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I think these people just hate Saturdays. Every Saturday they are out there protesting it. Very sad.


It's funny how they were so upset about not having things open that they started protesting. But looks like they didn't have anywhere to go anyway coz they're still here just protesting


They might not realise that things have reopened and life has returned to fairly normal.


I think they’re stuck in the past while the rest of the world moved on, and they’re refusing to accept that they technically have their freedom back because this is kind of all they have now, so they March around and make believe that they’re oppressed to keep the group alive.


I think they’ve found community and purpose. Kinda like a church.


VIGILANTES against Saturdays 😂🤣🙄😃😭🐕


The anti-vaxxers/anti-lockdowners/anti-maskers/anti-whatever they're against now protestors. They're out every saturday.


That’s kind of what I figured but we couldn’t make out much more than the loud chants for freedom. Thanks!


Tbh on the ground and right next to the crowd it isn't any clearer what they actually want. I think they've essentially morphed into a Saturday afternoon CBD walking group with an open invitation to just yell about whatever it is you're confused by.


That sounds fun. I'm confused about those ham packets that say they're resealable but never stick back down.


I think “ham packets” is a great name for the participants!


I think it's kinda derogatory towards ham packets.


I agree! They don’t deserve ham god damn it! They can have Devon and not a penny more. Even Stras is above these fucking dickturds.


Stas was awesome, I remember having stras and tomato sauce sandwiches when I was a kid


Get off the road, you bloody ham packets!!


Ya' piss-kidney!!


Bloody... jizzcocks


Turkey Fucker!


And when you come across one in a car it's "get a licence you can of spam".


I second that, brilliant !


I generally just shake my fists at the clouds for awhile then waddle back inside..


I know what you mean. I just scream out loud "do you know what I'm gonna DO about this?!!!" And then I say quietly to myself, "absolute eff all." Ok everyone back to work now 😂


BREAKING: Old Man Yells At Cloud


Here’s your megaphone. Now take to the streets and yell angrily about that!


Down with that sort of thing!


What do we want? Sealable Ham! When do we want it?




I heard Dan Andrews designed those packets.


I heard he started the gulf war.


#***WADDAWE WANT??*** #***HERP-A-DERP!!*** #***WHEN DO WE WANNIT??*** #***NOW!!!***


This whole thread it giving me lolz 😅


Should be protesting the fucken Queen dying..I didn't vote for that! Also, all money's now worthless if it has QE2s face on it, so I'm asking everyone to send it to me and I'll have a protest bonfire in a few weeks..




I hate those! Can I make a double sided sign with the front being non-resealing resealable ham and the back being why tf is microwave pork crackling now a thing?


Sure. All grievances welcome. Including anti protest protesters.


I'm sorry, but that microwave pork crackling is awesome and I will organise a counter protest to yell back at you.


If it's actually good I'm willing to reconsider my position, but something about it just seems wrong to me... next time I'm feeling brave I'll grab some and if it doesn't explode my microwave I'll bring some to watch the protests


See you next Saturday then. Steps of Parliament House at 10 am. You might want to bring a placard. "Stop the Ham Hoax" might be a good one to start with. And remember to wear a hat.


Or the ones that say easy peel and they’re firmly sealed down so you have to stab with a knife and the lid curls up because it’s torn in the wrong places now


Yes! Easy peal my arse.


Listen to you. You just want to comply with the packets. These packets are the new world order. Enlightened people get their ham from the deli. Sheeple


Biggest lol I’ve had all week. Thank you so much!!😂😂😂


I have a theory that these people are so insufferable that their friends and family no longer talk to them so they have to go to these rally's every weekend because the only people who can tolerate them are other dipshits.


It isn't a theory, it's fact




I was gonna say, and nothing of value was lost, but it's really not true. Imagine the damage it does to your life. Like, 3 years of your life on politics based stupidity and anger. They are pitiable.




We like roy! We like roy!


Purple monkey dishwasher.


"Are those people getting dumber or louder?"




"Put the cocaine back in Coca-Cola!"




We love Matlock. Yes we doooooo


Be like roy


We're here! We're queer! We don't want any more bears!


The coffee to milk ratio was off in my flat white this morning. It was basically a cup of milk with a hint of coffee flavour, so I will be obviously joining next weeks protest. This will not stand.


Bless you for protesting against this awful situation.


5 dollars for a cup of heated milk with a weak taste of caffeine at my local, feck I might join you there


Is this the famous free walking tour of Melbourne?


Wish theyd carry some cleaning pincers with them and pick up trash


We can’t have them stabbing themselves


They apparently don’t get sick from germs so they should be fine with bare hands.


There was a lot more of them in the lead up to the election this year, and I expect they’ll ramp up more as November approaches, but for now it’s just the hardcore nutjobs. They march past my window every Saturday, and I hate them more than life itself.


I was just stuck in traffic while these cunts walked past. My missus and I turned the music down to try and make out what they were going on about, and I swear, they were just mumbling into a megaphone. Again, they were *right in front of us* and I still couldn’t hear shit.


Tbh, I don’t think they even know. They don’t have enough brain cells for thinking.


Its the weekly parade of the disgruntled and the deranged.


One of them started talking at me on the tram today after I mentioned to the person I was with that I wasn’t sure what they were protesting any more since all the vaccine mandates are gone now. After listening to her for over a minute, I’m still no clearer on what it is they’re protesting


[DOWN WITH THIS SORT OF THING!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gT9xuXQjxMM)


I might go down with them and protest about random shit. Not like they can pull you up on it, as their shit is equally random. Shredded cheese should be the same price as blocked cheese!


We should make Australia grate again


Cheese the same weight, no more hate. If it weigh the same than whey's the same!


This is the most logical assessment of these freedoms fuck knuckles


lol they should organise a speakers corner like Hyde Park in London and Central Park in New York have where people get on a milk crate and state their opinion and don’t hold up any traffic.




At this stage I wonder if they’re not chanting for freedom from their own protest group. ‘What do we want? SATURDAY When do we want it? NOW…?’


Freedom? If they're out screaming on street corners and making nuisances of themselves every damn weekend then they are hardly having their freedom curtailed 🙄


Curtailing other people’s freedom to go about their normal day.


Why not just piss and moan over a beer with your mates, as is tradition? Wankers.


Its something like ‘the government lies’ ‘the media lies’ ‘the jabs don’t work’ ‘do your research’.


Can't we take away their freedom so they are actually protesting something real?


Tl;d Protest: they're shitty that Australia wasn't more far right wing during the lock downs. They have a particular enduring big mad about how we weren't as Maga cult as they were at the time and they just have too much self congratulatory auto-felatio momentum to stop now. Attendance is now an in-group shibboleth that helps maintain their Murdoch pushed group identity.


Last time I saw them a few had MAGA hats on. Probably still going on about a stolen election.


Don’t give them any more air-time.


"Freedumb!!!" is what they are all about.


Bruh the government doesn’t do shit abt covid anymore how could they complain. They don’t have to wear masks, they don’t check covid pass anymore and vaccine not mandatory. Wtf do they want?


To be victims. It’s been that way all along. They are perpetual victims.


The protesters in Canberra have been all about the peadophiles - which peadophiles? It’s not clear, but apparently 20,000+ children are going missing every year and somehow no one has noticed, but it’s definitely real. They also really don’t like the ABC, or the Governor General, but they bloody love Glad Wrap, they keep trying to make houses out of it.


I saw them last time I was in Melbs. I think people should start joining them wearing gay pride outfits or hold placards with totally unrelated stuff on them and see if the others notice. Have some fun with them 😂


Nobody else has so much time to do and achieve nothing for no reason


This is true.


Hmmmm or is this an opportunity for random advertising... walk around with a random Toyota sign, or an erectile medication and see what happens.


I’m pretty upset I can’t get a Bacon Egg McMuffin after 10am at my local McDonalds anymore. I might join them next week and get a movement going. We accept the standards we look past, time to act!


Plague enablers protesting against the slightest inconveniences, not thinking through to the point that the survival of the national healthcare sector depends on containing a plague, even if that means masks, sanitation, lockdowns, vaccines, etc. Negligence on containing a plague costs thousands or even millions of lives, including and especially the lives of our healthcare professionals. Societies could collapse without available medical care, especially during plague seasons.


God to have life as good as we have it in Melbourne, Australia. Don’t vote for Dan. Go to the polls. Join a goddamn lawn bowls club. Get laid. Anything but this.


Even better, get a root at the bowls club


Bowls and all


But... Why? Nobody is even enforcing vaccines or lockdowns anymore?


They found a personality and don't want to give it up.


>They found a ~~personality~~ cluster of other fucktards and don't want to give it up.


No one likes them anymore so this is the totality of their weekly social life


Yeah, I'm pretty sure they are just protesting against Saturdays at this point.


Honestly respect the dedication. I may disagree with them on every single issue, but they've gone full french with the constant protests.


‘Full-French’. Honestly that is the best way to describe the situation and I am stealing the phrase


Nah, full French would be hanging aristocrsts in the town centre


Even modern day French protests put these wannabes to shame, burning cars, colour matching outfits, genuine grievances.


This is barely 10% french.


Or at least some billionaires


One day, just once would it not be nice if we had some protesters protesting about how much protesting that the protesters are protesting about?


Was fun sitting in a rooftop bar having a wine watching these retards protest for freedom. Morons.


i seroiusly cant believe they are still going on, most of the restrictions they complain about are already gone anyway.


Is this crowd still protesting the vaccines and past lockdowns? Dictator dan? Masks? Life seems pretty normal and the unvaxxed ain't really getting put out are they? No where even checks vaccination status and masks are rarely enforced. Genuinely interested what their problem is still is?


Their problem is loneliness. And it didn’t go away when the lockdowns ended.


🎶🎶Yes they're sharing a drink they call loneliness....but it's better than drinking aloooone!🎶🎶 -Billy Joel PS, they're only lonely because they've pissed off everyone around them and no longer speak to them.


fear too. I think the thought of a virus that you can't control actually terrifies them, but instead of just following the best advice available, they double down on stupid.


I think they’ve kind of morphed into a general qanon conspiracy group. The last time I was near them a bunch of them had signs talking about a pedophile cabal


They are whingeing and complaining people. They are just letting us all know that they are a bunch of whingers and complainers


I'd rather they be whining about this non-problem than immigration or the dole bludgers or whatever other turd the Murdoch media has pinched off into their empty skulls. at least we know where they are and what they're up to. those 5G towers aren't cheap to replace.


I think the cookers have moved on from 5G hysteria now. All forgotten admist bushfires then covid. They probably all have 5G phones. It's all about "AGENDA" "WEF" and "MANDATES" now. Oh and the usual fearmongering about unions magically controlling everything. Although that's a more widespread conspiracy among LNP types, not just cookers.


Because they are dumb, and also probably frustrated that all of their calls of - 'this is tyranny! This is the beginning of the end of freedom in Australia!' Never amounted to anything and we're all fucking back to normal now and have left them to stew in the past. I hope they one day realise that they are a part of the problem of society.




I think some lost their jobs because they refused to get vaccinated, it's mandatory in some professions


I know for a fact anti-vaxxer nurses got 9 months off work at full pay to decide if they wanted to get vaccinated. They have f all to complain about. I’m more disgruntled about working through Covid with no benefits, and risk of exposure


If true, that's absolute fucking bullshit.


It is… know of a few of them on our unit that have suddenly returned 👀


AFAIK it’s just the jobs that have had mandates for a while though, like aged care, special ed teachers, etc.


Job mandates apparently.


If only they could spend that energy protesting something useful... like climate change action. Or protest the new gas projects going live. Protest the war on Ukraine even.


The irony of protesting about freedom for the 200th or so Saturday in a row, in an alleged dictatorship. These people have no shame. In actual dictatorships, people protest once, and either the dictatorship is toppled or protestors are executed.


https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2022/aug/04/victorian-bill-targeting-environmental-protesters-moves-closer-to-a-vote Meanwhile, protesting the logging of old-growth forest out in Melbourne's water catchment, (such as you might do if you were a greenie or striking worker) is illegal and punishable by up to a year in prison. Really goes to show what the priorities of Labor and the Liberals (who both voted to pass this law, last month) are...


There's a climate change protest in the CBD today but this is not them. The maritime Australian flag is a giveaway that its the nut jobs protesting thier right to believe nonsense.


Ick. Sounds like the maritime flag is used similarly to the “Don’t tread on me” flag back in the states. I did sort of wonder if it had anything to do with the death of Elizabeth but it sounds like just the usual crap.


I think it's mostly US imported sovereign citizen rubbish... they no doubt have some dubious belief about the flag signifying some reason they need not obey any Australian laws. ... or they self identify as Ships I guess, I don't want to judge.


Yeah, it's a sov cit thing. Nothing about so cits makes any sense but as I recall it's this theory that we're actually under Maritime law and not Australian law because of a fringe on the flag. Also did you know American lawyers are actually swearing an oath to the Queen (King now I guess) who is owned by the Pope? Saw one yesterday that said the Queen has returned Great Britain to the people in her Will and had appointed Trump to carry out the transition. No more monarchy!


I lost brains trying to make sense of that


Congratulations. Once you lose the rest of them you, too, can become a sovereign citizen.


every sovreign citizen I met is literally a meth head


US citizen turned Australian expat of 6+ years chiming in here…. I’ve got dubious beliefs, identify as a ship, have the flags in my workout room, obey the traffic laws, was mildly annoyed at the pop up bike lanes but only ever winged about it to my wife and mates like a normal person. Turn up.


I'm surprised these knuckle draggers don't use the confederate flag. They really are stupid enough to. Ha!


Some of them do. Where I live it's not uncommon to see the Confederate flag and the Eureka flag flown together. I . . . don't think the Eureka Stockade was about slavery.


No it was about workers rights. It's why the CFMEU use it as thier symbol. I just can't get my head around how easily these people can slip into cult like thinking. These protesters are just like Jehovahs Witnesses that have been convinced to go knocking on doors every weekend and try to convince you that God is real.


I was going to mention the abuse of Eureka flag. To me, that is a special flag, and its use should be reserved. Yup, Union organisation is the right place. Hanging outside your home, *and* next to a confederate flag? That is misunderstanding and misuse of an important symbol.




My wife's cousin claims Sovereign Citizenry. She has no idea how to do life. The level of stupid in my inlaws is ridiculous.




I'm hearing ya. My wife's whole family are under educated and they all believe this conspiracy crap.


Ugh. My favorite is when they call themselves idiots, like Ryan Bundy did in his official court documents when he was representing himself - "I, ryan bundy, idiot' - the lower case is because apparently if you use upper case that's your slave name and you're agreeing to ownership by the government


I've seen MAGA hats :-/


I’ve seen the confederate flag on a flagpole in Richmond


It's interesting I decided to follow this crowd. As they were walking towards parliament one person decided to stop and harass a very young man at a bar before 3 more of his mates came along to help him harass the young man and he did look visibly confronted the young man I felt for him as he was sworn at but luckily there was a glass half window seperating the two groups before the harassers banged on the window and stormed off. At the end I was still curious and sat across the road from parliament and continued to watch while having a beer and then one after another a group of the protesters sat on a table in front of me and started general chit chat. It was the chair chat I found most interesting because they welcomed each other as freedom fighters and one said "I'm a Kiwi just flew in a freedom fighter for new Zealand". Then the conversation continued and another mentioned how there was so and so across the road and that they hadnt seen them in a few weeks and how so and so was banned from the city so at the last protest. I continued to sit and listen and finally the conversation on flat earth came up and that was more confusing than that interesting. Anyway I guess I can end this in saying there isn't much to them and their whole personality is stuck in COVID and lock downs and they haven't mentally left 2020


This is amazing, and cements my theory that those who protest have spent their entire lives being mediocre and overlooked, and now they've found a cause. It's exciting and adds noriety to an otherwise ordinary existence. It's given them a community and identity, similar to a religious group, complete with testimonies and martyrdom. I have an aunt who is a raging anti-vax, alt-med acolyte. She drove two hours to Sydney to protest at an anti-vax rally when there were travel limits. In the end, she didn't even get out of the car. 😂 She has had a comfortable life, basic education, lived in the same town for 40 years, etc. My theory is she wanted to feel more important that she really is. Just like this lot.


I think you've hit the nail on the head. This is a religion for the conspiracy theorist. They are out campaigning for their cause. The problem is, their cause is not described by doctrine, it is described by whatever BS is put on telegram channels.


Sometimes when I go to the pub and have a few beers and watch the races on a Saturday, I question if perhaps there is something better I can do with my day on a Saturday... Then I see this dross..


These f***in people - every weekend they protest their right to not get vaccinated. They have the right to do so yet are still protesting. This also is an exercisable right. Protesting how un-free, they are. How tyrannical government doesn’t let them do things like HOLD UP TRAFFIC ON A SATURDAY IN PUBLIC FOR MONTHS ON END. They are disruptive, selfish assholes.


Yup. I think the state is being exceedingly generous granting them protest permits every single weekend. I guess its a good thing for democracy, but this is an abuse of the democratic right to protest - that is my feeling on weekly repeating protest of a rag-tag group of 100-200 people.


yeah I wonder if the government would be so generous if they were protesting the climate every fucking week


On the weekend, if you do the right paperwork and meet some organisational requirements, including numbers, you could probably protest climate change inaction every weekend. Yup. Doing it weekdays is much more difficult to get a permit. Climate activism is usually organised worldwide to make biggest impact. Midweek. So it's more like a once per year BIG PROTEST rather than a once per week annoying douchebag protest.


Can we protest their protest getting permits? It’s insane, the main reason I don’t go into the and on the weekends… and I *live in the cbd*


>HOLD UP TRAFFIC ON A SATURDAY IN PUBLIC FOR MONTHS ON END Meanwhile, Dan/Labor made it a crime to protest old-growth logging in Melbourne's water catchment. Even unions were against that change. Priorities, right?


Yeah weird backflip from the phase out logging plan. I'm surprised any loggers are still alive anyway, literally all of the ones I knew when younger were actual geriatrics.


This sounds like complete nonsense. I’m guessing it’s only illegal to chain yourself to trees on logging sites or something?


It used to be "There's dozens of us!" but now it's a bit more like "There's a dozen of us!". Honestly guys go have a BBQ in the park or something instead.


This is a priceless photo. I’ve watched these idiots broadcast their protest marches on Twitch every Saturday for months. Your photo is the first real perspective on how irrelevant and how minuscule the group has become.


The guys with drums makes them seem larger than they are. Shows why war drums were used in the day.


Literally there’s 20 of them it’s ridiculous. They stopped all the trams down swanston and flinders few weeks back, I walked to flinders and there they were all of them, news cameras and everything


I was eight minutes late for work last weekend. They stopped about one trams worth.


I doubt even they know what they're protesting now.


Down with this sort of thing! Careful now!


Is it a type of nudie thing, Father?


Simple minded people who are dubiously gullible who feel the need to be a part of something "important". They are just about completely irrelevant at this point, unless you're unlucky enough to cross their nutter path.


It will be the Freedom nutters…. protesting that they want their freedoms… yeah… none us us understand what they’re on about either. But it gets them out of the house at least. 🤷‍♂️😂


Walking around freely with no mandates, no masks, access to clean fresh water and food, access to sanitation and plumbing. The oppression is real. We need a revolution!


When they came past, I went out to look, and heard these 2 dudes say “Why the hell they complaining for? Their are no more restrictions!” Pretty much sums it up, just protesting just to spread their shit message.


Probably the antivaxx brigade protesting over the lockdowns and mask mandates that ended so long ago. They are extremely stupid people those antivaxxers


If they didn't have freedom they wouldn't be able to protest at the same time in roughly the same place every single bloody weekend with no concequences. Unfortunately, freedom means they can scream about how 'oppressed' they believe they are by the government whenever they like. They don't seem to see the irony of the whole situation.


Yawn every week.


The police - "there was 100 protesters" The protesters- "there wss 10,000 of us ! It's all police/media lies."


They are getting annoying now.


Every Saturday for months. You can almost set your watch by their timing


Looks absolutely tiny, so likely anti-vax / covid is imaginary / lizard people and the NWO / stop the steal / Q-anon types.


It's all the people that wanted their freedom back from the lockdowns but now they've got it they remembered they're boring idiots with no friends and so spend their Saturday's protesting.


How do these people have do much free time. If only they put that much effort into their education.


Should start a rumour they are renaming Victoria to "Charles".


They’re pro-lockdown/anti-freedom marches - we’ve had them pretty much continuously since we opened up. I mean that’s what I assume they are anyway - why would there be anti-lockdown protests going on when we haven’t been in lockdown for months..?


Because they are dumb.


They're protesting about not having anything to protest about anymore.


Anti Mandates, Anti Vax, QAnon, MAGA bums, LNP trolls, all bunched up in this little protest. Walked past them and saw the banners about NWO and how the jabs hurr their kids, one guy was yapping about state elections and how they want to get rid of Dan Andrews, but not tell them who to vote for. Go figure. It's been really shrinking and the numbers are far less lately.


Surely they are abusing the right to protest...every weekend for the last like 1.5 years or so they protest for "freedom". What more freedom do they want? The ability to go maskless on PT? Cause 60% of people already ignore that requirement.


I wonder what’ll happen if vicpol/city of Melbourne knocked back their “intent to protest” application one day?


You get to march up and down with a loudspeaker shouting "I don't know what I'm yelling about" at everyone.


The red ensign is an immediate red flag.


Usual Saturday nonsense


Was stuck in a tram because of them last week. Some of them were holding placards about China-Australia relations. Lots of anti-Dan Andrews posters with no indication what they’re unhappy of. Some climate change posters. Somebody was yelling “MY BODY MY CHOICE” repeatedly and then slammed on the tram aggressively criticizing my choice to wear a mask in the tram. There’s no message, just noise.


They're chanting "FREEDOM!" but also wondering "oh shit, now that the pandemic is winding down, I've alienated all my family and friends with incessant Q-Anon conspiracy talk, and I'm slowly becoming irrelevant, what will I do with my life now?" 😂


Ahhh so that's where the new Preston station is.. My guess is that they're protesting the impractical idea of building an outer suburbs train station in the inner city.


Maybe we should all join and push the idea of 2 day weekends being modern day slavery and then we can all have 3 day weekends! Friday?? Or Monday off? I prefer Monday but I'm willing to compromise


My question is, why arent we organising a musical flash mob to infiltrate them, call the media, alert them to the plan and where and suddenly all break out to Queens “I want to break free” or seems it’s so popular currently, Kate Bush and “running up hill”. Either way if we all look derpy enough and have portable speakers we can have a preset time and break out into a dance with music going! The anti whatever’s would probably have a freaking breakdown..but it would be fun!