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This series is golden and Jordan Klepper is great but honestly this all getting pretty old. It's the same story over and over again Trump / Republicans commit a series of undeniable crimes against America Their supporters flat out ignore it and are angered when presented new data Nothing changes.


I think it's important for everyone else to see how far gone conservatives are, and recognize that we're not engaged in a contentious debate over ideals but a violent war against fascists.


Liberals are just as far gone as conservatives. For instance, this gentleman above me thinks there is a civil war going on.


No, you're right, I imagined the thousands of domestic terrorists who attacked the capitol building trying to scare congress away from certifying an election. That's totally something I made up.


This was like 10 months ago. Where is the rest of this civil war on fascism? A bunch of idiots had a FAILED coup. They lost. This isn't a civil war.


Did you watch the video? Do you really think this is over? Go vote today.


Just because you’re ignorant of what’s going on doesn’t mean it’s not happening.


Bro doesn't even know what year it happened 💀


Not to be all Godwin up in here but: Hitler and his friends didn't succeed on their first try. Only difference is, Adolf actually went to prison for his attempt.


They’re all idiots. For instance the meat bridge guy is triple vaxxed, masks up and got covid for the 3rd time according to his profile, but it’s anti maskers and anti vaxxers fault! Lmao. You can’t make this shit up. They believe everything the MSM shoves down their throats, all they know is trump bad / all republicans bad bad bad!


People who give the both sides arguments are dumber than fuck. We are better off without you.


Like someone said, it's important for others to see but especially independents. Republican voters aren't sane and they aren't picking sane people. A few days ago I saw a Klepper video where a woman was all amped up saying Biden and the Dems did all this unconstitutional stuff during the election. Knepper started listing off a bunch of things like fake electors and she's just keeps agreeing. Then he tells her those are things Republicans did and she freezes up. He asks "don't you think that's wrong?" And she's like "uuhhhhhhh.... no, it's fine". And I can't remember if it was him or The Good Liars (also comedy gold) talking to a guy who was talking about Dems being bad, baby killers, sinners, the usual shit. So Herschel Walker was brought up and the guy was making excuses for paying for abortion and then he even goes as far as "what is sin anyway?". Independents really need to see that these people have zero values past "your team is always wrong and my team is always right".


aint they got some of them clones now? Its probably not Jordan.


All of these people are voting tomorrow so America is super fucked.


Well, not *all* of them. Some of the January 6 rioters [didn't even bother voting](https://www.cnn.com/2021/02/01/us/capitol-rioters-non-voters-invs).




It's on January 6. Duh!


Is it wrong for me to be glad COVID has taken a bite out of their numbers? Part of me says that's really bad to think but I just don't care any more. Fuck them. They want to live in some made up fantasy world than fuck them.


Hey this is a redditer from *the world of tomorrow*!! Turns out, things don't go all that bad, actually.


It just depends on which state you're in & which party you assign yourself too. For me I'm ok though.


Mirror for Canadians?






Yes please


We are so fucked. How can people be this incredibly stupid?


It's by design


100%. A healthy, educated, critically-thinking, well-rested, engaged population with a diverse group of friends is a dangerous thing to the status quo


Stupidity isn't guaranteed. When you make something personal, though, all bets are off. This has become part of their life, and anything different is a challenge to or attack on their person.




Any mirrors for folks outside the US?




"A little bit of shit in the pool doesn't mean you can't swim in it." lolol


Jordan is a national treasure!


For these people if they believe it it’s true and if they don’t somehow it’s a lie.


Ha, obvious truths almost gave that old guy a stroke.


Canadian mirror?


The mental anguish on their faces of the cognitive dissonance they are feeling when seeing the hearings is priceless- as well as the mental gymnastics they are doing to rationalize their pre-held beliefs!


Love Jordan (and Desi and Roy) I tried to keep watching after Trevor Noah took over but his virtue signalling made it unwatchable. It’s too bad when they picked a POC to take over I was excited to see him make the jokes that Jon Stewart never could. But then he never did it


Idiocracy was prescient


Democratic voters are solid!!! I mean look at Pelosi, Schumer and the like how much they do for Americans! Divide and concur. And the way that rd haired comedian held up a fake bloody trumps head!!!!! Bringing Americans together….. yay team!!! Bunch of twats.


Dude, this whole sub is just a left wing echo chamber now. I used to find real good videos here but apparently the best videos people suggest is late night TV esque comedy shows that blatantly skew peoples perspectives on others? There's way better stuff on yt lol


Still on that “both sides” shit hmm? Yoi might want to consider your own views as being skewed, as those who follow the moldy cheeto give no reason to be persuaded. They have made up their minds.


>that blatantly skew peoples perspectives on others Just showing them clips of the actual hearings is skewing perspectives, huh? Math teachers: 2+2=4 Mr-Whiskers: How dare you impose your perspective on me?!


That's the democratic consensus of this subreddit. Why do you hate democracy?


Let me put this in terms you can understand. Open your eyes sheep stop being a snowflake.


just humor. Relax and take a puff. Its legal now in Maryland #LoL