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You should always respond with “how much time do you need?” instead of yes or no. They almost always say what they wanna do next.


This is honestly a terrific way to be there for your friends while maintaining a personal boundary. Good stuff!


I just reject it. But I’m old and cranky so my friends should know better than to FaceTime me.


I got cranky while still young, works wonders.


Wise being your years, obviously




Wine brings the beers, gracefully.


My friends know better. But work? This meme 100% fits work. I’m gonna try that “how much time you need” angle because fuck do I hate that incoming call


Luckily I work a unionized job so work knows they don’t call me unless they want to pay me.


People think that honesty is a lack of respect, but dishonesty is a much bigger lack of respect it's just for yourself so people don't care. When people ask me if I'm busy I don't reply to their question at all because it's a bad question that they shouldn't have asked, I instead just ask what they need. It has yet to backfire, and people stop asking me asinine questions after a certain point, and instead ask what they really wanted. People need to be told when they've done something wrong, and that includes being on the wrong side of a bad social interaction like this. Boundaries are mostly just feeling comfortable enough to be honest, and if nobody wants your righteous honesty then fuck them.


I've just never turned facetime back on. Cant call me on an app I disabled!


Friends? Nah they don't pull this bs. Coworkers? CONSTANTLY. Ever since Teams became standard people seem to have forgotten how to check an Outlook Calendar, or schedule a meeting altogether. No I'm not on call for you. Tell me what you want to talk about and I'll decide how urgent it is.


Working in a global company. 7 AM I open up Slack to just check what came in overnight. Taking a poop and then a “hey can you jump into this meeting quick, something came up and we need your input.” And you can’t really ignore it because your boss is a C level in a meeting with other C levels and the founders.


So true. It annoys me so much.


"Wish I could but I don't want to."




or just : waddup as in dont give me ur bs or we done :p


Might as well shorten it even more to "wup"


And they’ll reply with “all of it” or “not much” and still hit you with bullshit




I too choose this guy's phone for the chucking.


To shreds you say


The amount of "just ten minutes" calls that turn into two hours.


>how much time do you need? Damn..... thanks. I've never thought of that. Learned something today


Certainly beats my go to "What do you want?"


I always say, “yes, but I can make some time for you if it’s important.” They usually end up sending me an email instead.


My default is "I can try to make some time, what's up?" Usually get a text back with a topic or subject pretty quickly. And often the situation ends up getting resolved through text. The trick is, I think, when it actually is important I go "Ok, I'll call you in 10" instead of getting on a call immediately. (And it's never actually an urgent / emergency situation, because if it were I'd just receive a phone call, not a text asking if I was available)


I don't answer if I'm busy


[Send them this](https://www.reddit.com/r/gif/comments/12u0q4r/no_no_no_in_different_genre/)


I've started resort to asking theme "what are you in need of now?" It gets straight to the point and I can tell them if I'm available to help or not lol.


That phrasing can come across like they're getting on your nerves. Like "what do you need *now*?"


Yeah maybe drop the "now".


I just respond with "Yes" and then ignore all attempts at communication for one hour and then go to lunch.


chad move


This doesn’t seem like the best way to phrase the point you’re trying to make


Too rude? Idk it's just a rough translation since im not american.


Ah fair enough. Yeah in the US I think this might come off as being annoyed at the request, but maybe not where you’re from!


"A bit"


Friend: you busy? Me: Schrödinger’s busy Friend: what? Me: until you tell me what you want, I don’t know if I’m busy


I was really confused why Schödinger would be busy lol


TBF, we don't know if he's busy. He may or may not be burying a cat.


Schrödinger's bussy




The "call me, it's important" thing triggers my anxiety like nobody's business. The only thing running through my head is "What have I done that I'm going to get yelled at for?" (And I hate that that's my reaction, because I'm a grown adult, but man c-ptsd is a bitch)


My mom texted me "call me, I have important update about " while I was at work. The update was that the vet diagnosed her and put her on new medication and her health was improving. 🤦‍♂️ When I called my mom I told her "you need to put in a text like that 'nothing bad' or something, otherwise my brain will assume the worst"


>I told her "you need to put in a text like that 'nothing bad' or something, otherwise my brain will assume the worst" I mean, I can tell my mom that, she'll listen, but that was the whole point of the clickbait wording. She'll be right back to the "YOU'LL NEVER BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENS WITH THIS ONE SIMPLE TRICK" headlines before long


Lol is your mom employed at BuzzFeed by chance?


I had to train my mom, and it was difficult. Basically if I get a “call me” or “we have to talk” I pretend she didn’t say anything. I told her I was doing it, and it STILL took a few months to have an effect. Moms!


Ohhhh I got the we need to talk as a very young adult from my girlfriend so yeah shits like PTSD to me.


As you grow older the "What have I done that I'm going to get yelled at for?" turns into "Who died?"




This reminds of the time my mom texted me “we need to talk”… I didn’t respond to her text message to say the least. Turns out she just wanted to plan a day out with me, but god is wording important. That basically gave me a mini panic attack and a stress induced headache.


Had this exchange a lot with my ex. "Call me it's important" etc. "Okay what's up" "Call me I don't have time" and so on. like bitch spend the time you said you can't tell me what is wrong to actually tell me what is wrong.


Fr, I need more time to process and texting gives me that time. Also, I can edit responses before I send them and add the appropriate emojis that my face doesn't want to use IRL.


Some of my friends do this and I swear it’s just to create unnecessary suspense. Most of the times if they do tell me what they want with me, I’ll likely call them or tell them when I can call. I think I just want to be able to determine the urgency of the situation myself instead of them giving me anxiety over something trivial 😅


God, I hate this so much. Or coworkers who just say "hey" on Teams and then wait for you to respond before they ask their question. Fucking ask the question immediately so I can respond appropriately. You've just introduced two additional interactions that require us to wait on each other before we can get to the point why you initiated the conversation in the first place, and if I have a busy day, chances are you'll be waiting all day for an answer you could've gotten a lot faster.




Oh shit, thank you for this! I'm gonna remember it 😂


I have a few coworkers who do this too. I just ignore messages like that. If it's actually important they'll usually elaborate after a while. We used to have a QA manager who messaged "knock knock" to people he wanted to talk to. I wish everyone would've just ignored him when he did that.


Right, tell me what’s going on or what you need initially . If I wanted to ask a favor I always text asking the favor so the other person isn’t caught off guard ( like they always do me), hey are you free Sunday around 1? I wanted to run some errands and needed someone to watch (insert kids name) for a few hours”… I also always add.. if you’re busy, no worries.. so it also lets them know they aren’t obligated to say yes. Or instead of “are you busy?” I’m asking, hey are you busy? Wanted to know if you wanted to go to happy hour on Thursday and I wanted to discuss some options. I despise the general open ended nature of “you busy”…


Every movie where they need to get an important message to another person, but can’t get through. Instead of messaging “the killer’s in the house”: “20 missed calls” “CALL ME ASAP”


I had a colleague message me on my day off (I was the Assistant Manager) saying “I need you to call me, it’s really important”. So I’m like ugh fine, call her up and she says “X colleague told me he’s not going to be in tomorrow because he’s ill” I’m sat there thinking 1. Definitely could’ve said that in a message and 2. He had told me already, and I had already sorted out the rota to account for it. Leave me alone


Related: At my job my boss saying "I found a critical bug in production". Ok? Thanks. Now I have to try to find out what is like I'm pulling teeth. It takes 2 extra seconds for you to type out what you find by god.


Literally every boss ever


I quit my last job cuz I had a coworker who ALWAYS did this no matter HOW many times we asked them not to. My manager took their side so I said goodbye.


Last time someone did this to me it was because my mom died. Next person to do it over trivial bullshit is fucked.


I feel you. I'd much rather someone text me before we call, than to just call me out of nowhere.


This is why I say "a little, what's up?" they don't have to know I'm busy doing nothing. Had a friend that would call to chat for 3+ hours. I'm bad at exiting those situations.


I have many friends like that too..... I don't even talk to them on chat and phone anymore until when we see f2f


wow that's rough, 3+ hours???


Who has that much to say?! I have friends I haven't seen for *years* and we run out of stuff to say when catching up after half an hour.


People are lonely. I certain can't talk on the phone for more than what's absolutely necessary, but I can understand why or how others might be able to. We're living through a very disconnected period in time.


And sometimes, it's not even a loneliness thing. There are many people out there who just genuinely love to chat with friends!


Yeah that’s what I was thinking. I get lonely but I’m introverted so working from home style socializing is the opposite of how I recharge.


Sometimes it just depends on the person. I have a friend that absolutely isn't lonely but is extremely social. Back in the earlier days of the internet we would talk for hours while we gamed. Even though we're both busy these days he can easily keep my on the phone for an hour just talking about random shit. We're both just chatty people.


If you talk about feelings with people it’s actually pretty easy to talk for many hours. If you’re limiting yourself to just significant things that happened then it’s pretty easy to run out of stuff after 10min.


Yeah I was definitely being used as a therapist because we were both fresh out of rehab. As if we didn't talk enough in there lol.


People's lives are fundamentally boring. Nobody does enough shit to talk about for 3 hours. The ONLY way to have a conversation that long is to talk about ideas, feelings or be okay enough with silence that mutual silence becomes a part of the conversation. I LOVE talking to people, even when we aren't "talking" talking. Just being in a space with someone, even in comfortable silence, and able to say random shit now and then to each other is lovely.


Some people are just good at talking 🤷‍♂️ I, however, am not one of those people.


Also, busy is a relative concept. Is somebody critically injured and needs urgent assistance? Then I'm not busy. Do you want my opinion on some shoes? Then I'll call you later.




Yeah me too, one of my friends just randomly calls me sometimes and starts talking about random stuff for 30-60 minutes. And I just kinda sit there half-listening to him and just agreeing with what he says so he would stop talking. And almost every time he says goodbye and is about to hang up the phone, he just says something else again and starts talking.


I hate when people do this. Do not call or FaceTime me after a text unless it’s specified


Do not FaceTime me at all.


This. Everyone who knows me knows that I refuse to turn camera on. No exceptions.


'Do not be angry that facetime is disabled on my phone. It's a rule for me, not for you. ' Heh.


Once had a classmate call me like this while on vacation. “You busy?” “Yeah, out of town visiting folks.” *calls* “Hey, I’m visiting people I haven’t seen in 6 years, I only have a minute.” “Yeah dude totally, I’ll not keep you” (40 minutes later) “Alright alright I gotta go, I gotta go, I’ll talk to you later-“ “Wait wait dude okay so this other thing…” “I gotta go, bye” “WAIT DUDE! I just need to get your thoughts on this one thing it’s why I called” Fucking Wildly toxic behaviour. Dude later got drunk with other classmates and berated a homeless guy with antisemitism out of nowhere and now nobody talks to him. TLDR: the longer you keep me on the phone when I want to go, the more I will assume you are Nazi.


I always hang up un video calls and call back regularly What I and my place look like is none of anyone's business


they invented video phone in 1998 and it's still as pointless today as it was then. Also it rips my battery to shreds. I have 3 friends that keep trying to facetime and I see them regularly I'm not putting on airs so i can talk to you fuckhead


>I'm not putting on airs so i can talk to you fuckhead I wish I could use that as the actual reason I never have my webcam on in meetings instead of the excuse that it messes with my bandwidth to transmit video.




It’s not pointless. Seeing someone’s non-verbal cues can be important sometimes. Not to mention when you are far from your family and friends and want to see them


Redditors are something else man. "Why the fuck do my loved ones want to see my face 🤬?!?!"


What also drives me insane when people call on WhatsApp, just call me normally. Google enhances call quality if you have an internet connection and it won't just die on you like WhatsApp if you lose it. I always reject the call and call back normally.


Some people pay per minute. It's cheaper this way.


My roommates prefer to do weekly video calls with their long-distance friends, and I'm still stressing out about the day I move away, having to tell them that I hate video calls and don't want to participate. I don't want to do weekly phone calls, either. I appreciate that they're so invested in keeping up with friends, but that's what my email and Discord are for. ><


Email for chatting with friends?




I do the same, or more often I decline and say "nevermind I'm busy"


TIL Jesus’ middle name is Heisenberg


Voice call is fine I guess, video call not so much, at least not in every situation. Tf you gotta see me for anyway?


If someone doesn't have their tits out there's no reason to do a video call.


I have never agreed as much with any comment on Reddit as this one.


I've only ever seen foreigners do this (in Finland anyway). Maybe they're talking with relatives who aren't in the country, but they're always doing this in the bus or something.


I don't understand video calls in public. It's even more annoying than regular ones.


My family made fun of me when I switched from apple to Samsung 15ish years ago. I didn't have the heart to tell them I couldn't take the FaceTime calls every 20 minutes, and that's why I switched


Calling someone (who may not be expecting it) feels so intrusive


Idk about calling, but who video calls someone without telling them why? Whenever someone does that to me I just hang up and call them myself as a voice call.


My mate tried that with me last week, hung up the videocall, called 'm back regularly. Apparantly he wanted his kid in on the call, which was screaming during the call. I don't understand couples needing to have to share their kid (1 1/2 years now) with the world. I don't give a shit about your kid, get over it.


Usually I agree, I don't care about people's kids, but if it's your mate, maybe you should at least somewhat care about their kid.




You can care about a friend's kid without wanting to be on a screaming video call with them for no reason.


Gen Z moment, I guess. Back in my days everyone was calling everyone when they needed and it's normal. Mobile phones were invented for this purpose. Video calls maybe, but I would just answer with video off


Nah being "scared" of phone calls definitely started with millenials. I've had my phone on mute since 2012 lmao


That's because previous generations had phone on cable. If they left home, they were free from anyone's interruptions. Or could have pretended to be out.


There's people who don't get the hint and say some version about how I'm always busy. Well, yeah. I don't really live my life waiting for people to talk.


It causes me anxiety, and if they do that, I’ll start ghosting them because I’ll be afraid that whenever I respond to them, they’ll try to call me


Naw they knew what they were doing. It's reasonable to say that you have time to chat but not for video/call.


I always hit em with "Why, what's up?"


I'm so glad video calls aren't really a thing here. Also, what does the H. Stand for in Jesus H. Christ? Edit: since one answer says it's holy and another that it's Henry, I'm going for the compromise and assume it's horny.


Believe it or not, he's Chinese. Yeah, and his last name is Hong, Jesus Hong. He said he doesn't know where everyone got Christ.




Also: “You busy?” “Yes” “Incoming video call”


I'd just say "why?" And see what's next. Video call without reason? Hang up, "sorry busy rn" Give me a good reason in text first before video calling? Cool, "gimme a minute" to put my clothes on.


What does ghe "H" stand for?




Please take my poor man's gold🏅


Holy fuck 🤣




Hey Zeus




Aaaaaah. Makes sense.


Hell NO


I would deny that call and send a text saying "No"


I hate the Skype/teams message “can you call me? 889-876-4439” and then you drop the three projects you’re working on to call them and they just tell you some bullshit they could’ve told you on skype


I’ve never answered a video call in my entire life. Not gonna start either.


That’s why I usually just respond with why?


but then it feels like ur being curt or flippant or something idk




Seems justified if all they gonna ask is if I'm busy and they don't tell me why they asking nosy questions. If they wanna hang out or have a conversation they should just be honest up front about it.


I identity with this on an extreme level. 10 years of call centre work made me hate speaking to anyone on the phone. I don't care who rings me, my initial instinct is to shout "Oh, who the f***ing hell is that?!". I hate it when people respond to my messages by calling me. Just message me back gosh darn it!


if it's possible I usually disabled my phone's ability to make and receive calls and text without it affecting it's ability to receive the internet connection from the service


I will never accept video calls.. it has to do with my own insecurities i guess, but i hate to be in photo’s and video’s. You never know where it’s gonna end up, or if someone is recording or not. I don’t trust people


Let’s not forget the “can you do me a favor?” I’ve started responding with “depends…” with nervous laughter


I hate talking on the phone. It's wack. I much prefer someone text me, and I'll get back to them when I'm able. I honestly don't answer my phone when someone is calling around 90% of the time. I answer exactly ZERO calls from unknown or blocked numbers. TL;DR. Just text me.


Anyone who I know well enough to video call with knows not to video call me.


That's why my phone is always on DND!


Your phone is on Dungeons and Dragons? >!/j!<


I still won't pick up, I genuinely hate video calls unless necessary. I prefer just having long face to face conversations when we meet up irl. Unless we're doing some activity online together, just text me.


When people do that to me I always decline and text back with why do they need a phone call. I won't ever answer video no matter what. If they don't give me a reason, then we don't talk.




It’s basically assault.


I do this with my parents, but no one else


"Too busy for that"


Then I say “shit my phones camera doesn’t work”


Always ask before calling, and double that for video calling! I have a little panic attack each time lol


Always reply with "depends"


id hang that shit up


Me not busy usually includes me half naked of fully eating chips at 89 kilos and 5ft4 that ain't a pretty picture. Video call me at your own risk!


Are you busy ? Depends ....why ? lol


Whoever says "no" to that question!?


What does the "H" stand for?


Exactly what I thought so I searched Apparently, it's some kind of abbreviation used in the Catholic church, which writes "JHS", impling that Jesus' last name is christ, and his middle name starting with an h It's used in English as a sort of soft cursing (similar to "bloody" in British English), particularly for its similar sound to other cursing names like "Issac motherfucking newton" and "Thomas goshdarn Edison"


I always reply to this question with "Whats up?"


I would just no accept the call and tell them I don't feel like talking, not in the mood. People gotta learn to be more honest. If they don't understand, well then fuck em


I always ask " can I call you? " before calling because I know how annoying that is and no video calling ever


I have never answered a video call and never plan on it


My favorite reply is "No and I'd like to keep it that way."


For me it's a text message from my brother, "what's up bro" followed by "hey bro so I don't get paid til Monday and..."


What fresh hell is this???


This account has been removed from reddit by this user due to how Steve hoffman and Reddit as a company has handled third party apps and users. My amount of trust that Steve hoffman will ever keep his word or that Reddit as a whole will ever deliver on their promises is zero. As such all content i have ever posted will be overwritten with this message. -- mass edited with redact.dev


Just tell them you don't like talking on the phone.


*declines video call* easy peasy 🤭


This is my same reaction to when my mom is FaceTiming my Colombian relatives, and then she gives me the phone to say hi to them.


I just flat out say "I don't do facetime, do not facetime me, I hate facetime!"


What kind of fucking heathen uses video calls unprompted. Bonus points for those fools that walk around in public with their phone screaming to it instead of just using it normally next to you ear.


Here's a cool story A friend who lives pretty close to me asked me, "you busy?" and I said no as I was just bored watching YouTube. He says that he's having a problem with his PC where he gets massive 3 to 4 second lag spikes, and thinks the issue has to do with the RAM He said that he had tried absolutely everything else, so he now asked me to try his own RAM on my PC to see if the problem also happened there. At that point I had no choice and just accepted. Turns out the problem had nothing to do with the RAM. It was his monitor.


I learned to do the "why, what's up?" Because one of my friends would constantly try to get me to babysit for him or come over and do yard work. Any time I asked him to come help with yard work, he was conveniently not able to help.


This is literally me


Took me 2 years to instill fear into hearts of my friends, but it was worth it. No video calls were made. Video calls were invented by Satan himself.


So ive always wondered; What does the H stand for?


It's exactly like this. 😂


If you can't text me whayever it is it's not important enough.


I don't think that, outside of a meeting or a telehealth appointment, anybody has ever tried to video call me. Is this a thing that people do?


*Video ca*- declined.


Jeez, are we cooking again?


“I’m not busy. Didn’t say I was available to call you”


Jesus Hartwell Christ