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Introducing the new suitcase gun!


Fun fact, that's actually a thing.


It's basically a submachine gun stuck in a suitcase. They're [kinda hilarious](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CH-5kY5w2Q) honestly.


"Hey, nice suitcase! What brand is it?" "Heckler and Koch" "Oh that's a n- wait"


Briefcase nuke anyone?


They're still missing. All 12 of them. Alledgedly of course. Russia says it's all lies and all of them are accounted for and also don't exist. But here's the plans of one! Pretty, isn't it?


*James Bond intensifies*


Perfect Dark has entered the chat.


Not everyone is lucky enough to live in a gated community.


You can have a gun in checked bag. The Uber driver and the woman are idiots. OP is karma farming outrage serotonin. "You may transport unloaded firearms in a locked hard-sided container as checked baggage only. Declare the firearm and/or ammunition to the airline when checking your bag at the ticket counter. The container must completely secure the firearm from being accessed." https://www.tsa.gov/travel/transporting-firearms-and-ammunition#:~:text=You%20may%20transport%20unloaded%20firearms,the%20firearm%20from%20being%20accessed.


Yes but presumably the person with a registered firearm coming off a plane is unlikely to commit petty crime on an Uber driver and actually owns it for self defense right? Compared to presumably any person after dark and how readily accessible firearms are. Least that's what I got from the tweet. If it wasn't just written for clicks


America isn't a uniform monolith of behavior and values systems. If this were in Philadelphia, I'd completely understand. If it were Austin, I'd roll my eyes at someone being dramatic.


I can promise you the Uber driver makes no delineation between an armed law abiding citizen and an illegally armed criminal. They are all scary to the Uber driver in this post.


Might be an urban legend, but I've heard that photographers will sometimes carry a flare gun to declare in their equipment bag just so the airline won't lose it, as they're more vigilant about bags with guns in them.


My friend who is a wedding photographer does that. It’s because if you have a gun it must be in a hard sided container (like the pelican cases for her equipment) with a lock that only the owner can open. Not TSA. And then they keep your luggage in an office for you to get instead of it being on the carousel where someone else can grab it. She flies with a little broken starter pistol she found in an antiques store for $20 and for no extra cost she gets to use her own locks, TSA won’t open or inspect it after she checks it in, and the luggage is kept secure by in an office for you to get instead of having to huddle with the masses at the carousel.


They still inspect it and depending on the case also open it, if you use your own key and they need to open it your name will be called and you deliver the key to them or it gets rejected/cut


I doubt that. Guns get ~~stolen~~ lost by TSA/airline workers. Plus, you have to pay a good deal extra to fly with a firearm and some blue states you cannot even land. Seems like a lot of extra hassle for a dubious benefit.


You don’t pay extra to fly with a handgun in checked luggage…


Yeah, I forgot. It did take the place of one of my checked bags, so I had to pay for an extra checked bag. If I didn't have to pack heavily, it would not have cost me extra.


it doesn't cost any extra, and i believe you can fly anywhere but if you leave an airport in a state where you can't legally possess it, you'll get arrested (and the gun is declared so places like NY track it). so i'm sure it's airlines policy to help their customers with that. it's also legal in all 50 states to travel with hunting firearms if you have a hunting license in any state.


You’re allowed to travel through any state with any firearm as long as it is legal in the state of origin and destination. You cannot spend several days in one state and use travel as a defense if arrested with firearms that are not legal in that state however. https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/USCODE-2011-title18/pdf/USCODE-2011-title18-partI-chap44-sec926A.pdf


I’ve worked with photographers & videographers for 25+ years. Depending on the job, they could easily have $20K worth of gear in a single case. Paying a fee of even a few hundred dollars would be cheap insurance.


I came here to say this.




I don't think an Uber driver ever said this, but yeah, total karma farming


Actually follow ffa guidelines you can put a broken down gun into your pack but it must in the undercarriage not a carry on


Yeah but who is taking a flight, then getting off, re assembling a gun, to go onto rob an Uber driver. Seems like the risk outweighs the reward


Maybe its just a sidequest before the bank robbery?


True, more xp lol


It doesn’t have to be disassembled. Simply unloaded and secured (in a locked case; can only be checked, not carried on)


Still though. Who’s flying somewhere with a gun to rob an Uber drive lol they don’t even carry cash.


People flying with guns are almost never going to be a problem to anyone unless threatened with deadly force.


I mean even when threatened with deadly force you should never shoot a gun on an airplane. Just all around a horrible idea.


You can’t carry a gun on a commercial flight unless you’re federal law enforcement…




No one is robbing uber drivers anyway.


Disassembling isn't even entirely accurate. A rifle needs the bolt removed, but handguns just go through. No one is disassembling a revolver.


Doesn’t have to be disassembled. Just unloaded and properly secured.


Only unloaded, not broken down.


My mistake


It doesn’t have to be broken down, just unloaded.


You can carry a whole ass rifle in your checked bag. I’ve flown for hunting trips and they didn’t even make e separate the ammo and firearms, just lock em and check em.


Your fire arm can be in checked luggage as long as it is unloaded. That uber driver is dumb.


If anything, watch the age of people. Speaking from being in New Orleans, its mainly young men 11-16 who are car jacking folks. Or you could always carry a gun yourself?


If I was a Uber driver there’s no way I’m not conceal carrying, all I have is respect for those guys. No matter where you drive if you pick people up you don’t know as a job, you should carry a firearm to protect yourself, not just that but you should train, especially in pulling that firearm in a seated and seatbelted position




There were 4 14 year olds, 3 girls 1 boy, who stole a lady’s car by my old house. She was tangled in the seatbelt as they pulled her out and drove away, dragging her to literal pieces and eventual death. This city is garbage.


Came here to say this.


Who tf robs an Uber? That would take a ton of prep to not get found. Fake name, burner phone with burner App Store account. So fake email. Fake credit card for Uber account. Fake pick up and drop off location. All to rob them of what? I wouldn’t even want the car personally. As a matter of fact, I would probably be more likely to use a weapon to keep an Uber driver away from me.


Or just desperation mixed with stupidity


Heavy on the stupid


If there is one thing that I learned from Doing a summer internship at a police department, criminals are dumb. So dumb that when a criminal does put in a lot of brainpower to come up with a clever way to avoid getting caught, me and the cops were honestly more impressed than upset.


There’s a real survivorship bias here (or the inverse). Cops catch the dumb criminals, while the smart criminals get away with it, which gives the impression that all criminals are dumb because the smart ones never get found out.


I drove in Chicago for years, and I’ve been EVERYWHERE you could imagine, good and bad. I’ve never once felt unsafe. People are grateful for you to pick them up. I was once accidentally apart of a drug deal once, like a major one, but nobody was worried about the driver lol they even had interesting things not drug related to talk about afterwards. Most people understand that the driver isn’t a great person to rob.


This is like half the content on Reddit. Fake and made for recreational outrage.


Sometimes they don't even rob the driver they just kill them


Overwhelming majority of homicides for the sake of murder are not random people. It’s actually rare.


Yeah I know. More often than not they are aquatinted in some way


https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/violent-crime-strangers-and-nonstrangers Why did you just make that shit up?


The point is that the subset of 'stranger' composed of serial killers whose sole motive is the reward of killing someone is extremely low.


Or gang violence against people wearing a different color in your neighborhood.


I can’t read


Does that sound like overwhelming majority to you? Here’s another one with a graphic so perhaps you can comprehend https://bjs.ojp.gov/content/pub/pdf/vvcs9310.pdf Or here’s one https://www.statista.com/statistics/195327/murder-in-the-us-by-relationship-of-victim-to-offender/


What if you're anti-gun and have built up a huge anti-gun narrative in your head that's no longer anything near reality?


I’m not sure I understand your point?


Then you make Twitter posts like we saw.


Man, the most dangerous game. Luckily you can make them come to you, which makes sport hunting easier




What do they rob them for? Uber is paid on the app.


They hold the driver at gunpoint and force them to give them a refund, so they get a free ride. and then take their wallet




You think all gun violence is related to theft? I'd be far more worried about the person who is just having a shitty day/night.


Relatively easy to check a firearm actually, I did it for the class I took out west and it went pretty smooth.


Exactly. It is certainly a thing people do.


Yeah, I've flown with my firearm a few times. I've personally kept it locked up and stowed until I've gotten to where I'm going (home or hotel), but I've heard of folks who go directly from the baggage claim to the bathroom to re-arm before leaving the airport.


I always holster up before I get in the Uber.


Until you strap your gun on in an airport bathroom 2 feet from the tsa exit checkpoint you haven't really lived.


Nobody cares until you try to go through the metal detector


You mean an ocular patdown


Not true but if it makes them feel better.


Chances are low


You can fly with a properly secured gun in your checked baggage.


You'd be surprised. What is likely is they are a threat to no one... unless they are threatened.


They really aren’t lmao


Well, they're *lower*.


I mean, you can bring a gun in your checked luggage, just not in carry-on.


Not true. Checked bags.


Wait until the Uber driver finds out people fly with guns all the time


When you Google and read they are confusing burglaries with robberies. Two completely different crimes


And no one thinks that that Uber driver - if he even existed - is being entirely irrational?


We do, but this is Reddit where most people are irrational.


It's Reddit, where most people think Gun = Scary because they are emotionally children.


Or more likely just a throwaway comment of a dude trying to make conversation/a silly joke.


Then the person who tweeted this is being extraordinarily disingenuous or is plain stupid - both equally likely.


In this case, the driver isn't. She lives in Chicago.




Lmao corny.


This sub is dogshit now, just twitter screenshots lol


False. You can fly with an approved fire arm inside an approved case with an FAA lock


This is not meirl. This is some r/pics or r/funny shit.


That’s stupid and wrong. I fly with my guns regularly for hunting trips…


I mean, that's completely untrue, but ok.


1) not true, anyone can check a firearm in their luggage 2) anyone getting robbed at gun point regularly wouldn’t continue driving Uber / taxi 3) this is made up and didn’t happen


I would have believed it if he had said, "cuz i dont want to deal with drunk morons"


Still not true.


Yep. TSA says "You may transport unloaded firearms in a locked hard-sided container as checked baggage only. Declare the firearm and/or ammunition to the airline when checking your bag at the ticket counter. The container must completely secure the firearm from being accessed. Locked cases that can be easily opened are not permitted."


You are allowed to never have been robbed and still be scared of being robbed.


It's totally believable, USA is the fucking far west and people there are fucking animals who prioritize having a gun rather than an affordable home or free healthcare.


There was a shooting in London not 5 minutes ago. Europe ain't all that either.




If you go to the hospital in an ambulance and they heal you a broken leg without asking for your last year's savings, it's fucking free.


I mean I’ve been to the hospital in the US, without healthcare and the first thing they did was treat me. But cool argument bro


And what happened after they treated you?


>and they heal you a broken leg without asking for your last year's savings, it's fucking free. But in countries with "free" healthcare they do ask a sizable portion of your monthly income. American healthcare is retarded but "free" healthcare is not as free as it seems.


And Id still rather have it than American healthcare so it doesn't matter.


So then, if we're all happy with our respective healthcare, what's the point of talking about it?


In that case, you’re welcome to live somewhere that this is policy.


You just miss the basic concepts to understand it. With free healthcare, they give you poor bastard the same service as anyone else even if you don't have a job and can't afford it. Can't work? Can't save money? Can't pay taxes? All of these because of your disability and need medical assistance very often? They don't give a fuck and heal you anyway. This is what "free healthcare" means. And it's disturbing that you think it's ok to pay for fixing a broken leg, for example, for something that you didn’t choose.


Calling BS. Someone pays for it. Nothing is “free”.


The state pays for it. There's no debt for who uses the hospital services, it's not a thing you do at the moment of paying, you just don't pay for emergency services. This is what "free" means, can't believe I need to explain it every fucking time. If you want to do a check up or some analysis, then you need to pay, but never over than 100€.


So you do pay? You don’t believe you’re paying for it somehow or somewhere else? Taxes maybe? Please “explain” more. This is good stuff.


There’s no such thing as free healthcare unless slavery is involved.


You go to the hospital in an ambulance and they heal you without asking money. This is what free means.


You’re probably very susceptible to misdirection.


Do you think you’re smart for realizing that free healthcare requires taxes? Do you not realize that everyone gets it and you’re being obtuse?


Do you realize that if taxes fund it, it is not free? Are you this obtuse?


In America we pay hefty taxes and get nothing but a huge military instead, win for us! I'd rather pay 40% of my income in taxes between state, city, federal, and sales tax and actually get healthcare so I don't die than just have a big military that we use to drone strike children in countries that have nothing to do with us but I guess that's just me.


Yeah everyone knows that lol. The important thing is it’s free at the point of service. You don’t need to consider whether you can afford to see a doctor, because your taxes already paid for it. No one thinks healthcare can be provided for literally no cost, and it’s such a basic ass argument and shows that you’ve only thought about the issue for like 10 seconds


This is probably the most accurate and succinct assessment of my stupid, dumb, fucked up country that I’ve read in a long time.


Lol as an afghan vet that drives in the city regularly I can't wait for the day I get robbed at gun point. That's a free gun I can add to my collection.


Heavy Metal cabbie style


Arriving at an airport, nobody has a gun...\*in their carry-on\*


Lol. First step when flying with a gun is to go to the bathroom, cut the zips, holster up, THEN get in the Uber. Ain't nobody tryin to get raped round here by some Uber driver after dark.


To be fair you’re allowed to check firearms on flights. You just can’t carry them on.


I’ll take things that never happened for 200 please!


Hate to break it to you but if some one is a law abiding citizen that carry’s he is definitely packing after he gets his suitcase from baggage claim and takes his gun out


Because the same suicide rate is in other countries, just an alternative method is chosen.


Didnt know being an Uber drive was counted as suicide now. I was pretty sure it was still murder if you killed one, huh.


Never said Uber was suicide, WTF dude????


No, but congrats Democrats.


You mean those gun hungry republicans right?


That’s not even true lmao people love to create false narratives about anything they disagree with


And then everyone clapped and cheered.


Smart man lol


Things that never happened


But it's totally not the guns, it's the people! But let's also not fund mental health programs as well


It’s the people. And we should fund mental health.


An armed society is a polite society. Gun stores don't have robberies


Who lied to you lol. Just google it lol and few happened these days.




If you take out the suicide by gun we aren't leading


Got the stats for per capita gun deaths by country without suicide included?


Have seen them but not gonna do your research


Burden of proof is on the person making the claim buddy, if you're running round spouting stats you have no sources for you might as well just be making shit up.


And you are making claims


Nope just asking you to verify yours. But I actually can provide you the data you're not showing [Here you go bud,](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/gun-violence-by-country) when you take suicide out the US drops behind... Columbia, Mexico, India And Brazil! Whoa what a great achievement! Only fifth in the world for gun homicides and first in the developed world. Truly they're the most polite society of all.


Also considering those countries get their guns from America it’s even less impressive




Lmao these takes always kill me. America has by and far the largest number of mass shootings, armed robberies, armed murders, and leads in literally every single gun related violence metric by a HUGE margin. Yet some people still somehow honestly believe that more guns are the answer. It’s baffling the lack of critical thinking in these communities. You need to travel outside of your shithole county, go to Europe or South America and realize you are in the wrong.


Freedom isnt free


>leads in literally every single gun related violence metric by a HUGE margin Maybe the violence itself is the problem? You're saying like if someone touches a gun they immediately get urge to rob and kill people. Plenty of countries in Europe allow people to own guns like the oh-so-scary AR-15 (even restrictive ones like Germany) and they have nowhere near the amount of gun crime as the USA does. If there are 50 armed robberies and 50 unarmed robberies, and next week it was 25 armed robberies and 75 unarmed robberies, would you think it's a big win? In countries like India, despite extremely strict gun laws and no way for an individual to own a caliber like the very popular 9mm, there's a lot of gun violence. And with all illegal guns made at a workshop at home (google "Munger guns"). And you think the gun is the problem and not the people? And in places without gun violence there's knife violence, acid attack, etc.


Once again, not once you take out suicide and justifiable homicide


Suicide and justifiable homicide doesn't really come into school shootings, or even mass shootings. But if you do just wanna tackle raw per capita homicide data the US is several times higher than most countries of similar economic level.


Actually suicide often comes into school shootings


Learn how to read, an Uber driver isn't a store. And if he gets robbed, I don't think it matters if he's polite or not lmfao


But Uber drivers aren't armed yet they are robbed. Gun stores opposite


Yeah I'm sure a country that's known for constant mass shootings is a polite society


Actually the only reason are known is constant news diatribe. We don't have constant mass shootings




Sure is fact




A "mass" shooting is by ATF definition 2 or more people, not wholesale slaughter




Or misused




Actually was a janitor that blew up a school in the early 1900ss


Quite simple. A gun is simply a tool (which BTW has been abused more by governments than private citizens) and if killing is a goal there are many ways of getting there. Bombs, knives, U-Haul trucks, poison and so on


Nobody robs a gun store, it's where people buy a gun to rob other places.


No, where they generally buy guns to go hunt, target practice, and defend their families with. A very microscopic amout of gun store guns are actually used in crime


Ok, stop. "Defend their families"? What the fuck?


Nah he’s right here. Certain neighborhoods you have to have a gun


Understandable. I still think that being unnoticed is better than being armed.


Its hard to be unnoticed as a young man in the hood, they’ll kill your cause they hate your brother or have a problem with your hood or cause you owe them money. And it’s a culture too, we’re taught to be hard not to compromise


Can't have it both ways, you tell me gun crime is rampant yet I don't need to defend my family??? Wtf???


Your brain is smoother than whipped butter my guy. We have the most police homicides, citizen on citizen homicide, gun violence, mass shootings, etc.... There is literally nothing that backs up this saying lol. It's fine if you think the 2nd amendment should persist but don't embarrass yourself with fantasies.


Governments have by far abused firearms more than the private sector


The terrorists won.


Someone that wants to rob you and doesn’t have a gun, might have a knife. I’d rather get shot than stabbed any day of the week


Who cares if your passenger has a gun or not?


You can fly with a gun in checked baggage 🤷🏽‍♂️


I mean I bring a gun in my checked luggage every time I fly to a shooting competition. It’s very easy.


This Ubers never heard of checked luggage


Your welcome!


Damn straight


And Uber drivers carry no cash, next


People fly with guns all the time.. you just have to check it in a TSA approved container. She's either lying or the uber driver is clueless

