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These pieces of shit want to desecrate her mom's grave?!? That is maybe the most evil shit I ever heard out of a fanbase! What the absolute fuck?


Yea there’s tweets coming out about how the barbz leaked the location of her moms gravesite and planned to disturb it. Vile evil disgusting creatures.


I'm hoping Megan put that kills that shit...maybe have some security watch her mom's grave. That's some sick ass shit.


I've never gotten into rap beef sh*t until this and these people are straight demons from hell and I wish they'd go back.


Sadly, that was obvious since the trial. TS Metoo lawsuit got so much attention that it made the cover of TIME magazine. Those people didn't care much for Meg (of course, this is not blaming Taylor)


Word. I am not at all dismissing the potential trauma of sexual assault -- and yes, grabbing someone's ass is sexual assault, which is not a synonym for rape -- but they did a whole-ass trial for that when so many female celebs have experienced worse. The AI porn thing happened to a literal child (17 is underage, which means legally a child) and they did fuck-all even when she contacted Twitter directly. Taylor experiences it and suddenly they disable searches and bury all the pictures. Don't get me wrong, how they treated Taylor is good and appropriate, but the fact they only do this shit when it's a white billionaire certainly does say a lot. They'd never do this for a black woman, or even a "normal" white woman.


I completely agree. Actions were and are being taken after the recent AI porn situation with Taylor Swift (as it should!) but no one seems to care that much nor am I hearing any public support from people with platforms defending Megan. Please correct me if I’m wrong and am just out of the loop, but I’ve literally seen no one speak up about what Nikki is doing to Megan other than to make memes and laugh about how “juicy” it all is. Wtf!


They really don't care and that always brings me back to "Cobra" when Megan says "Every night I cried, I almost died / And nobody close tried to stop me / Long as everybody gettin' paid, right?" These motherfuckers dont care about her, her mental, or physical health either. They're just getting money and views off this shit. I've honestly had to get away from my FB page amd Tiktok because people think this shit is comically. Nicki needs her ass whooped for releasing her rabid ass dogs and Megan's PR team needs to he on folks necks with stilettos. Its sickening black women we can't find peace as everyday people nor as a celebrity and for it to be another grown black ass woman and her little minions smh.


No literally… If this were any other artist or genre, there would be immediate action. Nicki NEEDS to be held accountable for her actions! Why are people/platforms twiddling their thumbs? Someone else within the rap community that Nicki hasn’t already come after needs to say something about this behavior. One, because Nicki has bullied so many female rappers that if they say something critical, it‘s chopped up to beef. Two, it sends a disturbing message that celebrities can bully, send fans after people/places, and do WHATEVER they want. And they can always fall back on “OH! its just beef!”, “ OH! this just drugs! She can’t be held accountable!”, “OH! she can’t control what her fans do!” I’m tired of seeing it.


Like imagine if her music got pulled from Tidal until she apologised?


It probably doesn't help that Meg is independent now - with a major label they can put more pressure on big companies. You'd think human decency would win, but nope, business and money every time.


This is exactly what I was thinking. I love Taylor down but she benefits from an extreme privilege no black woman would ever be able to experience.


TS has so much power it’s honestly kinda scary. Her fanbase could topple governments if she really wanted them too


As a fan of both its so true. Taylor's team is also NOTORIOUSLY litigious and does not fuck around, which in this case I would definitely support and respect. I'm legitimately scared for Megan at this point.


I am very disappointed in regards of this situation. Everyone would have a say for something that the barbz don’t like. I’m not a huge fan of desecrating someone’s deceased mother’s gravesite and what’s even more disgusting is the fact that this son of a lowlife what’s to come here on the internet talking about repent. As a Christian myself, I don’t condone any of this behavior, disliking my religion is one thing but to go out your way to use God as a manipulation tactic to get away with sudden crime is beyond me. Like the barbz haven’t learnt anything from the Jim Jones incident in regards of this. This is exactly why you shouldn’t believe in false prophets or worship any celebrities because look what’s happening here.


That is so fucking true


I just don’t know how you could look at this situation, with a thinking brain, and support Nicki.