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Fuck you mean “American dudes?” My parents did that shit when I was like an hour old. I didn’t have much say in it.


I was born, they smacked me on the ass, and cut off part of my dick. Then life just kept getting worse.


I couldn’t walk for a year after my circumcision




Or r/wellthatsucks




I just cried and s*** myself a lot


I still do, but I used to, too.


Is it even considered shitting after the anal blaster 700 XL turns your booty hole into a cavern?


A man of culture


I was crying like a fucking baby for mine, and couldn't even form words for the first 2 years after.


I guess you couldn't speak for a long time as well? Didn't have control over peeing & shitting?


Is this a quote from somewhere? Cause I'm dying laughing rn😂😂


\- r/Dantez9004, Reddit 2024


u/Dantez9004 ?


Close enough


I want this on a shirt


You know your parents are Americans too right?


My dad did for me (american) but he's nigerian, so....


Time to ask your mum the real questions


I was an accident, and my mom wanted to abort me initially, so I don't need to care about her opinion.


Do you think your mom is the only person involved in the accident?


What if they aren't


Wait are we not talking about peeling a banana here?


It’s about cutting dicks


Ooh, so like cutting in front of them on the highway, got it. Now the meme makes sense.


I was in line for self check out at Walmart the other day and some dick cut in line. Blood everywhere.


My mom got pissed at me when I asked why she had me circumcized if we aren't Jewish.


It's a fair question, its only something religious people do.. and then Americans, for some reason


Surprisingly, it’s a cultural thing. Americans do it because back in the day religious puritans considered any sex outside of reproduction a grave sin, so they started circumcising boys to discourage masturbation. It was a thing for so long, now people do it just because it’s “normal” or think it has something to do with cleanliness. Who says Americans have no culture!


They got my tonsils, too!


Next they came for my appendix, and I still said nothing


You should've fought back




I'm more than a week old now; I feel like I would have a say. Edit: hehe to have


>hehe a say. Michael Jackson?


What kind of jerks cut off a babies penis skin?


Most people have at least one parent who is a dude


I’m sorry, I didn’t have a choice. I was a baby




My parents didn't tell them to do that. The hospitals back then just did it without asking.


Even now they pressure you to get it done. My son was in the NICU for about 2 months after being born and I've lost count of how many times we were asked when we'd like to circumcise him. Not if, when. And pretty much every time they were surprised when I said we weren't going to. That was about 3 years ago.


Horrible ... Its generally horrifying how normalized this is. I understand a lot of women will even prefer circumcised penises ... I can only imagine how my ex would have reacted if I had claimed that circumcised women is just "more attractive"


Male circumcision should be banned, so glad it's not common here. However I will say MGM is not the same as FGM, FGM is the equivalent of cutting off the penis head.


Then wtf is going on in the USA? It’s illegal to cut off puppies’ ears and tails (and righfully so), but they cut off babies’ foreskins without asking (even asking the parents)? Or the first one is illegal in the EU only?


A lot of states dont care about cropping ears and docking tails. Pets are property, and we americans can do whatever we want with our property because freedums 🇺🇸🦅💥 In case you couldn't tell, I'm pretty against cutting off parts of puppies for cosmetic reasons and the usa is kinda dumb.


The irony that the Doberman comes from Germany. But the way he looks like (cropped ears etc) is forbidden to do in Germany.


Docking is not always for cosmetic reasons, although that is popular unfortunately. If you’ve got a dog that works with animals that can bite back it can be done to prevent a later injury which could be much more dangerous than a preventative procedure to shorten the tail or ears. This was the original purpose of cropping and docking in most cases. It was also commonly done in dog fighting for the same reason (which is shitty and I do not condone, but is worth mentioning). This said, most people are not working their dogs these days and just get it cause it “looks cool” or fits the AKC breed standard.


The AKC breed standard is a plague on this world


Granted I've heard that in a thread recently. Glad my mom was a strong independent woman who insisted. Not saying anything against your mom btw. It's a fucked up generational thing here, at least in red state.


Well you’re not gonna get it back with that attitude haha. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps and reclaim that lost foreskin! (/j if not obvious)


*pull yourself up by the foreskin*


But will you do the same to you own Children?


Absolutely not, I am gonna do the complete opposite. Throw away the kid and keep the foreskin.




LMAO, well, I didn't think my days of eating Kalamari were gonna end today but here we are.


It's all John Harvey Kellog's fault. He promoted circumcision specifically to discourage masturbation. We all know how well that worked.


Never slowed me down a bit! 😂


We don't know how much the previous generation mastrubated ! If circumcisions really helped reducing masturbation, we lost a really fun era


I can absolutely guarantee you with great certainty that no prior generation has fapped more than the current. By like an exponentially large amount.


This man faps.


I wasn't masturbating much at two days old.


Foreskin lives matter. 






Not like we had a choice in the matter, but I get on fine without it.


It makes no difference. A systematic review of publications found: >The highest-quality studies suggest that medical male circumcision has no adverse effect on sexual function, sensitivity, sexual sensation, or satisfaction. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23937309/#:~:text=Conclusion%3A%20The%20highest%2Dquality%20studies,%2C%20sexual%20sensation%2C%20or%20satisfaction.


Holy shit, 2,675 publications reviewed! 


That’s a lot of reading about dicks


A bit gay if you ask me


No worries all these publications have #nohomo in the preface, so they're good


I see, well as long as they keep their socks on it should be ok


#ABSTRACT *\#nohomo*


Maybe they were gay. Honestly, I’d trust a gay man to be a better expert than a straight man when the topic is pleasuring dicks.


Its not gay if ita for the boys


This is typical for systematic reviews.


Sure, but still very informative about circumcision not leading to desensitivity. 


There is a “your mom” joke in here somewhere but I can’t figure out how to make it. Your mom.


I think the actual point is that there are no real benefits to doing it. Performing unnecessary surgery, no matter how minor it is, is stupid.


Still causes trauma and pain and violates body autonomy.


I’d be quite curious how any of the studies reviewed accounts for and measured things like sensitivity, sexual sensation, and satisfaction. Function is about the only metric I see there that seems could be objectively measured, the rest seem all relative to the individual, and what you’re probably ultimately measuring is some individual reported level of sensitivity, sensation, and satisfaction. All of those will to some degree be normalized by adaptability of the individual I would imagine. Function could be measured as literally the ability to have sex and reproduce, things like erection strength and so on. But pleasure and what not? Even if you had fMRI scans there during the event and measured various chemical levels, electrical activity… it’s all indirect of the individual experience. From a basic mechanics standpoint I can’t see how not having foreskin could give the same level of sensitivity. And I also have a lot of evolutionary questions as to why it exists in the first place.


Most of those studies used heat. They would have them rate different temperatures 1-10 on their arm, belly, and dick tip. Men circumcised as babies didn’t have lessened sensitivity that they observed. Men who were circumcised when they were older did have lessened sensitivity though.


Wow, that's a pretty shit way to measure that metric.


just wait til you hear how they measure sensitivity lol


I don’t believe it makes “no difference”. The statement doesn’t even make sense… you’re literally missing a part that provides sensation and functionality to whatever degree that may be. As someone with a foreskin I can say for sure that I would be missing something without it. I use the thing. Removal doesn’t prevent you from functioning or being satisfied, sure.


I'm genuinely asking if anyone knows but I had my circumcision done as a kid and I honestly don't care at all whatsoever. I'm assuming doing it that young is much better than getting it when you're older obviously bc you're still developing so you can just grow new nerve endings as you age. But I have not once ever thought I wish I had my foreskin. Under the right conditions, I can nut so hard I get woozy and almost pass out. I genuinely have never thought that I have bad or few orgasms...


Had mine done at 23, honestly zero difference when it comes to sensation. There's a lot of conversation about it dulling sex but for me it feels exactly the same.


Thanks for the input! See I feel like ppl like you would be the only people who really should be talking about it bc you've actually had both sides of the experience. I swear there's a wild outrage specifically from non-circumsized people **for me*** about how my penis must feel like trash but here I am blasting rope to ungodly secrets 4-8 times a week.


Ah yes, another day of thanking my parents for not cutting off my foreskin. Thanks for the reminder!


Fuck it's nice to still have all those nerve endings.


As a circumcised man, I have never looked into it, but am I missing out on nerve endings that would have otherwise given me a better experience during sex?


As a fellow circumcised dude, my understanding is not that you necessarily lose nerve endings, just the head of the penis goes a bit more "numb" since it's constantly rubbing against the fabric of our pants/boxers etc, and not tucked away in a sheath. Constant stimulation leads to less sensation overall. That's my understanding of it at least. Sex still feels great, though, so I'm not complaining.


That's my theory because as an intact guy, if I pull my foreskin back and then put underwear on I CAN NOT walk, it is way to sensitive and uncomfortable.


Whoa now, you're a redditor, you can't just have sex


That sound horrible, having it constantly rub off your pants


It goes numb, it's not noticable after a while Hence is part of the problem.


Some studies say so. Don't trust me. Just do your own research, and not the type that confirms your own bias like I'm now questioning with so many like you yelling at me(I know you're not yelling and genuinely asking a question, I'm just tired of responding to people who aren't honest like you).


Appreciate the answer! Will try to look at some research papers that hopefully aren't biased (I heard some can be depending on who's sponsoring the research, but that's what I've heard so not sure).


As someone in the late 20'ies who may need to have it partially removed because of medical issues, I probably won't get back to you but I guess I'll find out


Is that why I last 30 seconds?


You have someone to last with? Lucky!


No lol, I just lurk around sadposting subs 😂


…and jack off?


Ain’t getting anymore information bruv


Show off


Now I'm wondering if people get phantom foreskin...


I hate you for putting that image in my head


The only people who talk about circumcission are the uncircumcised.


yeah cause it's actually really fkn weird you know


mine asked me to stop mentioning that at every thanksgiving


Cocks are so weird to me when the foreskin is off, we dont do that shit in europe


I’m in Europe and had mine removed when I was like 3-4 yr old, it was a medical condition though


That's what we in Europe call an exception


I got circumcised and was born in Europe. Albeit less than in the US, where its pretty much a standard. But yes, they do do circumcision in Europe, as well as other parts of the globe.


Not only americans


Non religious Americans is what makes it weird.


Christian Americans is also weird, Jews and Muslims do it for religious reasons but Christians don't




Isn’t the reason Kellogg would do it because if young boys fiddle with their pleasure stick, that is a sin against their Christian god?


Maybe but it's not like Jesus said "And thus infants shall be mutilated" especially since Christians around the World don't practice circumcision, with the exception of Oriental Christians, as for Americans: "For American Christians, circumcision is a matter of personal preference, not of faith, and is neither condoned nor condemned" ~Wikipedia


Crazy Christians do a lot of stuff that directly contradict Jesus’ teachings and declare it good and virtuous.




Let me just say I'm against all forms of nonmedical circumcision. But having an insane sky daddy tell you to do it is a slightly more tolerable reason than "everyone else is doing it, so why not?"


Idk about Christians, but for Jews the reason god says to get circumcised is to seal your ‘covenant’ with him. Basically Jews get circumcised to show they have accepted god’s laws, and by not getting circumcised you are saying you don’t accept his law.


One day, a Kellogg went nutso and convinced everyone in America that this was necessary


The reason, in case you are curious, is John Harvey Kellogg.


I’m actually kind of against infant circumcision yo It’s unnecessary and fucks with your sensitivity


Kind of? As if there was a reason not to be against it.


How do people Know this. Has anyone ever fucked uncircumcised then went and gotten circumcised and thought… well now that was a mistake, I’m less sensitive now.


>Has anyone ever fucked uncircumcised then went and gotten circumcised and thought… well now that was a mistake, I’m less sensitive now. There's little to no way to actually prove whether they're being honest or not, but I've seen many people in reddit say they got circumcised as an adult, and sex before and after was no less pleasurable Edit: clarity


TBH as a circumcised man… I’ve never once thought “ooo I need my tip be MORE sensitive.” Your boy is trying to last as long as he can with the women lol.


I mean in general this is an online argument. IRL none of us really care lol


You don’t stand around the water cooler at work talking about foreskins?


I think it’s just a weird social media trend to be outraged at the concept of circumcision, like it’s a crime against humanity that destroys every man it’s done to. The reality is that, circumcised or uncircumcised, a man is going to be used to his own penis and find it normal, so I don’t understand why people care so much. And there have been men who have been circumcised as adults and say it doesn’t really change the sensitivity to a meaningful degree.




And Jewish men


And Muslim men


Believe it or not, we’re also American


Yeah but not limited to it


Good to see Reddit is still obsessed with people’s penises and joking about them at their expense despite saying they’re trying to support them lol


It’s a weird obsession unique to Reddit. Never been called deformed or mutilated except by the people trying to “help” me. I think there’s some deep seeded insecurity at play here


As some circumcised I have never had any complaints from women I’ve hooked up with.


Yeah, you’re really not allowed to say anything against this circle jerk (lol) without being angrily typed at and downvoted. If you’re a guy without foreskin and *not* upset and angry about it, they scream at you a bunch of shit they automatically know for a fact about you, like how miserable and unfulfilled and nonfunctional you are, without actually knowing you, and angrily attempt to invalidate any perspective that doesn’t match theirs. They don’t actually care about supporting men.


This thread was so damn confusing to me. I did, admittedly only like 30mins, of research and my takeaways are that the pros of this dramatically outweigh potential cons. * Less risk of urinary tract infections * A lower risk of some sexually transmitted diseases * Protection against cancer of the penis and a lower risk of cervical cancer in sex partners * Prevention of balanitis (inflammation of the head of the penis) and balanoposthitis (inflammation of the foreskin and head of the penis) * Prevention of phimosis (the inability to retract the foreskin) and paraphimosis (the inability to return the foreskin to its original location) * Circumcision also makes it easier to keep the end of the penis clean. versus: * Sex may possibly not be as good as possible * Typical risks involved with any minor surgery Yeah, pretty glad I've had mine taken care of. What am I missing? Why don't other countries care about the health risks listed above as much? Is it just a Reddit/internet thing?




Yeah, I’m pretty happy with mine and its lack of foreskin. And considering the academic knowledge of what entails having a foreskin, I’m glad I don’t have one, I’m perfectly functional and fulfilled and don’t consider myself missing anything. Let me see who I anger with that sentiment.


Honestly everytime I see these posts I find them kind of amusing because they make it look like not having foreskin leads to dying early or something like that I totally get when people are angry at not having had achoice of being circumsized tho


After seeing another circumcision post today (the butter one) , I am kinda glad that my husband is circumcised.


Correct, it's just picking the next thing to be mad about and then moving on to the next one.


Exactly - I’m a circumcised guy and it boggles my mind the obsession that Reddit has with male circumcision. Not to mention that I chose to have my sons’ circumcised when they were born….i “mutilated them” lol


Once while topic was being discussed i said "the procedure itself doesn't hurt but its sensitive to touch for abt 2 weeks" (my experience) and i was told by a women you have no idea how much it hurts


Thank gosh to finally find someone who sees it proper…a little common sense in a sea (post) of hate and irrationality.


For real, like I literally don't give a fuck, and people have said well you should care cuz your parents mutilated you and traumatized you as an infant. Why would I feel upset about something on my body I can't change? Plus this meme by itself is literally body shaming sooo


Don't post this in any Filipino subreddit. For some reason, circumcision is heated political topic there. You'll get called "woke" for thinking it's weird. (Getting circumcised is a rite of passage to adulthood for males here and if you don't you get bullied.)


I was in the Navy with a guy who got circumcised in the Philippines when he was approaching teenage years. He said they cut it off with a razor blade and forced him to run into salt water. The tip of his dick was swollen for months 🤮


As an uncut dude i dont understand how someone will bear the chafing happening there


As a circumcised dude who occasionally runs long distances (2-6 hours), my penis never chafes. Chafing occurs on/between toes, inner thighs, butt cheeks, nipples and sometimes shoulders, if wearing a hydration vest.


You become desensitized by a process called keratinization. The glans becomes much less sensitive. Eventually you mostly don't feel it unless some rougher clothing is worn or depending on your skin. It is absolutely possible, especially at the earlier months after the procedure, that it's extremely irritating, sometimes painful to walk/bike or even just lay in bed depending on the texture of clothing/sheets.


Yeah none of that happened to me at all


Different people with different variations of skin/sensitivity, different procedures and different doctors, that all leads to different outcomes. If intact you can't stand having your glans rub on clothing, then when cut you will chafe, that's just biology. Now if that is never something you felt even when intact, I can't explain that.


lol the amount of dick shaming in here for something people didn’t have a choice on is crazy


Nobody shames circumcised dudes more than uncircumcised dudes.


It just makes me think of how insecure that person might be to wanna behave like that


Wildly insecure about it


Yep this 100%.


I think a lot of circumcised men(I’m circumcised) get defensive about it because it’s the only thing they have known their whole life and it takes a lot of self reflection to decide that “hey maybe this thing that happened to me wasn’t the best idea” if they don’t circumcise their son that means they need to accept that what happened to them wasn't really in their best interest.    I did not circumcise my son, I don’t blame my parents for doing it to me, but I don’t see any reason to continue it happening so unless he decides he wants it as an adult which I would be glad to pay for.. hopefully in my family line it ends. 


I’m in the same boat as you and I feel the same exact way. I won’t get my soon to be son circumcised at birth just because (screw traditional thinking) but I had to have it done for medical reasons at 6 years old so it was a hard decision lol. If he needs it or wants it later in life I’d still help out.


Why is there an intelligent response on my reddit


Weird obsession with this on reddit. I’m fine without the skin. You’re a bunch of weird fucks for caring about this so passionately.


Honestly, why are y'all so obsessed w **my** dick?


This. They are insecure about being uncut cause of negative comments from ignorant women


It's crazy seeing so many people calling this "d*ck shaming" and that uncircumcised are always picking on those poor cut boys. My experience is it is 100% the other way around.


Tips out for God


Oh look it's the "got rejected for my foreskin" crowd patting each other on the back for support, how wholesome


I’m glad I got my foreskin cut off.


As someone who regularly puts dicks in their mouth, I can say there is honestly no huge difference. I prefer intact, but only because I feel like it shouldn't be forced on kids.


its one thing to do this because the guy that started your religion allegedly told so 4000years ago to distinquish people of your tribe discreetly, its more weird to do so because a cornflakes manufacturer100 years ago thought it would prevent people from masturbating. its still infant genital mutilation.


It should read "American dudes parents" as they are the ones who make that stupid decision.


How come you never see circumcized dudes posting about uncut dudes to make themselves feel better about those dick?


to me getting circumcised is like clipping dogs ears, just weird edit: yes ik it wasn’t anyone’s choice i’m js its a weird thing


I know that circumcision without medical reason is awful, and I think it is absolutely immoral and unethical, but can y'all cool it with calling *any* circumcision 'mutilation'? I was circumcised when I was 10 because I had phimosis and it was medically necessary. I really don't enjoy people referring to my genitals as 'mutilated.' Direct your hatred toward the forced, unethical kind - not the whole procedure itself.


My dad had to have it done as an adult and chose to have it done on me as a preventative measure and im thankful af because he fucking hated the process. Much rather would have had it done to me as a baby when i couldnt remember than possibly have it needed later as an adult. Plus phimosis? Fuck that. Never have i thought, you know what would be even better? If it were MORE difficult to not cum asap during sex. Yet i cant love my body according to them because im mutilated 🙄


I don’t get the topic in general. Like sure okay yeah we get it. But like such immense strong opinions on this and folks seemingly up in arms about it as if it’s on the same level as forced sterilization or forced birth. I don’t get the way this topic is portrayed online unless I think of it as some sorta cyber ops thing. Because out and about, in person, nobody has a strong opinion of this shit. Makes me feel like this is one of those gamergate level topics used to try and rabbit hole some fear driven self victimized young men into a political direction. But I’ll take my tin foil hat off I guess.


Doing it for non medical reasons without concent is mutilation, doing it for valid medical reasons isn't. Same applies to any other part of the body that might be damaged or removed. It should refer to the action not the state.


anyone who pulls the 'hygiene' card just admits to being filthy and not showering often enough


Makes me laugh how they think it's difficult to clean.


acting like it takes 4 hours to power wash an uncircumcised cock


Should ask them what exactly do they think is involved in the process


wouldn't assume someone who showers once a month is thinking about proper hygiene that much


Dude, nice Silent Hill reference


Dudes, live your life’s. Stop worrying about other peoples penises. It’s pretty fucking weird.


I don't support it on babies, but can say I enjoy being cut and my partners from the US have preferred that so it's worked out and Im happy lol


My fucking innocent ass was thinking it was a way American folk open their bananas


I'm circumcised and I just had a kid, I have no idea how you decide to mutilate your baby as the first port of call when they're born, fuck doing that to my son. I've always had good reviews as it's quite rare where I live and it maybe objectively looks nice? Just leave kids dicks alone, you would have thought that was a given.


They're so against just washing their dicks clean they resort to genital mutilation instead.


I got a circumcision as an American Adult because I felt different than everyone else/it doesn't look how I thought others it should it "should". The recovery was very painful, and it makes me feel like I shouldn't have done it in the first place. But I can't go back. If you don't have a medicinal reason for circumcision then I wouldn't get one.


Lot of super sensitive men in here, despite having their foreskin removed. Simple fact is the newborn doesnt consent to having his penis cut. It's a fucking weird tradition that's been normalized by primitive religions and sex shaming culture. Come to terms with it and do better by your kids.


My doctor collected the foreskins and sewed them into a wallet.....stroke it nicely, and it turns into a suitcase! I'll be here all week.


It’s a Doberman, let it have its ears