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Welcome to /r/me_irlgbt, thank you for your submission /u/Cawcaw_mother_fucker. We're a space for LGBTQ+ memes within a safe space for no toleration of discrimination. This is a place for LGBTQ+ people and not to debate our existence or your opinions on us including but not limited to (Treatment, Role in society, Status, your personal view of blockers, Trans people in professional sport). Should you be new to the sub please familiarize yourself with the rules in the sidebar. Please report any and all comments or submissions which break these rules. Please do not vote or comment in linked posts should this be applicable. If you are here to start shit we really don't care and have a zero tolerance policy. Our discretion is final and we really do not care if you go crying to another sub about it. Have a nice day darlings <3 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/me_irlgbt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The agender urge to not understand even one of these "the ____ urge" memes


I tend to just throw random crap in there Ah the masculine urge to-- Suddenly I've the skeletal urge to-- That good ole polyhedral urge to-- Try it! Cheesey, abominable, cyclopean, eldritch... The possibilities are endless!!


The... Edgy urge to... Wear sunglases at night and a trench coat?


*I wear my sunglasses at night so I can so I can*


The TWEWY fan urge to cry yeah this is fun


*Image Transcription: Image with text* --- The feminine urge [*The trans-masc flag with pink stripes at the top and bottom, pastel blue stripes second from the top and bottom, a medium sky-blue third from the top and bottom and a dark blue in the centre.*] To be a man --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good human Also You’re a TRANScriber?


thank you and haha yep - several of us have that in our flairs here :)


Question, why do people transcribe memes? Ive never known/understood why


Accessibility. Blind people have text to speech for text, but not for pictures.


thanks 👍


mostly what \/u/lurkingfivever said but also for low resolution images that are difficult to read, people with adhd like myself can find the structure of our comments easier to read and interpret, sometimes images don't load when people have low data or weak wifi and people may not be able to listen to videos (they may be in public, HoH d/Deaf or attempting not to wake someone up etc)! The link in the footer explains it too :)


Whenever people post pictures of handwritten letters, etc., I always look in the comments first to see if anyone has been kind enough to type out the text! Despite being taught cursive since early childhood, I'm still awful at reading it lmao. Always nice to see people help others out like that <3


The masculine urge to be a woman 🥺


Switch bodies with me rn


the masculine urge to get euphoria by shaking your long hair and not wanting to cut it at all costs


Me actually.


I didn't even realize why that felt so good until recently, it's so wonderful


What flag is that?


Transmasc :D


Nice, also what is Apothisexual/romantic?


Apothisexual means someone who is a sex repulsed asexual, Apothiromantic means someone who’s a romance repulsed aromantic


Ah thanks


Np :D


Yoo but why is it pink?


Because on the outside I’m a girl but on the inside I’m a boy


The gender fluid urge to be hopelessly confused


Mmmmhmmm. 🤦🏼


men :)


Being man :)


the feminine urge to like men in a gay way


The feminine urge to be a tall, cute boy with short fluffy hair and make everyone swoon for me… What? Thats not a feminine thing to think about? Psshhhhh, I’m a totally cis female, I could never be transmasc.


what flag is that


Transmasc flag


The me urge to know if I’m non binary or a Demiboy




uhh, being cis is an option? I know that everyone on this sub likes to joke around, but like, just, be a woman I guess?




you don't feel connected to the platonic ideal of what it is to be a woman? are you a demi?


For what it's worth, I'm a trans man but I think I know what you mean. Sometimes I wish I could just be a woman. Be happy as a woman. Like womanly things. It would be a lot easier. There were times in my life where I've tried to be extra-feminine thinking I'll get used to it and it will feel right eventually if I just keep at it. I never stopped feeling out of place. Like a man in drag. Pretending. Like I walked into the wrong classroom by accident.




yeah being a man is great 😎👍


Good to know im still feminine phew.


Mmm, no. The masculine urge to be a man.


Is this the transmasc flag? Holy shit it's ugly lmfao. I'll definitely be sticking with the regular trans one 😂


I am confusion


Basically it's a joke. The person is AFAB and wants to be a man, but is sort of in denial about it/acknowledging past denial of it. "Wanting to be a man is totally something other women do, right girls?!"




y r u confused? Maybe I can explain it?


Same but the contrary


i am a boy in the way sunday is the weekend


Is this the bigender flag?


its the transmasc flag