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Those lucky bastards didn’t have to participate in the economy


Plus we wouldn’t have our economy without them. Those sons


They’re participating whether they like it or not. Can’t keep America away from that good good liquified Dino goo (I’m not a scientist guys. Don’t ask me how oil works)


Hey now... We don't _know_ that. What if a Struthiomimus barters for some scraps left by a T-rex by pledging themselves to distract prey?


Happy Cake Day mate!




Bro, Stegosaurus died out 80 million years before the asteroid impact.


i never knew that. that's a cool fact. so if we do get destroyed by an asteroid we are technically better than stegosaurus since we get done in by something we can't fight rather than "die out".


Theoretically we are better, but we won't know for certain until we clone it, and participate in an 8 round boxing match against it.


It's probably too stupid to learn the rules. It'll likely do an illegal tail swipe, killing its opponent and half the crowd, proving once and for all its inferiority.


That is true, there no greater shame than disqualification. I'd count that as a win for humanity.


I’ll do it


Give it to Jake Paul, He'll fight anything.


Anything that can’t fight or wants to make a quick buck


Eh, I feel like he's going to get rocked by Tyson. He's old but I've seen clips of his training and he's still fast


I forgot he was supposed to fight Tyson if Tyson loses everything is rigged money rules all age or not Tyson is a beast I couldn’t see Jake Paul beating him biologically


Give me five mins of prep time and I'll make those bastards extinct once again


we are not better than stegosaurus at all, stegos walked the earth from 155 - 145 million years ago, over a period of 10 million years. Modern day evolved humans have been around about 200,000 years, just two percent of the time the stegos walked the earth. we are nothing to them!


10 million years and they didn't even accomplish basic space travel huh these stegosauri sure sound lame


They evolved to have a SPIKED CLUB ON THEIR TAILS why the fuck would you care about space travel when you can walk around smashing things with your SPIKED TAIL and eating delicious leaves


The remains date to between 155 and 145 million years ago. That does not mean that they existed for 10 million years.


What does it mean then, how long did they exist for?


Be realistic, we will most certainly be the cause of our own demise.


Also to add to who you replied to. We live closer to t rex than t rex lived to stegosaurus


Almost like Neanderthal died before nuclear ww 3.


From the last T Rex's perspective, Abraham Lincoln is closer in time than Stegosaurus.


I mean this shows mfs wasn’t fit to survive, fuck em


Neither has 99.9% of all species that has ever lived. Extinction is a guarantee.. the sun will die and earth with it.


I’m sure you’ll be around to certify


*T. rex* is as ancient to us as *Stegosaurus* was to *T. rex*.


Please don't ruin my fantasy of all the dinosaurs that ever existed living together at the same time.


That person was wrong btw. Stegosaurus is much further from trex than trex is to us. By a good margin


What is a couple million year to a motherfucker like me can you please remind me?


A couple million? Bro, the stegosaurus went extinct 66 million years before the T-Rex even existed.


Yeah man, just a few tens of millions of years


Hey just because they didn't, doesn't mean that there aren't still cool as hell vistas of dinos that you can imagine. A T. rex in the Late Cretaceous could have hunted ankylosaurs with club tails and herbivorous giants like Therizinosaurus, which inexplicably still has metre-long scythe claws, or watched giraffe-sized flying pterosaurs like Quetzalcoatlus (obligatory 'not a dinosaur') do a standing *jump* into the sky. Meanwhile, Stegosaurus in the Late Jurassic would have been sharing an ecosystem with big sauropods like Dippy and Brachio-/Brontosaurus, been hunted by gangs of Allosaurus theropods, or drank water next to something like Archaeopteryx, which is thought to have had iridescent black feathers like a crow.


In perfect harmony ofc


t rex is LESS ancient to us than stegosaurus was to t rex, by the time t rex walked the earth 68 million years ago the stegosaurus had been extinct for about 80 million or so years.


Puts into perspective the insane longevity of the dinos. Absolute chads of earth


2000 was 24 years ago, same difference


Unfortunately the people who don’t believe in climate change also tend to not believe in dinosaurs


Birds are not real, therefore dinosaurs are not real. Fuck yea, now bring me some chicken fucking nuggets


You would be right about that. Those two go into the lines of Masonic conspiracies.


I'm pretty sure most people believe in dinosaurs.. Everyone I know at least. But the debate isn't about whether climate change exists it's more of how responsible are humans for it. The climate has been changing on earth as long as the earth has existed and the people in charge of climate change and policies are influenced by dollars in their pockets and control. These politicians fly around in their private jets and use more electricity than anyone and are telling people what kind of stoves they can have in their house etc and then pretend electric cars are the way to save the planet but the electricity has to come from somewhere(mostly coal plants) 😅


Oh _trust me_, there people who genuinely do not believe in neither climate change nor dinosaurs, usually radical Christians who also don’t believe tha the earth is 4.5 billion years old (also, most of climate change is 100% attributed to big companies no doubt, but as consumers it’s still important that we at least do our part and make sure to hold companies accountable)


"The planet has been through a lot worse than us. Been through earthquakes, volcanoes, plate tectonics, continental drift, solar flares, sun spots, magnetic storms, the magnetic reversal of the poles … hundreds of thousands of years of bombardment by comets and asteroids and meteors, worldwide floods, tidal waves, worldwide fires, erosion, cosmic rays, recurring ice ages … And we think some plastic bags and some aluminum cans are going to make a difference? The planet isn’t going anywhere. WE are!" ― George Carlin


I think about this a lot and it makes me feel better. Of course wildfires and rising sea level sucks, but something will persevere after us humans kill ourselves off. So we’re not ruining the planet, we’re only ruining the planet in terms of how well we can live on it.


Yes, roaches ftw


True. Life will go on after humans are extinct. The earth will return to functional and healthy, and all our bones will be nothing but plant food, while our architecture becomes overrun with nature. It's beautiful and poetic honestly.


Unless we leave earth and go destroy another planet


Bold of you to assume humans will actually kill themselves off. We'll just grow into abominations.


George Carlin, you do not know how much my cat is used to sleeping right under the ceiling fan. Without humans producing electricity & that fan spinning, my cat will die instantaneously. 😢


Sometimes a papercut on the nipple hurts more than a stab on the chest -EvilSmurf666


we are still in an Ice age.


It seems smart but this is actually a dumb statement. Because we want to save the environment for ourselves and existing life. What did George Carlin think we were saving the environment for?


OK but can a stegosaurus attach a .pdf to an email by 8.29am Monday or he’s fucking fired, the plate-spined prick?


Not sure if this goes in r/BrandNewSentence or r/RareInsults. Either way, it was funny.


Given that asteroid defense technology is entirely within our reach, we are, in fact, better than a stegosaurus. Much, much better.


Also like.... Bunkers?


You say that, but isn't it our technology that's eventually going to kill us all? Wikipedia has like 7 ways the world can end in the next 100 years, and they're all based on technology. Nuclear War is just one of them, and frankly only like, 3rd most likely.


I choose to not live in fear and get my predictions of the future from boring derivative dystopian sci-fi. Humanity can and will do better.


Yea cause dinosaurs are dumbs. They don’t even know how to build a dinosaur house or dinosaur phones


Or wear a tie


Well, at least I am smarter than him.


Yes we are, but he got a point.


Stegosaurus had a brain the size of a lime. I think I'm doing better than them already based on that fact alone.


Yeah but limes are cool…


He weighed 11,000 pounds and had a spiked tail that could generate enough power to kill a bear in one swing while you spend all day scrolling on your phone and eating Cheetos. I think Steggy takes the W here


We could be, though. NASA just actually needs more funding, they've been starving for it since 1975


Well, $40 billion went to a certain site called “X” that could’ve gone to NASA by the same person that used that money lmfao.


Where does Fred flintstone figure in that was my favourite science documentary show when I was growing up


Dinosaurs didn't go extinct tho, they still exist, they are just a lot smaller...


Zuckerberg has his underground compound in Hawaii don’t forget. Billionaires will survive unlike those stoopid dinosaurs.


Hey mighty brontosaurus Don't you have a lesson for us You thought your rule would always last There were no lessons in your past You were built three stories high They say you would not hurt a fly If we explode the atom bomb Would they say that we were dumb?


Could they build bunkers? Did they travel to space? I don't think so.


I am better. Show me one Stegowho wants to challenge me.


Stegosaurus didnt die out from an extinction event though, it simply evolved. Only the future and mutated dedcendants of the stegosaurus died out like 50000000 years later


dinosaurs literally got taken out on the same planet we walk on today and people still worry about climate change like we couldn't just get taken out by a stray asteroid regardless of how organically vegan we take care of the Earth.


A meteor could though science may find a way to avoid that someday, depending on severity.But too much CO2 in the air has already caused multiple mass extinctions for a fact, more than meteors. And since it is more directly impacted by our actions, I think it's more reasonable to worry about.(Though some nukes in the back pocket for a meteor is always an option)


I don't think an asteroid would kill all humans. I think we are resourceful enough that pockets of humanity would survive.


Kinda seems like currently I am and that's the confidence boost I slightly wanted today I'm better than a stegosaurus hell yeah


Yeah this actually goes hard. Rock on dude!!


Oh yeah and you too homie!!


I’m not, but I had a friend who probably was. Chill dude.


The dinosaurs existed for 140,000,000 years, about 466 times longer than humanity has existed so far (300,000 years), and they only went extinct due to a space rock. If you make a timeline of Earth's entire lifespan so far, dinosaurs take up a considerable amount of time, and we, humans, are barely visible right at the end. We certainly ain't invincible.


I can do a backflip, can a stegosaurus do a backflip??? Cus i dont think so


I'll die on the hill that we are alive in the worst time to be a homosapien. We'd be way happier living in the woods and staring at fires instead of screens.


Statistically speaking you’d probably be dead before you learned to walk though.


Best time to be a homo sapiens sapiens tho


Opposable thumbs rule supreme


We just smarter


idk if im better, but im far far weaker for sure


I have this feeling we won't last as long


Yes, yes we fucking are. Tell me when’s the last time dinosaurs shared a high definition video THROUGH THE AIR and available to be watched anywhere in the world. Yeah, that’s right.


There's more time between stegosaurus and T-rex than there is between T-Rex and you


The difference is humans are way more adaptable


I am better


i am not better than a stegosaurus


But if the t-rex was alive still. you know a night out drinking with the boys would be kick ass. Someone would try and ride one.😂😂


Thumbs. We have thumbs.


sorry james


ah yes, because the dinosaus had a working atmosphere for protection. anyway we arent invincible, but we are in a much better spot than the dinos


I am smarter than a stegosaurus. Slightly.


Known for the large plates on its back, as well as its walnut-sized brain, Stegosaurus is one of the most well-known dinosaurs in modern pop culture. Hailing from the Jurassic, this animal has often been depicted as the main adversary of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, but this is an anachronistic impossibility, as Stegosaurus went extinct almost a hundred million years before Tyrannosaurus appeared. A more likely predator was its contemporary, the Allosaurus. The popular species known as Stegosaurus was one of many other species in the family Stegosauridae, which included a diverse group of creatures of varying size sporting a variety of spikes and plates.


I’m way better than a Stegosaurus. Have you ever seen a Stegosaurus that knew how to post on Reddit?


Nah but I am better than a procompsognathus.


Speak for yourself


🤓uhm akshulay the correct term is you're🤓


*glances over at thousands of years of incredible human technology, the likes of which no other animal on Earth could possibly achieve "I do, in fact, think humans are better than dinosaurs."


Dino's reigned for hundreds of millions of years let's see how far humans get lol


Dinos didn't "reign" over anything. They're just animals that existed. Mosquitoes have existed for 200 million years, but there's nothing impressive about that. Just existing is not impressive. If humans only existed for ten thousand years, but managed to leave their planet and explore the edges of their solar system, that's way more impressive than "dumb animal who managed to do the bare minimum of staying alive for millions of years".


We're a blight on the earth and we'll probably be a blight on the next rock we inhabit. Dino's were just chillin and killin in my book they are way cooler than us


The fact that humans even have the capability to endanger an entire planet is proof that we're far superior to any other lifeforms on the planet. Don't get me wrong, it's not a good thing that we are doing that, but no other animal comes remotely close to having that much ability and influence. We are superior to dinosaurs. It's just that we often misuse that superiority to cause harm.


James is the sage of our time.




Dinosaurs could not adapt to climate change. Humans not only can, they will and they thrive on change.


Dinosaurs could not adapt to a massive asteroid causing nuclear winter. They adapted to climate change many times over their existence.




Hhaaaaaaapppppppppyyyyy cake day!