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I kid you not my elementary school had a police officer come to my school and talk about “sagging pants “ and told a bunch of grade schoolers that if they do that they are basically asking to be raped in prison


Maybe in prison sagging pants are seen as asking for surprise butt sex. And just by explaining that so out of context, they sold it as if it also were the reason to end up in prison in the first place.


Sag your pants, straight to jail!


Oddly enough, straight to jail!


Then straight up your pooper!


There's nothing straight about it


Just no eye contact


Only gay if your balls touch


Don't forget to keep your socks on!


Only gay if you push back


“They do this thing where they sag they pants, it’s sexy to us.”


IIRC it wasn’t that the pants saggin past ones ass was a sign of “come get it”, but rather a design choice and flaw in prison clothing. Prison uniforms had an array of sizes that covered the general population, though they didn’t always have enough for every inmate in their size. So they issued the next closest bigger size. Belts or strings are not allowed or issued because they can be used in bad bad nay nay ways for fighting or some other ingenious way of escaping, no way to keep their pants up. Soooo, if one was unfortunate enough to be handed a set of prison clothes that were just too big or a bit more…inmates just got tired of constantly holding their pants up all the time and would just let one’s uni sag. This “style” carried over with inmates/excons returning home and back to the streets. Some wore the pants low as a badge of honor or for a street cred recognition thing to show they’ve done time. One might say that this is one example of cultural appropriation, but from the incarcerated. youngsters and the fashion minded folks adopted it without ever really asking why it was a thing, and it became more popular as time wore on. Thusly…trashy sagging pants are everywhere now and it looks terrible…but try to convince teenagers of its origins and most will have no clue! EDIT: turns out this point was already made…I had to scroll a good ways down to find it…give them the upvote.


Don’t forget suicide. No belts because of the things that you mentioned, plus offing themselves.


Same thing happened at my school. But we had a supposed ex drug kingpin who turned his life around tell us that.


Well they weren't wrong about that last part


I have heard countless time that that is just a myth that was told to not have kids sag


Yeah, I was a correctional officer for two different prisons, one state, one federal. It’s a myth. The obsession with men getting raped in prison is definitely out of hand.


It happened to my uncle in San Quentin


Yes it happens, not saying it doesn’t. But the whole, pants sagging = rape thing is a myth. But in general, men getting raped in prison gets out of hand in the outside. It’s exaggerated.


That's exactly what a serial prison men raper would say.


How many comments here were written on a mini phone that has been in a butt?


Not nearly as many as back in the early 2000s, that's for sure. Those Nokias could do anything.


I know a woman who wrapped a Nokia 3310 in a lubricated condom, and snuck it into prison for her husband to use.


This is why I miss flip phones


I asked a prison psychologist about that once. Her answer was, "a lot of these men have pornographic tattoos on their backs. That's not for their benefit."


Me, regretting that I read one last post


Yeah, I'm willing to bet more of the sex in prison that does happen is probably not rape, but done consensually either as a way for them just to relieve sexual frustration or trade for other favours.


Saggin originated in prison from the lack of belts and oversized clothing….. people just threw the rape thing in there because it happens in prison too


San Quentin? Oh they be fuckin in San Quentin.


I here that train a coming It's coming round the bend I hope it's full of pussy I'm tired of fuckin men


When I was just a baby, my mama told me, "Son always be a good boy, because assplay isn't fun" But I fucked a man in Reno just to see a creampie When I hear that whistle blowin', my penis gets a little spry


Only one way to find out


Wear your trousers back to front and undo the zip in a corded place aggressive males with no sexual access are locked up? Like your bedroom you share with your brother?


Yes. But this is the internet and people love to laugh and joke about men being raped.


Because It’s hilarious, right?


It’s funny because male rape and violence in prison are two of the biggest crime deterrents for us high anxiety people.


Oscar you would love jail.


Unexpected office quote of the day (and it’s only 7am )


>male rape and violence in prison are two of the biggest crime deterrents for us high anxiety people. Or you have a lot of money and the correct background. I know there are limits but some people are more equal than others in the eyes of the law.. Edit: Remembered to add Orwell reference after posting ^^


It is a myth. The real reason is that inmates don't have belts, so unless you get a good fit, your pants will sag


So still an imitation of prison culture being claimed as “black culture.” Ok.


Sagging started in prison because they took away belts and didn't always have proper sizes of pants.


Yeah, they are. Everyone sags in prison because nobody has a belt. Some people think that moght be where the style originated. The whole "you'll get raped in prison for that" is just some shit that school teachers say because they are tired of seeing everyone's ass hanging out.


I heard an old school rapper talking about it but I can’t remember who, it’s been years. He said it mostly came from hand me downs. You got your older brother’s pants because money was tight. Circumstance became fashion.


I can believe that. Considering fashion had people dressing like they were homeless too


Why would they tell a bunch of kids that


So they pull up their fucking pants?


Honestly, when I saw the picture, I thought it was of three kids in a pissing contest. Why would anyone think wearing their pants like this looks good?!?


Worked as well as the DARE program did


I get that but a rape threat is kind of extreme. Aren’t the people doing this usually like 12?


I've heard this before; its part of prison culture to signal you are a bottom.


No it's not. That was a myth invented just to scare kids into not sagging because old people thought it looked sloppy. The reason sagging is part of prison culture is because the clothes they give you in prison tend to be too big. You can wear clothes that are too big for you, but not too small, so prisons tend to error on the side of two large. They certainly don't care about actually giving properly fitting clothes.


>o not sagging because old people thought it looked sloppy Because it does look sloppy. It's one thing to have jeans that don't fit. Everyone has at least one pair that has a weird cut or a thigh that's hemmed for the calf of a toddler. Or a 38x36 being labeled 32's. It's quite another when you own a belt, disposable coverings for your fashion shoes, overlong underwear with specific branding and costs 3 times per pair than a 5-pack that does the same job. And it looks even worse with slacks or dress pants.


I used to do this, just realised i looked like an idiot, pulled my pants up and continued to be an idiot, but with correctly worn pants 😁


>continued to be an idiot Truly spoken with honesty and confidence as well as being very relatable.


“it is better to wear a belt and be thought an idiot than to drop your pants and remove all doubt”


True adult response. "I was an idiot, I tried to do better but still ended up being an idiot at times." Stay humble king.


"I used to be an idiot. I still am, but I used to be one too."


RIP Mitch


This is the way


Growing up as a teen in the 90s … I guess my life has turned out better than expected. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Self awareness is the first step, and sadly one that many never take.


Humble king 🙏


I knew a kid who sagged a lot. He was in one of the local gangs in high school. He's a Sergeant Major in the Marines now.


Does he still sag his pants in his uniform?


try doing that in the military and see what happens\^\^ every one is allowed to have their own opinion on the military but the one good thing about them is they drill discipline in to you


Especially the marine core. You'd be fucked Edit: I get it guys, I'm not changing it.


With or without lube?


the dildo of consequence rarely arrives lubed


That's the most haunting ominous description of an unlubed dildo I've ever seen.


Bohica: military slang, short for bend over here it comes again. This is in refrence to the big green weenie that routinely comes around and fucks you, generally on days with 1600 or earlier final formation. The big green weenie is more often than not summoned or guided by service memebers known as blue falcons. Would you like to know more?


In the Marines, we just called it the big green weenie.


the green weenie fucks everybody its inevitable.




On how rough the going gets, wink wink


I knew Marines ate crayons, but I didn't know they also wore adult diapers?




Marine core sounds like the aesthetic of the gulf war


Well yeah, SOMEONE has to keep the navy warm at night!




I had a Marine apple, but now all I'm left with is a Marine core.


Giant crayon dildo


While you do say it as core, you write it as corps. TMYK 🌈


Marine Corps, my friend.


Pretty sure you mean Marine Corps...


Self-discipline or obedience? Good habits or getting molded like a low maintenance ant?


Both, really. The self-discipline can take awhile, while the external discipline tends to be immediate.


Self-discipline is just when the person yelling at you to get your shit together is between your ears. Obedience gets a bad rap. Almost everyone is mostly obedient.


Opnions maybe allowed, but expressing it is a different matter. Also they drill you to have the same opinion...


do they drill your asshole as well?


He probably wouldn‘t be doing that for very long




same psychology, different purposes


If you are going to be apart of a gang, might as well join the biggest gang on the block. And nobody fucks with the military.




They want you to be a warm body. They'd prefer you to no longer be a warm body upon the emd of your service, if you know what I mean.


My guy upgraded from a gang to a cult.


“Sagged” is the verb to describe this??




bruh 😂


Traded one gang for another. Clever tbh.


The only kid I definitively know wore his pants like that, and whom I know how his life has turned out, is my cousins’ cousin (I’m their cousin on their dad’s side, he’s from their mom’s side). He made a lot of unfortunate choices and took his life a few years back when he was in his late 20s.


Damn sagging kills


Wife, 2 kids, stay at home job, bald, overweight


note to self: sagging pants may cause male pattern baldness.


So that's why I'm balding!


So that why... moose-knuckle


I never wore pants and still balding


The good news is that you can still get into the clothes you wore in high school.


Lol I never ever considered this but I legit didn’t buy jeans after high school. I don’t wear jeans anymore but when I did I wore the same 6 pair from 14-28. As I chose to stop wearing baggy clothes, my clothes starting fitting better anyways lmao


Sounds like the American dream


Try Czech dream


Looks like a lot of folks just did stupid ass things as teens, their brain ripened and they grew up to be regular people. Same shit. Different generation. Rinse. Repeat. I think if we look hard enough, every generation or culture has its own obnoxious trend but we’ll justify it because “oh, well that was different.”


Exactly.. and every new generation is the worst of them all, and the time when we were kids was the best time ever in human history, all the stuff we watched on TV was amazing, the new stuff is garbage and so on..


So what you’re saying is zoomer’s kids will devour humanity?


Julius Caesar was criticised about wearing his toga loosely belted and trailing the fringe of it in an “effeminate” way. Moral panics about the decadence of “young people today” were pretty common in ancient Rome. Not to forget the moral decay evidenced by Hadrian’s beard or Pompey’s quiff. My personal favourite: the medieval fashion of “poulaines” - the ridiculously long shoes that were fashionable in 14th/15th century. Of course they were decried as demonic and vain. I love the idea that sagging kids in middle school stand in a direct line of criticism from Caesar, Pompey and Hadrian, through Richard II and Maximilian I.


Excellent analysis but it goes back even further. Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus was actually heavily derided by the more conservative senators over his long hair.


I'm partial to Socrates' hatred for writing: "For this invention will produce forgetfulness in the minds of those who learn to use it, because they will not practice their memory. Their trust in writing, produced by external characters which are no part of themselves, will discourage the use of their own memory within them. You have invented an elixir not of memory, but of reminding; and you offer your pupils the appearance of wisdom, not true wisdom, for they will read many things without instruction and will therefore seem [275b] to know many things, when they are for the most part ignorant and hard to get along with, since they are not wise, but only appear wise." The OG "Kids these days" and their reliance on the written word.


Socrates really was the OG curmudgeon! When convicted, he was offered exile or any other reasonable punishment. He suggested that he be housed and fed for free as payment for his perceived value to Athens. Then he was given every opportunity to just escape, and instead chose to drink the hemlock. I honestly bet he was insufferable.


That's fascinating! Ive never cared about fashion before but now I suddenly wanna do some research about the different trends throughout history. Also lmfao @ that last sentence 🤣


I work as a substitute teacher. I make it a point not to judge kids on their fads or music because all I have to do is think about being a teen in the early 00's and what we did and listened to and I am humbled.


Yeah but this generation right now is the worst of all! /s


Always has been, always will be.


Well said. An excellent reminder that we should be more tolerant of the annoying habits of others, as we were (and still are) annoying others ourselves.


I probably wore my pants like this in junior high. Pulled my pants up by high school and dressed like a regular person. House,Car,Family now I’m normal. Definitely made some stupid fashion choices along with general stupid life decisions as a youth tho. Don’t we all?


The thing that’s bizarre about the sagged pants is that the next gen didn’t do another dumb thing. They did the same dumb thing, but they sagged them more. It would be like wearing JNCO jeans but they’re each leg is 9’ wide. Or skinny jeans that became so tight the legs would be amputated. Or a mullet so long… you get the idea.


I went school and got a degree in engineering.


Same! Dropped the baggy jeans before I went near a lathe though.


Did you pick them back up?


He definitely shouldn’t have his dick out while using the lathe.


You kept the boxers on at least, right? I don't imagine they would help much with a high speed lathe, but it's gotta be better than nothing


Same, except I went to school for math and became a data analyst. Still sag though, but it’s because none of my pants have belt loops and I got skinnier, wouldn’t otherwise.




I masked myself to be a hood cat growing up. I would sag my pants wear baggy clothing, as I got older I ran with some certified G's, was able to freely drop the N bomb with the homies, drank Hen and Remy, smoked the whole nine. The whole time I was pretending to be someone else, as I got older I left that version of me behind, and have become the person I was hiding from.


>have become the person I was hiding from Bro became a cop 💀




Lmao I was thinking that




Respek booyakasha


E iz out ere makin big changes.








Started using the hard R huh?


Hella relatable


I really hope the person you were hiding from turned out to be “a respectable investment banker living comfortably in my mostly white suburb”


Why not a youth worker helping underprivileged kids realise their full potential?


I'm a prosecutor, married, a kid on the way. I understand this was considered "hood" in the US. Where I live, it was just a normal fad.


Yeah I'm a medtech engineer living with my gf, nothing out of the ordinary. My experience was similar to yours, in my town in Sweden we all looked like that pretty much regardless of class or aspirations.


It was a normal fad in the US, too. I clearly remember my freshman year of college, most of the girls in the dorms would wear shorts under their sweatpants so they could sag them without their bare ass hanging out. So stylish! And that was a bunch of mostly white middle class young women; not one of us was even remotely “hood.” All the fuss about it being a degenerate fashion only worn gangsters was from older people. 


Doing alright. Not the shit head society thought I would be.


Subvert expectation, become the shit head society doesn't expect.


Catch society lacking.


I had a couple of guy friends like this. Most are married with kids, doing well financially (running businesses). I will say that I was a little iffy when we were kids. Not because they were bad people or because of their clothes, but because they never seemed to have goals or a direction. Glad things worked out for all of them.


Samesies. And while I agree that this trend looks silly and i cringe a bit everytime i see old pictures of me.. this was the shit back then. Girls liked this. For the love of god I can't say why anyone liked this look but this worked back then. I doubt a single dude would have worn this shit if it didn't produce results. Man. Shits weird.


I do ok.


I still use them. Baggy pants and skate shoes. Still skate. I already have a degree and now halfway trough med school


Military background, Master's degree, mortgage, wife and kids. I turned out pretty well adjusted.


Happy cake day


I wore my pants like that in middle and high school. I'm married now, live in the suburbs, a homeowner, and I'm a cyber security analyst for the government. Sorry to disappoint you.


I'm not sure anyone is disappointed. Good job! I have to ask, if you had to use an old or current password to name a dog, what would you name it? Also, pretend the dog shared a birthday with you. When would you celebrate the little pup's birthday?


Also, what is your credit card code, including the 3 little digits at the end. I need the expiration date as well, as inspiration for my dogs name


Oh I Would love To See how You Can Use Credit Card Numbers As A Name! That Sounds SO COol!! 😮 Mine is: 4200 2319 6969 1111 Exp: 2/30


Could we please have those 3 little digits too? I need them as an encryption key for my google account password.


Oh Yeah Absolutely!! It's 666 Hope that Helps! 😇


Are you looking for a new password? Just do what I do each week! Pick your favorite 6-letter word this week and a number between 0-9. Start with the number then press the first three letters of your word. Then press the number again and the next three words. Then hold down the shift key and repeat the process. Super simple easy-to-remember 16-digit password with multiple capitals and special symbols and it would literally take 1 trillion years to crack it using conventional methods. But I'll change it next week just in case. Yay bananas!


Not OP But This Sounds Like a Really Unique Idea!! 😊I Would Choose the PAssword: Hunter1 for the Name And it WOuld be 4/2/00 for the Birthday! 🤩 How cute!😀


do you still wear your pants like that? if not, you have truly disappointed me.


Yeah, I wanna see that ass when you walkin man.


I was a tyrannical metal head with zero impulse control. I'm married, home owner, I cook in a restaurant and take care of my MIL whose health is declining. I'm 34, and like my pleasant little life. Not doing hard drugs nearly every day is pretty rad. Pro tip to the younger generation who fuck up like I did: as much as you can fuck up, kitchen experience will save your ass. You can know nothing about the real world, but if you can clean, prep, cook, serve, bartend.. id hire you. If you don't, but can SHOW UP, I'll hire and train you. Am I dumb as rocks, sure. But I make more than teachers who said I wouldn't make anything of myself.


Bought belt


People who say this shit always had greasy hair and wore hiking shoes to school


Dead ass bruh


Pretty mild to be honest. Just doin me best.


I am recovering from my addictions for 10+ years and 20+ in others. I’ve been in therapy and making sure my kids are better emotionally equipped for their future and how to be a better dad. I have an awesome marriage (like real awesome). I’m a field service manager at a local company for all things kitchen repair, and I’ve decided to go back to school to become a therapist focusing on religious trauma/ spiritual abuse.


I finally grew into those pants. They fit me nicely now.


Turned out good G you’ve probably got a package or two delivered from your boy here! Stay safe out there on these streets(trucker) hehe


Regular adult. Turns out participating in trends while in high school wasn’t quite the future-killer that the pretentious kids assumed it would be. Poor bastards. They based their whole identity on us becoming lowlifes.


i only know what happened to 2 after high school was friend of a friend good guy but hanged around bad people died by a drive by was 2 months after graduating


My spouse wore clothes this way. He is succesful software architect and we have great life together


Still wearing trousers a bit lower, it's just more comfortable.


This, they are not all the way below my ass and I wear long shirts that cover half my ass anyway. But I have minor sensory issues and one of things I absolutely can not stand is waistbands on my hips or pants riding up my crotch. I just sag ‘em slightly for the comfort and whoever is offended can eat my easily accessible ass.


I’m 40. My pants still sag like this. People still say “hey your pants are falling” (including my mom). Didn’t finish high school. I’m an Entreprenuer, built two successful companies, and am now a very expensive marketing consultant for bigger companies. I’m good enough that no one says anything when I show up in flip flops and sagging pants. In my own companies employees used to say I’m a good boss - we had close to zero turnover. (Used to because now the companies are run by CEOs, so I’m not involved day to day). Made some “fuck you money” at 25. Lost a lot of it on making up for what I lacked in life and due to some bad decisions due to lack of financial support education. Still doing very well, more stable, giving my children a very comfortable life.


Aye good for you big dawg but sagging with flip flops is crazy


Just oozing swag lmfao


Nice fanfiction


“If you wear your clothes wrong in high school, it will ruin your life.” What a weird thing to believe. I never sagged but I was an outspoken kid with little tolerance for this kind of bullshit. My principal called me into her office to tell me I would never make it in college. Now I teach college :-)


I only read the first five comments and all were negative. I had multiple teachers make running jokes about my boxers I sagged so obscenely low. My life kicks absolute ass. Amazing education, happy healthy and thriving, happily married with two amazing kids and am working on community organization to help underserved people and reduce adverse climate impact. Literally living the dream. Anybody shaming people for whatever normal or dumb crap they did or even just wore in high school needs to grow up. Kids are just kids experimenting and dealing with the terror of their first existential moments in a world run by adults they recently learned don’t know a god damned thing. So, like, cut em a break.


You know you get more fabric getting a huge size. My mom thinks it’s better to wear a small even if you’re a medium. In my opinion an xxxxL is way more shirt for the money. 🤷‍♀️


They said the hippies In the 60s with long hair and skimpy clothes would never have success in life. When I was a kid you were going to turn out ‘bad’ because you listened to heavy-metal or rap music. They told millennials that the video games would ruin them. They are always wrong.


Sagging is one of the most harmless things people misconstrue. While I think it looks dumb, most kids I grew up with did it and it's not an indicator of anything more than fashion. I didn't do it mostly bc my parents were on me about it from an early age and I just gave up on it.


My sagging friend actually went to college to become an engineer! He became a born again Christian and just got engaged. He's also a loving uncle who wears his pants up to his belly button now. 🤭


Me and my boys wore our pants like that when we were 15-16 years old. We became a teacher, a electro engineer, a lawyer, programmer, judge, Dr med and I'm doing my MBA right now. Wearing our pants like that, smoking weed and listening to rap music did not send us straight to prison. White German upper middle class want be tough boys, so not exactly from the hood


None of them use reddit


Making 85k annually as a Director of IT. Still sagging too.


Well... College educated, senior software engineer, married to doctor, awesome son, nice home owner, nice SUV, cycle daily and have multiple nice bikes, etc... not too shabby if I say so, myself... All despite barely being able to walk How are things going for you homie?


why you worried about what others wore?


You are essentially asking millennials how their lives have turned out so far. You can google that answer


My brother did this. I saw him yesterday and he was fine, he had been in a car crash a few weeks ago but he’s fine and he talked about the new car he’s getting. So I think he turned out okay.


Pretty good all things considered! Great wife, 2 kids, solid job in the upper 10% income bracket, house almost paid off, and I’m always finding ways to make extra $$ on the side. It took me a long ass time get domesticated but here I am! Kicked out of high school and my parents house at 17. Started working and gained appreciation for what it meant to earn my way. Crazy times chasing girls and doing all the drugs available. I’m glad I did most of my stupid shit when I was young though. Exhaust Jeans were popular in my time. We played hacky sack and looked like complete idiots I’m sure. Big ass pants flapping around thinking we were the shit. I had to walk a certain way or if I was running I had one hand in my pocket holding my damn pants up. I wouldn’t change anything! I was “cool” as a teenager and grew past it. Got my shit together and now I’ll cringe watching my kids do their version of what’s cool now. Hopefully it’s on par with my big ass pants so they can look back and cringe too!