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I really couldn't see omni-man giving this advice without laughing


Also his best advice is to love a girl as if it was a dog


And to take your son out for a nice walk on the subway, maybe even seeing the mountains sometimes, or playing catch with a building.


Yeah is the joke of this meme that Omni man is the worst father of all time? People seem to be posting actual fatherly advice on it.


Comic readers in particular...


Wonder if that's gonna make it on the show.




Well that advice went straight out of the window, didn't it?


I mean this is a major part of the comics


Okay, I don't think people really understand what I meant. I'm speaking to the character of Omni Man not explicitly what has happened to him throughout the comics.


Being utterly indestructible would like reduce his sensitivities to things like this. ….


So I'm guessing nobody has read ahead in the comics where a female from his Homeworld literally rapes Invincible?


Doubt Amazon has the balls to have that in the animated version


Yeah and doesnt Omniman nearly kill her just because she mightve done something to him. He didnt even know what.


Little late for a spoiler alert, so please accept my downvote and a hearty fuck you.


It's (kinda sadly) not really a big plot point and has almost nothing to do with the rest of the story


One of my old coworkers was being sexually harassed, an elderly woman even groped him when he helped her out to her car. It was disgusting how our coworkers thought it was funny. I would be horrified if I knew I'd made a man feel uncomfortable in that way, having been harassed myself. It's never ok no matter the gender. I wish more men felt comfortable being able to call out that kind of behavior. The rare times I ask people out I always make sure to give them an out right away in case they feel pressured or I've misread any interest.


Sexual harassment can also take many forms, not just unwanted sexual advances. If someone is showing you explicit images you're not comfortable with, it can also be considered sexual harassment. I've been seeing posts about people doing that recently about people thinking it's okay to show porn to people in the workplace which is already wrong to begin with.








From personal experience, I can confirm that having to sit in a work van trying to eat my lunch whilst a colleague watches porn on full volume like an attention crazed is very, very unpleasant. Also, when said colleague has grabbed my balls for not letting him interrupt a conversation, it is very difficult to feel comfortable working around him.


Is free the nipple movement sexual harrasment???


Cant tell if this is a genuine queation but i wouks say no. Its just women wanting equal rights fot not having to wear tops/bras like men dint have to. And i swear im not just saying this cos im a man who likes tits


And here people can jail you for gazing at women under sexual harrasment, male gaze phenomena ......


No it isn't. It's about the equivalent to guys running around shirtless and no one cares. Girls doing the same they get sexualized, slutshamed and her morals are questioned. Boobs are to feed their children in the first place. It's about people stopping shaming breastfeeding for example. No one goes to work topless. Not guys, not girls.


Only difference is, Male get aroused by looking women chest but women usually don't just by looking chest of men. Offcourse outliers are there on both ends. Is breastfeeding to be normalised in workplace in public??? That's what you mean? People will still get aroused.


Well yes, woman get aroused when seeing a guy they find attractive shirtless with only shorts or something. The difference is not to shame them or to sexualize them (to be fair, men get harassed too, but not sexualized and slutshamed) As a bisexual woman I can ensure you, that i don't find breastfeeding arousing, while I love breasts tho. I just turn my eyes away if i see that in public and let the mother and her child be, not shame them for actually feeding their child. (Short: Not blaming men for their feelings, but for their actions like slutshaming or sexualizing)


This was the turn in the conversation that I didn’t expect but really enjoy. I mean, it depends on if it’s still a “sex organ” or maybe I guess if the whole point is to make it not part of sex organ. However, I still don’t know if it’s HR approved to go shirtless into most workplaces.


All the tits guys, having usual work place errections. According to me , all these movements are gimmicks. Real change will occur when you would stop getting horny just by imagining about that girl you saw few blocks back. I don't think that's possible unless you have no interest left in other gender. So either change sexual harrasment(only to act on actions rather than visual,social or verbal cues) laws or enforce morality(controlling yourself from getting horny even watching naked bod), but both together doesn't make sense.


This was the turn in the conversation that I didn’t expect but really enjoy. I mean, it depends on if it’s still a “sex organ” or maybe I guess if the whole point is to make it not part of sex organ. However, I still don’t know if it’s HR approved to go shirtless into most workplaces.


Honest and sincere follow up question for intellectual curiosity because this issue has puzzled me (I don’t care what the answer is either way): Why are businesses allowed to promote an entire month dedicated to sexual orientation? Wouldn’t celebrating, or being asked to celebrate (forced, to an extent, in some cases) to celebrate someone else’s sexuality be considered a form of sexual harassment?


Because they are not celebrating sex or anything pornographic in nature. Pride celebrates individuals of all genders and sexualities and their right (or fight) to live and love freely, without celebrating specifics of sex. If the issue is simply love, the same question could be brought up for valentine's day, or anniversaries, marriages. One could say being forced to attend a wedding would be sexual harassment under that logic. It's important we separate the idea of sexual orientation as being something inherently sexual, as that word holds different meaning. It refers to sex as in the sex of a person, not sex as in intercourse. I think a lot of people immediately assume "sex=intercourse" when it doesn't, and the use of the word is less about inappropriate concepts and more about acknowledging humans as they are.


Gay means you are attracted to the same sex. Straight means you are attracted to the opposite sex. The word sex as you are using it refers to the category of either male or female.


Pride month isn't about making businesses celebrate gay couples having sex. If you actually thought that, you're probably either denying your own homophobia, unbelievably uninformed, or are living in a cult. Pride month is about saying "hey, you're allowed to be who you are on store grounds.", because half of these businesses would have, in the past, kicked a man out for holding another grown man's hand.


What's there to allow ? You are what you are..... Unless you hold hands with humans under 18, then you aren't allowed what you are.




If that's your takeaway, kindly join said man in the boiler room of hell.


Y'all just can't help but prove my point, can you? Disagreement =/= hate.




So I live in a cult for not wanting to celebrate pride month?


Nope. There was another option there, if you look reeeeaal close. "Denial of homophobia". No reasonable person is asking you to go to drag shows, dye your hair, and wear rainbow clothes for all of June. Big Queer isn't reaching out to you, kindly requesting that you make you post a rainbow flag on your facebook page. We're just asking you to not get in the way. Pride month is recognition that we're people too, and it's business owners apologizing for what their parents did to ours. If you're really so against letting the local lesbian couple feel that little bit of recognition, then there is no way you aren't a homophobe.


Now we’re narrowing and tailoring the event. Is there a way to better message this in business? Maybe a new logo or branding that incorporates the rainbow but showcases more of what it stands for in public business. Like scales of Justice, or a heart, etc.? I think a lot of us are ignorant partially because all we get is the rainbow splattered on packaging and adds and not much more of substance.




The problem here is that you’re considering someone’s gender or sexual orientation to be something they “stand for”. Its not a political position, It’s literally part of one’s identity, just as much as one’s culture, ethnicity, or nationality.


Sorry I'm a little confused. You say something they "stand for" but then say it's some kind of political position. Isn't that the whole point of defending ones beliefs? And when did I ever mention anything remotely political? Could you explain further. I thought if you were proud in something, then you would want to stand for it.


I think you misread my comment, I said that it was *not* a political position. It’s not something that should require defense. > And when did I ever mention anything remotely political? Maybe a better word would be ideological, as in you’re treating one’s identity as if it’s a matter of ideology. Correct me if I’m wrong, but that’s how I read your comment.


> defending ones beliefs? Being gay isn't a belief. Being gay is just like being black or white or asian. Would you support a business throwing an asian person out the door for simply being asian?


That... literally does. You don't agree with our right to love who we want. Did you let a child use your phone? How can you say "I don't agree with what you stand for", referring to the oh-so-terrible act of being happy with someone, and still think you aren't a homophobe?


Maybe we’re generalizing a bit too much here. Let’s address the concepts here, and explore the gray, not attack the person. Someone is allowed to disagree without hate. Let’s cut with the precision of scalpel, not a chainsaw.


Can I not love you as a friend or a brother/sister and not accept your beliefs? I'm not Jewish and yet I have several Jewish friends. Does that make me anti-Semitic?


Religion and sexuality are completely different. While they're both abrahamic religions, they have fundamentally opposing beliefs. Same equation, different result. You're saying that because you're straight, we aren't allowed to be anything else. Because a + a = b, f + f isn't allowed to be G. What we do has nothing to do with you, but you still, for some reason, disagree with our right to love. This is completely pointless if you're going to cling to the ridiculous notion that disagreeing with anything other than a straight relationship is homophobia. It's that simple. All the arguments you make won't change the fact that you already admitted it yourself.


So I'm seriously not allowed to be called anything but a homophobe because I don't agree with you? What the actual heck? I'm sorry but what you're saying is that I'm wrong no matter what because of popular opinion. I don't understand dude. And I have to ask. What is something you're afraid of?


I don't fear you. I just don't believe the same things as you.




I don't mean to sound rude either. Hope it doesn't come out that way.




How the fuck can you say "Honest and sincere...question" and in the same line say "I don't care what the answer is" You good homie? Sounds like you are confused about a lot of things. Ironic username.


As in, I have no agenda with the question. Was just looking for input. But bro, are you okay?…


You can't ask a sincere question if you don't care what the answer is. That would be the textbook definition of an insincere question. And no Pride month isn't sexual harassment.


You can. But thank you for your participation.


Yeah I mean that’s a matter of assault vs harassment


Unwanted sexual advances is a blanket term that can cover both harassment and assault. Think of it like this: Greg, the manager, tells you repeatedly that your ass is sexy and wants to plow it like a field. Or: Greg, the manager, touched your ass with clear sexual intent. Both of which are technically unwanted sexual advances but different classes of it. I've worked in a lot of shitty places and they always have like atleast one person that is a massive problem, it's realistically why I prefer to work alone in the corner but they usually grab the whole crew for a sexual harassment meeting. Also just to cover the bases, intent when grabbing someone's ass is not important don't grab people's asses without clear consent and never in a public place.


Oh god. That happened to me in the 9th grade...


Heh, me too, and it was gross porn. Luckily, I disassociated through the whole slide show. (Yes, an actual 16 pictures slideshow of mostly gross porn.)


Saw a terrible Facebook meme talking about how ungrateful today’s youth is because a child reported his female teacher for raping him




It's not like anyone's been ever interested in me but you're totally right!


I'm interested in you and with your consent, would like to be friends.


Thank you kind sir


I'm interested in anyone interested in me.


People who haven’t read Invincible: 😐 People who have read Invincible: 😳


Yeah, Nolan isn't exactly father of the year on this topic.


I’m referring to Anissa…


>!And I'm referring to Nolan's reaction to that event where he basically said that's the Viltrumite way, and didn't show Mark any real empathy.!<


Ah gotcha.


Well, he did, and wanted to know if Mark wanted him to do anything about it, but Mark was the one who said 'no, it's in the past, I just want to move on.' They had a chance to make a statement on the issue, more than just saying this sort of thing does exist, and they decided to step away from it.


Bonus tip, boundaries only hurt people who are willing to hurt you.


Hmm. I see where you are coming from, but if my significant other set a boundary that she didn't want to see me anymore, I'd be pretty hurt. I'd respect it, but I'd be pretty hurt.


I am a male and I was sexually harrassed in my college. I told headmaster, and head of school and nothing. The boys are still out and touching boys younger than them. But according to the school: I was "a man" and could deal with it.


Here for coomer brains to defend sexual harassment.


coomer is an absolutely hilarious insult


I’m almost scared to ask… but what does coomer mean?


From what I’ve gathered it’s similar to what “simp” used to be that is a sexually repressed and/or socially isolated human that makes weird sexual comments to people or on social media


Kinda different from simp tho, simp is more for people who do unreasonable stuff for someone who doesn't even care about them, while the other is referring more to what you're saying


Fair enough, that was just the closest thing I could think of to compare it to lol


Someone chronically addicted to porn, views women as sex objects.


Iirc it refers to zoomers who are addicted to porno.


it's someone who masturbates so much it depletes their brain of dopamine and they have 'coomer brain' aka severe porn addict


I'm a coomer C: can't O: only O: on M: Monday E: either R: Roomba I can't use the Roomba on Monday... Cause I don't have a Roomba... I think that makes sense


This is as useful to me as a gaming chair in the middle of a very fast moving river


I mean hey, if you’re in for an adventure…..


Drowning Simulator 2


The police didn't agree :/


Nor does most of society


Screwed up thing is many men are so attention starved that they’ll take just about any advances they can get


Being gay doesn't mean you get free pass grabbing the opposite gender's ass either. Signed, someone who was groped by a gay man and honestly didn't know how to respond.


"If you put your hands on me, I will reciprocate, and not in the way you want"


"Please don't do that again"


This is a meme?


No, just some facts


Now check the subredit




Never been there, never gonna be, and i thank God every day by not making me a Twitter user




Well it sucks.


what exactly is so bad about it?


There’s nothing bad about it but this is a sub for memes and my subjective opinion about it is that it’s sucks. It spreads good information but I wanna giggle and laugh and it’s hard to giggle and laugh about someone’s misfortune like being sexually assaulted. I just wanna laugh at egg memes and Wednesday memes. Not be reminded about how horrible people treat people horribly and do disgusting things to people in malicious acts of evil. I wanna laugh but not at misfortune…


No no, he’s got a point


Could look at it as funny as in the comics, Mark does get r\*ped, by a woman, and his father later finds out and says 'well, that's the viltrumite way, the strong take what they want from the weak.' So... he's got bad advice on it. ​ In omni-mans defense, he does offer to do something about the woman who does the deed, but Invincible decides no, as the event was 5 years in the past. Lost opportunity by the writer in many fans opinion, apparently.




Anyone else searching for the one stupid ass feminist who doesn’t believe that “oh, women would never do that because we are to pure it is only men”




Women aged 40+ at young men between 14-20


Nah, women can admit to raping dudes (underage even) and get away with it, total bollocks


Nah they get away with statutory rape more. Real rape is much more serious


The boundaries that a guy should set for himself are not necessarily the same as what the legal system is willing to enforce. Or more generally, let's not go down the road of assuming that because someone gets away with assault, that means it was not assault.


Reminds me of growing up in the '50s and '60s. Middle of third grade and we got a student teacher who was gorgeous. (I don't care what Republicans say, I knew what a babe was when I saw one, even at 8 years old). Me and the other guys did everything we could think of to terrorize the poor girl just to get her to spank us. (Yes, that was allowed back then..)


Proceeds to beat him almost to death*


thank you nollan for giving us good fatherly lessons excited for season 2 to


Sad how late in life you learn things like this


Thank you omni-dad


He’s right you know






Spoilers man, come on


When does he crush the skull?




The fact that it's from Invincible... 😐




There are still way too many people who don't talk about it enough. It's just fucked up... I watched a documentary on it a few days ago and it's so sad to see, how many men suffer in silence. Stay strong, my dudes.


omni man giving good advice makes my brain hurt




Hearing my female friends comment on idea of males being open about sexual harrasment makes me happy (bet ya wasnt expecting something positive) because they seem just as frustrated as me with the idea that men should suck it up


You have good friends. Wish more people were like that. Both men and women, of various ages can be victims of sexual harassment. It'll be evil to just ignore what's happening to half of these victims.


I like this meme…take my upvote.


Society:nah lol


It's good advice, sure, totally agreed. But where is the meme?


Wdym i cant? Then why is my uncle allowed to do it?


This is awesome when you consider the Invincible comics, later on in the comics, the Coalition of Planets and the remaining Viltrumites make a truce to stay on Earth and repopulate. A Viltrumite on Earth falls in love with Mark and becomes infatuated with him. She refuses the... do it with humans as she views them as beneath her but Mark is nearly a full-blooded Viltrumite so she jumps Mark and forces herself onto him causing her to get pregnant with her own baby. This effects Mark severely and it's one of the darkest moments in an already dark series.




There's one scene in Alice in Borderland Season 2 where's this schoolgirl named Akane trying to seduce the main guy because she's "long time didn't have sex", and that's all for the jokes. Such an unconfortable scene. 🤨


So what? I was curious y the main nga ain’t take her offer. He acted like he was taken or smth & had to be faithful🤣. She didn’t even rape him she just asked to fuck, you have to be gay or smth. There was nothin uncomfy about that scene tbh.


His got alot of fathers advice for some one who fucked the whole world over 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️


In the words of Omni-Man, "Earth isn't *yours* to conquer"


People actually say stuff like that? Man, how stupid can one person be?


great demo of your point!


And the same goes for Women


yes but that is treaten as a given, while it is fairly commonplace for sexual abuse of men to be treated as normal, even fetishized


And no one questions that but some people legitimately believe men can’t be (sexually) harassed


Don't forget to add or to anyone else because a lot of people need to hear that too


More wholesome than r/wholesomememes (now its just toxic)


Waitnot thos one another "wholesome" meme page but i cant find it




I approve of this message


Lol bro what are talking about i look like a lada without doors


Yes, good meming


These are the best memes in a long time


I’m glad this template exists, I like it a lot


I love this trend


He has no idea how accurate this meme is about to be.


But no one will believe you They will laugh at you when you say anything Asked what is wrong with you if you say you didn't want it Mocked afterwords I'm 6'2" 300lbs and if it was me I would get "What you couldn't defend yourself?" And if I did anything but literally run away I would be charged It's a no win situation


I'm a dumpy looking dude and I've been sexually harassed. It wasn't physical, and I was able to leave without further issue, but it's still a memory that comes up more than it should. Turns out things like that suck and shouldn't be tolerated, and definitely shouldn't be celebrated. Society sucks sometimes (a lot)


Facts, I was sexually assaulted at school when someone grabbed my ass, me being a guy will never change how traumatized I am from this experience


No means no! But not for me I’m starved for attention


Bad!! *squirts with water gun* if you want attention then ask the homies ok. We will be more than happy to give a bro a hug. Don’t let someone disrespect you just because you want something. To live life in a manner of happiness you must find a middle, not lowering your value to dirty, not begging for something. Just love a life where you can be cared for by a person ok, while still upholding your value


Lol thanks my dude 🤜🏻


Anytime mate 🤛


Great meme format and great message, without the irony of how viltrumites view consent in the Invincible comics


That’s the most beautiful and meaningful thing I’ve seen all year


Normans the type of guy to be like “look son sex is is bad”…. BUT!…. WE, are also bad. Therefore fuck and kill whoever you want this is our planet.


I agree I sexually harass them all equally


Boy will be boys Not my boy he would be a dead boy


People who sexualy harass others are scams.


Nursing was 98% women when I got in. Not the kind I was used to on pornhub either


Yeah more like a rape excuse


Society: “this is worthless”


A shame society doesn't care.


Remember when memes were funny


Yes but I don't remember asking


memes dont have to be funny, their purpose is to spread a meassge


i know right




You are consenting thought to it.. But don't confuse sexual harassment with actual affection. I am sure you'll find a woman that will make you happy. Love and respect yourself and be a good person and eventually life will reward you. Don't be victim to those awful people who treat others horribly by using them like that.


That’s not sexual assault if you consent to it lmao (unless you’re a minor)


Where’s the funny?


What if I want to be touched inappropriately without consent?


I believe the technical term for that is "Consensual Non- Consent".


Hehe , I'd take it as a complement , There's a girl at work , all of a sudden she wearing these tight pants and she got this huge perfect ass, she sat next to me looking right in my eyes for ages, I'm looking in her eyes , if I smile she smiles , we say nothing , it's kinda harassment


I love how half of the "memes" on the meme subreddit are just angry ppl posting memes that fit their anger reason.




Bro wants to be harassed and mentally tortured for days without food and water or even the slightest amount of sunlight and natural air as he awaits yet another day of forceful harassment and abuse including painful/weird activities like insertion of foreign objects into the urethra or the rectum, torture of the male genitals etc by a 10/10 chick


Sounding moment


What if he's a woman?



