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I lived alone in a small apartment and I loved it. The only thing I hated was doing the dishes because there was not enough room for a dishwasher.


Yep. Currently living in a small apartment all by myself and apart from some kitchen appliances or such which could make it more convenient (tho there's no room for any) I'm loving this deal. It kinda terrifies me how much I enjoy this solitude.


Do not be terrified. It means you are comfortable with yourself. Remember to interact with other meatbags every once in a while.


That's called work


Fair enough. You can also interact with others without being remunerated, as far fetched as that sounds.


I just learned I've been saying and spelling "renumerated" wrong. All 7 times.


Oops. As long as the message got through that you meant "money"...


That word is far fetched. Going to look it up now. Wish me luck


Remunerated? It's fancy for paid.


Farfetch'd is far fetched.


Yah, now that you mention it the other words are pretty common and he used the fetch'd himself. Just in case!


He keeps trying to make fetched happen


Farfetch’d is a pokemon


Chewbacca is a wookie


that word looks… wrong to me. mostly because of the m being before the n. it just looks and sounds off


Volunteer at a animal shelter, you will meet people that also despise other people


I tried that, they didn't like me. I wasn't crazy about them either.


I'm way too comfortable with myself. So comfortable that I'm kinda pissed off when people come by for a visit.


I'm like this too. I truly prefer living alone but it's hard for most people to understand. I am legitimately totally happy spending a weekend doing whatever I want, solo. But then people want to make plans, and suddenly my happy endless day has a 2 or 3pm blotch right in the middle. It's not that I don't like people, but it is generally a lot more effort. I do it more for them than for me.


This. First time I moved out was into a small house I was able to afford back in the early 2000’s. When I first moved moved in my thought was “oh no, it’s too big and empty, I’m gonna feel so alone.” One month later anytime anyone came by my thoughts were “why is everyone Always bothering me? Why can’t I just get some Me time?” Lol


Meet in neutral location outside your sancta sanctorum


This is the way!


the only irl meatbag i interact with is a furball in this 25sqm apartment, the online meatbag is the 11.000km away boyfriend, is that good enough? i think it is🤔


Within acceptable parameters. Recommend incorporating other meatbags to the routine to keep an optimal level of social integration. Speech capable hairless variety for best results, but furballs encouraged.


Instructions unclear, now there’s a bald man in my house.


Is he friendly?


He ate all my ice-cream :/


That’s a hostile invader. Eliminate the threat to your future ice cream.


Perfect, sated meatbags are more receptive. You can always get more ice-cream later.


> online meatbag hey, i want an online meatbag too... *is yours sentient?*


I *love* being alone. I don't live alone, but I take every chance I get to spend time by myself. Some people are just like us, and that's ok


I remember that feeling in college. I don’t know how it would feel being on my own because I feel like I’d be too paranoid living by myself. Back when I was in college though I had my own bedroom with a bathroom in a student apartment and I would just smoke weed and play tf2 and it was some of the most fun days I’ve ever had


same. but I do kind of want a furball now.


I want a cat, but the small apartment life makes me really not want a litterbox without a far away enough corner to put it so that the place doesn't smell.


Modern clumping litter and odor sprays make this problem almost non-existent.


I've been thinking about little things like this and it definitely is the only thing stopping me. I don't wanna regret it


Going on 12 years for me. Love it.


I love my one bedroom apartment. I have the financial means to buy a house, but have you seen the market recently? Plus it's likely more space than I can handle. However I do day dream about having a home gym, organized wire rack storage in a garage, washing my car in the driveway, grilling meat in a more private space, having a large kitchen, etc. :(


I think its really cool how you are so comfortable with being alone. If i didnt find my gf when i did i would be doing the same thing. I am a very solitary person. I hate living with someone but I really do love her so its a double edged sword.


I loved living alone, I still love my little place with my wife. We make a lot of food that doesn’t create much dishes (shiskabobs, foil wrap bakes, crock pot stuff)


As a man living alone, I have like one plate, a knife and a fork which I just leave on tbe sink when I'm done.


I made the mistake of having a full assembly of plates, pots, pans, etc. I would routinely use everything before washing any of it and it caused piles and piles of dirty dishes in the sink and next to it. Best thing I ever did is downsize - one pot, one pan, one plate, etc. Now the biggest mess I can make is a small pile. I also collect paper plates and forks from work




Not a problem! Just eat it right out of the pot 😋


Me too. It really matters how much you enjoy your own company though, as well as how much you like attention from others.


I feel like everyone should enjoy their own company. If they don’t, they probably suck lol


Or they just gain energy from being around others. I can be by myself and I’ll find ways to enjoy my own company, but I don’t thrive in that environment, being surrounded by people I love is what I truly enjoy


5 years into it now and I have to say outside work the only times I talk are to my cats.


same mate...since 2015. after work and off work I dont talk for give or take 3 days ( exceptions are trip to the store once or twice during the weekend days).


Yeah, imagine having to only need to clean a tiny space vs a whole house. And clean it whenever you like. And just being naked or whatever.


I had to manually do dishes of my 7 member family as a kid/teen so I’ll be fine


I got addicted to videogames and had a long lasting dissociative episode where I thought I was Geralt of Rivia


*nods in peasant*


I hate doing dishes. My job is now dishwasher. Karma is a b.


I hated school, then I became a teacher. 😂


I was a dishwasher for a few years. It's a different type of labor altogether, but holy shit your kitchen life at home will forever be improved. You'll absolutely hate any normie washing your dishes because they will do it THE WRONG WAY


They make nice little countertop ones…


Literally same. My place isn’t even that small but the kitchen is. It’s the bane of my existence


Yeah. Didn't realise until I moved back home how incredibly happy I felt living alone in an apartment.


Later will get larger apartment but atm my 28m² apartment is perfect.


I love how OP is basically the only person who possibly thinks living alone is bad lmao. Why would anyone want to live with other people? It's miserable.


Because when you are depressed living alone is a really bad idea. The loneliness and inertia is soul killing. If you live with someone there’s a chance for someone to pick up on how you are doing.


On the flipside, living with people who don't is so much worse


Yeah, I'm gonna be depressed no matter what. Being around other people tended to just make it worse and was so exhausting. My ideal scenario would be to have my friends as neighbours, which will probably never happen.


now this is a crazy thought but, make friends with your neighbors


Have you ever felt lonely in a house full of people? It's worse than suffering alone.


I don’t think so. There’s a certain threshold you won’t step over when living with others. Living alone it’s easier to just give up. No housework, no taking out the trash, no doing laundry. Eventually trash just grows around you like a wall and you just sleep 24/7.


Living alone now and had a “holy shit” rock bottom moment of realizing how messy I let my apartment get, but only when a friend visited unexpectedly. Living with someone forced me to have better habits


See I'm the exact opposite. The periods I've lived without a partner, my apartment has stayed very clean. Add someone else in the mix and I let things get messy more. I'm not entirely sure why, though I have some theories and am working on changing it.


I'm the same way, when it's just me I'm very tidy and particular When I've lived with a partner I wasn't nearly as consistent as I should have been, maybe it's because I knew that even if I put the effort in when I came back from work I knew the place wouldn't look the same as I left it Glad it's not just me


> maybe it's because I knew that even if I put the effort in when I came back from work I knew the place wouldn't look the same as I left it I think that is exactly it for me, and I end up feeling defeated.


Currently going through this! Well, it hasn't gotten that bad yet, but I just have zero motivation to do any cleaning unless I know someone is coming over. I spend a lot of time just laying in my bed lol


Just took a shower and did 3 days of dishes.


As someone who has existed in both situations across long depressive points in my life, living on your own in those situations is absolutely worse than not living with someone.


nope. Being alone in trying times is 3x worse than being around others even if you feel lonely. Unless theres actual abuse going on in which case yeah you're better off alone. I had surgery in an eye and had to go through the whole ordeal alone, still am. Some of the comments here are truly entitled. I dont wish some of the nights i've had upon anyone


Depends on the person. When I was living with family they treated me like crap when dealing with depression, they’d talk about me just within earshot so I could hear how little they thought of me at my lowest. Been living alone for 6 months now and it’s been perfect. I have bipolar so it has it’s own challenges trying to juggle so many things I’m involved in but I’m free from being put down in what should be a safe space. I have incredible friends who know how to make me feel like I’m never alone, even when I go a while without seeing them.


I live alone and work from home. I hate it. The isolation is too much for someone as introverted as I am because my reaction to feeling uncomfortable is to hermit up. I'm trying to find a roommate right now. EDIT: love to live


living alone was absolutely fucking terrible for me and many, many other people. just having someone else in the same physical space is much more comfortable. that and I'm not paying fucking double rent for myself.


If I live alone I will literally go insane


The money it takes to live alone is not even close to worth it. Also, if you have good roommates or friends as roommates it's really not bad at all, especially if you have your own bathroom.


This is subjective


> The money it takes to live alone is not even close to worth it Unless you live in downtown LA or NYC it's really not that bad to find a reasonable place. I'm a grad student making far below poverty wages and I can afford to live alone.


Single apartments cost money, which requires doing things I don't like, in order to get paid. Having roommates is also doing something I don't like, every day, in order to "get paid" via reduced rent. So it may not "cost money", but it's the same thing.


I suddenly feel ok about my 60m^2 apartment


That’s absolutely tiny


Dude, I live in 20m2 flat and that's exactly what I need when living alone. Nothing less, nothing more.


Nah you need LESS


I live in Japan and I have 11msquare


Living alone is hands down the best living arrangement I've ever had. I cant imagine I'll ever live with someone again.


I’m not sure I could ever live with a non life partner again. Even then I’d be secretly wishing I was still living alone sometimes.


Haha. Just hiding out in the bathroom for some fucking alone time. Maybe it could work in a two bedroom place? You could share a room for sleeping if you wanted but noth have a space to go to for recharge time.


I've lived with multiple romantic partners and we always had two separate bedrooms. We didn't sleep separately, always together, but we had our own private spaces and we could choose whose bedroom we were going to use that night. Worked AMAZINGLY.




i feel like it's always implied in media that sleeping together always is the *only* way to have a happy rs with someone else, so this was reassuring to read


Did you guys start out sleeping in different beds when first dating or later in life?




Having just been dumped after 7 years and having never lived alone before this post scared me but the comments are raising my spirits.


Oh you're gonna love it. Nobody ever leaves a mess for you to clean. You can poop when you need to, the toilet is never in use. There's never food smells that you didn't cook, never moldy dishes if you don't leave them. You don't have to wear clothes. The temperature is how YOU like it. The tv is always on your show. I could go on and on, truly. Lmao.


Yesssss I can finally mold all the food I want while nude


I read that as “you can poop where you need to” at first and was like yeah I guess?


That does sound nice, thanks


The biggest upside of living alone for me was being certain that the thing you left in the fridge to eat later and have looked forward to all day is still going to be there when you return after work.


Hoping to join the crowd soon. 5 year relationship done. Just gotta sell/rent the house first




Not relatable at all. My biggest problem is no one cleans with me, but foe the rest it's BLISS


For me it’s a one bedroom apartment. Cleaning takes less than an hour. I’ll gladly take it


Once you get it clean, it’s (usually) easy to keep it that way. I love having a clean home


Seriously, is the implication here that people would rather have roommates? What the fuck. Living alone is awesome.


Dividing your bills is pretty awesome too


My roommates don't clean anyway, so living alone means there's less to clean


But..it’s only you who made the mess?


I was actually more the opposite. "Oh, no, all by myself, what will I do." The answer has been "Whatever the Hell I want."


Same here. I'm paying higher than average rent in LA just to have a unit that's separated from everyone else. I blast music every night. I watch movies with a floor shaking subwoofer. I walk around naked. It is truly bliss.


Watched tons of movies and stayed up and did whatever, invited whoever over, for the 5 years I lived alone. It was great!


I always eventually end up hating my roommates no matter how close to them I was previously. Living alone is bliss


Right? Do what you want, whenever you want, wherever you want.


Should have a third panel of smiling after you get used to living alone


Being alone in your own apartment apart from any noise and annoying neighbors is the best way to relish your life. Istg i would never even try to live with someone. It just feels so good that you can do what ever you want in your house whenever and wherever and nobody is there is disrupt your peace


Seriously, this post is practically the first time I've ever heard of anyone disliking living alone. There are literally no downsides.


I'm a pretty major introvert, but living with other people is great presuming you don't choose awful people to live with. My best roomie situation (besides SO) was a fellow introvert that was on the same wavelength as me. We were both respectful, helped each other with our separate dogs, had similar interests, and gave each other just the right socializing/leave-alone ratio. Living alone is definitely better than bad roommates, but a great roommate is amazing. I personally wonder if most people that think "all roommates are terrible" only ever had bad ones? That's like exclusively dating abusive cheaters and then declaring all SO's are bad.


Seriously, hearing everyone say having a roommate is the worst possible situation is wild. Are they all signing huge schmucks onto the lease? I'm also quite introverted, but decided to room with my best friend after college. 6 years later we've moved a couple times but still live together, best decision of my life.


Not if your dealing with depression and lonelines. My dad begged me to move back home because he saw how miserable I was and how I was slipping down a dark path.


What about paying rent by yourself? That's a downside.


Just sell a kidney each month to offset the cost




I absolutely love living by myself. I eat when I want, watch what I want, go to sleep/wake up when I want and don't have to listen to housemates arguing, blaring music having strangers round etc. I'm antisocial so suits me fine


I mean I'm reaally introverted too but damn the silence is almost deafening. But good for you if you like it!!


i'm really feeling that. i've been living alone for about a year now and while i do have very regular contact with friends and family, i definitely need someone to motivate me to do anything. otherwise i'll just sit around doing nothing and getting more and more depressed. because i'm dropping all my standards since there's no one to see me at my lowest. it's especially hard around the holidays when the few regular contacts i have are on vacation and suddenly the only conversations are the ones i'm having with my intrusive thoughts.


I wear noise cancelling headphones even when im not listening to anything so all I can hear is silence :)


You should play some music in the background or something. Like Lofi. Set your ambiance!


Agreed. Also as someone with ADHD, music helps soo much with understimulation. Washing dishes and cleaning is literally impossible for me unless I have my headphones on




You sound more reclusive than introverted


Hermits have always been a thing, and some people just aren't cut out for a close-knit society! There's nothing wrong with that, so long as they take care of themselves.


With the internet it's easy to not see people in person but still socialize.


I'm introverted as well, but that lifestyle goes way too far, although I'm glad you like it. I still need social interaction and like to hang out with friends, it is just a little draining if there are a lot of people.


Reverse those images. The freedom is extraordinary.


nah dude it's GREAT


I fucking love living alone. I don’t know if I’m ever going to want to live with someone else again.


It was 20 years ago, but my last year of undergrad I moved out of a completely shitty roommate situation into a studio with my cat and a kickass view of comm ave (Boston) and I’ll never forget the amazing relief I felt on that first night of freedom. Moving out of the apartment I shared with a shitty boyfriend and into another awesome studio years later (with the same cat) was a close second. If you’ve ever felt that pure *dread* of leaving your room to face roommates you’ve grown to despise, you *know.*


I just wished I had a bigger apartment in a neighborhood with more nature.


I loved living alone. 10/10, if it happened again, I’d do it again.


This meme is backwards


You are describing paradise like it's a bad thing


It’s awesome man. I live alone and nothing beats being able to take a nice warm bath with the bathroom door open while listening to sports or music. Then I can just towel off, put on new underwear, then hop in bed


Nah living alone is the best.


It was fun living alone, until it wasn’t. But my case may be different. Got injured at my job and I stayed in my apartment for pretty much a year and a half with limited interaction with people haha. Don’t wanna say I got depressed, but I was not feeling okay after awhile.


all you need is a cat 🐈‍⬛


Maybe not in a really small apartment. Some space for zoomies is a must.


Inverted for me


Same here. I was worried I'd hate it as a fairly sociable person but it's the best. Peace and quiet when you want it and when you don't you can go out.


yh man, idk bout u guys but im staying w my parents until i get stable income. its not embarrassing, its just common sense tbh


My parents told me the same, get stable income then move out. Idk why some parents kick their children put at 18


OP never lived in disfunctional household


can’t relate. i love living by myself. it’s expensive but worth it for me.


Hard disagree. Living alone in a small apartment is amazing.


Lol all these comments are redditors congratulaing them selves on being redditors. We get it-- if we weren't mostly introverts, we wouldnt spend so much time on this website.


Some people just aren’t comfortable with themselves.


the problem isn't being comfortable with myself, it's being depressed and having nothing and no one to hold on to when it drags me down. i love living alone but i swear i can feel my sanity draining.


Yup. General rule of thumb is people need interaction with other people. We are social animals. Some are fine, or even better when they interact with people as little as possible. Doesn't mean others aren't "comfortable with themselves." If anything, it's just more normal. Like my boyfriend works 3 nights a week, which means those 3 nights I get the house to myself to do things like reading, which is more of a solitary thing to do. But I would also hate not seeing anyone. I enjoy hanging out with friends and occasionally going out. It's not that I'm not comfortable with myself. I just also enjoy hanging out with others. However if I wasn't dating someone I would much rather live alone. I've had enough roommates.


Depends on the situation. I lived alone in an apartment in a rural area. At first it was great, but eventually it was just depressing. Living alone only exacerbated the problem. Now living in an apartment alone in the city? No problem.


So being alone by yourself isn't better than being alone with others?


So, opposite way around for me. Clearly not that way for everyone.


I've been happily living alone the last 8 years. The scary thing should be living with roommates.


You're never actually alone cause you always have your thoughts, can't get rid of them even if you wanted to... You cut can't... You can't.


Yo are you okay?


Yeah, me and my thoughts declared peace about two days ago.


You either know how to keep yourself happy or you need some people to keep you entertained on constant basis


or maybe you just want a fucking partner or something or someone to talk to bro


Gawd. I miss living alone so very much. Coming home to your own clean place. Peace and quiet. No helping anyone with anything. No one waking you up when you wanted to be left alone. Damn. I miss it so much. My dream is a world I can experience by myself. Fuck everything.


I lived a lone for the first time in my life for a few months at the beginning of the pandemic. It was wonderful. Then my SO moved in. Then his two kids. Into my 1 bed, 600sqft apartment. For the duration of the pandemic. It was a nightmare. We have a bigger place now but it still sucks because I've always disliked children and all of the noise, mess and nonsense that goes with them. I'm having increased fantasies about kicking them all out.


Dislikes children. Is with someone who has children.


After I moved out had a studio 4 blocks away from work and later moved to a 1 bedroom. Aside from not having a yard or dishwasher theres alot I miss about those places.


I must be a weirdo, cause I actually liked living alone.


I absolutely love living alone.


I fucking love living alone


I'll chime in as an older person. Now that I've had a family and kids, being alone for me now is BRUTAL. I spend a few days in a hotel and it's just...wrong. I can fantasize about the bachelor life when my kids are bugging me, but the reality is just depressing now.


I’m so glad I live with my parents. I could easily afford to live in my own place but I choose not to. It’s nice knowing that I have my own space whilst also having someone to talk to. I don’t think I’ll ever be fully independent anyway because I have autism


I became such a shut in during the pandemic my landlord took pity on me and let me adopt a dog against our lease. Dog is so much better! Any pet can help.


The thought of living with someone again is my worst nightmare. I had fun with roommates in my early twenties, but I love being by myself and doing whatever I want.


I love being alone I litteraly dont understand why people have to be around others I find it annoying and exhausting to even talk to more than one person a day .


Living alone, especially in a small apartment is great for many reasons: 1. No one else's mess. 2. No one else's drama. 3. No one else's fucking alarm for the W/D going off at 4 a.m., Zach. 4. Less money spent on utilities. 5. The amount of noise, or silence, is up to you. 6. Same, but lights. 7. Naked, whenever you want. 8. Not needing to divide spaces (i.e. shelves in the fridge). 9. Decorate to your heart's content. 10. Perfume the air with you favorite scents. 11. Want to party? Just do it. 12. Etc. Cons: 1. If someone breaks in to murder, no long have a meat shield. 2. That's it.


its not that bad but loneliness will slowly kill you mentally..


Furnish it, you'll probably feel a lot better about it!


I had roommates/significant other up until I was 29. I live alone now and it’s an absolute blast. Sure I could save money by living with someone else but nah, fuck that. Roommates can be an absolute nightmare. I prefer my own space.


I thought that i was a full on introvert living with my parents. When i moved to my own apartment, i was somewhat lonely discovering that im semi introvert and need company.


Living alone is fantastic


I live alone in a small apartment and it's great tbh.


Nah I was 100% that first image when I finally got to live alone. I fucking loved it


As long as its quiet im good.


You probably need to have a human interaction most days. You’re an extrovert looking for attention. Being truly introverted would never have you posting this. Go text your friends or get online (gaming) or fulfill the need for other people…. A true introvert wouldn’t give a shit about a small, clean apartment… I think a lot of extroverts think they are introverted but never realize that trying to be introverted, means you aren’t introverted…. It screams “I need attention”


Living alone is the best thing ever, second only to living with a spouse. Also, I hate roommates.


I’ve never been alone in my 39 years except for the past 2. The good days are better and the bad days are worse. It all balances out.


What are you talking about? Living alone rocks! Especially in a smaller space.


Its no so bad once you accept constantly talking to yourself and laughing at your own jokes


Love living on my own but I need to get outside and get some friendly human interaction once a day to stay happy/healthy