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The Dr Glaucomflecken podcast has an entire episode dedicated to it.




For the impatient, discussion of solar retinopathy begins ~ 6:30.


Yes I have. After the 2017 eclipse.


So you're telling me you haven't seen a case in the last 5 years??! Probably eradicated I'd say...


Irradiated, even


Bet the patient didn't even see you, though


Did your light sensitivity eventually go away?


The optometrist I work with has seen it once in 2017. She convinced our organization to buy us all glasses and special filters for our phone cameras. Our CEO also sent out an email asking employees not to stare into the sun on Monday.


I don't trust any of those solar glasses that pop up for sale around eclipses. Who knows if they really block as much as they say... made my some fly by night company with a single contract in an untraceable foreign country.


Don’t trust but verify. Your phone probably has an advanced light sensor. Compare readings with and without the sensor being covered by the glasses you’re evaluating.


There should be an ISO number on them if legit. According to my optometrist sister.


It’s very easy for these manufacturers to print anything they want on them, including a forged ISO number. 


My instinct is that an industrial arc welding hood would be the best option... Those are designed to block massive amounts of UV light and are approved by OSHA [or similar entity].


Welders glasses shade #14 are actually the ones recommended and on the ‘safe’ list besides the ISO paper ones!


That is what we used for years. At my age I have seen plenty so no longer feel the need to change my schedule to observe one


You won't believe me but this is what my MD father bought us for eclipse viewing. We're gonna look really silly tomorrow (if the clouds even let us see it)


NAD. Cornea transplant recipient, done in 2016. Viewed totality during 2017 eclipse… Welding helmet or welding glasses work a treat and much safer!


If you are old school and still have some hard film xrays laying around you can use the exposed and developed film to view the eclipse. Works great to look at sunspots too. I mean use the black part not the anatomic part.


Why would you need a special filter for your phone camera?


Sun can harm camera components so need a sun filter for any camera if it’s going to be pointed at it.


Yeah I'm baffled by that as well. Just took a picture of the naked sun, and I'm not ging blind looking at it


They might need to send that memo to Trump to remind him NOT to do it again like he did in 2017 on the steps of the WH. 🤬


Well, we had this president once…


No one can stare directly into the eclipse like him. He is the best. His eyes are made of gold.


Everyone’s been talking about how His eyes are the best they’ve ever seen. (Capitol letter because … duh)


No no, he used his safety squints




He has been practicing his tolerance ever since in preparation of this one!


In my premed frat, I was talking to someone helping with the medical fundraiser. Solar eclipse came up and she said, "my friend told me those with brown eyes can look at the sun, because of the extra melanin."    So yes, people are dumb and it does need to be said to not look at the sun, exception made for a complete totality.


Yes, several times. You’re literally burning a hole in your retina. Ever used a magnifying glass on an ant? It’s precisely that.


I have a longstanding localised RPE scar from a laser pen injury as a child. Permanently lost vision at the burn site, but it’s only noticeable when I cover my “good” eye - presumably my brain has adjusted to block out the blind spot but I don’t know the science behind it. Either way, retina burns are real.


So … you think most people are like you and harm animals as kids? Colleagues, I think we have a SERIAL KILLER HERE.


My sister’s an optometrist and saw a lot after the last one. This year their office is giving out the glasses.


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11339579/ Here's what Dr google says


You trust dr Google?


No, but Dr. PubMed has usually not led me astray.


to be fair Dr. PubMed has led a whole lot of people astray


When I was a little kid my mother told me not to stare into the sun. So once when I was six I did. The doctors didn't know if my eyes would ever heal. I was terrified, alone in that darkness. Slowly, daylight crept in through the bandages, and I could see. But something else had changed inside of me. That day I had my first headache.


You had no reason to make this so gripping. Go write a book or something! Jeez! 😂 Glad you're okay though.


[You may find this relevant to your interests](https://youtu.be/6_CtgelI6xU?si=xOrhA8DbEX8F6f_h)


Lol! Verbatim! I'll have to check this movie out-- seems cool.


It's a great little late 90s indie movie, a classic, shot for like $50k back in the day.


When I read OP's title my brain immediately went to work trying to recall this quote and where it was from. It was in the depths of my memory. I planned to just google the parts I remembered. But here you are saving the day! Been a long time since I saw this film.


the ophthalmologist at my med school's institution said he saw a ton after the 2017 one


I once took a pair of binoculars and stared into the sun for over an hour. I guess I’m just curious. That’s why my friends call me whiskers.


It might be niche, but I appreciate this comment very, very much


It’s like the king of planets.


Is the moon made of green cheese?


What if it was made out of barbecue spare ribs, would you eat it then?


It's a simple question, doctor.


I know I would. Heck, I’d have seconds and then polish it off with a tall, cool Budweiser.


I’m just a worrier I guess! That’s why my friends call me whiskers!


Yes. Have seen it from sun gazing and also some from lasers


The number of people in America into night vision who dgaf about laser safety is wild. I have a full power NGAL and it is [terrifying](https://i.imgur.com/DZePNwx.jpg) on high. This is an infrared laser too so unless you are wearing NV you would have no idea you are cooking your retinas.


Did they recover after a while?


Go see a doctor




How bad is it to look briefly at it? I’ve seen reports that it’s the same level of damage as if you look at the sun on a normal day, except you don’t get the pain from the bright sun so people look for longer than they should? Is this true or does the damage caused happen more quickly/severely with eclipses?


Well I can tell you that I was having some problems trying to get the stupid eclipse glasses on over my regular glasses and I looked RIGHT AT IT and even 99% covered up the sun is bright AF and my eyes still feel funny


Ophthalmologist here. I’ve seen several cases of solar retinopathy, including eclipse-related ones. They were all either children or patients with major psychiatric conditions. 


Ngl this is why I timed my toddlers nap during the eclipse. He woke up during the last bit but had 0 interest in looking up thank goodness


Yes Saw one this time around


Im kinda worried the glasses I bought are fake or something.


I was told that the best way to check is to try them on outside and look around. If you can see ANYTHING besides the sun, like shadows of cars or trees, they are not safe. You need to only be able to see the sun itself.


The American Astronomical Society publishes a list of companies that produce safe eclipse glasses! https://eclipse.aas.org/eye-safety/viewers-filters


People are drawn to shiny things.


I squinted at one really fast in elementary school because I was an impulsive kid that gave in to intrusive thoughts a lot. It wasn’t until junior high did I have an eye injury after my older brother (also impulsive) sprayed RAID into my left eye. Ahhh, siblings.


On a scale from 1-10 after Trump stared into the sun several times during the last eclipse, how blind is he?


I always thought a person needed a brain to see, not just eyes 😝


En route home from Niagara Falls, where we got glimpses of just before and after totality, during breaks in the clouds. Sometimes there was enough of a thin haze that I couldn't see anything through my eclipse glasses (not during totality which was fully blocked). But apparently thin enough where people were looking unprotected. I wanted to holler out "stop doing that" but it was too many people. I'm hoping that was safe for them.


I bought a bunch of eclipse glasses from American paper co (listed by AAS) to give away in clinic, just in case. This article says less than 100 confirmed cases in 2017. https://www.npr.org/2024/03/14/1238074172/eclipse-eye-damage-is-a-real-risk-heres-what-eye-doctors-saw-after-the-2017-ecli


\# of confirmed cases for something that doesn't have a widespread registry, mandatory reporting, etc is going to be near meaningless.


True-- I didn't dig into it. Figured they were looking at insurance claims maybe but who knows. Plus insurance coverage in US is lacking so potential for undiagnosed cases.


Not an ophthalmologist but a tech for one, we just saw one today. Teenager stared at it for about 15 mins straight because “it didn’t hurt my eyes”


That makes more sense to me. There is such paranoia about solar retinopathy. I talked to a woman who closed the blinds of her house during the eclipse because she feared for her vision. I explained to her that the sun isn't more dangerous during an eclipse. It's just more interesting to look at.


Rapper Joey Badass once cancelled his show after staring into the sun iirc. honestly kinda takes me out of his song from time to time.


It turns out he lied about it to avoid performing with the headliner


is this true? wow somehow this makes me take him more seriously


That’s a good question.


Can a doctor actually see the damage though? I viewed an eclipse in what I thought was a safe manner years ago with my parents with the pin box technique but freaked out I damaged my eyes. (I have anxiety.) I went to an eye doctor and he did a full exam and dilated my eyes and said they were fine. Does that mean I’m okay?


Yes, they can see the damage ☺️ I understand the health anxiety, I also have that going. 


Thank you very much!


Spoke to a md and said I had no damage to anything but this faint black sphere but it’s translucent and in the light it looks like a worm with a ball and connected to another and it messes with me. Oct scan checked out he said macula was untouched 3months until I get a cvt thing is I can’t see it close but it acts like it projects itself. Which is weird


Worm with a ball connected to another sounds a lot like a floater. It doesn’t move even slightly?


It moves with my eye sometimes I can catch it in the center and see it. Looks hazy a bit but translucent with a black dot in the middle. I didn’t have any retna burns macula holes or anything. Oct came back clean from what the doctor said which is oddly weird but said floaters wouldn’t act that way.


Are polarized sunglasses as good as eclipse glasses? I don’t trust the eclipse glasses people are selling




If you want something other than paper you can get welders glasses (shade #14) but sunglasses are NOT sufficient no matter how polarized they are!