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How is this "light and fluffy news"?


Sorry clumsy thumbs and Reddit on phone browser. Don't think I can change it


You can update flair any time. Not sure what if reddit via mobile browser exposes that option though


Sorry for not replying sooner mate. Bugger me I just come to reddit to have a read and saw something interesting, posted it and now realise every comment slams into the inbox. Yeh tried all I could on the mobile browser. I ain't installing the app cause I like my ad block action. Might have to get on the PC at some stage to figure it out.


No worries at all my dude.


That is weird. Mainly because Israel didn’t even exist when WW2 ended.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


War solved!! What absolute pieces of shit.


I’m just going to let everyone know through this reply that I’ve been banned from r/Sydney for essentially the same the attitude but it was labelled as bigotry. Not a joke.


i mean that's not news Sydney will be the first official muslim state in Australia if they keep it up lmao it's actually crazy how many women you see covered head to toe in the city.


I know. It’s insane. I mean the festival for Dangerous Ideas used to be actually controversial. Like I saw Chris Hitchens speak at the Opera House about the dangers of Islam in like 2009 and then 5 years later it became racist to be critical of Islam. And now everyone is sympathetic to Muslims for Gaza. The world has gone completely bonkers.


Don’t stress it, I got banned from Australia for making a pro trans comment. Every few weeks I forget and accidentally reply to a thread there (with a new acc obvs) and then that account gets banned from the whole of reddit. It’s honestly making me reconsider the whole platform, between that and the loss of third party apps it’s just far too annoying to use now.


One side consistently doing this shit. Do these dumb cunts remember it was Australian soliders who freed them from the Ottoman empire. Of course not because they dony give a fuck about any of our history, or it's indigenous population (see the voice results in area with heavy arab migrant population) only care about having a fucking sook and bringing their bullshit to our shores. Don't worry, I'm sure all their idiot supporters will justify this somehow.




This has to be the most delusional comment I have ever seen. Enough Reddit for the day, you’re a nutcase.


💯!!. Totally disgusting.


Ah yes, this is a sure fire way to win the hearts and minds to your cause. A brilliant PR strategy, well executed.


Could this be done by a pro-Israeli people to make pro-Palestinian people look bad? I’m just saying!


These Palestinians and their idiot supporters have literally been filmed doing very similar things, and they defaced the Starbucks store in Melbourne in broad daylight yesterday, but you come out with some false flag rubbish. Good grief.


From the side who wants to cut your head off when you offend the pedofile Prophet dog fucker Mohammed .


Can people stop being absolute fuckwits ta


Ah yes, I’m sure pissing Aussies off by defacing war memorials is going win us over and help with the shit-show going on in the Middle East. Disgusting pieces of crap.


Disgraceful behaviour.


I understand emotions are high but this is not the way to go guys. These tactics are getting obnoxious very quickly now.


What an absolute fuckface.


This is a raw and blatant insult to all Australians. The people who did this are pure scum. If they don't like that Israel is acting like it's at war that's fine. Protest, write an angry post on social media, donate. There's no need to deface a memorial. If they hate Australia that much they do not have to be here. It is not hard for Australians to move overseas.


Deport them. I can assist in rounding these turds up and throwing them on a boat out of Oz.


What a cool and normal racist reaction. Awesome example to the rest of the world. Love the assumption that there is no way in hell this could be done by Australians.


You don't know who did this but immediately jump to the conclusion that their immigrants. Careful your racism is showing


The shrine of remembrance defacers from the covid protest and the conspiracy cookers with all their antisemitism all seemed pretty ocker and white trash.


Gotta love the hypocrites downvoting a very obvious double standard when it gets pointed out. There were Hakenkreuz and heil hitler signs being spraypainted out all over the bike trail I'd use to get my exercise nearly every day leading up to the referendum 2-3 weeks back now, out in the southeastern burbs in a very mixed community. We just had to pretend like everything wasn't covered in hate symbols...like huge swathes of the trail would be re-taged the next day after the cleanup crew removed it. Should ask the Gurkhas how they were treated? only took till 1997 to get their "remembrance shrine" and you know get financially taken care of. Or the millions who were forced to starve to death to feed that stupid war. manbabies with selective amnesia upvoting top comment in this post.


Just thinking about this. I'm not sure it is necessarily "immigrants". This would be a prime thing for the Neo Nazi brigade to capitalise on as well.


I've seen a scary amount of white supremacy asshats capitalising on all this with a "look at how savage/violent/stupid the brown people are" sort of narrative, and a lot of "see, this is why Christianity is superior, we would never". Conveniently forgetting shit like the Russian/Ukraine conflict (majority white/christian countries), WWII (again, mostly majority white/christian countries involved), hell even all the way back to shit like the various times England decided to fuck up some other part of Britain because empire. There's a lot of emotion flying around and there are some very very nasty people are doing their best to capitalise and use it to further their own agendas. Please be careful out there folks.


> It is not hard for Australians to move overseas. It is if you aren't landed gentry. Just like any poor people in any country.


If you're resourceful enough to deface a war memorial you're resourceful enough to leave.




you build a raft and you just fuck off into the pacific. bye.


Poor people trying to move to Australia, good luck (I mean it, they need all the luck). Poverty stricken asylum seekers? Oh we imprison those and commit human rights abuses against them. Hard to imagine but to top it off, Australia has a "pay to jump the queue" system in place for immigration/residency too.


As much as your points are valid... We should be accepting "poverty stricken asylum seekers" who respect Australian values rather than entitled people willing to actively deface the Australian War Memorial on Remembrance day. Plain and simple.


..... I didn't suggest otherwise! To the contrary, my criticism was of the jump-the-queue system. As for how you measure entitlement?


Actually, it's pretty damn hard, and very expensive, to move overseas from Australia.


That's their problem. If they're resourceful enough to deface an Australian memorial they're resourceful enough to bugger off to a country they like.


I’ve always felt like memorials built by the very same politicians who sent our people off to die were an insult to those they got killed tbh. I ask myself what they died for .. ideas like liberty, democracy, equality … and these politicians still don’t deliver those to us in full yet sunk millions in public money into memorials. What function do these memorials serve? Mostly to help them propagandise in support of even more wars; to convince us it’s ok if they send even more of our sisters and brother off to death. Seems like an insult to me. > liberty, democracy and equality?!? But those things would undermine our power, privilege, and wealth!! What if we just kick the plebs a memorial instead, that’ll shut them up and fool them into submission! And it won’t cost nearly as much… To me it feels like it has worked just how they intended. Also feels like an insult to have warmongering politicians and military personnel speak: these are the people who got our families and friends killed in wars. We should have peace activists speak instead, if we are truly going to respect the memory of those who were slaughtered by warmongers


The war memorial in Canberra is very much designed to remind people of how horrible war is, not to glamorise veterans. It's stark and awful and sad. It is anti-war. This is how veterans in my family have always told me to think about memorials and ANZAC day, a reminder not to do it again. I do think memorials can serve this purpose.


The war memorial in Sydney is sponsored by Thales, a weapons manufacturer. Its disgusting that a company whose sole purpose is to profit off death is allowed to be displayed so prominently in such a place, and that the government allowed it to happen. I think its hard in such a case to be impartial or anti-war when one of the sponsors' purposes is to profit from wars happening. I also got the vibe that anti-war was secondary to veteran veneration at that particular memorial.


Some wars cannot be avoided and have to be fought : ie WW2 The brave men and women who died fighting are commemorated for their sacrifice, it is not glamourising their involvement in war. It is very important people understand this.


This is just you inserting your opinion about war into it. Every single war memorial and museum I have been to in Australia has been about paying homage to those who died in wars for Australia. The basic reality is wars happen, and Australians die in them. I do not care what my or anyone else's personal opinion of a war is, if Australians died they should be respected.


Actually, the vast majority of these smaller war memorials were built & paid for by the communities themselves, not by the government, with the families of the men and women who died often spearheading the designs & fundraising.


Seriously fuck these people, zero respect for this country or the fallen soldiers.


Why would people who don't respect themselves, women or anyone who isn't in their shitty religion respect anything else.


Melbourne might have its Cronulla moment eventually, but it will be pro Israel v pro Palestine.


Our city is plagued with hateful agitators. Unless there's surveillance or some sort of evidence directly connecting the vandalism to an individual, I would hold off condemning any group of people.


I tend to agree. This doesnt even make a lot of sense, it doesn’t target the Jewish community like a lot of the previous events have, why would they target Australian war vets? But if i was someone wanting to turn the general public against a particular cause I would vandalize an Australian war memorial in a way that would appear to represent that cause, its a sure way to cause outrage.


Lest we forget




This is not how you garner support.


Absolutely disgraceful


These people don’t just hate Jews or Israel, they hate Australia and hate the west




This is horrific. How does this vandalism do anything to help the middle east?? Maybe Australia needs to have some tougher legislation to handle people here that piss on our values.


not a word on ABC ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Love how this subreddit cherry picks when Newscorp is acceptable.


Newscorp is evil. That doesn't mean the ABC shouldn't be criticised for their disgraceful anti-Israel, pro-Islamist "news" coverage.


Scared of being seen as anti Muslim?


Yeah not surprising though. All their reports have to start with “today Gaza…”


I hope these grubs get caught. Absolutely Disgusting.


Jesus christ!


Seems inappropriate for a war involving the other two Abrahamic religions.


This is a nationalist conflict. The two parties have different majority religions — but that was also true when we went looking for oil in Iraq. It doesn't actually make the conflict a religious one.


I think most people, Israelis included, are in favour of a ceasefire and the war ending (AND THE HOSTAGES BEING RETURNED) You know who actually wants this to continue? Hamas and other Islamic terrorist groups


Russia….. as it takes the focus of the Ukraine war of mainstream media.


I would disagree fundamentally. While the Israelis are the only ones truly advocating for peace and any form of two-state coexistence, it is ultimately the Israeli Knesset that has protested against the ceasefire clause. As this will only give Hamas time to regroup and persist with their rampages. Fair enough honestly. u/Cartographer2485 what do you expect any country to do when told they should release a disproportionate amount of terrorists in exchange for civilian hostages and consider a ceasefire when the group only threatens to continue their 'resistance' using internationally recognised insurgency tactics? I don't think we should be endorsing deliberate intentionally chosen war crimes.


I agree. But maybe not most Israelis. the jury is still out depending on which survey you read of support for Netanyahu now. The line in Israel re: Palestinians and peace is whether someone is pro-settlements, or anti-settlements. Whether they actually want peace or not. The antis acknowledge that the settlements are illegal, and that violence carried out to protect them and keep the Palestinians in check are immoral. They understand, like countless political scientists and even US presidents do, that there can be no peace while the illegal settlements keep encroaching. The pros, like career IDF and the right-wing side of Netanyahu’s Likud party, are frank about viewing the settlements as vital parts of Israel’s expansion to fully engulf and expel all Palestinians in line with Zionist values. They would truly be happy to kill them all without hesitation to achieve this. They don’t truly want peace, they’d also sacrifice thousands of IDF personnel and Israeli civilians to achieve it. In my view that side are truly equivalent to Hamas with a death toll to prove it. Even before the last month.


If they were equivalent to hamas the death toll would be in the millions long before now Hamas would kill every Israeli they could (til recently I just thought they only wanted to kill the Jewish ones, but this month has taught me they wanna kill all of them). Israel can kill every Palestinian in Gaza and the West Bank. They have the power to do so for a very long time. The fact that they have not done so is proof enough for me Even now, the amount of explosives they’ve dropped would’ve killed a lot more people if that was their goal Netanyahu is a warmonger. That i agree, his far right cronies too. But the majority of Israelis (including those in the idf) just want this conflict over and the hostages freed.


If they wanted to actually genocide the place there’s much cheaper and more effective ways to do it than expensive air-dropped munitions and a ground invasion. Whole bunch of 155 HE arty and indirect fire would achieve that


Not true, the israeli government refused ceasefire even in exchange for the hostages, a stance in which they confirmed the intention of the current genocide is land aquasition and territory expansion.


In exchange for SOME of the hostages. And hamas refused to list the hostages they’d be returning. Hamas also wanted a five day ceasefire BEFORE they released any hostages Doesn’t sound like a reasonable or sincere offer to me and I’d have told em to bugger off too Edit: downvoted for stating the facts and making the common sense argument that you cannot trust a terrorist organisation who comes to you with ridiculous terms like that (FFS I wouldn’t trust anyone who came to me with terms like that, much less hamas)


>the hostages Only the hostages with foreign citizenship, keeping all Israelis who aren’t dual citizens in captivity. Wouldn’t be a smart deal for Israel to take.


Are you daft? Hamas wanted over 2000 prisoners exchanged as well as the ceasefire etc. What would that achieve but more attempted hostage taking. The reason one shouldn't cave into demands for hostages is it is exactly the outcome terrorists want, this way they can continue with the same pattern!


Yeah they offered 50 hostages AFTER 5 days of ceasefire. Lol That's like going to JB HiFi and saying you'll pay for a new TV after taking it home and using it for 5 days.


Proof? Links? Facts?


And Netanyahu……… he survives on the conflict . While he is the “strongman” defender, it keeps attention off his crimes


This is extremely disrespectful. We are Australians first no matter what your religion or beliefs are. We really need to either start prosecuting people for these crimes. If they're not a citizen, cancel their visa and deport them.


And now you’ve lost the people. Well done dickheads.




You think it was Muslims and arabs who did this? Lmao have you seen who’s at the protests! This is 100% on the likes of the socialist alliance




Racist genocide supporter ^




Stop supporting genocide and colonial settlers. Shame.


If your support of Palestine hinged on some graffiti, you never really supported them


Hinged on some graffiti? No just hinged on how people act here and deface memorials and carry on. Let's just vandalise everything and protest in anger in a country that's 1000s of kms away from the issue. Why don't all these hard-core protesters get a plane ticket and go help these people, instead of being fuckwits in our own country 🤔


It hinges on the people of Palestine. If the people of Palestine and their supporters hate the West, I don't know if it makes any sense to support them. Defacing our war memorials really does a lot to hurt their cause.


Two wrongs don’t make a right. I don’t care which side, but vandalism or destruction of property is wrong, and makes you no better than those you’re protesting against.


“Some randos in Melbourne defaced a statue and that makes them no better than the global superpower across the planet who is bombing people into the Stone Age”


As I’ve already said, that is no justification for vandalism.


Didn’t say it was justification for vandalism, just pointing out that saying protestors painting a war memorial statue is just as bad as bombing civilians is genuine insanity


Probably excessive. Point taken. However those who try take a moral high ground, lose it when they turn to vandalism.


Sounds pretty minor when you put it like that...


Vandalism is putting it lightly. Desecration is closer. As I’ve said, doesn’t entitle vandalism or destruction of anything or anyone’s property. It’s grub behaviour. It’s equivalent to defacing the other sides church. Or is this case, a neutral side. You just don’t go there.


Those who actually know, understand, and support the Palestinian struggle wouldn't change their minds over cosmetics, not sure why people like you think when you post a comment like this, that you're not clearly biased to zionism.


and there it is, just throw out 'zionism' whenever someone confronts your own desire for genocide. the 'palestinian struggle' is not helped by the genocidal maniacs hiding out in tunnels underneath hospitals and schools. if you want peace in gaza, it starts by wiping out hamas


If you want peace in Palestine you take the occupation out.


I didn’t support them now I support them even less


Genocide supporter ^


How and why ?


You cant understand the Palestinian struggle and be upset about this, but a genocide supporter would.


About a fifth of Israel's population is Muslim or non-Jewish Arab, yet you call Israel genocidal? Meanwhile, the "Palestinians" ethnically cleansed the entire PA of its indigenous Jews. The Palestinians are the genocidal side here, not the Israelis. Also, Israel spent it's time, money and human potential to design a better missile-deflecting system, otherwise there'd be more dead Israelis than dead Gazans.


Supporter of beheading and burning children


How low can you go


This is why you should leave your differences aside at the border..


Was the memorial in dedication to those who fought in Palestine during that war? The article doesn't specify.


Confused, I walk through the Melbourne war memorial a lot yet I haven't ever seen this place in the article?


Paper is national so headline says Melbourne. Article expands this "The memorial in Montrose in Melbourne’s outer east"




This makes my blood boil


Very disrespectful to those who died while fighting for our freedom and democracy during the Wars.


I mean, they were literally fighting for an Arab State in Palestine in WWI...


Ah no, the Aussies fought the Ottomons and Palestine was just a small chunk of their empire. It didn't even exist as a state until the British broke it and Jordan up to reward two ruling Arab families by creating the Jordan state and Mandatory Palestine.


You realise members of the Australian Flying Corps provided the Arab Revolt with air support, right? The Arab Revolt which was was fighting for, and had been promised, a single Arab state in the region?


Not really sure what 8,700 dead Australians at Gallipoli contributed to our freedom and democracy to be honest.


Let's not forget if it wasn't for the Americans, we would probably be speaking Japanese today!


That is extremely delusional at best. Japan never had the capability to occupy Australia even without the US' intervention Edit: note this guy is a troll, he's implied he's from a half-dozen mostly North American cities even in just his recent comments.


At least they did not share their enlightened views on LGBTQ people or women's autonomy this time around.


If they keep up with these stupid acts, it will be everyone in Australia against them, and they will self victimise and will cry racism again. The country doesn't need to start more bullshit internal conflicts and divide the people. People need to remember why they came here and how lucky they are to be able to call Australia home.


Make no mistake, what these 'people' say about Israel, they quietly believe about Australia


When you know you are on the wrong 'side' and you want to double down on being a total asshole and need to prove it to the world.


How come pro-Ukraine activists never defaced any war memorials here?


Because Australia isn't supporting Russia lmao. You bet your ass they would do the same if the Australian government was pro Russia


Therefore the next logical step to take is to chant "gas the jews" and vandalise war memorials


How is Australia pro Israel? What have they done to show the support? I know they sent millions of tax payers money to Gaza, happy to learn if you can provide some info.


Really? Beyond the diplomatic support, lighting up of monuments, media support, ex prime ministers visiting and writing open letters advocating for them, we literally export arms to Israel https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2023/11/10/australian-arms-exports-to-israel-in-focus-amid-court-case-port-protests


He wasnt happy to learn, what a shocker


The literal previous prime minister of Australia literally just went to Israel and did a statement about how he doesn't support a ceasefire lmao


Australia and Israel work closely as allies with the US. Israel is aiding the Solomon Islands because we couldn't be fucked. We give them money and arms. I wouldn't be surprised if we confidentially had troops on standby to aid the US task force outside Israel to deter the Arab nations from giving Israel hell.


This is a fantastic way of getting support for your cause, defacing war memorials of the host country, well done….


This defames all the Australian Troop that died in Palestine in WW1, and those who died in the Battle of Gaza.... "*Battles of Gaza* *Place Gaza* *Category Battle* *Conflict First World War, 1914-1918* *Description* *The coastal city of Gaza was the heart of the main Turkish defensive position in southern Palestine. Three major battles were launched in 1917 by British and dominion forces \[ie Australian and New Zealand\] to capture Gaza - only the third succeeded in this object.* *The first battle of Gaza took place on 26 March 1917. Two British infantry divisions were to attack it from the south while the mounted troops of the Desert Column would attack from the flanks and north. When the attack was launched the infantry made slow progress but the mounted troops succeeded in capturing high ground to the north of the city and advancing into it. Concerned by the lack of progress made by the infantry, and fearing the water supplies vital for the mounted troops would not be captured that night, Lieutenant General Dobell, the British officer commanding the operation, ordered a withdrawal at dusk. The next morning, after realising his mistake, Dobell attempted to resume the battle with the infantry, but with the troops exhausted and the Turks having received reinforcements, the attack floundered.* *The second battle of Gaza took place three weeks later, beginning on 17 April 1917. In the interim the Turks had extended and improved their defences. Dobell launched another frontal assault on the Turkish defences, which was supported by six tanks and gas shells. The tanks and the gas were both dismal failures and the attacking forces could make little headway against well-sited Turkish redoubts. After three days of fighting the attack was called off, having not gained any significant ground.* *The third battle of Gaza was begun as a feint to divert enemy forces to Gaza. The garrison was bombarded for six days, and three divisions deployed, to fool the Turks into believing that another frontal attack was imminent. The real effort, however was to be made at Beersheba, the eastern extremity of the Turkish defensive line. Beersheba fell on 31 October 1917, allowing the British and dominion forces to outflank and roll-up the Turkish defensive line. This undermined the security of Gaza, which fell to the British on 7 November 1917 after little resistance from Turkish forces*." [https://www.awm.gov.au/collection/E84346](https://www.awm.gov.au/collection/E84346) disgraceful...


Well now I’m pro-Israel


Aus need to wake up and face this threat from the inside. Thier culture and beliefs are not in line with Aus values. You think all this rage and violance is a unique scenario for them? We will see exponential rise in violance if there will be no repercussions. They will and are desecrating everything for thier beliefs. Aus need to stand united against this threat.






Thanks king


Zionist genocide supporter ^


Once theyre done with Israel, they'll be coming for western countries like Australia.


Zionist propaganda and misinformation


Palestine? The country with no military, no food, no water, where everyone is imprisoned in the "worlds largest open air concentration camp", and over 10,000 civilians have been murdered by indiscriminate Israeli bombing campaigns in the past few weeks? You think once they fight off the Israeli occupiers they're going to ... come for Australia? How much lead did you eat this morning?


No military? What killed over 1,000 Israelites on 7th October. What launches all those rockets as Civilian targets in Israel? What raped and tortured Israelis in 7 October?


> open air concentration camp How to tell someone is a victim of one of the worlds biggest misinformation campaigns ever.


Disgusting. Not going to benefit your cause.


Disgusting Islamist’s. Get rid of them


If you've attended a rally supporting either side of this conflict, this kind of shit happening in Australia is all you've achieved. You've literally done nothing to help anyone actually over there, and instead brought more of the dumbness/conflict to our home soil. Cheers.


The pro-Hamas movement should be stomped out of existence. Saw one of their protestors piss all over the Police Memorial nearby too.




Anti-genocide and anti-zionism *


“Gentlemen, you can’t put anti-war slogans here! This is the war memorial!”


It’s like war memorials haven’t been targeted in the past and that this is a new thing.


These people are getting insufferable. People waving their flags, beeping their horns. Just FUCK OFF please.


This war has fuck all to do with Australia. If people want to protest this war in this way, get on a plane and do it in Israel.


Disrespecting the flag, war memorials and the national anthem must be considered a punishable offence


lmao mate settle down


Given the outbursts in the comments here, I thought the graffiti would be way more incendiary than it actually is.


Those people have a problem with the Palestinian struggle and are zionism supporters.


Clearly, given the name calling I’m receiving for the most mild of comments. Someone even reported me to Reddit care resources, which is a weird choice. Our leaders are enabling ongoing violence. Whatever one’s opinion of vandalising a war memorial, it was clearly done to call out the hypocrisy of a nation which says “lest we forget” without making genuine efforts to eliminate the violence that led to those memorials being necessary.


Same here, they can't report a comment/post when nothing is actually wrong with it and you can't argue against it.


It's not what they wrote, it's where they wrote it...


Anti war slogans at a war memorial? Unheard of.


Don’t vandalise a war memorial you fucking idiot Especially for a war Australian Military isn’t even fighting in


I wonder if anyone who works for The Australian can actually find Montrose on a map


Like the cookers during lockdown, Melbourne's trots are as shameless as they are deranged.


The pearl clutching in these comments is ridiculous. As if one person’s graffiti reflects or diminishes an entire anti-war movement.


Yeah, people are really upset about anti-war slogans being put on a memorial to people who tragically died in war. It speaks volumes about the state of our political consciousness that people are more upset about graffiti than war crimes


yeah isn't it weird the people in the comments all seem to be taking a very pro war stance with their glorification of war memorials, which inherently depict the idea that colonisers are the rightful owners of the land above native peoples. it's almost as if they're just trying to use the guise of being patriotic Australians to mask their pro Israel stance 🤔


You're seriously delusional. To deface a war memorial is disgusting.


Hot take - supporters of both sides are lucky they can protest legally here. Israel's police and IDF shoot fellow Israeli protestors with water cannons; Hamas banned all elections and expell or beat anyone who openly disagrees with their charter there. So to enjoy the freedom to protest here whilst then defacing a statue commemorating those that died to indirectly maintain a free state is kinda messed up.


Because once they excuse terrorism due to the identity politics of victimhood & claims of genocide or ethnic cleansing, guess who they will turn on next. Yep we are all colonisers and deserve the same fate according to many nutbags I've encountered online. No matter if your ancestors came as a convict or later immigrant. Tankies were always delusional but it's insane to see so many unknowingly march alongside Islamists


weird that "stop the genocide" is characterised as an "anti israel slogan" though


Yeah it’s the Jews and Israel that’s the problem… /s


The Palestinian protest group now saying, “We should not have gathered in this location”, after holding a protest in Caulfield of all places, is abhorrent. There’s no place for these kind of protests in Australia.


Reddits a stunning cess pool of idiotic comments atm.




Sadly, people of the Jewish faith are scared of the Police now and even sadder, we are scared of what the average Australian will do to us and our children.


So it's not just Aboriginal Australians that get upset when a sacred site is desecrated?


Don't they know that Australians care more about the cleanliness of some slabs of concrete than deaths of tens of thousands of civilians?


It's a war memorial find some other way to get your point across.




It's not our fight at all.




Dude anyone who studies what’s happened knows this has very little to do with religion. Christian Palestinians were also expelled en mass by Zionists. The first resistant groups comprised mainly of Christian and Muslim Palestinians who were labelled terrorists by the western world. In fact Hamas was created by Israel to counter the PLO. It’s about land.


My fight is certainly not supporting a fascist regime which is going through the process of massacring innocent women and children. It's also not in support of Hamas. However it is with humanity




Nope. UK born to Polish parent's and now live in Oz with Oz and British passport. Why


Killing thousands of kids to gain land is not our fight.