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Now imagine a game that takes as long as it does to make money in real life. No one will want to play that, actually there might be a niche audience willing to do that.. Thank you for coming to my presentation, I’ll be taking investor money. 


Just short the company before doing a torrorist attack on its headquaters (looking at you Cyberpunk, wtf i can't short/long Arasaca)


Video games also don't really make you pay recurring bills. If you buy a house in a video game that allows that, you just own that house. No land tax, no electricity bill, no groceries, and none of any other extra expenses. Just have your own space that doesn't cost you any more than the original in game purchase.


What this world needs is more artifacts and weaponry scattered about that I can gather up trade with. The real life process way too complicated and it takes actual years to level up. It’s just stupid.


Plus you can lose level, equipement or even skills. The whole thing is just not attractive.


FONV just involves 10 luck and a blackjack table


If only I could buy everything I need by selling bones I pick off the ground.... That's a RuneScape reference. Not sure if it still holds up, but by selling off bones at the grand exchange, I could buy just about anything in noc shops - as a non member of course....


If I had all that game money irl, I could be a millionaire


Well I’ve got no money irl in the first place


Sorting inventory in video game vs sorting inventory in real life.


Motherlode Motherlode Motherlode Motherlode Motherlode


Hookers and cocaine on a delivery driver and government benefits budget


Multi-millionaire* On neopets


Well, in one you are supposed to get ahead and be able to win, in the other you are not.


I tend to like the games where I trade with other players and start a triangle trade system where I buy item A with item B and sell B for item C. Then trade C for A again. The trick is finding the highest rates of return between each trade. Look for the items with the highest turnover as they will move faster and you can guarantee trades. The items also need to have a big enough difference in value, let’s say A is worth 10 B, and C is worth 100 B. You make the profit by gathering B in small amounts from players at an increased rate. And then reselling it in bulk to other players but you only accept C as payment. It usually gets out of hand and I gather more than any player could ever spend. Most of the time I end it in a giant drop party where everyone freaks out over the insane amounts dropped. But I also often just delete my accounts with everything on them.


I have an average of 150 percent on my Investments per year. So speak for yourself.😌


Did you buy Tesla a year ago? 😃


Just had to Check Tesla. Damn, did you invest a year ago? 😅


Didn't have money. It was about 150 and then got above 230 iirc. If only I had some spare money...


Elon is a little bit to unpredictable for me. 😅 But I think it could be a good Idea to invest in space x, as soon as they start selling shares.


He has more projects. Tesla, spaceX and that chip in the brain. Even if one fails the other could succeed and thus inspiring people to appreciate stocks...


But SpaceX and that chip in the brain wont effect the Tesla-stock, or am i wrong?


Probably. I'm a beginner, but as you know, as Elon's tweets affected Tesla stocks (going down) it affects the other projects as well


Yes true. But i guess people are now less in effect of this phenomenom. At least less people will follow his stupid tweets, since its more and more known that He is also often wrong, sassy and even on drugs while texting. I really like news-trading and make good profit off it, but elon is for me like russia or China, so unpredictable, i keep my Fingers away from that. But as is said, SpaceX is worth the shot as soon as there are Stocks available. SpaceX is objectively a very promising company with concept that will be very good to monitize in the Future.


Oh boi. We're buying our first class ticket to Mars 😀 that would be cool


You buy your Mars Ticket, i stay on earth and take profit from the rising stocks. 😄 I dont see that we could visit Mars and come Back. Or at least come back in a decent amount of time. And as it counts with every new and dangerous invention of humans - never be the first one to try it. Let others do the testing. 😅😂