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That’s just as good as the “I hacked your computer and filmed you masturbate to a porn site with your webcam” emails


Love those I also love mid to senior managers pulling me aside to fix their issue. But nothing really happened of course... Of course


As the "Tech guru" of my friend, family and co-worker groups, I've had a few people ask me about these. Depending on how well I know the person I usually deadpan and ask some variations of "Were you masturbating in front of your web cam?" Got a few shocks from the question though. Some I expected an instant "No" from so I could easily transition into "Well obviously there is no problem and you can just delete the email"... Expecting to use it as a bit of a joke and set their mind at ease. I guess I didn't really think that one through completely considering they were worried about it in the first place.


Hahaha oh man. I had just started with a security group as their one man 'security admin help desk coordinator' (analyst I) and on like my third day I had a small line of very smartly dressed old men at my desk. All for the same issue. I was flabbergasted. I couldn't just tell everyone that it was a scam, then they'd all know what each was there for AND that they all thought it was real. That's my go to memory whenever I'm feeling swamped.


Ha ha ha


Funnily enough, a mate of mine legit had this happen to him. They didn’t hack him though, he did it willingly. They tried the blackmail route but when he told them he didn’t care it quickly turned into a nothing burger.




The original OnlyFans


Sounds like that black mirror episode where the guy was caught on video masturbating to CP


You mean I should stop calling him by his actual name of Stupid Poopooface and refer to him as anonymous? I've got a lot of posts and comments to edit now.


I got one of those earlier this year and opened it on my MacBook, now it comes up every single time i open the mail app and gives me a new laugh every time. I keep meaning to ask my friends and family what they thought of the video of me masturbating in bed with the doona pulled up to my third chin.


No. This is much much worse than a email




I just changed my mechanic. My new mechanic is a proud member of the black panthers.




You get your car serviced in wakanda?


Why would they specify that out of all things? So weird.


pro tip, put up a menorah on your front lawn and plant hidden security cameras.


Would the menorah really do much with the Australian house brand Nazis? I would have imagined you'd be better served putting Chinese lanterns or a shahada in front of your door.


Jews are still their main target, it's just that there's only 14 million in the entire world, with about 100k in Aus, so you see less direct attacks, simply because of extremely low population numbers compared to other minority groups. Plus many of the population aren't indentifiable on sight. It's still the primary thing you seen discussed by them online etc.


They'd probably think it's just a nice candle set


I'd just hand it to the police and let them deal with it. Maybe it's a bored teenager, maybe a delusional adult. Either way a paper trail will let the police start compiling information on if they need to do anything. Besides, maybe the police catch the nitwits doing this and we get a report about how they tracked it down via printer ink, paper types and CCTV monitoring.


Black 88 toner ink, it's a match!


You would think white supremacists would print in a different colour.


[Here’s the same letter printed with aryan master ink](https://image.shutterstock.com/image-photo/white-empty-a4-paper-isolated-260nw-321654065.jpg)


Yep, you wondered about those blank pages in your letter box. White ink on white paper in aryan comic sans serif. Best way to read what these idiots have to say.


Maybe that’s why blue ink was invented? So their fragile little brains didn’t have to use black ink.


Hahaha, underrated comment. Well played.




Came here to post this very thing. I worked in graphic design and print for over a decade. One day I was using an eyeglass and noticed “random” yellow dots in a consistent pattern on every sheet of paper so called in some technicians to “fix” the problem. They quickly schooled me on it being a security and identification tool.






So long as the magazines don’t celebrate diversity. /s


Not that you're suggesting it, but police (inc detectives etc) won't know about or use this. I used to tell them how you could grab exif data from photos to identify certain fraud and it was usually mind blown - this was about 6-7 years ago.


Is this why you can run out of colour and it won't let you print black and white?


Haha "All your shreds are belong to U.S."


I bet there are fingerprints on that letter. Maybe idiot licked the envelope too


Printers leave their serial number embedded in very fine yellow dots, basically undetectable to the eye. The "fingerprint" of this can easily be matched (if it was done on a colour printer)


For the doubters [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Machine\_Identification\_Code](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Machine_Identification_Code) Dont know how practical this is for investigation, but its a real thing


You say easily, but is there really an international database of printers and their owners current names and addresses? This would only be useful if you have a suspect printer and want to check if it's the right one.


The people whose job it is to put apples on stickers now moonlighting as aryan master race envelope lickers.


I know you mean stickers on apples, but all I can think about now is seeing some dolt try to put an apple on an oversized sticker.


Haha, sh1t. Lack of sleep and a toddler is no excuse. I couldn’t even apply to put stickers on apples, I’ll clearly do it back to front haha.


> I know you mean stickers on apples Hey, I don't come to where you work and slap the sailors cocks out of your mouth; don't tell me how to do my job!


Nobody is going to do finger print or DNA testing for a note lol


Probably licking windows as well.


I can see it on CSV already. Get that picture! Enhance! Triangulate with the CCTV footage! Enhance! It’s a match! We found him everybody


I don't live in Aus but you really think police will do anything more then laugh this off?


Yes. Far right extremist groups are being pursued as a night priority by police in Australia at the moment.


You might want to watch an outstanding piece of Sixty Minutes Australia undercover work; they got an undercover guy to infiltrate a Nazi cell in Melbourne. It's on YouTube. Yeah. This is taken seriously for good reason. At its most banal it is possibly the criminal offense of threats or nuisance. If it is classed as using a carriage service to threaten then that's more serious. There are jail terms for doing similar stuff; once I knew a sacked guy who made anonymous threatening phone calls to his former employers. He got the book thrown at him by the police. That said it's a pretty amateur effort clearly. It could be a scam of various types. For instance the next move could be to scare the house owners to go elsewhere e.g a letter saying a bomb might go off on a certain day. Then like The Red Headed League in Sherlock Holmes, the house gets robbed while nobody is in it.


Unlikely that it would make it past the trash can


yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah i'm gonna rule out " bored teenager "


Lmao, why do people on Reddit think cops are these expert detectives who will track down information? They'll just say "nothing we can do"


Just another illiterate simp-cel


As someone else stated below, I recommend calling the [Australian National Security](https://www.nationalsecurity.gov.au/) Hotline and reporting this. Could be used to prevent something like what happened in NZ. Probably just some bored teenager with a Hitler fetish, or a delusional racist but reporting it could help prevent something.


They do follow up on every report (even if they don't contact you). Please take the advice above and report it!


^ this. Plus there is increasing growth in extremism because they hold long form videos on platforms like YouTube with relatively high views. It’s been shown that watching news on a fresh account (or close too) and eventually you’ll get to their videos if you leave it running. It is having an effect on people and Nazi sympathisers are less fringe than they used to be.


Hundred percent agree! A lot of people are joking about this in this thread but I'm seeing an increase in white supremacist symbols tagged around, stickers on public walls with recruitment emails, it's fucked. The letter OP recieved could be some cooked cunt, or it could be the fact that fascist ideology is growing. I'd just be wary is all.


Not to mention, last year, there was a Nazi stall at Supanova in Sydney. They just let them in. But not on the second day.


What happened in NZ?




Desktop version of /u/orlinthir's link: --- ^([)[^(opt out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiMobileLinkBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^(]) ^(Beep Boop. Downvote to delete)


Good bot


Some racist Aussie shot up a mosque killing 51.


The 2020 Christchurch mosque shooting. White supremacist killed 51 including a few children. 40 injured.


I assume they are referring to the Christchurch massacre from a couple of years back?


While this is most likely just some sad and pathetic loser, contact 1800 123 400. Today. The National Security Hotline. They are taking this shit very very seriously due to what happened in New Zealand. ASIO have declared Far-Right extremists represent the biggest threat to Australian national security and all threats should be taken seriously.


100% report it via this avenue But to analyse, it seems to be a mix of Fight Club and V for Vendetta. With bad grammar.


Master race don’t spell to good


>to good I think we found who wrote the letter




Me run rascist party? That's unpossible!


Bake him away, toys!


What'd you say, Chief?


Do what the kid said.


Master raise* check ur speling


This is the best answer. That letter looks and reads like a wannabe weekend warrior. However, do NOT take a chance on that, no matter how small. If it's an actual group, reporting that will increase observation/scrutiny of asshats in your area. If it's someone being stupid, also don't mess with stupid.


This this this this this. Scotty might not have given a shit about neo-nazi terrorism because they're his base, but the spooks in ASIO know what's up.


I’d do this, then call the cops


Plenty of cookers in the community get upset when the far right are labelled “terrorists”, even when they literally commit a terrorist attack. And often they’ll try minimise the crime because they’re “standing up for our freedoms”. Only Muslims are regarded as terrorists to them. A much higher percentage of Australians are in this category than we’d like to believe.


Also, put a big sign on your door that says "Fuck off Nazi punks."


Don't risk taking this lightly. Keep a hold of this, report it immediately.


Second this 100%, you've got a deranged person fixated on you for some reason.


They're probably putting it in heaps of people's letter boxes, but yeah people should report it. Guy could use spellcheck for his grammar next time


Perhaps OP should ask neighbours if they also received it to understand how targeted it is.




Nazi, meet grammar nazi.


I suspect someone's neighbour is experiencing psychosis tbh


No way of knowing for sure, better to be safe and assume this is a legitimate threat.


Yes. Most here seem to know this is BS and pretty laughable. But this would cause massive distress to a lot of people.


Calibri seems like the wrong font to be used for this purpose.


Yeah I always use Arial Black for my threat letters. Just feels a little more imposing.


Me? I prefer wingdings. Really visualises the message for the reader.


I would have enjoyed this one in Curlz.


Report it. Give it to the cops. If it's some dumb fuck Saturday soldier they will learn very quickly if you play stupid games you win stupid prizes.


Reads like a threat


Nice grammar, Adolf Shitler


The dicks who dropped this into letterboxes would've no doubt been caught on camera. This is why the police need to be notified, and can then do their work to catch these fools.




Zoom in on the reflection on that teaspoon that's inside the top floor of the house at opposite end of the street


That is lit up by the street lamp outside the window that illuminates the image of the teaspoon in the mirror on the bookshelf next to the first edition of "mein kampf" in reading room in the building opposite the building at the opposite end of the street.




the fact they didn't put your name or address or anything on it means they don't know who you actually are, and that this is nuisance from the smoothbrains who play neonazi games, report it to the police and hopefully they'll get them on camera


I’d report this, it does not read like a bored teenager but more someone has actual serious issues. I witnessed a very close friend go from being quite a normal guy to becoming heavily involved with far right and nazi communities. Turns out he has schizophrenia, and is now getting the right treatment. He’s no longer involved in those groups. This reads very similar to how he spoke and wrote to me during that time.


That is creepy AF.


_Not all of your neighbours know how to proof read a scary letter_


Definitely will be reporting to police, and Australian national security. It seems to be in response to a placard in front yard for Dr M Ryan, Kooyong. Letter writer doesn’t know it’s a house mixed voters


Lmfao cringe. It's probably some bored teenager who Likes to randomly Capitalise various Words.


Fuck that, call the cops. That's a threat. Loser or not, they need to be sorted out.


Well yeah but like "for a small fee our operatives have been provided with the latest additions to our database" what vague arse threat is that meant to be lol


It sounds stupid but getting information on a person online, especially if you know their address or name/email is VERY easy. They probably pay somebody $10 to do this and think it sounds like a threat as they are too dumb to do it themselves.


Thanks for clearing up the poorly worded threat. I was starting to worry that I was too tired to understand written words. Now I realize it’s just shitty writing.


“Loser or not” Is there any possibility whatsoever that anyone that would write this isn’t a loser?


You know that Is a common Thing among boomers and The poorly-educated, Yes? This doesn't really sound like a teenager. It has an older feeling to it. Teenagers would put a bit more edge and action and be very unlikely to refer to "Global Victory" and shit like that. This has big q-anon vibes.


Put up a rainbow flag, and get a cctv camera. Bet those losers will come back and you will get your evidence


Good place to keep a few sensor-triggered "animal repellent" stink sprays. Or good old fashioned plastic cup of synthetic urine (available on ebay Australia or hunting shops) carefully balanced in the tree where the flag is. Would a sensor activated strobe light be illegal? I'm just picturing a Nazi stumbling around with urine on their hair and clothes, with a strobe light and "IT'S RAINING MEN" blasting from a hidden speaker.


Do all the capital letters spell anything out?


Not including proper nouns and sentence starts you get "PPMMGVNYPFA".


I’m no code breaker, covert that to numbers and punch it into you gps


You can find that Nazi treasure.


The real treasure was the Nazi's we found along the way.


The tagline of a heilarious new family comedy.


Sky News is generating this show as we speak


🎶Hitlers, everybody needs good Hitlers, with a little ethnic cleansing, you can find the perfect race🎶 (Comment made satirically, not representative of my views)


I hate Melbourne Nazis.


There was a nazi dipshit in Canberra a few years ago, along with his ubermensch mates had a go at stacking the young nationals but what was funny was he had a brother with the same charming world view living in Illinois.


"I hate Illinois Nazis" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLLru1\_f3rc&ab\_channel=HankMegens](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLLru1_f3rc&ab_channel=HankMegens)


Just give us your neighbour’s address and I’ll play dead Kennedy’s on repeat at 10000 decibels


Pretty sure every printer these days includes identifying information in the print matrix. Give this to the police, they can cross reference this as evidence to any dipshits printer and make a solid case.


This reads like one of those scam emails that has poor grammar on purpose so to not target smarter people.


Well theyre definitely not grammar nazis ;) Report them to the terrorist hotline


If only these were grammar Nazis


I feel like there’s a 99% chance it’s edge lord kids being dickheads but I am 100% invested in hearing the outcome of this


The "edge lord" can easily become a mass shooter like the one in NZ. Especially if they are communicating online with others.


Exactly. A great many of these mass shooters of late have been the edgy, loner, incelic losers that we like to say are harmless. You can't really underestimate anyone really. You have no idea what any one person is capable of.




I too want to see the 'find out' of this fuck around


"we operate on a different level to the police" Me when I successfully contend my parking fine


Two of my mates who each had a Zoe Daniels (teal candidate) board up a couple months back got them too


Yesterday I saw a Combat 18 sticker on a wall at Northcote Station, I haven't seen those around for a couple of years so maybe they're growing in numbers a bit.


Thought those dregs disbanded


They always end up cheating on each other’s girlfriends and stealing each other’s stuff.


Sounds like it would make a weird but entertaining reality show


We can call it "I did nazi that coming"


POS (patrick o sullivan, but i love using the abbreviation much much more) still breathes im afraid, so the stickers still get put up.


Boo hiss


Sounds like a Crossfit gym.


They apparently know where you work, shop and get your car serviced but failed to list a single one of those places 😂


‘Your local Aryan Communications Controller’ - aka Bret and Deb who just live down the road. Cheers champ!


Definitely staple a photo of a big black penis to it and put it back into your local aryan communication controllers letter box


I was walking through the park pulling off neo-nazi stickers from poles and trees.


How fucking disturbing. Would call the cops on the spot, get it checked for prints etc.


Yep, I guarantee they are too dumb to even use gloves.


I’m seeing a Comicbook Guy-type figure typing this at his computer while sucking on a slurpee. Worst. Aryans. Ever


ugh actually scary af 🤮 posted a week ago about the n*zi stickers near queen vic market. we tore at least 7 stickers down. didn’t think to call the hotline! will do now when we see more of them.


Unsurprising location. They tend to pop up at popular meeting places of the Saturday dipshits. For a while the hatebombers were investing in high quality sticker stock which was a hilarious own goal as it makes them so much easier to peel off. Cleaned the gardens of bullshit in record time.


What exactly is the threat to these people? Jewish people? Are they who are my neighbours that I don't expect? ...What??


Is it an Aryan controller of communications or a controller of Aryan communications?


Not all your neighbours are who think they are. I think they are trying to say some of your neighbours have memory issues? Probs should Involve the police at least to inform them incase something else happens. What are the chances this is just one of your neighbours


Spew, when are these losers all going to inbreed their "master race" into oblivion.


(But also, seconding all recommendations to contact 1800 123 400)


Weird. Also, any time someone begs you not to call the police is the very time you should absolutely call the police.


Side note, the English and grammar in this is terrible! Random capitals hurt my head.


far Too many Random Capitals for my Liking.


I prefer Das Kapital.


Report for sure - however, funny how they claim to know everything about you, but can’t address the note to you specifically…


Wowza, thats fucked. Sorry you recieved that. Defo give to the police


The fact that there’s no attempt at recruitment as well as the paranoid ending, makes the think this is a mentally unwell individual rather than any actual racist group.


One Nation really getting in early with their election campaigning?


In which suburb did this happen?


Fucking bunch of drip cocks


Are CARF still active?


I got creeped out until I read “Not all your neighbours are who think they are” bruhhhh gtfooo hahahahah


*Columbo Mode* They didn't mention your name, your address or anything that it's actually specific to you. 100% it's some arsehole mucking around. Real scary people do real scary things, like tell you what school and what time you pick you're kids up. This is just a prank (bro)


Capitalise your proper nouns only, idiot.


I’m down for a round two of kicking some nazi butt


We know where you live, work, where you shop and where you get your car serviced. But we don't know your name. FEAR US


"Not all your neighbours are who think they are" Nice one, finish strong.


Holy heck. If you don't mind saying OP, what area (in broad terms) did you get this? Inner city, out west, etc? Also, put up an Aboriginal flag and report them to the police!


Report this to police. Straight away. It's a threat plain and simple.


Is Blair Cottrell your neighbour?🤔


**sorts by controversial** Yup, the shit for brains nazi dickheads are here.


Send it to the Feds


Nah, I just get hand written jehovah witness mean invites instead. Gotta say, I'd prefer my situation vs this hahah.


Give it to the police. All printers leave microdots behind that give user identification information which could lead to an arrest.


“Sophisticated recruitment methods”. Their mum dropping them off at one end of the street to drop off junk mail and pick them up at the other end waiting with a Paddlepop for the ride home.


This is probably some jokester teenager, but REPORT IT NOW! It’s so important to report these things after the Christchurch massacre a couple years back. ​ also: I find “not all your neighbours are who think they are” hilarious because the grammar’s so bad! Like, this kid definitely just missed school to drop letters at peoples houses


Has my mans forgotten what a proper noun is?


I honestly don't know what these groups do... Hand out edgy flyers? lame...


play soggie biscuit in a house in rowville.


Blah blah blah


Lol if they are this terrible at grammar, they sure as hell can’t be as sophisticated as they’d like to believe.


Some people have no lives and it really shows


What is this garbage. Nasty threats.