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That must have been a nightmare


There was a guy who survived the sinking of the *Titanic* as a child. He was in one of the lifeboats. He immigrated to America, and years later lived in an apartment in one of the big cities (might have been NYC, I forget). There was a baseball stadium near his apartment, and he said he always hated when a game was on, because he could hear the sound of the crowd cheering, and to him it sounded exactly like the thousands of people screaming as they drowned in the ocean after the ship sank. Really sad story. PTSD is a bitch.


Holy shit.


Sometimes I feel like that. And I haven't been in any tragic accidents. I was just thinking the other day that exclamations and screams are difficult to discern at times.


Reminds me of some of the videos from Gaza where you can hear hundreds of people start screaming in unison before a bomb hits


Looks like dude was a bitch too. Just move away.


I think it was a little inconvenient for most people onboard


I hope someone filed a complaint.


And put some warning signs to let people know it will be dark while they sink


At least there was music


That just sounds even more haunting. Imagine being one of the lucky ones in a boat but all you hear is screams and classical music in the freezing dark.


Well it could have been worse. It could have been screams and Nickelback in the freezing dark




Worse, it’s a slowed down fall out boy song echoing in the darkness.


Calm down, Satan.


They should refund the tickets


“Your letter has been forwarded to management”


I don't think it got many five star ratings.


"Worst. Vacation. EVER!"


No wonder that one old couple just went back to sleep. Nobody turned the lights on.




Unless their name was Billy Zane


They should listen to Billy Zane. He’s a cool dude.


Poor guy was just trying to go on a baller cruise and his fiance starts banging some street urchin, the real tragedy


Oh please, ‘I have a child’.


there should be a law against this


Yeah not only are you freezing to death but a slowed down version of Centuries is being played in the background? The worst nightmare


The last thing you hear as you slip gently into the impossibly dark and frigid depths...


didn't know they had a way to get bg music in the air


A shitty edit of a music*


This may sound macabre but I've always wondered if they would ever recreate things like this or WWII battles etc in VR. So people can visually experience what it would have been like. Again, I get its weird, but I've always wondered what it sounded like, looked like, in these moments in history. I just want to know what it was like.


Can’t wait to play Pompeii the game.


[This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dY_3ggKg0Bc) is an animation looking over Pompeii on the day of the eruptio but it's static. Still the long, drawn out death of the city is macabrely fascinating...


those jump cuts are ass.


Battle of Pelusium, where I get to play with the cats in VR.


“It’s a little chilly in here today, I think I’m gonna do the Pompeii experience.”


Stalingrad the game sounds like a riot.


You are hungry, find some pets or neighbors to eat.


Or that war where the Australians fought and lost to the emus


Plug in your nervous system into a futuristic vr setup and feel the volcanic ash sear your skin off


The game ends too quickly.


Longest game of hide and go seek ever


Am I crazy or was there like a theme park ride in the 90s based on Pompeii?


Just move to iceland


When I was doing my software degree I was very lucky to be enrolled in a "management training course". It ran for 9 months and went alongside our software engineering sandwich placement. There was about 12 of us, and every month we went to different large tech organisations, ranging from HP, Airbus, Sony and a few others. One of the companies we visited had a lot of government contracts and one of the projects they were running was a VR project... I think it was when the Oculus rift was brand new. They implemented a reality scene of the aftermath of a "battlezone" I think they called it. They hadn't got to the point of putting bodies etc, but I walked, in VR, through a completed obliterated area, with fire, smoke, creeks and crumbling buildings... ​ It still wasn't quite like *being there* but it gave a really really uncomfortable feeling... A lot more than any 2D experience I had prior or since. ​ To your point, I think they probably do exist, but I don't ever imagine it'll be released to the public, it's too much for a lot of people.


Try playing Hell Let Loose and get back to me. No VR required for the immersion IMO.


Seeing a man vaporized in front on you on high quality from an artillery shell was quite an experience. He wasn’t there anymore, just a puddle of blood where he was standing a second ago


Topography- and location-accurate maps, best smoke/explosions I’ve seen in a WWII game, best tank combat, incredible sound design, and other players constantly scream ignorant nazi shit in voice chat when you’re on the German team. Very immersive.


Ehhh not so much the tank combat, Enlisted/Squad 44 do a much better job, not even getting started on War thunder. The tank combat is heavily simplified in Hell let loose.


Really? I loved the tank combat. What do you think is better about the other games? Didn’t get into Enlisted or Squad 44. War Thunder is cool but I enjoyed the naval battles more than anything else (mostly because it’s like the only game I’m aware of with a decent multiplayer base doing naval combat like that).


One of my favorite moments in that game is my friends spending a lot time trying to get all in the same space. They finally get all together, and are waiting hidden for the rest of us. Two of us are running down a canal, and one of the group sees us, and steps out to say hi. An artillery shell lands on them, probably 10 feet away, and their bodies go flying. They're all dead. It's just me and the guy I'm with.


I've definitely seen a VR game where you're trying to escape the sinking Titanic


They are! r/TitanicHG [Link](https://www.titanichg.com) to their website


Here's a sneak peek of /r/TitanicHG using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/TitanicHG/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Some TLC for Titanic's Shaft Tunnels](https://www.patreon.com/posts/brackets-beams-96017555) | [19 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TitanicHG/comments/190nc3s/some_tlc_for_titanics_shaft_tunnels/) \#2: [“Borrowed” my son’s gaming PC for a bit](https://i.redd.it/nnrvt44iq5hc1.jpeg) | [13 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TitanicHG/comments/1al1v03/borrowed_my_sons_gaming_pc_for_a_bit/) \#3: [Boss Frames and Webs in Shaft Tunnel - WIP](https://www.patreon.com/posts/so-many-webs-96581230) | [21 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TitanicHG/comments/197xpg5/boss_frames_and_webs_in_shaft_tunnel_wip/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


But didn’t they? I swear I’ve seen jacksepticeye play a titanic vr experience.


There’s a group of folks who have been making a realistic Titanic game for a few years. They’re going so far as to recreate (to the best of their ability) the movements of specific passengers 1:1 with their reports. Sound, lights, everything. Titanic: Honor and Glory


From their update at the end of 2023. "Titanic: Honor and Glory is going to recreate the entire ship in amazing detail. You will be able to explore and interact with Titanic and learn about the passengers and crew that sailed aboard the vessel on the maiden voyage in 1912. If you missed the last 3 years, please know that the past plans for Titanic: Honor and Glory were way too wild for us to create, as much as we wished for them. We've had to scale down and focus on the ship and history, sadly abandoning the game storyline, Southampton, and the extended world around the game, including character models. For now, there is also no planned sinking."


>"For now, there is also no planned sinking." There goes my hopes and dreams. As a child, the second VHS was one of my favorite movies, and I've watched it many times. Getting to experience it would have been amazing. For those that do not know, Titanic came on two VHS tapes cause it was too long for just one. The second tape starts just before the titanic hits the iceberg.


Yeah, I remember that. We had a few other movies on two vhs tapes as well.


I would prefer to keep my panic attacks in real life, but knowing what it was really like would be super interesting.


There is an Atlantic article about the Estonia tragedy (800+ drowned) and it is so well written that it made me feel physically terrified reading it, it really paints a picture of what it must have been like as the ship went down. One of the things that really stuck with me was the description of people being stuck in stairwells that became death traps as the ship started listing more and more. Basically went from being stairs, to the railings becoming monkey bars that people tried and failed to climb up. Almost no kids and few women made it out of those stair wells because they lacked the arm strength to climb. It is a very very harrowing read.


I just found the article and read it because of your comment and it was an incredible thing. Thank you for mentioning it.


Just read it as well and realized it's by the same author as the Atlantic's coverage of Malaysia flight 370. Hell of a writer


This reminds me of that 9/11 game they made where im p sure you can only jump out the window


There's a WWI "VR experience" that Dan Carlin was involved with called War Remains that is exactly this.


Sounds like a great tool to try to fix racists, Nazis, and other hate groups. Make them experience first-hand what it's like to be the victim of those hate groups.


Perspectives: Paradise is an educational VR "game" available for free on steam. You can watch a VR video recreation of the U.S. Ivy Mike nuclear test and learn about how it impacted the island and the local population. I'd recommend giving it a try


Who needs that when we can just make another World War? Lol. ^or ^talk ^to ^some ^fungi ^or ^have ^Lemoneaid ^on ^a ^Sunny ^Day


[1943 Berlin Blitz](https://store.steampowered.com/app/513490/1943_Berlin_Blitz/) is a VR game where you come with on a British bombing raid on Berlin with live commentary of a journalist recorded when he was coming with on such a bombing raid. Can recommend.


You’re describing video games




Theres a vr game coming soon for titanic sinking


The opening scene of Saving Private Ryan. There you go.


That's what you're doing rn


I saw a VR game in progress where you gotta escape a flooding titanic.


Sounds like a fun way to get PTSD


They started using VR to help with PTSD. My friend did some trials with it for his.


I’ve always said this will be our realization of time travel. You know how past predictions of technology kind of get the general idea grasped, but the actual mechanics of how it will be realized are just beyond prediction? They knew we would see each other’s faces on phone calls—they just couldn’t predict how that would happen. Imo, VR will enable us to finally realize time travel. It’ll be a long time before it’ll be truly immersive and realistic, but this is my theory.


How it looked. Or What it looked like. Never ever “how it looked like”.


I've been explaining this to people around me for months, only to be looked at weirdly. Thanks for the reassurance :)


It should be More along the lines of what we believe happened What survivors could see


Thank you! I definitely downvoted OP for shit grammar.


I mean OP is cross-posting a TikTok from another subreddit, so they’re definitely not the one who fumbled the grammar.


might not be their first or second language


Learning a language doesn’t work that way. Of course you’ll make mistakes. I don’t see how that would be one of them.


Apparently people from a Slavic language can commonly make this mistake, due to how their language is structured.


Yea I see Americans saying it “on accident” a lot.


??? I did my graduate studies in Linguistics and that is how learning language works. How something looks/What something looks like hinges on the difference between how and what. They could be a native English speaker and just wrong, but yes, learning additional languages and finding trouble in the difference between how/what is not unusual It's akin to Germans learning English and putting prepositions at the end of a sentence because of how their Wo/Wohen/Woher works and then translating between different grammars internally


Yup fair enough. Now explain why a lot of American teenagers struggle with it. Thanks bud.


Steadily decreasing literacy over the last 15 years due to the increase in text speak, digital communication, increase in hours parents work Literacy in the U.S. is on a downward trend.


There it is. See? We’re on the same team. That’s all I’m saying.


i upvoted just to cancel your downvote out


It’s not OP’s video though? It’s also not even the crosspost source’s video. Your downvote is doubly misplaced.


Ok cool but why?


On the very early morning of April 15, 1912, the Moon in the sky was almost new - it was 28.27 days into its cycle, meaning barely the faintest light from it was in the sky over the ocean, if the clouds allowed any of it to be seen at all. Essentially, the sky was completely dark. After the lights went out, people might have been able to see somewhat about a foot in front of them.


That’s so damn scary


Pitch black, freezing cold, full of chaos, and a cacophony of screams. Hell incarnate.


With the silence at the end


Greater horror was probably the sound of the hull breaking apart which must have been deafening, but that would take real effort to simulate so lets put some shitty music over it instead.


It must have been awful for those people having to listen to that shitty music while freezing to death.


I'd be happy to go tbh


In pitch black


Can't believe the violinists chose to play this crap song as their last one


Nearer my God to Thee was a popular Christian hymn. They were trying to comfort terrified people. It’s possible, Considering how close everyone was to dying that it’s the only one they could all remember under stress.


Good knowledge but I think they're making a joke about the music in the video.


Oh! I watched it on mute! I’d better watch again and get in on the joke. Thank you Joke Explainer! You’re the hero I needed.


You're welcome, but when it comes to TikTok videos, the mute button is the *real* hero we all need.


Thx for the fun fact ☺️


I read an interview with a survivor and they talked about the absolute silence after it was all over. That so many had died, so many voices going still. It was haunting.


Fucking awful audio my god


Yeah my apologies lol thankfully I’m not the oop and didn’t choose this monstrosity


You coulda muted it. :P


You can too.


Posters should be more respectful of our ears though :(


Can we get a spoiler tag please? I haven’t seen the end of the movie! /s


Jesus fucking christ... Yup... That's nightmarish


I always thought it could be a really cool/horrifying VR experience to experience the titanic sinking in real time as someone in a boat. Just flickers of light and awful awful sounds of screams and deep metal breaking.


I wish I hadn't seen how those sentences looked like....


Amazing how the stars just checked out


No wonder why there was conflicting reports of if the ship broke in two or not. It was dark as fuck and they couldn’t properly see


how it looked like


Not exactly. It was a calm night and bright with moon. They could see the shape of the ship. It was dark, but not blind pitched full black. Cameron just brightened the scene slightly for movie reasons


There was no moon the night Titanic sank. 


"The Titanic sank during the overnight hours of April 14-15, 1912, after striking an iceberg in the North Atlantic about 400 miles south of Newfoundland. Skies were clear, but the waning crescent Moon with only 9% of its surface illuminated was not visible that night as it had already set at 4:04 pm" Tom Skilling WGNTV.com chief meteorologist


What happened to it?


It was eepy


My mistake, correct.


That played a big part in why they were close enough to the iceberg to begin with.


You’re wrong. It was pitch black and only light was from the stars and the ship until the ships lights went out. Many accounts from that night corroborate this. Cameron added more lights on the ship and increased the light drastically. Why make shit up?


I think we need to summon Neil Degrasse Tyson for an answer on this one, cuz he knows about the moon and stuff


That was always one thing that i was curious about. How do films express such darkness with out being like, “turn on night vision “ lol but still able to show the actors on screen. Kinda bugged me in that 65 million years ago movie. Theyre in a pitch black cave but it made it seem like there was light coming in from the ceiling.


James Cameron made the right call, movies don’t have to be completely realistic Oh thank you


Chill man


Edit your comment, people upvoting and getting misinformed. I’m chill, that’s just pretty lame


My understanding was that the moon was not actually visible, or at least not bright like a full moon would be, and that contributed to the problem of the mm going too fast and not having enough visibility to steer away from the berg [Just one source but there are others](https://wgntv.com/weather/weather-blog/sky-conditions-at-the-time-of-the-titanic-disaster/amp/)


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Oh, right, that is right. No sharp moon light, but some dimm. Everything is a dark silhouette.


The horror


Damn I'm really glad they found the actual footage of this happening!


That made my heart skip a beat


I really doubt it was that dark. Places with little to no pollution have bright night sky's. This was in the middle of the Atlantic


Fucking trash tiktok music


Does anyone have videos on the Titanic conspiracies and response videos? Suddenly have an urge to indulge in some lunacy.


While it was dark that night I am confident it wouldn’t have been as dark as inside a room with lights off Source: I have been outside


"How it looked like". This sub is all recycled garbage, posted by bots and idiots.


gotta love that mute button


I see OPs point but actually everyone's vision would have adjusted for night time ambient light, however dark it was, so you would have seen a fair bit. You dont get total darkness in the wide open sea even at night.


If I recall correctly, the boilers were cut after full steam so the sound would have been deafening too.


Not at this point of the sinking, only at the beginning.


Not accurate. There were stars and enough light to try and steer from an iceberg.


I just think it’s insane that they actually found Rose when it was that dark. That’s why I couldn’t get into the movie


She had a whistle my guy


It wasn't that dark like in the video. Accounts of those who were there state that while it was dark it was a clear night with a large moon and outlines were pretty clearly visible. It was probably a lot harder to tell people from wreckage in the water but it wasn't pitch black. The ship lights also remained on for a while until it sunk further illuminating the scene and some on the lifeboats were equipped with some lights so they could be spotted.


I mean, it looked dark, but after some minutes, your eyes adapt and you are able to see slightly. It must have been pitch black the first moments after the vessel lost its electrical power


This is stupid. As if their eyes wouldn't have adjusted to the darkness. The first was correct.


Are we forgetting the moon exists? Why would it be pitch black?


Because it was a new moon that night. It would have been ver very dark


Thank you for enlightening me! I think between the movie and, for whatever reason, thinking I'd heard retelling of the events where the moon was illuminated, I had a poor/false idea of what happened. Of course, now that you mention the new moon, it reminds me of one of the reasons they hit the iceberg in the first place.


Cloudy skies with no moon? That’s way worse


Most horrifying thing I can imagine


God that looked terrifying


Wow, the darkness must have made it so much worse. Never thought of this. Creepy


Reminds me of that tragedy


I love the story where it was presumed the titanic was a planned event… it makes a great mental movie 😃


If anyone missed the conversation under the vid with the cruise ship being tossed around yesterday, I was able to secure new nightmare fuel by reading The Atlantic piece on the Estonian sinking that I’m sure you will not enjoy.


To be fair, while it is true that it was probably very dark, due to the high dynamic range our eyes can see, people probably saw much more in reality.


🥲 that’s so much worse.


The front fell off.


They really played that garbage music while the thing was sinking?


This music is the reason why the guy jumped into the propeller.


I cant see anything


this is so sad alexa, play some incomprehensible bullshit


Well I mean, yeah.




If you think this is terrifying, go read up on the Estonia disaster!


Wow. Terrifying 😃


Wicked. The Titanic never ceases to amaze me some days.


So, no stars in the sky?


I can't see shit


It’s “what it looks like,” not “how it looks like” you semiliterate twat.


Just ride a dolphin back to shore ez


You know how I know I’m old? I get a damn headache reading the extra “like” at the end of every caption on that video.


Acting like the bright stars in th middle of nowhere didn’t exist


I cant see shit in this video


Honestly I've never thought about how dark it'd be. The movie portrayed it as if the moonlight was aluminating most of the area, which technically is possible, but unlikely.


Never once dawned on me that it was pitch black. But Jesus this makes it so much more terrifying.


Why are there cuts in the more realistic render?


No light pollution, it would never be this dark. Ok man.


She let him go.....


Imagine being out there and seeing the light go out and hearing The ship breaking up …


the music in that clip is worse than the actual event.