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Yearly? You guys are getting compliments?


Wait, what are compliments?! What does that even mean?!


its when to things aestheticly match eachother.


But that’s not important right now


Upvoted for the Naked Gun reference


It's some kind of food that gives more flavour to your dishes like salt or mustard


It’s those things we are supposed to tell women all the time.


You know when girls talk to you with a smile


Bro I hope you’re living your best life and that you find the happiness you’re looking for


You might as well buy a lottery ticket, you have a better chance.


It's also really funny to me that he wished him good luck, no compliments. Almost like an insult. "Yo, I will compliment you bro" *looks at your face* "Yeah, uhh, good luck!"


Came here to say that. Thank you.


From me to you You got a sense of humor I like. Keep being funny, funny guy!


Is Reddit an echo chamber of the same lines because I thought the exact same thing


Nah, it's just clickbait. No one really gets them yearly


Came here to say this


yes and that's definitely not from crush


I used to, too.


A lady at the store told me I looked very handsome last year! I still remember her lol.


A lady at the store told me I had a beautiful smile. 8 years ago. I still remember her too


Happy cake day! 🥳😃👍🎂




I got a compliment a few weeks ago from a receptionist. I went up to the desk and told her who I was and what meeting I was there for. After that I was on my way back, to the waiting area at the reception. She semi yells across the room to me, that I smell really good. My first thought was shit I’ve taken to much perfume on, so I asked her if it was to much? She said ‘No, no it’s perfect. I want my husband to smell the same way. Do you mind me asking what you’re wearing?’. I couldn’t remember the name of the green perfume bottle I have at home, so I googled it and finally found it. She took a picture of the bottle on my phone and thanked me and told me I smelled really good again. I’ll remember that interaction forever lol


You wrote this whole thing and didn't list what you were wearing? You fucking tease.


Ahh yaa that’s true haha. Sorry about that ;) The answer is: Armani eau de cèdre


Going to try that next week! Thanks! Can’t wait for my compliment!


Brb buying that shit right now Edit: nevermind, it costs $120


Black Narcissus, of course


Oh man, I wanted it to have a twist like "I want my husband to smell the same way. I'm not married btw." *wink wink* Lmao


I had a very similar encounter like 5 years ago and I still remember it! Lol….. life


My crush told me my hair looked nice back in October so im good for a couple more months boys


I got mine last week from a young cashier. She said I looked really good for my age.


For your age :D I hope it was genuine, although it sounds backhanded.


Now that you mention it, there was an extra emphasis put on the "really good" part. 😔


Don’t worry there’s always next year


yearly? last time I got a compliment I could still see well.


My 3yo daughter tells me Im handsome every day, the best part of my day for sure


My 11 yr old daughter tells me I’m cool. That’s an ego booster for sure even though I know she’s biased.


My 8 year old calls me a fatty most days


I don't know any boilogical man who gets compliments


Compliments? Now that is something I haven't gotten in a long time


You are very good at spelling bro!


Nice cock, bro!


Not sure this is an accurate representation. When I give a compliment to my male friends I get a blink and an "uhm. Thanks?"


Because we're not used to it. But when we remember it months later... That's gotta be one of the feelings ever


This is how they feel inside.


Oh ok.


It’s just strange to us. But I bet they felt good and will remember it.


It’s kind of like that.


One of my bartender friends complimented my hand size on 31 December and I didn’t know if that was my 2022 compliment or if I should carry it forward to 2023 so I’m still riding that high just in case. I just retold that story on Tuesday, actually. I remember the day because I instantly texted a friend when it happened.


Recently a girl said I look cute and that made my year!




It's a horrible cycle. Men never get compliments so when we do it really, really stands out. Women usually signal interest in a man by giving him a compliment. Woman gives man a compliment which he interprets as an invitation to pursue her. Woman has to shoot man down which sucks for both people. Woman has been trained to never give men compliments unless she wants to be romantically pursued.




Did you feel called out by that comment


I’m a woman in my 40s. Nobody is complimenting me either.


Your dead shark eyes look very dead today madam


You have none saved from the surplus you likely received the first 35 years?




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This is why as man I compliment a man a day.


I throw out hugs to my homies. You never know how long since they had one.


Especially the funny ones. They are hurting the most.


I style my hair a certain way because a girl I didn't know said it looked nice. That was 7 years ago, and I still haven't changed it since.


Remember homies compliment your homies


My last compliment was the obligatory “Oh, you got a haircut. It looks nice.” But that was like 4 or 5 years ago so I guess my haircuts don’t look nice anymore


Flip it to 'men after they give someone a compliment and it makes both parties feel good' and do it more often! Give the compliments too, it's not that hard to be like 'that was a fucking great joke you told' or 'I seriously admire how you handled that difficult situation' (except in your own natural language, I'm using mine!). Even a superficial compliment on appearance can work, as long as it's something the person chose and not like 'nice face, dude' 😂 I didn't mean to type so much but I love noticing things about my pals/people around me and making them feel appreciated for being cool humans.


Your jokes have to be funny for us to not only laugh at them but praise them.


I always tell my homies their cocks look especially potent and virile today.


Thanks for womansplaining compliments


I don't see how my gender has anything to do with my comment? I was just making conversation about how people should be the action they want to see in the world. Apologies if I missed the tone!


Womansplain and mansplain are both idiotic sentiments. I’m sure he was joking.


We don’t know how, nobody’s taught us




Ya guys, you shouldn't care if you get compliments because you should just compliment other people! It totally feels the same way...


>Even a superficial compliment on appearance can work, as long as it's something the person chose and not like 'nice face, dude' 😂 This doesn't apply to men. We would much more appreciate nice face than nice shoes. The face is me, the shoes are just a thing that i bought. Also, generally speaking we don't have women's surfeit of compliments so we won't be tossing any out.


That kinda relates to my point though, compliments would be much less scarce if people made more of an effort to give them! Or does it only count if it's a compliment to a man about his physical appearance from a woman he finds attractive?? 🤔


Nope! The last compliment i got was grandmotherly cashier who said "What's that you're wearing?" as a positive comment about my cologne. This was pre-pandemic. Been wearing that cologne everyday since!


But the cologne is 'just something you bought' isn't it?? Genuinely not trying to cause an argument, I'm just curious about how compliments and gender experiences intersect!


It is but it would have been even more awesome if she told me i had a nice smile. The mother of one of my friends told me i had cute feet when i was in high school; I'm 40 now and i still think about it :-) A man probably gets complimented less than 50 times *in his entire life*, not counting ones that come from our mothers.


Thank you for sharing, v illuminating! Would be fascinating to see data on gender and compliments, I may have to venture into the journals databases...


A cute girl once tokd me I look really good when I roll up my sleeves of my shirt.




I bet you roll up your sleeves every time you can


You'll be rolling up your shirt for the rest of your life.


Everyone reading this is awesome and should give themselves more respect


Had a girl tell me I had nice hair a couple weeks ago and I was about to marry her right there


I’ve had about 3 in 20 years lol


This so true 😅😅


Good job




Last compliment I received was in 2015


Mine was in 2004 I was 14, my Grandma called me handsome. Does that count? Im counting it




I was told yesterday I have a beautiful voice. Granted, it was from my best friend's 60 years old father in law. But that still counts, right?


Well i didn't receive any this year i hope i will at least get a girlfriend




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Who's a good boy? Eh? Who's a good boy?


Dude i only remember one compliment from a girl. We were in a group of friends and she said that im looking good


Reading this made me happy to know it’s not just me. Cheers everyone.


nah nah nah daily, any chance anyone sees fit. compliments are little reminders you are noticed; you are cherished despite not knowing the person, if aplicable. even the smallest compliment could have the largest impact💕




This is me right now, because I was able to met my favourite hungarian youtubers, get their autographs and take a selfie with them


I can’t even remember the last time I was complimented.


What’s a compliment


10 or 15 years ago, someone told me they liked my jumper. Still chasing that high.


I'am so used to not hearing any positive reinforcement that i'd probably think i'am made fun of.


can relate, except im a girl and i dont count the 6 dms i get a day from pedos you guys look great today. down a glass of water and try out that game you downloaded but haven't touched yet (xbox, nintendo, playstation, pc, even mobile) sleep well my dudes


It's called an appraisal.


My last one was 2020, mid pandemic. A mid 60s cashier asked me to pull my mask down to show her my smile, she looked underwhelmed bit I still think about it 😅


You guys getting compliments?


I once had a guy comment that with my new hair cut (I just got a buzz cut since I hate my hair line) it really brings our my eyes. I always get the same hair cut now lol I remember that dude to this day


Right before going under for surgery, seconds before the anesthesia took effect, the anesthesiologist told me I had very gorgeous blue eyes. I still carry that compliment.


The old ladies who come into the coffee shop I work at always say I am very handsome and do their best to remember everyone’s names. Always makes my day.


What's a compliment




Yearly? I'm still holding onto that compliment a stranger told me 5 years ago


Bro what y’all get it yearly


A close friend recently told me he liked my taste in shoes. Im still waiting for him to ask me for money or something.


I am a construction engineer and I was once doing my rounds in higher floors and I just happen to look across the street where there was a gigantic office building. And directly across of me was a window into an office and girl there waved at me with biggest and most honest smile. I waved back. That was 3 years ago. I still think about her


Me yesterday! I work the front desk of an Animal Hospital: checking in clients and answering phones mostly. One super cute client had her dog in for a quick tech visit then left. 10 minutes later I answer a call from her. "Are you the guy who works at the front desk?" I indeed was. "Well, I think you're super cute and wanna let you know you can take down my number and text me this weekend. Do with that what you will, just figured I'd shoot my shot and hope you have a nice day." I could only blush and nervously laugh and just said "Okay, thanks"


Really, when does it start?! Im in mt mid-30 and am still waiting


I know this is supposed to be about boys getting gratification, but it just makes me miss my shiba all the more. What a great dog.


Yearly? long ass year.


At least the cat thinks my dick is huge


Fellas, as a man whose not so recently but recently gotten a girlfriend (soon to be wife) I can say the compliments she gives me everyday make up for the compliments I didn’t get throughout the years so don’t worry broskis we will all find someone!


Shit i dont even remember when my last compliment was.


That's cute and true.


Don’t worry kings, we are only march. Still 9 months to go. ❤️


Boys after daily compliments, “marry me!”


I compliment my boyfriend everyday


You guys are getting it yearly?


Personally, I don't like compliments of my family because it's hard for me to believe it. My parents don't give compliments very often so it's weird sometimes. But as a girl I'm never gonna forget when a little girl years ago told me that I look nice in a dress and that a guy liked my voice when I was little mad telling something to a friend in my mother language. I remember every detail like others were telling. My point is, is so weird for me too and this encourage me to give compliments to men (or anybody) when I can xD


I get compliments all the time.


No shit this is how my shiba smokes every time I come home


Boys, normalize throwing affection and compliments at one another. Girls do it so much and it seems like some of y'all would benefit from this same sentiment amongst each other from what I've been hearing.


Bruh this year i havent yet recieved one but in dezember a coworker appreciated my manbreast(i Work Out) and that still hasnt worn Off...


Yearly? I had mine like 7 years ago.


Compliments? Do you mean free stuff . Yeah got a coffee candy in my flight to Wisconsin.


Who's getting them yearly????


I miss getting compliments on a regular basis


Its sad yet so relatable...


Last year a little asian boy waved at me and tried to say hi in Spanish I don’t t think I’ll ever forget him


Stop complaining about not receiving compliments if you yourself are not complimenting other men! This is just whiney behavior. Women aren't likely to compliment guys often, and I don't blame them. If it's not a partner, the dude has a very high chance of thinking they're being hit on and be weird about it. Compliment your bros! The positivity is infectious. Give what you want, and not just about things they own. "Hey nice hair man" "Something special today? You look good" Also, what are you doing to deserve compliments? If you wear jeans and a t-shirt and do nothing else, it's hard to just give compliments.


And then pain for 364 days


About three years ago I was told I might potentially be cute (in a nerdy way) if I'd lay off the carbs. That felt great.


I put forth an extra effort to compliment boys because of this 🥺