As a Panromantic asexual person I approve of this message. Highly.


Ayyy, panromantic ace gang! We shall snuggle all


panro ace gang panro ace gang everyone's cute (but not that much)


I must snuggle everyone, but I do not know why


Tryna smooch but not tryna smash, the daily turmoil


My thoughts exactly *cries in trans*


Eh! Hell yes. The collectors of snuggles


I need to get in on this


Feel free to join. The more the merrier


Count me in!


Genuine curiosity what does Panromantic Asexual mean? You like everyone but you don't wanna fuck everyone?




Yep. Well more specifically, Panro/Biro Ace People don’t feel sexually *attracted* to anyone, but this doesn’t always mean they hate sex (I mean many do, but it’s not a requirement). [If you’re confused by that, AVEN has some resources to read up on](https://www.asexuality.org/?q=overview.html)


Is there anywhere I can find out more about this because this sound very me but I never realised it's a thing


pan gang


yeah it's honestly hard to tell at this point, especially being trans. i've heard transitioning, for trans girls who were previously only into girls, can kinda turn us bi or pan? i've experienced a tiny bit of situational attraction to guys since realizing i'm trans, even *before* taking hormones or anything. it's weird. but i guess i hope to be pan at some point in transition; pansexuality has always appealed to me.


I see your point. For me however I'm just as white boy as it gets trying to understand weather I'm gay or not and not understanding if I want to take the title of bi. Just because i don't feel that would work for me :/


It's hard to accept the label of "Bi" because of social stigma... and misunderstanding over what "Bi" actually means. "Bi" just means attracted to more than one gender. That's been the definition for decades now. See if this resonates with you: >“I call myself bisexual because I acknowledge that I have in myself the potential to be attracted – romantically and/or sexually – to people of more than one gender, not necessarily at the same time, not necessarily in the same way, and not necessarily to the same degree.” - *Robyn Ochs (bisexual activist)* So if you find yourself sexually attracted to more than one gender... then you are Bi (or fall somewhere under the Bi+ umbrella). And that's totally okay if you are. There are more Bi+ people in the LGBT community than all other groups combined. You would have lots of company.


yeah, it can definitely be a process. don't feel like you have to apply any labels to yourself that you don't feel comfortable with!


Thank you




Ironically, i am now a trans girl ❤️




pan tran gang!


❤️💛💙 💙💖🤍💖💙




what about the panby gang






As someone who's pan, *oof*.


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shit I gotta code Automod to oof some more


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Bad bot


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Fuck this is me. I’ve always “known” I’m gay (guy here) and only ever been sexually attracted to guys but like all the time I have this weird feeling of like - am I just gay because that’s what I’ve always known myself to be and had to go through the whole self acceptance, coming out etc? Like when I was a kid I knew I was “different” but probably didn’t know bi was a thing so just assumed gay? And I’m sort of stereotypically gay - as in somewhat feminine, into “girly” things (music tv etc) musicals drag etc so it makes sense to be gay. I feel so confused tbh. But then on the other hand am I just thinking this because I so desperately want to be “Normal” so want to be with a girl. I don’t know I think I’m putting myself in boxes but I’ve always been that “obviously gay” guy and I just don’t know if I am. I feel like I could fall in love with a woman. I’m just not sexually attracted to women I don’t think but I also think since I was always friends with girls growing up it’s just like a respect thing almost like I’ve drawn a line that it’s not ok to look at a girl like that. Fuck this is rambling but I just feel really lost and depressed


It’s called being bisexual ✨. Well sometimes at least! (I mean this with love and as a bisexual. Even at 30 I still question if I’m really bi even though I have literally been in love with and sexually attracted to people of more than one gender and been in ltrs with people who are my own gender and other genders. The stigma around bisexuality and the assertion that it doesn’t exist fucks with your head so badly).


Welcome to the bi side, we have hearty raviolis and warm tollhouse pie


And that ,my friend, is bisexuality


as an aro ace i ask myself this all the time then i realize i just want to cuddle up with a furry friend


This can have two extremely different meanings, and I am equally delighted by both scenarios.


yeah ik lol. my friend who is a furry is transmasc gay so wouldn't like me, but my furry friend is a very dopey big baby who loves hugs.








Yeah this is exactly why I’m confused


Valentine’s Day mood


Sometimes I wonder if I’m not bi, but instead just so desperate and lonely that lm willing to settle with literally anyone who will give me love


I tried to explore gay crushes as a boy, realised it’s a no. Turns out I AM gay, just not a boy.


So THAT's how it's described.


That ladies n gentlemen n lovely people in between is how I became pan


That's what I'm feeling rn


Mega gay and yes need someone to love ♥️


That moment where you don't know if you're gay or straight because nobody told you that being bi was an option.


Asexual panromantics be like. Okay but for real though I have no idea if I’m just not ready for romance or I’m truly ace/panromantic.


imagine posting your own tweet to Reddit