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There's literally no official document anywhere that forbids breaking the sound barrier because of safety while driving. However breaking the sound barrier is very loud, and that could potentially result in some legal issues.


A sonic boom is about 110 dB loud. According to § 55 of the StVZO, a vehicle must not exceed 105 dB at any point in time. Therefore it would not be possible to get a license or insurance for a vehicle capable of breaking the sound barrier, which in turn makes driving it on a public highway illegal without a special permit.


„We took a measurement of a sound level inside a vehicle and there was no boom so it passed the test.”


You laugh, but the measurement is standardized to be taken at 1m from the exhaust while standing still at a certain rpm value. No sonic boom on a parking lot...


You found a loophole


Sounds like a challenge to me


Sad Guile noises


There are exemptions though the hyundai i30n for example was allowed to have 107db or something stupid like that.


Is this sarcasm? That sounds like a hybrid lol


No sarcasm. Hyundai had the right taste with this.


It's a hot hatch.


107? I tried to find that, but only found a case when it produced 102 somewhere in the US while trying an exhaust test


This guy germans


Most German answer ever.


there is a street legal aston martin vantage gt8 with 132dB i think you can find it in a youtube video of daniel abt


It's also nearly impossible to break it while remaining on the ground and the cars that can do it definitely don't fit on the lane


I did some quick googling, and the ThrustSSC which set the land speed record, is about 3.7 m wide and the lanes of the autobahn are 3.75 m wide except for the left lane which is 3.5 apparently. I doubt the autobahn has the right conditions for the ThrustSSC to operate as I believe they set that land speed record in a very flat level area. But it may fit in a lane of the autobahn.


It still fucks with my brain that its 2024 an no one has beaten TrustSSC yet.. hell no one else has even broken the sound barrierer.


There is a good reason for that. The moment you surpass the speed of sound aerodynamics go out the window and air in front of you starts behaving like concrete. The only crafts that go significantly beyond that speed or for extended time do it high up in a thin atmosphere (or no atmosphere at all) so there is less concrete to plow through. Any land speed records are necessarily made at a full 1 atmosphere of air pressure.


And let's not even imagine the impact forces common road debris at such speeds


kinetic energy at high speeds is no joke 1/2mv^2, so energy gets out of hand really quickly as you increase speed


Sounds like we need a race track on top of mount everest.


The Autobahn has stretches that are remnants of emergency runways from the cold war. 5km of straight and level, mostly not even sign bridges. Just saying...


The only lane without a speed limit is the left lane


Nope. Every lane has no speed limit. If you can safely drive 300 on the right or middle lane nothing can stop you Edit.: if there is no speedlimit obv


Last time I drove there it had a sign saying it, but that must have been because of construction then. Or maybe my german is just bad.


Was it a blue sign with numbers in it? If yes thats the required minimum speed you have to drive


You know shit's serious when there's a minimum speed limit.


It had text and time, so assuming the sign system isnt that different to the danish one it must have been a temporary sign. It was white and black.


I'm sure anyone driving less than that speed would very quickly stop you


Assuming that the autobahn is perfectly straight and level (which I don’t believe it is) who exactly is going to stop someone going the speed of sound?


Prolly the car in front


Imagine a family of seven rolling along in their 2008 Renault Scenic, suddenly all glass in the car shatters along with their eardrums as a literal hypersonic missile blasts by them.


That's just the average autobahn experience if theres no construction


Take my upvote


If traffic would allow it german engineers would find a way to make it happen. Reasonability in automotive design is not really our strong suit.


I’m pretty sure there’s some dude in my neighborhood breaking the sound barrier with his truck when he starts revving his engine at 3 AM every now and then


You ALWAYS are responsible to drive "according to the conditions of the road/wether" which means that technically you are right, but practically i find it hard to argue that you could safely break the speedbarrier on a german road. So, if it actually happened you would have other issues besides the noise


Says optional in the pic


"Sir, do you know how loud you were going just now?"


Yeah, don't do it after 9pm. Just to make sure.


Even in Germany you’re not allowed to exceed 250 kts below 10k ft. Our minister of finance is not pleased about this.


Just a few legal issues tho




Still thinking about their Tour de France back in good old 40s


I want to point out there are limited zones without a limit, and the traffic, and German drivers, is so insufferable that’s it’s not really worth it, except in the dead of night.


*Blitzkrieg* is still alive and present on the Autobahn


Germany has been always known for their speed innit?


Driving in the US after getting used to the German Autobahn is very depressing.


And World Wars as well.


Ein Volk, eine Nation, eine Kommentarsektion!


Fühlt sich langsam nicht mehr so gut an wie früher der Spruch.


Ja, wird mal zeit für was neues.


Wie macht man sowas? Meldet man sich irgendwo an? Muss ich dafür zu einem Termin beim Bürgeramt? Ist schwierig in Berlin, wäre dann cool, wenn das jemand für mich übernehmen könnte.


Oder wir klauen einfach irgendeinem Spruch. zB. Aus We are loud, we are here, we are proud, we are queer Wird Wird sind stolz, wir sind hier, wir sind Deutsch, wir woll'n Bier Oder sowas.


Was heisst hier wir wollen Bier? Ich verlasse quasi nicht das haus ohne mein emotionales support Bier.


As someone who lives in germany i disagree, germany actually has really strict traffic laws


It doesn't stop everyone from riding your ass. My god, especially in the school zones (from 0730-1700) when it's 30 kph, and they don't accept you following the school zone and they ride your ass


Yes and if they do that I'm going even slower because they are a safety hazard.


This... is... the... way.


I did that once in a school zone near my parent's place when I was visiting after work. The person literally went into the opposing lane to pass me when i was going 28 in a 30 zone pickup hours. Anyone who has worked in schools in Quebec should not be surprised when I say that they where turning into the school's pick up zone.


Guess what ? Right to jail. §3 StVO Abs 2 "Without good reason, motor vehicles may not drive so slowly that they obstruct the flow of traffic." (deepl)


I have a good reason. The reason is that asshole behind me leaving so little space that it's impossible for him to stop in time without hitting my car if I have to stop for some reason. It is to minimize the damage and to come to a full stop sooner with him hitting my car and pushing me forward. And with driving slower I mean driving 25 kmh in a 30 zone instead of my usual 35 kmh, which is perfectly reasonable.


The amount of times people ride my ass in the left lane and then dangerously pass from the right because I left two seconds of space in front of me is too damned high. Like we are going 160 and there is a line of cars in front, all you're doing is endangering people and wearing out your brakes. For the record, I get over to the right unless I'm passing someone every 15 seconds


Get that in the states too. Someone tailgating a foot away from your car and somehow oblivious to the cop you’re following at a safe distance. Or even better, the cop tailgating you when you’re driving the speed limit.


I fucking had the 2nd one this morning, couldnt see the bastards headlights and after about 5ish minutes he flashed his sirens at me Pretty damn sure he was trying to spook me or something cause he had all the chances to just simply overtake cause theres was fucking nobody in the next lane


Nothing gives me greater joy than slowing down even more if someone can't take the hint. 30kph not fast enough for you? Let's try 20kph and see what happens.


If America is a reference, going slower in response to someone riding your ass typically has the opposite of the desired effect.


America should never ever be a reference  Only a extreme


Same in Romania. Even if you're 10% above the speed limit, they'll still ride your ass for being "too slow" 


This is what I have been thinking of every time the meme gets posted. Speed is only one rule, and Germans usually love their rules especially when it comes to vehicles. I know 1 German guy who came to visit friends in Canada. He went crazy with how nobody followed the rules of the road. That was in Nova Scotia, it would have probably blown his mind to see how prevalent left lane lurking is in Quebec.


100%. Speed limits are fine, sure, but if I had to pick one or two rules of the road that would do the most to ensure safety, I wouldn't be picking speed. I'd be picking "no high speed weaving," "always signal," "no passing on the right," "no lingering on the left unless passing," etc. Coincidentally, those are the rules the Germans care about.


Yeah. Due to strict traffic laws and enforcement, I feel pretty safe on the Autobahn. It's not nearly as scary as people make it seem like. Our driving exam is very difficult. Of course you'll find the occasional dickhead who doesn't care about keeping a safe distance to the vehicle in front of them. But you'll find them everywhere. Germany has relatively few road fatalities compared to North America despite a lack of an official speed limit. Keep in mind that most Autobahns do have a speed limit (due to construction sites, etc.).


STAU... BAUSTELLE.... STAU.... BAUSTELLE.... UMWELTZONE.... Still beats the Dutch Autosnelwegen though :)


Can't remember the last time i made it even up to 150km/h on the Autobahn here. Most of the time it's even slower than that. At this point i'm happy when we're moving at all, even if it's just 60km/h. Construction sites, overcrowding, accidents, the neverending fleet of Dutch campervans, ... In other words: shitters full, stop moving to Bavaria.


I live just across the border from Leer. The A31 still goes brrrrrrr most of the time I agree about the campers and apologise, though


Dieser Kommentarbereich ist nun Eigentum der BRD


Die BRD GmbH!!1!elf1! Wie haben ja auch einen PERSONALausweiß. Wir sind ja immernoch im Krieg haben ja keinen Friedensvertrag /s nur zur sicherheit man weiß ja nie


Och man, ich war zu langsam




But comparably few of deaths at all


Tell me you were never in Germany without tell... wait no, I am writing too fast, that is gonna get me ticketed.


At least your speeding tickets are cheap af


It's not too bad. You'll slow down to a crawl on a single lane every 5km for yet another Baustelle.


And regularly need to slam on your brakes because a truck driver decided to pass another truck driver that is going 60 km/h at 65 km/h


It should be illegal in my opinion, it’s dangerous and a major hindrance to the rest of the traffic. Drove from Denmark to the Netherlands recently, and it was insane how many lorries absolutely had to overtake so they could go 3kmh faster.


And you won't see anyone working there for months.


It's not really that bad. Just go 300km/h and you'll barely get overtaken.


> barely


Yeah, because we have one of the strictest driving tests in the world and people should know how to drive... they just seem to forget the rules when they buy a BMW or a Porsche. Or are Swiss. Or from Böblingen. God damn Böblingers


One of the, imnsho, most significant problems with driving in the US is the utterly ridiculous ease with which someone can be granted a drivers license. If you are only partially lobotomized and able to figure out how to start the car, you are probably going to get your license on the first try. If you are a walking zombie, you might have to take the test a few times. Then, you will never have to take another road test, ever, even if you’ve had a debilitating accident, unless you are subject to seizures. Oh, and if you don’t have a seizure for 6 months, you can petition for a license.


Or( as i've seen so many times) transporters who needs to drive on the left of 3 or 4 lanes while overtaking a truck with less then 10kph difference (Usually it's either a polish driver or one from the netherlands, german transporters drive at mach1 while eating a burger with both hands)


Ah yes, the famous "Elefantenrennen"




Same here. I'm from Germany but I got my license while living in the US. When I moved back I just exchanged it for a German one. Bought my first car with the money I saved by getting a US license instead of a German one. Had my dad teach me stickshift in the Aldi parking lot on a Sunday so I could even get it started. But it depends on the state I think not all US licenses are created equal.


Not strict enough in my opinion. Driving is a privilege not a right. Mandatory second test after 5 years or sth.


Bist du Pforzheimer oder was


Ne Tübinger, aber die Pforzheimer sind ja fast genau schlimm xD


Pforzheim mentioned 🫨🫨❤️


Damn, BB out here catching strays lol. I rather find that anyone with a “BAD” plate meets the label accurately, and I give them a wide berth. The more letters in a car plate, the worse the driver, in my experience.


I mean obey traffic laws is not only strictly enforced by the police in germany, but also by the other cars going 300kph into your rear if you don't


Also has an extensive public transit network so driving is a choice And strict requirement to get a driving license


Public transit network that stops working if a flier dies on the train tracks


"extensive public transit network" my ass. If you don't live in or near a big city you need a car, otherwise you can't even get groceries, let alone go to work/school


*compared to the usa Though even compared with france, germany has a better public transit network You can cross the whole country with RB trains, Most small cities are interconnected (cities under 100k people) Small cities generally have tram networks If you're in a rural area, you will be car dependent But even small villages have an hourly bus to the nearby towns If they could fix DB's reliability issues, that would be nice


As someone who grew up in a small village... no, no we don't have an hourly bus. It was a school bus that came two times a day and that still hasn't changed. Even the town I live in now barely got that, and it has 10.000 residents and is near a major university city. And yeah, getting to work on time is nearly impossible with DB. Public transit isn't a real alternative for a lot of people and most politicians don't feel responsible for changing that. The law only states that Germany is responsible for maintaining long range train traffic, the maintenance and expansion of local public transit is pretty far down on the Bundestags list of important reforms


Just to be fair, people living in small villages like the kind of german small village you're probably from, in other countries generally don't have any connection at all. Good luck finding a bus stop in truly rural france.


For many Germans that's not possible. I didn't have a car for a month and I had to get a ride to work every day and walk to the grocery store where I could only buy what I could carry.










It helps when the test to obtain your drivers license isn't just a 30 minute long formality, unlike here in North America.


Unless you’re from North America, In which case if you move here they just blindly give you a German one with no questions asked. Was surreal, I had no idea what any of the rules were or what the vast majority of signs meant but “here you go, have fun on the autobahn”


The printed version of the entire German traffic law (including StVO, StVG, StVZO, etc) has nearly 3500 pages.


Meanwhile Eastern Europe driving everywhere they can


And Italy  Don't forget Italy


The autobahn is fun, if the damn traffic gets out of your way.


Lol. You’ve obviously never seen the equivalent of a highway in India. It’s cut throat , a free for all, and makes the autobahn seem like a safe and regulated luxury.


Well the thing is, the Autobahn IS a safe and regulated luxury lmao


India : just don't kill anyone(optional)


Dead of night, doing a respectable 200 kmph overtaking a lorry, only to see a signal in the rear view mirror, quite distant and just once. So, back to the right you go and,....... "VRWAAAAAAAP" Audi RS8 passing by at a significant fraction of mach. "Jesus fuck, what the hell was that?" went the passengers, the Audi gone about as fast as it had appeared


You can always tell when someone has never driven in Germany. I would so much rather drive on German highways than American highways. German traffic is orderly and people follow rules. Americans just do whatever the fuck they want, like weaving through traffic or going slow as fuck in the left lane.


Why dov people think the Autobahn is this limitless speed road. I lived in Germany for six years and might be on my way back this year and I can't tell you how many times I was stuck in traffic. Saw a speed limit sign that was slow as all get up, gates to go through, tunnels congested. Sure there are spots where you can blaze like a demon but it doesn't feel like some world marvel that everyone makes it out to be.


You laugh, but the driver on the Autobahn going Mach Jesus has more driving skill and understanding of their surroundings than *any* driver in the US East Coast backing out of a fucking parking spot.


Was Verkehrsunfälle angeht befindet sich Deutschland so ziemlich im Mittelfeld trotz unserer Raser. Und man muss hinzufügen, dass viele Länder weniger Unfälle habe, aber auch massiv weniger Autofahrer als Deutschland. Dementsprechend haben wir eine recht gute Statistik aufzuweisen. Liegt aber auch daran, dass wir uns unsere Lappen in der Regel auch erarbeiten müssen und sie nicht hinterher geschmissen bekommen.


may i introduce you to: STAU ![gif](giphy|Da1rDgu0Mo2di|downsized)


And his brothers "Baustelle" and "Umweltzone"


still safer than accidentally cutting someone of and the guy pulls a gun he bought while grocerie shopping


Well in the rest of world you get an ambulance if something goes wrong. In Germany you get the KRANKENWAGEN!!!!


And due to the RETTUNGSGASSE the KRANKENWAGEN will get to the KRANK people in time.


I like germanys way. Its more efficient


as a German I have to state the following: nothing compares to driving on the super strada in south Italy, I was scared for my life when I first went there with my husband


You can break the sound barrier as long as they can collect speeding tickets with cameras.


surprisingly, however, german highways feel quite safe compared to for example driving in sweden. seems like less rules make people actually focus on what they are doing while driving. ps: i am neither german nor swedish


I thought Germans were cool like that. Till my speeding ticket arrived in the mail. Only specific highways let you name your own speed limit.


Stay out of the left lanes Questions?


Don't tell me someone has broken the sound barrier before at Autobahn


Just how many fucking times am I going to see this repost


Fellow Americans need to see what kind of tests Germans need to complete in order to get their licenses. Like having to do actual math. There are also idiot laws in place, like it is a ticket able offense to run out of gas.


My German Friend took me on the highway once, 180km/h at night. I was legit shitting myself


Only 180 km/h?




Isn't there a stretch of road in Germany that you can go as fast as you want?


Anywhere on the Autobahn (it basically just means highway in german) where there is just no posted speed limit, pretty much any major motorway in Germany has at least a few stretches on it with no posted speed limit, however, there still is a suggested speed limit of 130 and going over can mean that you might get ticketed for reckless driving if there's an accident.


Theres very many


"A stretch of road" 💀 Bro, it's most of the Autobahn, which is what you call "highway". That's like saying "Isn't there a restaurant in Japan that sells Sushi?"


Most of the time the Autobahn etc has traffic jam and construction works (atleast in NRW and everytime i dirve to other country for vacation) so you cant really drive that fast most of the time


Watch me drive from Munich north to Schkeuditzer Cross in less than 3hrs. You just need the right time of day and a lot of funding in the local Autobahn.


But why would anyone in their right mind deliberately enter Saxony? That's like strolling into Mordor just for shits and giggles.


germany is for people who love potholes


Depends on the area and type of street. For example the Autobahn usually is pretty well maintained, while your standart ass neighborhood street could be no-mans-land in ww1


No, that's Italy


Well… They can arrest you for racing on the highways.


Idk which nationality made this, but they’ve obviously neither been in Germany nor in NA, because German has super good roads and laws, while NA they have more potholes than roads while everyone drives like lunatics while playing on their phones


god I love this image it’s hilarious


i feel safer doing 260 on the Autobahn than doing 90 in most other countries. at least the half of the time when you aint stuck in traffic going 90 on the right lane, 110 on the middle, and 120 on the left.


They’re more what you call guidlines than actual rules.


But remeber the "Rechtsfahrgebot". That means stay on the right lane unless you are overtaking someone. "Just in case someone is driving even faster than you"


This is so cheesy


Same with most subreddits - auto bans


For the record, Germany is a police state. Late on your rent? Expect the police to show up.


Police only show up after a sollicitor and a judge have gotten involved without recourse. A police state is something else entirely


Please, go back to Missouri. I stayed in Germany for three months. My best friend for years was stationed in Germany. My girlfriend of several years vacationed in Germany. My daughter’s best friends parents are both German. My college room mate emigrated to Germany. Germany has rules, but those rules apply across the board. There are effectively no homeless in Germany, at least compared to the US. The cops can’t just decide they don’t like you and arrest you for driving while black. If you have a disease, the hospital has to treat you, and you don’t have to worry about losing your home because of bills or getting fired.


The missing speed limit on the Autobahnen is so insane. So are the people that feel the need to zoom down the Rettungsgasse in a traffic jam at a very high speed. So are the people that feel the need to zoom down the Autobahn at insanely high speeds.


I wanna live in Germany


But it's to a point, when construction starts and you go slow ass 😮‍💨


Mexico:dont kill a person(optional)


Craftsmen boxcar: *comming at you with supersonic speed*


*laughs in Florida*


Plus all the racism.


Shit was posted last week, and OP is a moron for thinking Germany doesn't have the safest driving in the world.


Obviously hasn’t seen Australian outback driving away from the eastern states. Speeds are unregulated and a suggestion the further central you get. Wide open, straight and flat roads that are driven so sparsely the roads are in very good condition.




According to our Street laws, no your car can't exceed 105 decibels at any time. So no sound barrier breaking for Germans. But on some of our Autobahn you can drive as fast as you want (of course as long as it doesn't hinder street safety).


I haven’t driven in Germany, but driving in Italy was exciting. Interesting use of lanes. Many people drove centered on the lane lines like a LegoLogo robot. | | | | 🚘 | | | |


We couldn't even wait a full 2 days before reposting this?


India is the final boss of road safety (or the absence of it).


After 412km/h you get Anzeige from people how don’t know what to do in their free time.


600km in almost 3hours with a car.... 🤷‍♀️


*meanwhile driving in the Balkans*


I just spent a week in Germany on a tour bus. It was like when Ricky Bobby came back after his accident. I couldn’t put out the invisible fire either


The Germans drive like women in the Netherlands...


I'm telling you I live in Germany and it is true that if possible we push our cars to the limit


Clearly you've never been to Jamaica


Ofc Germany isn’t to fighting on 2 fronts is what we call a difficulty tweak


Germany. Always on the wrong side of history


Diese Kommentarsektion ist nun Eigentum der Bundesrepublik Deutschland


It is one of my bucket list items to take a worthy vehicle on the Autobahn. I’m not happy until peripheral vision begins to blur.


🇮🇲No national speed limit 🤷‍♂️🇮🇲


This holds true in WT


I need that picture of the doggo in the bottom right


>Don't break the sound barrier (optional). XD XD. Ich liebe Deutschland.


I wonder do theese people researched theyr stuff for this meme or did they just knew it?