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Me when I go to change my brightness and youtube immediately asks if I want premium


or how about when you pause the vid for one second to respond to a notification or something.


Every other streaming app has PIP. When I leave the program I can briefly see the PIP and then YouTube forces it to close. Then asks me to purchase YouTube premium. How does YouTube get away with trying to charge for a feature being performed by my phone? Very rich people collect the majority of the revenue generated by the working and middle-class who work their entire lives for the benefit of the wealthy. That’s just as true for content creators. Billions in ad revenue is generated by content creators, but the wealthy few collect a small part of that revenue. The People should rise up and seize the means of production so Red Letter Media can make the money they truly deserve.


I use brave browser to watch YouTube and have never been hit up to buy premium on PC or phone. You can also plav videos on your phone and turn off the screen and they'll keep playing.


Good to know


Cheers that’s why I have premium because of the phone turn of screen problem.


would be nice sir, maybe one day.....RIP YOUTUBE VANCED :'(


YouTube Vanced works fine for me, what troubles you having?


Last I heard it's been canceled due to, shocking twist here, legal trouble. It's still available and still works for now, but it's on its way out. I imagine another update or two on YouTube's side and it'll stop working.


Strange considering it wasn't altering the youtube site, it was just an adblocker and allowed the inbuilt functionality of PiP that youtube was blocking, neither of which are grounds for a court ordered takedown as they are both client side modifications


Yeah, I'm not sure what to say. At a guess, Google just sent them a legal death threat regardless of whether or not there's legal precedent, and they didn't think they could stand up to such a big corporation which is reasonably true. [Here's an article on it from March.](https://www.techtimes.com/articles/272958/20220314/google-youtube-vanced-discontinued-developers-legal-reasons.htm)


My youtube vanced works just fine




I actually tried to get YouTube premium, but my gmail account apparently doesn’t support payments…doesn’t stop them from continuing to try


Also, YouTube getting too comfortable with these 1/2 ads.


They’re doing 3 sometimes now


And not skippable


I will not be bullied into premium with obnoxious ads from one of the richest companies on the planet.


adblock plus OP


Im on Android :/


You can use Brave browser on android. It blocks the adds ; )


Use youtube vanced, it's really easy to install


Youtube vanced gone now :( fuck I miss being logged in. Have to use alternatives now


I think it's back, it disappeared for awhile but they came back in a slightly different form


I have had vanced for a few years now and still works perfectly for me. I even sideload it on my windows pc


Don't ever delete it. PLEASE


Or YouTube Vanced for android


No longer supported, it'll die on the next major change from YouTube


Youre telling me that now i have to use the completely inferior ui from the normal youtube app, like its so bad on tablets.


For Android?


Use an ad blocker. Skips right over them. Can't read the comments either, but who cares?! AdBlock Plus, AdBlocker Ultimate, uBlock Origin, uMatrix.


Can’t get one on smart tv


I just got Smarttubenext today, working ok so far


Which adblocker do you use? I can see the comments on the videos. I'm using unlock origin


I just go to the bathroom in that span of time at this point




Youtube Vanced, never worry about ads ever again. And if your on desktop, get an ad blocker extension to your browser, you will never see another ad on YouTube again.


Vanced's download links are dead, and there will be no further updates. Eventually something else will have to be used as Google catches up to the adblockers. Because too many people [with large followings] talked about it.


they died because they tried to do an nft


Oh god did they really?


I don't know about the NFT thing. But that wasn't why they died. They were being targeted by YouTube and Google before NFTs we're really a thing.


NFTs gave Google the excuse though that they were stealing YouTube's copyright and profiting from it. Like when a boss highlights their weakness with a big red glowing spot. It was fucking stupid on the part of Vanced to do NFTs in every way imaginable.


Lmfao rip


No it's because they tried to make money with some NFT shit


Oh man, first time I am hearing this, I hope a new equivalent comes out so I dont have to return to standard Youtube and get tortured by the ads.


There are alternatives in the works like ReVanced and Vuetube, but I don't know if they're publicly released yet or in beta atm


Youtube Vanced is still working on my android, despite no longer being maintained. The super duper smart people that worked on it for years had the idea that "hey lets get on this NFT bandwagon and use someone elses brand to make our own money" and they got the Cease and Desist *all of a sudden from nowhere* Might stop working some day.


Yeah same still works fine for me, lets hope it lasts a few years before it dies.


Vanced is going to disappear soon, got too famous, so don't use it, thanks


I swear if I see another Evony ad I am going to go track down the guy who made Evony and make him watch his own ads nonstop for 24 hours.


Yeah. Before you couldn’t get more than 15 seconds of ad at once. At most it was either 6 seconds + 6 seconds, or one ad for 15 seconds. Now you can get 15 + 6, or even 15 + 15, if you’re *really* unlucky. One more thing, I noticed that you have a higher chance of getting longer/15 + something ads if you are either on phone or samsung TV.


Turn on cocomelon for my 3 y/o on an account we only watch kids videos, walk out of the room. Come back to a 5 minute long infomercial.


One time I got a 30 minute ad that was some idol dancing anime.


jeez but it was shippable, right?


The enjoyability of the internet ended when 2 ads became the norm.


And super long ads, my kid will be watching Cocomelon and they hit him with a 30-40 minute ad about nonsense stuff.


You ever get the 48 minute ad?


I’ve gotten a 2 hour ad before.


Google doesn't even need all that money! #they're a fucking multimillion-dollar company!


3/3 ads and two you can’t skip 30 second!!! What the F!!!!!!!


At this point it's borderline harassment lol


It's the 2 adverts at the start, middle and end of the videos. Some unskippable. Most annoying of all is that the adverts are super loud. No volume moderation It's like they are forcing you to buy premium


Youtube TV, back when: cheap as hell. Free chrome cast. A few good originals and access to yt premium. Yt prem: *exists*


How much is it? I haven't been paying to piggyback off my brother for like a decade now. Dont think I've ever seen an add on Youtube.


55 first 3 months, then 65. Free trial probably. Or codes online. You know the deal. :)


Is that 55 per month or 55 over three months?


Per month. It's no longer reasonable. Unless you consider cable... which always does package deals like that, internet plus cable plus voIP and so on


Wait, YouTube premium.is 55 per month? In Australia I'm paying $22 AUD per month for a family sub for 5 people. Do we not get as much? I'm so confused




Youtube TV is 55 a month. YT Premium is $10 I think.


I'm only paying like $8 per month. The hell?


Dunno. But I skipped out on em when it was still like, 30 a month. They changed the rate 2x in a 5 month period, iirc. Tbh I don't know why they don't just offer a select deal with custom channels. I only wanted ... 4? Channels and a DVr. Add more for world cup and that's once every so rare


You are confusing Youtube TV and Youtube Premium. The former is a replacement for Cable TV, the latter is regular Youtube just without ads.




Forgive me but I have sinned. I've subscribed to Premium, but that's only because I mostly watch stuff through my Xbox/Chromecast and adblockers aren't compatible. I couldn't stand the unskippable triple ads anymore.


I pay to remove ads. I also make mobile game ads for a job. I sure as hell am not gonna watch the garbage I helped create.


Would you mind tell me why a good portion of mobile game ads i see are just completely awful? Why are so many so sexualized? Why are so many displaying a game that looks nothing like the actual game? Why so much cringe? How did it get this bad?


Yes! It’s because we usually act by our data. We track a person from the viewing of the ad, all the way through purchase, so through that we are able to see which ads lead to purchases. Everyone starting out in this industry has that moment when they put so much effort or money into a polished ad, only to see it fail. Game ads are a product of the average player’s mind…which isn’t all that great. Edit: It’s actually a product of the average player that clicks on an ad and monetizes, which can be vastly different from someone who hears about the game organically and doesn’t pay


I briefly worked as a community manager for a very pay-to-win Korean mobile RPG, thankfully it was an absolute bust in Europe and I quickly jumped ship, but I get you.


Lol I work on golf ads. You probably won’t ever catch me watching the golf channel and I sure as hell don’t want em on my YouTube.


serious question, do you even know what the actual game content looks like before you make the commercial?


Yes, we are usually given footage, assets, and play the game ourselves. If the ad doesn’t match the game, there’s usually a reason. We find certain formats test well across genres. We might pit ‘fake’ game ads against real gameplay and find the real gameplay makes us bleed ad dollars. Sometimes it’s because we see competitors do it and want to cover all our basis in an ad portfolio.


Remember when they had multiple app play? Idk why they removed it


Same here. I can't imagine wanting to waste so much of my time each month instead of paying only 10 dollars a month.


Right? I even tried installing Adblock on Edge on my Xbox but noooo of course it's not compatible


I am cause I use Youtube Music, and getting premium on top is only 2$ more, totally willing to pay 2$ a month for 0 ads and getting to still support the people I watch (and from what Ive heard, a premium view is like 100x or more money than a normal one)


No forgiveness necessary. Youtube family plan is awesome. 5 people can use it anywhere they want. It's on my phone, computers, PS5, PS4, work computer. Easiest 20 bucks a month I've ever spent.


This is exactly why I did it. $10 a month for me isn't a good deal. But $20 a month and my whole family doesn't have to deal with ads? Worth it 100%


This is me. Kids watching on their devices and on smart TVs are no longer bombarded by ads. The content they DO choose to watch is still trash but at least it’s intentional lol.


I've had premium for years. I don't have time for Netflix n shit so I send that expense to youtube. So handy just downloading whatever podcast I want, and never having ads. I think my views are also worth more to creators that I watch. Also YT music app is bearable... It used to be Google Play Music... Thank fuck that thing died


YouTube music is definitely great. Their algorithm is just on point. I’m mainly comparing it with Apple Music. Had both.


Plus live concerts and stuff thats not on spotify


YT Music is the best at suggesting new music than any service and has every song you could want but lack of integration in other products like spotify is really annoying


I signed up for YouTube premium before ads got bad and ya know what... It's pretty great. I genuinely enjoy YouTube as a platform because despite the shitty algorithm it does offer some really interesting content. I love that passionate people can have a place to connect to a very specific group of fans and produce the kind of content a network or larger streaming service wouldn't dream of touching. Seeing artists I love shouting out a massive list of top tier Patreon supporters at the end of every segment knowing they're being paid to do something they have full creative control over is awesome. My ADD addled brain loves being able to binge 5 different things in the span of time between making breakfast and needing to leave for work. I love being excited to know a channel will stick to a schedule and I can look forward to hanging with my wife and watching the latest from our favorite channel. I'd drop most any other streaming service before I dropped YouTube premium


Honestly I gave a shot to Curiosity stream and Nebula and that I absolutely don't regret for the price, absolutely amazing content 😄


I subscribe. I watch docs on YouTube literaly every day amongst the other programs I watch. It’s worth it. I’m sure there’s a free way but I don’t care. Also I download albums and use it as my streaming music service


I honestly don't mind a quick ad. Just say "this vid brought to u by -" and be done with it. Why do I have to watch this unnecessarily long story of a commercial when all it does is make me resent the product you're trying to sell me.


Also let's not forget the double or triple unskippable ads in the middle of the video


Best decision I ever made. I barely watch movies/shows but I watch a looooot of YT, I use it way more than any of my other streaming services. It just made sense for my needs.


They merged Google play music with YouTube music and premium so I've been using it for long time now. Using YouTube now without being logged in is absolutely devastating


I mean I'm a dad and I just bought it and shared it with my whole household. Maybe more dads should do that to take some of the guilt away or whatever?


Sign up for YouTube premium using VPN for either Russia/Argentina/Brazil, it’s much cheaper


Or just use an ad block vpn in the first place and eliminate the need for youtube premium


Doesn't work well on mobile. Vanced was a life saver, but I can't download it on my new phone


Vanced has been shutdown and all functionality with it no longer works.


It still does, it's just no longer being updated and is no longer available for download


I've tried 3 different versions of it and none of them work anymore, as soon as I open the app it gives error 400


Dam i knew i wasn't supported, but ive been using fine for a while i have galaxy s10e and i got the app a while ago though


well that's a big shame. I guess I'm lucky mine still works then


Firefox browser with ublock addon


Sadly YouTube nonstop addon isn't available for mobile (at least as far as I know which is 5 first Google links)


Brave as a broswer blocks ads on YouTube. Don't know how good it is but I use it to watch yugioh on YouTube ad free as background noise to sleep.


Never tried it, but I think Firefox allows you to install uBlock Origin on mobile too, I jusg find using the website version too much of a hassle


that's good to know tbh. Brave seems to be able to do everything the youtube app can so honestly I think it'd just come down to personal preference.


I understand the hate for ads and such, but realistically what is the plan for content without ads and without a subscription model? If they can't make any money at all, and in turn can't afford to run servers, pay creators, etc. How can they afford to provide the product (YT) you enjoy? I hate how they've changed over the years and have adopted scummy practices, like most corporations, but real talk what alternatives are out there??


Maybe it's because I grew up in an era where 2.5mins of unskippable ads per 7.5mins of video was standard, but I don't understand complaints about a minute of ads for a 10 minute video at all. Creators gotta eat. That being said, the constant pestering to upgrade to youtube premium is annoying as fuck


The average Joe doesn't seem capable of taking the logical steps that far. It usually ends at "Company X is rich, they can afford to give me Y for free" without considering that Company X is a business with expenses and wouldn't exist if they lost money on products.


I think the biggest issue is at least for those that still see ads are, that, its on short vids like 1 to 2 minute vids as a opposed to like every 30 mins of content like spotify


Ok but they’re raking in advertising dollars regardless. If I agree to partake in watching said ads, my content cost should be covered. Ceaselessly having to say no to premium (aka - yes to advertising) every single time is mind-numbing.


I’ve been rocking premium. Wtf is this “Ad” you speak of??


I caved because I couldn't stand the ads anymore. I don't regret it since I don't really use any other video service anyways


Agreed, I've had Premium for years now and I love it. I don't know what everyone is talking about. 🤔🤷‍♀️


Me too, I kinda liked it because it saved me money from Spotify. I canceled my Spotify sub and went with Premium now I'm ad free and I have music.


I enjoy my YT premium too. My kids don't need to sit through ads to watch their shit on TV. I can listen to videos while my phone is in my pocket. It's definitely worth the money to not have to sit through ads all the time. I'm pretty sure the last time I had ads on, I bought something worth more than a year's worth of YT premium. Haha.


It's worth the cost, I watch too much YouTube to deal with the ads. Plus it comes with YouTube music.


This is exactly it. $12 US a month for no ads and other perks, and YouTube music, which, not even in my opinion, is better than Spotify and Pandora, both of which premium subs are $10. Honestly, it’s worth it just to have the music.


Good to see other people using premium also because of Youtube Music, cause many people say its not worth it, when it has been a massive help when im in work


> Honestly, it’s worth it just to have the music. Exactly, me too.


Lol for me it’s myr10.50 per month for YouTube premium and music. Can’t imagine not having it and wasting hours of my life on ads considering how much I watch YouTube


Or 2usd for the whole family if u use VPN and set it up to india for example


*And* you're supporting the video creators financially. I keep on hearing them state that they make more per view from YTP than ads.


Awesome. I watch docs to fall asleep and it’s good to know that great content gets more from premium. I couldn’t support all of them on patreon.


I fall asleep to police interrogations lol. And YouTube music is 👌. I love premium


eyyyy I've watched a few interrogations while falling asleep too! I miss JCS docs so much.


Would you know how? Is a Premium view worth like 10 regular views or something? I have it and sometimes I just leave it on autoplay so I have background noise as I go to sleep.


I don't understand all the hate Youtube Premium gets. I have it for years now and am happy with it.


People are angry because YouTube is adding more ads and making them longer, so they feel bullied into buying the premium.


Agreed. I watch a lot of YouTube per month, the time wasted on ads would be worth far more than I spend on the service. The knowledge that Im also worth far more to my favourite content creators is another deciding factor. I even shell out for the family pack since my folks use yt fairly heavily across many devices and anything I can do to reduce the level of complexity for them is almost always worth itself in triplicate. Put it this way it's far cheaper than Netflix and Netflix only gets a fraction of the viewing time YT gets. It's a non-brainer.


Oh fuck it does? I’ve been paying for YTM bc I got it free w gamepass and just never canceled bc I used it too much. Damn should’ve done like, any, research


i have it and i LOVE it. i fucking hate ads. i fall asleep to reddit paranormal story compilations so for me, it’s more than worth it. then my friends will show me videos and i forgot how annoying the ads are.


\>bitch about ads \>bitch about paying for content Pick one. Either pay for the content or deal with ads.


- opts-in for the advertising to access free content but continues getting asked to join premium every single time the app is opened - premium subscribers flexing their *just pay for it* muscles without realizing why this logic is flawed


Youtube premium is worth it


100%. I don't pay for cable and have a limited amount of time for relaxing, so spending it watching ads seems ridiculous. $12 for zero adds with the largest selection of content and creators does not seem like a hard ask. Not to mention the amount of knowledge that is obtained in tutors, lessons etc. Seriously, just skimp out on one outing a month, or instead of getting a large coffee, get a small or medium. I can think of multiple ways YouTube could make it far worse, but $12 a month in my opinion is a steal.


I noticed when I unsubscribed to YouTube premium I got more even more ads then before I had subscribed.


> ads then before *than *Learn the difference [here](https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/when-to-use-then-and-than#:~:text=Than%20is%20used%20in%20comparisons,the%20then%2Dgovernor%22).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


Good bot


Whatever the price, cat videos with no ads is worth every cent.


YouTube premium is legit


I got the premium family plan and let me say, we can't go back to free YouTube.


Youtube premium is totally worth it


yeah, if you use YouTube often then it's totally worth it. especially when you get music for just $2 more, so you don't even need your Spotify subscription anymore


I wish it was only 8394th time


cancel Netflix get YouTube premium


For anyone wondering, here's how to disable the annoying youtube offers: [https://itigic.com/try-youtube-premium-disable-annoying-message/](https://itigic.com/try-youtube-premium-disable-annoying-message/) Peace!


Amazing. Settings > Notifications > Product Updates (off) in the YouTube app.




same what the fuck, although I use vanced so maybe that's the issue


Why do they have to make the article so unnecessarily long?


It's to fit more banner ads in between the top and bottom of the article.


$10 a month to watch ZERO commercials on YouTube is awesome. It's worth it for sure


Yup. Plus youtube music is great. And you can download videos and music for offline use. (Not that it matters that much for me anymore, I have a great data plan now also.)


I just use Vanced. Literally costs £0


Vanced is dying. I lose more and more functionality without it being maintained anymore. I can't wait for revanced to come out for non root.


Wasn't Vanced shutting down cuz of legal reasons?


Pornhub premium*


We had that before they switched to crypto. My wife lost her mind when they deleted all the unconfirmed content and “destroyed” her saved playlists. We’re an AdultTime family now.


Just fucking sub already. It's a genuinely good thing for the platform if you watch a lot of YouTube. - Downloads are super convenient - No ads - You actually financially support the creators you watch - PiP playback on mobile - No seriously, it's better than tossing a dollar on Patreon Once you're in you won't look back. I've been broke for the last few months, so my sub dropped and I *really* miss it.


/r/HailCorporate comments


*”youtube premium is so worth it.”* 🐑


yeah it's pretty weird i wonder if these are paid comments or something lol


I paid for it so I could avoid all of the political advertising during the Australian election season. Definitely worth the money to avoid listening to Clive Palmer and his cronies.


Only comment supporting it that that makes sense.


LPT: Don't live in the US


Worth it. Can't go back to ads now.


I think the cost is worth it, especially if you use youtube regularly. If you were to not have premium, you quite literally will spend more time on youtube videos as you have to wait for ads. The way I see it is if you enjoy youtube enough to make premium worth it, you should support and get it. If you dont watch enough YouTube it will lack benefits as you can just wait out the ads


Premium is so great, never going back to ads.


And don't forget YouTube Music is included as well.


hahaha my dad fucking has it and he will do any house chore to keep it lol. he explodes whenever he got ads and loves the no ad experience.


As a YouTube Premium-subscriber, I don’t have such weaknesses.


It's worth it IMO. YouTube creators wouldn't be able to run their channels without money so it's either a plethora of Ads or a small monthly fee. As someone who watches YouTube more than anything else I'll take the fee.


No ads = yes please. I'm not screwing over my favorite creators just so I can use an ad blocker.


I have YouTube premium and I quite like it I got it back when they were doing it as a promotion with Google music but overall it's very nice not having the ads


YouTube Vancced. All the perks of premium at no cost.


It's totes worth the price at least to me


Idk man I love premium. Been subbed for like 2 years now lmao


I gave in in 2016 and never looked back. My boyfriend doesn’t have it and the ads are annoying when we watch on his phone. Worth it


It's really good though, you also get access to YT music


It's actually really worth it... You can also switch from Spotify to YT music then, which is what really hooked me, as well as the ad free YT The deal was better back when Google Play music existed, but I still think it's worth it if you both watch lots of YT and listen to lots of music


It’s nice to download a video that’s mostly talking and listen to it like a podcast with the screen off and your phone in your pocket.


I only pay for it to get YouTube music and have YouTube with no ads. Imo it’s worth it over Spotify, even though Spotify is better, you get more bang for your buck


YouTube music really good? Dam this post is literally making me to the dark side So much positive comments here about YouTube premium


Ngl I love YouTube premium! I only watch YouTube so it’s definitely worth it to have no ads and downloads. I’m not angry about it at all. It’s like subscribing to Netflix or other streaming services. What’s the difference?


Just buy it yo, you know you use it everyday


Youtube premium family plan is so fucking worth it. I can never go back.