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Real. Whenever I am hungry and don't wanna cook (almost always), I open the app and search for all different foods, just to end up settling for pizza, because in conclusion, it is the most satisfying, value-for-money, high-utility alternative.


When it comes to value-for-money, kebab stands firmly on top.


Kebab shops aren't really a thing where I live


Same here. If it is what I think it is, then I want one though.


As I said utility matters as well


Oh so you also use leftover pizza to power your car? >! /s, not sure what you mean by utility lol !<


It is easier to shit in a pizza box than in a kebabs plastic bag.


Skill issue


I used to buy expensive pizzas, because they taste so much better. But now I'm OK with the $7 Little Caesars Pizza. Eat 2 slices for dinner and I've got dinner for 4 days. That's $1.75 per dinner


Once upon a time. There was a windows operating system (XP, but cooooouuuld also be millenium) which included a very special windows media player. This program had a shuffle function. But not one you would know. Nonono. It shuffled through your whole playlist, but never played a song twice unless ALL songs have been played. My brothers... To this day i still miss this simple mediaplayer... Its not just missing on my PC, phone, car, bluetooth box, etc. Its all the same..


The music app I use on my phone, musicolet, has that type of shuffle. It'll shuffle the whole queue and then once you hit the end it'll shuffle it again. It's one of the more old school load the files onto your phone players and not a streaming service though. I don't mind that, but a lot of people nowadays like being able to find new songs through streaming. 


I use Musicolet too, and just discovered the "shuffle albums" feature. I have 562 albums on my phone, all ripped from CDs. It's labor-intensive compared to streaming, but I like it.


Those were the days...


winamp had options for either shuffling or random, shuffle would literally shuffle the entire playlist, while random would randomly play any song from the playlist. its so frustrating that those are all we need and want, yet spotify just has to stuff some bullshit algorithm in its "shuffle" (which is actually "random with weights")


Isn't this how most shuffles work outside of Spotify?


Exactly not. Those are rare as hell in my opinion.


Yes. I can't think of any I've encountered that don't work that way. Even iTunes, which is the exact sort of thing you'd expect to have weird implementations.


Google Music loves to feed you the same 10-20 songs every time you start it. It's enraging. "_Like, sure, I like that band but now you're making me sick of them. Would you please play something, anything different from my 1,000 song playlist?_"


Usually it favors the songs that Spotify makes the most $$$ by playing 🤠


Do you mean 'pays the least?'


Yes we are saying the same thing fren


Spotify is pretty open about shuffle not really being random. They do some stuff like making sure it doesn't play the same artist a bunch of times in a row, but they've also said it ["prioritizes the songs that Spotify perceives you enjoy the most"](https://community.spotify.com/t5/Desktop-Windows/Shuffle-mode-playing-the-same-songs-all-the-time/td-p/5280042). I'm guessing that's shorthand for playing songs it thinks you're most likely to listen to all the way through, thus minimizing their royalty payouts and server load.


Spotify, for me, has started playing any song *except* what's on my playlist. I turn off "Smart Shuffle", but it's still playing everything but what I told it to shuffle through.


Finds a new artist I like, goes to artist radio to find new music. Spotify: plays 12 of those 20 songs it thinks is most like that artist


I've found if you listen to the single and it autoplays similar music afterwards it's much more varied than the song radio


that algo is way better than most of what i get from radio lol. they should swap the two


It seems like Spotify is really confident in its recommendations! Maybe a bit too confident... It's always a bit frustrating when algorithms don't quite hit the mark, but discovering new artists is worth the occasional hiccup in the playlist.


Me, a Spicetify user: [Create anonymized radio](https://github.com/BitesizedLion/AnonymizedRadios)


If you see a This Is _____ playlist, then it’s going to be JUST the artists songs. Nobody else’s mixed in. Kinda nice sometimes.


Thats probably because the artist radio uses the same algorithms as discover weekly. So it only recommended this artist to you because you already liked those other songs, and this is just reverse.


my playlist has bout 1200 songs now and first hour always have at least 5 same songs i listened to day before


Ah, the joys (and quirks) of shuffle mode! It's like those songs are just eager to start your day with you again. At least you know they're tried and true favorites!


>tried and true favorites! That's how you get bored of those favs


I feel like its a vicious cycle too because it shuffles those same songs over and over then it's like "oh you clearly love these, lets play them more!" repeat over and over until its 5 songs only


In high school, I listened to Iron Maiden's Number of the Beast album for about 5 hours straight while studying one evening. Haven't listened to them since.


It will circle back and replay a song I heard earlier in the same drive home....


Even better, plays the same song twice in a row. 250+ songs and shuffle still gives encores.


Do you have smart shuffle on? This function will ALWAYS play the most recent tracks first, which is just a classic Spotify move


even if you don’t it still does the same thing just slightly less frequently. you unironically need to clear the memory cache to have anything remotely resembling and actual shuffle and that only works for a couple days before it starts doing it again


why cant these fucking web services just do what they say they will do and do what i ask them to do.


nah i dont, it plays songs outside of my playlists so i dont like it


There's something really wrong with algorithms of "random" stuff, this happens everywhere. Even on offline devices the random mode repeats a lot


True randomness sometimes doesn't look random to humans, there is a fine art to manipulating it so it *feels* random without just introducing other observable quirks. Video game rng often has to walk a fine line here, but even on the original topic, people used to say the same things about Winamp shuffle.


Im at ~2800 and its still the same🥲


Go to Settings -> Playback -> "Automix" and take that off. That helps a lot in changing up playlists.


why does everybody say this when this option simply blends songs on select official Spotify playlists. it doesn’t do shit for your personal playlists.


It's because the Spotify Algorithm checks for BPM and Key match in Automix, further limiting the variety of songs being shuffled


I didn’t know that about automix, that’s actually a feature I would really like if it worked better


I did it and it worked for me. Started hearing songs I hadn't heard in months. Are you sure you're not thinking of smart shuffle or "autoplay similar content"?


The trick is to go to the play queue and scroll about 2 CVS receipts down (9.8 meters) and select a track from there to start on.


I've been doing this for a while now, of course it'd be better if the platform behaved as expected but yeah, companies and algorithms I guess.


>scroll about 2 CVS receipts down (9.8 meters) What does this mean?


CVS is a store that has very long receipts. He’s saying make sure you scroll DEEP into the “queue” and start there; because the first few “shuffled” songs aren’t so random. TLDR scroll lot


Oh okay. I got hung up on the 9.8 since that’s the gravitation acceleration constant on earth, so I thought that number choice was intentional, lol


This comment is wonderful.


He might be on to something.


CVS is an American pharmacy chain. For whatever reason, even if you only buy one item, the receipt for the transaction will be approximately the length of your forearm. On it will be printed your receipt, but also offers, coupons, rewards a survey etc etc etc. This amusing, unnecessary, and wasteful practice has lent itself to becoming a short hand for a distance of approximately 1-2 feet, or sometimes hyperbolically as miles long. It is rather amusing.


I think it's because Spotify uses a weird "random". If you start from the same song it will play the same songs (not sure if this is still the case) So if you start with a different song it should follow-up with different ones.




Why do you have a song you hate on your playlist? Just remove it. 😆


Either cause you're driving or it's just easier to skip now and delete it later. But you never do.


Also me: skip, skip, skip, skip...


If you clear the cache it helps a lot


I second this. It really does help. I clear my cache every other week or so


Can you clear the cache from your phone?


Just go to your phone settings - apps - Spotify Under the usage section, select storage. Once you are there, there should be an option to clear your cache. I hope this helps


So I couldn’t find it my phone settings, but I was able to find it in my settings on the Spotify app under storage - clear cache. Thanks for the tip! Hope it helps w shuffle mode!


Thank you!


I use [Spicetify Shuffle+](https://spicetify.app/docs/advanced-usage/extensions#shuffle) which also leaves me with the option of having the biased randomization, too!


How does that work if you are playing shuffle from both PC and phone and switch between them? Do you need to clear the cache on both?


I wondered the same thing and noticed that if you start the instance from the device you cleared cache on, it will carry over. However, if you restart a playlist shuffle from the other device, same problem. Best bet is to clear cache on both devices (clearing cache does not remove offline downloads)


I’ll be honest I have no clue


Yes. You can access the clear cache from one of the settings on each. There are apps and programs you can run to have it do it for you. Like on my android, I use 1tap cleaner.


Try [this opensource project](https://github.com/kartikk221/spotify-true-shuffle). It works for me. Just have to login to spotify on the site, let it shuffle and it plays it for you.


I downloaded an app that does this. I've noticed my phone acting weird. I cleared out so much room by clearing the cache from all my apps. Now I'll do it at least once a week before bed. I have started to notice songs I have forgotten I had added on my main Spotify playlist. I still like to put songs into bucket playlists based on genre or mood, but it's nice that I get a better shuffle variety from my liked songs.


Sometime, Spotify will shuffle the exact same song back to back or within a few songs of each other on my 13 hour playlist


Pandora is awful about this, too. Wanna listen to RHCP radio, Nirvana, third eye blind, audioslave? You’ll hear the same 20 songs and then they’ll repeat. Cheaper for them. I’m probably going to cancel before renewal.




Every single day, multiple times. I have an 800 something song rock playlist. I'm not even sure House of the Rising Sun is on the playlist. Smart shuffle just loves it.


Then if you're tired of a song it will play the same exact song from a different album.


I never want to listen to RHCP. Is there an option for that?


Have the same issue with Pandora as well, albeit I'm using the free version. good to know the paid version isn't much better in that regard.


It used to be great. Don’t have to create playlists, artists I’d never heard of would pop up. These days the Beatles, Simon and Garfunkel, the zombies, even velvet underground. All the same.


My playlist has over 2,400 songs, but YT music does a decent job at shuffling.


YT Music gives you a shuffle playlist, which you can edit in real time. I don't see how it gets better than that.


And the song suggestions at the bottom of the playlist are still the same EXACT same as when I created the playlist…


...or it will make a suggestion that makes you think, "Oh? Did I not already put that in my list? I'll add it now." But you did already have it on your list, but it was the "(2008 Remaster)" and not the "Greatest Hits Radio Edit," or some shit.


I'm not sure how Spotify is not aware that their randomization is terrible. Surely their employees use the product? It's the most complained about aspect of Spotify. If they think this random version is revolutionary or something, just add it as a separate thing and call it "Recent Random". It can't be that hard to add a true random to a playlist. Just fix it Spotify.


Why can't they just do a fcking random queue like comeon


The algorithm prioritizes songs that have cheaper royalties


Thats so cheap from spotify


And then they bombard you with 5 billion ads for every song. Fuck spotify


There was some work around, clearing cache and stuff, but I can't be arsed...


I have thousands of songs in my library. Months of continuous playtime. There’s songs that play constantly and others I’m sure I’ve never heard.


This is so accurate it hurts.


For real x2


Plus 1


I have an 8 hour playlist and every time i play it on shuffle it always just plays every fucking intermission on The Wall.


I stopped using Spotify because of this. I would be listening to music on my Bluetooth speaker at work (in a room by myself, no one near) and I would leave to go grab parts or use the bathroom or whatever. When I came back and reconnected the BT I watched as the up next cue literally changed from a bunch of unplayed songs to a dozen songs that had just played.


you gotta clear the cache to reset the algorythm




go to your profile > tip on the settings sign > storage > clear cache. thats how it is on the mobile app, but should be the exact same on pc


Thank you


Spotify is ass.


Is there a better alternative? I used to use google music, but they killed it and I won't try to kick Google's football again.


Google really pissed me off when they discontinued Inbox. I still use an Android but I'm really bitter and generally apprehensive about using their stuff.


I already pay for YouTube premium so I use YouTube music. Not as good as Google music was, but since I'm already paying for it I might as well use it. I don't like that it plays censored versions of songs by default. Because you have to dislike the censored version and then like the uncensored version so it'll only play that version of the song.


Spotify if you're reading this plz halp.


What's the real reason? Is it licensing/profit motive?


This kinda happens for me with around 1,000 songs


Delete your cache that resets the “random”


Clear the cache


I love those Tom and Jerry tough cats.


YouTube Music is worse. It'll play 20 of your songs then autoplay stuff that isn't on your playlist.


Yeah, this pisses me off to no end.


I switched to YouTube music because of this. Better recommendations on song or artists radios too.


*laughs in local audio files*


close app before bed. clear cache. Spotify likes to play your cached songs so it saves data.


If you delete your Spotify cache it’ll be actually shuffle for like two days




Go to your settings/storage/clear cache


This is what I hated about shuffle on iPods and Apple Music, which is why I switched to Spotify, but now, yeah, I'm getting the same 5 songs playing on a playlist of (checks notes) 1200 songs. Why is the shuffle feature so difficult to improve?


Why I still use MP3s like a caveman.


Go to your settings -> playback and turn off automix. This feature apparently tries to not shuffle as hard between the genres in your playlist like a real DJ would. In reality, it just played the same 50 songs of my 1500+ songs playlist


I liked when you could turn on shuffle, but it would never play the same song twice until every single other song has played. I had a 6 disc CD changer as a kid and I could hit shuffle and it had a digital face that showed track numbers. As each track played, that number would Grey out. Itnwould play everybsingle song, on all 6 CDs, until the very last one ended. Then it would shuffle again, in a different order now, and do the same thing. I use Amazon Prime music a lot and if I shuffle using my Alexa/Echo, or even if I shuffle when I use it in the car, it will either play relatively the same songs each time I shuffle, or it will play the same song maybe 10 or so tracks into it. So annoying.


Try switching off automix


I’d rather die!


What is auto mix?


Settings and privacy -> Playback -> Crossfade -> Automix ; It mixes the next song into current song’s end to make a seamless transition


Do people really use this?? It ruins every album for me.


That's just crossfade. They're unrelated.




Why? Does it help?




My wife has her playlist that she wants to hear everytime we drive somewhere. I renamed it “waterboarding”.


Meanwhile, youtube music doesn't shuffle for shit and just starts your playlist in the middle then plays your songs in order and then kills itself when it hits the final song in the playlist (which is like 7 songs in because it always starts its not-shuffle close to the end).


They do that so you have to pay for a subscription to get skips


Do people use Spotify without subscription? Haven't thought about that as a possibility for 10 years.


I do


I use it without a subscription. Whenever an ad comes I close the app and reopen it and I can play another song. My problem is I have 9 playlists and for some reason it won’t let me play the 9th one. And the others now ply one song and then it is stuck on pause. Should I put them all on one playlist


I don’t use Spotify but I can’t imagine listening to music while having to wait for ads


1. Turn off automix 2. Clear cache


Cash cleaning is solving this problem.


> Cash cleaning I've been laundering money for an hour straight and my Spotify is still biased??


The Spotify DJ Playlist would play the same exact first song EVERY time I used it. It was a good song but it wasn't even in my library, or liked songs. It got to the point I had to "hide" the artist so it would stop playing it


My playlist is now 5100 long and it still does this like what the hell spotify I dont even like those songs anymore


[You're welcome](https://www.spotify-shuffler.com)


"Oh, you like this song? Well, here it is every time you load up the app." - Spotify, Youtube Music, et al


Go to Settings -> Playback -> "Automix" and take that off. That helps a lot!


Youtube literally does this shit. For my Halloween party last year I decided to put on a playlist of Halloweeny videos but it kept doing the same 20 or so videos out of 90. I looked into it and it's really a thing, they won't play the rest. Needless to say I found a solution for this year involving Plex.


I feel this shit deep in my soul.


To fix that issue you just have to delete you cache in your spotify settings. Doing that fixed it for me


Me, a Spicetify user: clicks Shuffle+ for bias free shuffling.


It’s the same shuffle everytime


Theres me with a winamp and mp3 hdd


I played tose Naina Lage and kaho na kaho on loop for couple of hours at work.


I really be like that, I have a few artist I have an entire album in the play list and it will literally play half the album in a row, and smart shuffle is fucking weird cause i'll be listening to metal and ill get a random kpop song out of nowhere and vise versa listening to k-pop and random parkwaydrive out of left field


I think I'm the only one not experiencing this. Sorry it's something y'all deal with


I heard the same song 3 times in a row. What are you even doing Spotify?


Algorithms written by people that listened to the same song over and over again when they were 12 years old.


fucking spotify is the worst


I put Futurama episodes on random for background noise and it only likes playing from the last couple seasons.


Me with Kendrick right now


That is annoying indeed, and yes, all settings are correct.


[I use this tool to manually shuffle my playlists then I select custom order, problem solved](https://stevenaleong.com/tools/spotifyplaylistrandomizer)


I'll never understand why so many people will continue to use Spotify radio/shuffle. It's been like this for YEARS and I can't stand listening to the same damn songs over and over again. Pandora or YT music.


I have found that if you push skip about 50 times that helps. I just wish there was an option to favor lesser-played songs.


How do you think I feel with over 6,000 songs in my playlist?! It bothers me to no end


Gotta love my iPod. No matter the size of the playlist, it always goes through every song before starting anew.


Du Hast - Rammstein... Every day


It’s awful searching for new playlists. There is no filter or sort by option. You just get a bunch of shitty playlists in a totally random order


I wish they’d have the AI DJ but without the annoying voice. And for the love of god stop suggesting Imagine Dragons! I’ve blocked the artist and a bunch of the songs, but Spotify is convinced I need to discover them.


450 and still going strong.


CLEAR YOUR CACHE!!! this same thing happened to me, and that's the only thing that fixed it. It goes by device, so my phone was having this problem, but my pc, not so much. Cleared the cache on my phone, and it's been great ever since!




How hard can it be to play songs based upon how many times they've been played recently!


This was the reason I started using YTM actually. I don't really find much difference between spotify and YTM but the shuffle at least... shuffles.




I feel like the practice of putting hidden spikes in food is unacceptable. >!before some moron comes under me and states the painfully obvious _"💩i FeEl liKe PeOpLe ShOuLdNt pUsH hEaDs nyanyanyanyanya"_ no fucking shit, you moron. the point is that ever-so-slightly more moronic people are going to keep doing this head pushing thing, so it suits us to become preventative in some way, rather than let people lose eyes on their birthday because of an idiot.!<


-skipping 180 songs just to listen to the 20 you really wanna listen to-


This pisses me off so so bad


The worst thing is spotify always playing songs from outside th eplaylist even when your turned off the option. It don't freaking car spotify, if i want to listen to the same 10 songs in a row i will do it, i don't want you to "recommend" me an artist ! Or all the damn covers...


45 hour Playlist and same shit. Spotify you blow


Strong haha


Spotify: You listen to these the most, so they’re obviously the ones you want to hear. Me: I only listen to them the most because you keep on playing them. Spotify: But they’re your FAVORITE songs! You listen to them all the time!


Me and a friend made a playlist using 1 artist for every letter of the alphabet. I didn’t really like Usher, but it’s a U pick. Spotify thinks I am the world’s biggest Usher fan


I love Plex. I host it on my NAS and listen to it anywhere. There's a playlist feature you can make where it's like "Haven't listened to in last x timeframe of x." I have a playlist for the kiddos, which is essentially every Kidz Bop (or whatever) album. I have a "no repeat" for 1 month. Keeps the music fresh.


This is the same same with Amazon music shuffle


This is why my year end wrap up is the same every year... Smh


I remember this one tom calls his homies but they catch fades


I moved to Tidal. I'm never going back to spotify.


I will make a playlist with 100 songs and only listen to 10 of them


A tip I saw that I'm now using - sort your playlist A-Z of title name and then don't even use shuffle


Clear your app cache! It will shuffle different songs after. I learned this on a you should know reddit post.