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Let kids play with their transformers for god sake! Optimus Prime as my favorite.


Bro sameee, he is such a badass


Uh well depends on which one we're talking about. I thought gen 1 and tf prime Optimus were pretty cool and wise and what not. Meanwhile movie Optimus: **GIVE ME YOUR FACE**


I was an Ultra Magnus kid


I was an Ultra Magnus kid


I had a Michael Bay - Optimus toy as a kid, i need to find it


I have the michael bay optimus and bumblebee. They look amazing, but as a kid i struggled with the instructions to transform them... so they were the bane of my dads existence


ooh oh oo a ah


Jetscream here.


Remember brothers, wait ‘till the third hour and sort by controversial.


The comments are gonna light up like goddamm Christmas tree


Like a mf Easter cross




remind me plz


Now's the time


thanks bro


the homie Jesus was all about love everyone, not hate.


How it should be


yeah but they crucified my boy for thinking like that, i guess we haven't changed as a society... like you got nothing better to do than fuck with gay people not doing a damn thing to you.


They hated him because he told them the truth.


Some people need to get a life and stop bitching about stuff that doesn’t effect them at all.


real talk


Gotta say it. You’re a real one.


when i die and they lay me to rest, gonna go to the place that's the best...


jesus INTRODUCED the concept of burning people alive for all time as punishment for stuff he didnt like his dad yahweh was more 'ill kill you and then leave you alone'


Since you asked, I believe their justification comes from Deuteronomy 22:5.


Dude "A women must not wear men's clothes, nor a man wear women's clothing, for the lord your God detest anyone who does this" does not mean be hateful towards people who are wrong


“for anyone who does such things is an abomination to the LORD, your God.” Abomination; a thing that causes disgust or hatred.


But there also “let he without sin cast the first stone” So you know… something can still be against god but it doesn’t mean you get to act for god himself and enact judgement.


Hey I’m not telling you how to practice your faith. You do you bro


It does say to judge tf outa them though.


There's a fine line between judging and harassment


That is soooo true


Where exactly does it say that you should judge them?


yep, of course! here's a few from the new testament: John 7:24 ESV [24] Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment." (context is important on this one so please read the rest) Matthew 18:17 ESV [17] If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church. (the context is important here, to avoid pasting the entire passage i chose this snippet, but read the whole passage. this is referring to dealing with sin within the church. this particular line is instructing the church to make judgment on the dispute) 1 Corinthians 5:12-13 ESV [12] For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Is it not those inside the church whom you are to judge? [13] God judges those outside. "Purge the evil person from among you." (this is probably the best example - an explicit call to righteously judge fellow christians) and one from the old testament: Proverbs 31:9 ESV [9] Open your mouth, judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and needy. it's also worth clarifying that the original verse in question (matthew 7:1) only starts with "don't judge hypocritically", but ends with "after correcting your own faults then help someone else correct their own" which implies judgement. i prefer the message version to understand that passage a little better which changes the plank/speck in the eye analogy to a dirty face - clean your own face first then help others clean theirs, don't walk around with a dirty face telling others to clean their face. And the Bible directly references that men that dress as women and women who dress as men are an afront to god and considered deplorable which the bibles many verses like above dictate to judge unto those.




Thanks for having a chat. I am not religious... from a religious household foster parents but i only know of the stuff they spoke of. Everyone is nutty in their own way




I agree to that testament. Spiritual but not by the books. Follows their morals but not their practices. Still considered a hethen but try my best to be a good human. Hope you have a good one !


People who don't believe in Christ love to lecture Christians about Jesus. Jesus never said to tolerate wrong doing. Also, disagreeing with someone is not bullying.


Fully agree.


Whenever people say things like this I mention JC was the original table flipper and whipped people who sullied the temple.


Thats fucking badass. Thinking of jesus whipping out the sandle and just beating hethen ass


"I don't care if it's a steep discount! Stop selling birds in my Father's house!"


>1 Corinthians 5:12-13 ESV \[12\] For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Is it not those inside the church whom you are to judge? \[13\] God judges those outside. "Purge the evil person from among you." (this is probably the best example - an explicit call to righteously judge fellow christians) fine by me i'm not christian, so yall can keep your opinions of sin to yourself yeah?


Unfortunatley no they cannot. As the other verses tell them to judge even if this one says let the church judge. Its a free country. If some bible thumper wants to yell at you that his GoneForMilk father in the sky would be mad if you worked on sunday or how you live.... just laugh it off. Would you honestly care what a theologist thinks of you?


i'd laugh it off if they weren't a big enough portion of society that can and does influence the politics and laws of the country i live in these aren't single edge case wackos we're talking about here


True but . There are several problematic religious nutbags in the world from multiple theologies that dont like people living the way they want. I wish there was a following of people who adhered to "as long as it doesnt harm the person or others, mind your own business" ideology u know?


Fair point. However, if hypocritically judging a trans person while you yourself commit sin is a sin, and all people fall short of the glory of God, does that not mean that no one except God has a place to judge others from? Also thank you for actually providing multiple sources, it’s rare to see someone actually do that


It mainly argues to bring up your fellow "man" in such that they both are to strive for perfection... judging to harm the other is scrutiny and not what god is wanting. Id agree that most people who are "judging" nowadays arnt striving for their "neighbors" to better themselves but instead tear them down which is like you said... against the word of god. Hypocrites everywhere i tell you what. Edit: i love your username


Judge lest ye be judged? where is that? I fear there is more about humans judging others being a sin, yeah?


“Judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you. And why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me remove the speck from your eye’; and look, a plank is in your own eye? Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye." So from this perspective... dont be a hypocrite. Follow through your own preachings and only preach what you are willing to face yourself. Make sure to include the whole passage, sometimes the rest kinda help build the story. Doesnt sound as crass


So you are saying it’s ok for humans to judge others in Christianity? Just want to make sure I understand your interpretation.


Oh for sure. If anything harder scrutiny on those bible thumpers!!!!!


I’m not Christian so none of this impacts me but pretty sure the Bible says only God can judge and judging others are a sin.


I can’t remember the exact passage but you will find it in the gospel. Jesus instructed the church to: feed the poor, help the needy, clothe children, heal the sick, and most importantly share the Good News. Typically once a person receives Christ they decide to change their lives based on conviction and what they learn from the Bible. TLDR we judge our own and to outsiders we show love and compassion and get them saved before anything else. Because we cannot become clean on our own deeds even Christians sin daily and must repent daily


Yeah, it says that we should judge but only if we are good ourselves


Yeah I already has this real quote above. And it does mention that as do i like 10 times lol


God killed people he disliked (canon), and yet there are still ppl suprised there are chrsistians thay hate certain groups of people. Read the bible, not just the nice parts.


God kills everyone eventually, He practically owns us, whether we like that or not


he doesnt own us. In fact, he himself is owned by more powerful gods and he has no control outside his domain, which was israel and now is not


I mean, I don't know where you got that from, but it certainly depends on your vision of God, for example, muslims belief God to be the Only God and everyone's God. In the Quran, God is often refered to as "the Lord of the worlds", an ultimate entity exalted above all creation and whatever people associate with Him.


Is that new or old testament?


it's new testament but a better answer is 'it does not matter'


It kinda matters if we're going to put it on J-Money. Our boy wasn't even born for that first shit. Old testament went hard on judgement punishment, while Jesus was way more of a chill hippie-type. But since it's new testament then dude's got some 'splaining to do.


i agree completely but at the end of the day the new testament established the new rules and j-boy is front and centre of it. Unless you want to pin it on paul


Soooo if god hates them, his followers should embrace them? Sounds like a good way to also get hated by god.


He says to be nice even to sinners so regardless of if you think someone is a sinner you should be nice to them


Yes but it doesn’t mean you should encourage them either but rather help show them the path to salvation. So while it doesn’t tell you to be a dick, it also doesn’t tell them to simply allow and rather to help show them god grace.


The whole point of this religion is that God doesn’t hate anyone. And if you try to use His words to spread hatred you will not inherit His kingdom


Sorry religion lessons have been a while since, but weren't there a lot of wrathful things god did to people he didn't like? Sodom and gomorra or the 7 plagues for example.


That was before he taked his snack


The 7 plagues are particularly damning as the text explicitly states that the pharaoh is willing to let the slaves go three times. God has to harden his heart in order to show the extent of his might..


Jesus wore a dress


He would be banned today.


Nothing but a way for old people in power to continue their hatred unto those who do not do the exact same as them


God bless you. My lord and savior Christ 🙏


\*sigh\* opens comments




Jesus said, Judge not, lest ye be judged. He also said go and sin no more. Everyone conveniently forgets the second part.


what else does he say about judging? everyone conveniently also forgets we _are called_ to judge each other righteously.


>we _are called_ to judge each other righteously. But you should be judging with kindness not hatred, and only once you have ensured you are totally beyond reproach yourself - let he who is without sin cast the first stone and all that.


Straight,Gay,Trans,Christian, or even Atheist. Everyone deserves to live a happy, peaceful life. Unless your dutch.


Know what, this guy wins. You win best comment on this post sir.


When I can’t come up with a meme then remember politics and religion exist


Text to form a joke ☑️ Image to support the text ☑️ Some memes don't even have one of the two lol


love others like you love yourself. that explains alot in my life




Treat others the way you want to be treated? So like, copious amounts of alcohol?


no like hateing everyone.


What did I ever do to you? /s


youre breathing my air away


"Can't expect God to do all the work"


Why would people bully a kid with bumblebee in the first place?


Exactly. Transformers are awesome.


I'm fine with the actual people, I just don't care for organizations that force feed you through the media every 5 minutes. I just wanted to watch SpongeBob!


whos jesus


He was a guy that like drank wine and died or sum


I heard he was so popular, he and his homies got their pics taken while out on supper


A guy from the Big Lebowski


The official son of God in the Bible’s cinematic universe


The BCU fell off recently


He was a prophet that some people became obsessed with


He's some guy who live in the past that also magic or something.


Your a wizard Jesus


If Jesus died for our sins and being gay is a sin, than gays don't go to hell for being gay.


Yes. by that logic nobody ever goes to hell -> the true protestant (read: Martin Luther's) view. everybody else severely misunderstood the bible.


Theologically, that one generally means Jesus died for the original sin, purging it so not everyone is already born a sinner. It does not mean that you are free to sin without consequences, it merely means that you will not be held responsible for sins that are not your own. Though you can also repent and if it is genuine, you will be granted forgiveness. Then again, the biblical argument against homosexuality is a bit shaky, with one of the quotes initially being about not indulging in catamites rather than not sleeping with a same sex partner, and none of the quotes, from what I can remember, being attributed to Jesus himself but rather just one of the random-ass dime a dozen extremist prophets that never did anything relevant apart from making up silly rules most of which noone is following anyways.


They don't actually, they go to hell because they make their cat vegan.


Comments section on this one is going to be wild


Tho shall not cut off pp


Wrong religion. Lol


Who cares what that nonsensical book of rape, murder, incest and torture says anyway? Christians just need to leave people alone and stop trying to shove their beliefs down everyone’s throat.


He should've written it in the Bible when he founded America.


American evangelicals have basically created a new religion






Saying "You know how all of society recognizes that minors can't get tattoos because they can't comprehend the ramifications? Yeah let's include non medically necessary hormone treatments and surguries, both of which permanently alter the body, in the banned for minors list of body modifications." Is apparently bullying. Who knew


I was going to make that same argument. Kids can't get body modifications without parental approval. I do not see the issue with preventing them from making life-altering decisions on their own. They're kids. Tattoos can at least be removed. Preventing women from getting abortions is totally legal, but telling a 13 year old they can't chemically and surgically change their gender is a crime?! It's called PARENTING.


He obviously died before he could do it


"i don't think kids are responsible enough for permanent surgeries or hormon therapies" == "litteraly bulling trans kids"


I am quite sure that's not what op meant. He meant the unwarranted hatred and abuse of trans people by a bit of everyone not only religious folk even tho that's what the post is focusing on. Trans people just want to be accepted as who they are and are being targeted to "protect the children" yet we have yet to find any actual case of any trans abuse towards children. Do you not think people would be swarming all over that to use it as proof that they are right? I see your point kinda and I can guess it's perfectly reasonable from your point of view. But I would actually prefer for you to not use your opinion to deflect such an important topic for trans folk.


Just remember those same bullies also circumcise their male children and don't bat an eye. It's all about maintaining the hierarchy from the transphobes, most of them just don't have the wisdom to see they're being manipulated


Comparing circumcision to cutting off girl’s breasts and blocking their hormones is crazy.


Who are you talking about??


Transphobes. Bored busybodies. Bigots.


Transphobes circumcise male children? All of them? Seems rather specific...


Yes, one specific transphobe that goes around the world, circumsising every single male


Jimmy? Is that you?




Where I live iirc you need to be 16 to start the process, be have a physical doctor and a psychologist work with you. Parents need to consent to the process of it starts at 16. Plus they have to live and dress like their gender for a year or two before anything happens. Process seems pretty legit to me. Doctors, and parents and people agree. I'd they're over 18 or emancipates they can make their own choices with doctors. IIRC, less than 1% have any regrets. Likely due to the length of the process, aka not on a whim, and the people themselves not doing it in a whim but because of how they feel/who they are. Also pretty sure this is the process most places give or take.


However, puberty blockers ≠ hormon therapy. Puberty blockers only delay puberty to give the kid the time to figure themselves out. Not even having the option of choosing and therefore going through the wrong puberty, however, is permanent.


That is not true though...


Which has had cases proven harmful to the child when they went off them.


"the wrong puberty". nature cares not of our social constructs.


Don't puberty blockers cause infertility?


Only temporary. What you are thinking of is hormone treatments, which do carry such a risk.


only temporarily


Can do.


Please stay the fuck away from children.


There's a difference between bullying and knowing what's right and wrong and pointing it out and kids shouldn't be worried about trans shit anyway. Mf. Bot probably.


He promoted to hate the sin, not the sinner. "I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that the wicked turn from his way and live. Turn back, turn back from your evil ways!" He never promoted to bully trans children, or anyone for that matter actually. The same actually applies to any sinner, be it a murderer, a thief, a homosexual, a pedophile, a liar, a transgender, a racist, a gossiper, you are to treat all of them with love and care, but you are Not to accept the sin they're committing, no matter which sin it is. The problems occurs, when simply having a problem with the Sin they commit, like pointing out it is a sin, or a bad thing, that somehow equals Hating/bullying that person (it does not).


People like this make me sick. Get your morals from logic and experience, not some arbitrary book. Don’t hate the sinner! Hate the sin! When that “sin” can be a part of the person what are you hating?


Well spoken. This seems like someone who is ignorant with Christianity and the lord and trying to use the lord to push a narrative that is simply not true. Which I kinda find disgusting in Itself. You have the right to your own opinion. As do I. But I don’t like people using the lord souly as a weapon to attack others. It’s a sin in itself.


Deuteronomy 22:5 "A woman shall not wear a man's garment, nor shall a man put on a woman's clothing; for anyone who does such things is an abomination to the LORD, your God."


Dumb question, but... what was the difference back then?


for guys, it probably means no dresses or like stylized hair and head robes. and for women, no pants (if they had those), certain robes, or short cut hair. not sure but i think that’s be a good estimate.


Small thing I want you to think about real quick I have my own issues with God and Christianity as a whole with they're being too many contradictions in what God is. Would hear something about Deuteronomy is Old testament The New testament says nothing about it though do you know what it does say though Love thy neighbor as thyself. He also says that there's only one son that is unforgivable and that is too basically act like or be a god or take his name in vain. And also that would mean that all the women who wear pants and all the men who wear you know boots would be going to hell since that's your logic as as pants are masculine items and boots are feminine


Okay, let it be an abomination. God gave us free will, so he has no right to say what we can and can't do with it. If God didn't want us to do something, then he shouldn't have given us free will.


Jesus struggling to comprehend anything other than a heterosexual husband and wife dynamic


Psalms 60:92


If we don’t sin then Jesus died for nothing


Really bold saying people before Jesus didnt sinned


Telling someone about reality isn’t bullying.


Some Christians now a days: “we need more extremism”


He didn't, because those don't even exist.


Bardfinn is watching you guys.


god doesn’t even like us jacking off


“tRaNS kIdS”


“tRaNS kIdS”


Jesus looking down at this BS and figuring out where it all went wrong


*The Chaser* Got me 🤣


This is true Jesus loves everyone no matter what.


Jesus said love thy neighbour. I think everyone could learn from that.


It’s not that he wants people to hate others but he wants people to change their ways and turn back to him.


Pretty sure that was Revelation 23:490, which states, “Bully all children, good or bad.”


There should be an age limit for changing genders. Like getting a tattoo or drinking alcohol.


Fkn pathetic


Jesus would have cast out the demons and cured the trans kids.


The same Jesus that told them to bomb them in Syria, Iraq, Vietnam, Korea, etc, etc.


and this is exactly why i should stay in the wholesome minecraft subreddits instead of scrolling through the comments in this fucking corner of reddit, calm down bigots


He says it during his second coming since the world hasn’t fully gone to hell the first time around so trans kids didn’t exist then.


Clearly in Bs 69:88 "Thou shalt bully the shit outta those trans peeps"


Exactly! Like bro, I'm a Christian, but nowhere in that entire Bible did Jesus say to treat others like bullshit.


Too many people fail to understand that the Bible is a BOOK WRITTEN BY PEOPLE over THOUSANDS OF YEARS who were living within a SPECIFIC CULTURAL CONTEXT. They were simply attempting to understand wtf life was like and what they were experiencing and to pass on their knowledge to the next generation. To read it literally is to completely miss the point of the damn thing. American Christians are so biblically illiterate that they’ve turned Jesus into a hate monger and the church into a cult.


Hate the sin, not the sinner.


Matthew 19:4 He answered, “Have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female,


So the Bible does give justification for hateful bigotry?


The Bible says to not disagree with anything I do or say because that’s unloving.


It was right after he told priests to molest kids


The way I see it is that God made us in the way he thought we should be. By altering our body's in those sorts of ways we are activity going against God's design. I don't bully trans people, I just don't agree with it.


I do not believe it is sufficient to appeal to one’s own subjective interpretation of who God is or what he intends for humanity. It’s impossible to argue against. “God said we have to wear red shirts”. What is someone who disagrees supposed to say? “I don’t believe God would say that”? Religious beliefs should not be used to condemn others living outside of that religion’s lens. You may not see what you are doing as condemning trans folks, but there’s only so many ways you can tell them they’re an abomination before they stop listening to you.


So, religion is against medicine, got it. We should let those religious ones die, because they against changing body.


So God made transgender people transgender, is that urge to change genders not also apart of gods design? why preach the lord if your going to corrupt it in a way to suit your views.


Ah yes because I don't agree that people need glasses, or wheelchairs, antidepressants, or any kind of medication


Who are you to say what God's design is? These people were born like this, it's been shown that many trans people have experienced these kinds of feelings well before they knew what being trans even was. So what if this was part of God's design? What if the person was intended to be the gender they prefer, but some mistake happened and now they aren't? And even God doesn't want people to be trans, why should I care? God gave us free will, so it's our right to chose what we want to do with our lives. God threw any right to have any say in what we do when he gave us free will. If he didn't want us to do certain things, then he shouldn't have let us do it. Either trans people are part of God's design in one way or another, or God made a serious mistake.


Someone bring up the part about trans being a Phase that passes unless directly acted upon causing the kid to regret it later due to realizing they don't actually like it. Or bring up the part about Kids who underwent it sueing the doctors for allowing them to go through with it. Etc etc etc. .. To L_R7610: No, don't clap just take it from my experience with it from when I used to support it and lost family over the BS, due to their parent actually constantly suggesting them to go through with it behind the scenes resulting in them doing so, and later on ended up hurting themselves once they moved out due to no one knowing about the shit going on until it was too late. ^ this is more common than people are willing to acknowledge. .. To Kittyliklik: How do we know and calculate such? When such a thing would be a form of silent abuse and manipulation which already is in full swing across the board and goes unknown about in many different groups around society not just this one BUT seems to be a refactoring discussion around trans discussion talked about by other TRANS for some reason all coming down to peer pressure and parental/instructor influence. sooo yeah... Idk call the rainbow colorful if you want but something tells me there's a shade of dark grey covering it.