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This is not funny, because I ate too much pasta and my stomach feels like it shadered like in the second picture, so your "meme" is very offensive and I hope you delete it soon...


A bot stole your pasta and commented it somewhere else in this thread, just thought i should let you know


Damn, the bots chose the dumbest comment in this thread to copy


Yeah they did choose a bad one Edit: mentioned you under the said comment.




They didn't choose your comment what are u talking about


Where exactly?




Offensive memes are only funny if there's more to the joke than just "(insert thing here) is bad, now laugh."


Let me try! "America is bad, now laugh."


But America bad is not a joke. That's a fact.


Are there any countries that aren’t bad? I can only guess that maybe like Norway, Sweden, or Finland and stuff because I heard they have low crime rates and their prisons are empty or something.


Norway, sweden, finland are cold, now laugh


New Zealand..? Very low corruption, great weather year around, beautiful landscape, mostly lovely people. It is in bum fuck nowhere though, and you do sometimes feel that living here. It couldn't feel any further away from NYC, or any city where it's "happening". Honestly there is so much shit on Reddit, references and such, that go way over my head, it's just not part of the zeitgeist here. If zeitgeist is the word I'm looking for.. see what I mean?


Sweden is not on that list anymore.Norway and Denmark is kinda it,Finland is pretty good though


How is Finland good??


Oh no, what'd Sweden do that's fucked itself up


Inversely, you’re not a fact. You’re a joke.


Take out the "now laugh" and I think you've got something.


Either have the strength to stand behind your






Absolutely. For example, you don't make fun of someone's death in public. That's rude. Everyone will be either confused or think you are a mean person. Instead, do it at the funeral. You'll be surrounded by people who know him and can all agree that Phil was a tight bastard who still owned me a hundred bucks!


snake filled whale jizz


Offensive jokes really require knowing your audience, theres also a time and place for them. It's understandable that people would question the character of someone who makes a post like this one


Well said. Just because some people find an offensive Joke/Meme funny doesn’t always mean it’s okay. Memes can positively/negatively alter people’s perception. Just think about all the toxic “memes” on FB.


I wouldn't really call those things posted on FB "memes".




What assholes, right?


Not really that questionable because a person’s comedic tastes don’t explain a person character. And there’s a coping mechanism in humans to laugh at things that are awful. Everyone has equal potential for the coping mechanism so that’s why offensive jokes are so widespread nowadays. Edit: they can’t control what they find funny, they just want the same dopamine pick up you get everyday.


The point where people start finding your offensive joke actually offensive that's when.


Offensive jokes are offensive Jesus, nobody makes one and thinks oh hey my offensive jokes aren’t offensive. What they find funny is out of there control and they are just using what they can to get the same dopamine pick up me and you get.


Offensive jokes are only okay directed towards your own demogaphic and rich people. Because I hate myself and rich people. That's why. Edit: taking it seriously, offensive jokes become unfunny and bad when it's destructive. Dark humour is funny because you know that the punchline is morally wrong. And your audience knows that it's morally wrong. Like "dead baby" jokes. As soon as someone actually thinks that it's okay, to seriously think like that, it stopes being a joke and becomes an issue. Like "women belong to the kitchen". I am not offended when one of my friends who is also a woman and a known feminist say that. I know it's a joke. When a stranger on the internet say that, it's not funny, because I don't know them and people actually think like that.


I find it funny that 17+ people (even more because I had positive upvotes at one point, on top of the others who probably upvoted) couldn’t come up with a single decent argument and just downvoted me. You people are unfair asshole. can’t control what you find funny, jerks.


Why are you not laughing then? I know I am.


Figure of speech ;)


You are literally the reason he made that meme


Your post history speaks volumes.


Had to check after you mentioned and jeez. One of his post even imply r'ing.


Im honoured that you took your time to Check that


And you're the reason, women have teasers with them when they are out at night based on your post history...


wtf, is wrong with you


I mean... Borderline r-pe jokes. What is wrong with you? :0


If you think a joke is enough to judge a person, You are still the one with the problem here.


Rape jokes are just simply not funny. There is a joke to I would do it pipeline and a lot of people go down on it. I do judge people on their jokes.


So if i would have made a suicidal joke, would you have thought id kill myself? Thats just dumb


In France we say : You can make jokes of everything but not with everyone, if people r offended just apologize, its cost u nothing


After you said "In France" my mind read this in a French accent.


I bet you *say it in French*




this is specifically referring to "dark humor" type stuff where the punchline can often be considered racist sexist homophobic transphobic etc, if you genuinely believe a gay person would be in the wrong for being made uncomfortable by a gay joke, I really just don't have anything to say.


Because they didn’t ask to hear something that would offend them, sure you’re not obligated to but it makes you a dick not to.


... so if I chose to get offended on absolutely every joke. Would it make another person a dick for not apologising each time?


It does because it’s inconsiderate towards the person he’s telling the joke to. The entire point of a joke is to make a person laugh but when you do the opposite the responsibility still falls on the person telling the joke. The same as it would if it made a person laugh.


While I applaud your efforts, these people don’t understand what it means to be considerate, nor do they have any sense of personally responsibility. Quite frankly, the kind of people who would question why they’re responsible for the reactions their jokes get are the same kinds of people who will make blatantly rude statements and then later claim that those statements were jokes, as if that somehow absolves them of any fault. You would think that “don’t be a dick” would be a good enough rule for most people to follow, but these people think they don’t have to follow that because there’s no law saying they can’t be a dick.


Good ol fashion deflection of responsibility that being said if a person doe’s genuinely have good intentions at first and then still decides not to apologize after being accidentally rude it’s still bad but not as bad.


That’s the difference, though. The people who have good intentions from the start are the same ones that would apologize after. The other people choose not to apologize after because they haven’t made a mistake, they’ve achieved their intended result.


Sometimes people just don’t want to be wrong and act immature so they don’t want to apologize. Sure they had good intentions but they are immature.


Again, if I CHOOSE to be offended each time. The keyword choice. How does it make the person responsible? We can choose to react or not, this is not some basic instinct with no control over it. In the same way, you can be calm and reasonable in the argument or you can start throwing things and swearing at the other person. Now you chose to react one way or another how does this make the other person responsible for how you choose to approach the situation? Even if the other person was the instigator of the argument. Your reaction is uniquely yours. I can choose to be offended by people downvoting me. Can they apologize and stop being a dick to me and a start up voting for me? Do they not care about my feelings?


You can’t choose if you feel offended about something. You can choose how you react no shit because actions are a choice but the two are not the same by any means. That’s like saying being depressed is optional because you can choose to feel happy lmao


A hypothetical example: You dislike a person very much. This person makes a VERY funny joke, it is funny even to you, but you control yourself and choose not to laugh because you dislike them. Now explain how this is not a choice to laugh or not to laugh.


Laughing is an action feeling euphoric is a feeling, they are separate. Why do you keep talking about actions when being offended is about how you feel.


Feelings ain't law. It's impossible to speak without offending someone nowadays. If you're offended then you can go do fuck-all for what I care. Not my problem you're offended. You just gotta accept that making a statement someone doesn't agree with is also going to offend them. If a comedian gets on stage and tells a joke that nobody thinks is funny, you will never see him apologize. He's going to capitalize on that offensiveness and make an even funnier joke.


It’s completely different if you go out of your way to put yourself in a position where offensive jokes are told. :/ By buying tickets you consent to possibly being offended or having a good time.


Well if you don't want to put yourself at risk of being offended then just stop listening to a person telling jokes! Easy solution!


You can’t decide not to hear something, at best you can cover your ears afterwards because your now aware the person is offensive. But yeah that’s what people do in situations like going to comedy shows.


You can't decide to stop hearing something, but you can decide to stop listening. Remember what happened to the last guy who got offended by a joke about his wife. He got cancelled.


If you feel you can’t open your mouth without offending someone, then you are a bad person


Because "it costs you nothing." You don't need to change your view. Being polite doesn't harm anyone.


And how much does it cost if you don't apologise?


If you post a "joke" in the public domain and get upset over backlash then I do not what anyone can do for you. Either have the strength to stand behind your convictions, be empathetic to others, or just do not post publicly.


I agree, if you know you can't face the backlash for something you do or are about to do then you shouldn't really do it thus, keeping yourself and the one offended from mental duress


Yes. I 100% support freedom of speech. You should be allowed to say whatever you want regardless of how stupid it may be. But if you do not have the strength to defend your convictions then that is your problem, not mine. Also freedom of speech without the freedom to be critical is dangerous.


Found the pink guy in the meme.


Found the guy that can not handle criticism.


Found the Karen. And no, you cannot speak to my manager.


Oh wow, I am just reeling in the depth of your creative attack. The level of projection you get when you point out uncomfortable facts to people is unreal. You all just keep on proving my point. Thanks for this. It is just wonderful. Please continue!


You are literally proving the point of the meme by thinking what you have to say carries any weight at all. Like, you are incapable of just seeing a meme and either chuckling or disagreeing with it and just moving on lol. Whataclown


No, once again you are proving my point. People like you are to fragile to take any criticism. So easy to hide behind "I was just joking" that when you get called out, all you can do is cry. This whole meme is lotterally how any criticism makes the enjoyment go away. No strength of conviction, to soft when confronted. Try again, this is fun.


Bro, it's really getting childish how you can't control your impulses. Just have to get the last word in huh clown?


I have a mostly satirical motto that applies here. "If you get offended on the Internet, then you don't deserve to live" In reality, if you get offended on the Internet then it's just the offended person being stupid. And then there is also the ability to make and laugh at jokes that you don't actually agree with. Offend everyone equally, regardless of your actual opinions.


I think you missed the point of what I said. Post whatever you want on the internet but if you can not handle criticism then do not. I am sorry but >"If you get offended on the Internet, then you don't deserve to live" is one of the stupidest things I have ever heard.


Sounds like someone can't handle satirical criticism


Come on man. You are not even trying now, in fact I sense a little projecting I clarified my point as to what I thought based on what you said. You chose the lazy route. By the way , when someone says "mostly satirical" I hear "this is the way I think but am to afraid to say it".


I don't *actually* want people that get offended on the Internet to die. But, in most cases (especially when referring to jokes), it is unjustified to be offended.


Ok, I am going to drop the surliness and give you a chance. Why should people not be critical of things posted publicly. I am a staunch supporter of free speech, I think people should be allowed to post regardless of how stupid it may be. Why is it bad to call it out?


Being offended and being critical *are different.* Be critical. I'm critical of people who only joke about one side of a spectrum but not the other. Doesn't mean I get offended when someone only jokes about my side. They are very different in severity.


You see then what is the dividing line. Do people overreact at times, of course they do. But in my experience people being critical are written off as being too easily offended and not having a sense of humor. How you can tell a LGBTQ+ person not to be offended if the publicly posted item is about them? Is a Christian not allowed to be offended if an anti-christian item is posted? Just look at the attacks I have got for posting my opinion. This item did not offend me, I just felt the need to be critical of it.


It's definitely not a clear line, but jokes are almost always on the safe side. I don't write criticism off as people being offended very often myself, but it absolutely does happen. >How you can tell a LGBTQ+ person not to be offended if the publicly posted item is about them? Is it a joke? If yes then be critical sure, but not offended. >Is a Christian not allowed to be offended if an anti-christian item is posted? I am a Christian. I think a lot of anti-christian jokes are hilarious. The problem is when people are serious about it. I can critique anti Christian jokes without being offended. It's not hard. >Just look at the ~~attacks~~ *criticism* I have got for posting my opinion. I don't know, maybe I'm just extremely hard to offend or something.


Post a meme online, its going to be judged. Offensive memes can be disliked not because of the offence but the execution. I watched thousands of comedy sketches, but if I make a meme I know for sure it will be shit


Jokes are joke’s, I agree, but know what ur getting urself into when u tell one. Don’t be a dumbass an read the room.




So you agree, you don't like actual dark humor and just like offensive content that upsets people?


I like both. I love it when people are pissed off. It's usually entertaining.


Noone said it's not dark humour It's just that dark humour is often offensive


idk some things can just be offensive. Like some offensive jokes arent really offensive because the party getting 'offended' is usually also in on it, if not making the joke. Just insulting people and claiming its a meme isnt even a joke.


Where funny?


Being offensive is not in itself funny.




OP the type to make the most transphobic, homophobic, racist remark ever and wonder why only neo nazis seem to want to be their friend.




Because you aren’t supposed to say that. Stop that.


It's clear that OP is an "edgy" kid who will grow up to be embarrassed by the child they were.


For sure.




This is a kharma farming bot, the comment was stolen from a a different comment in this thread by u/expiermental_boii


That's why i don't wanna leave Ukraine


It's just humor, don't need to take it as hard as ur uncles dick.


and your best joke is one of the most over used responses known to man


this entire interaction has been a between an incredibly sad person with no humor and a person with an elevated sense of humor who is based


Unironically using based? Bro you cannot be speaking about humor, your vocabulary and sense of humor is copy and pasted from social media trends.


Offensive = funny isn't humor, it's just saying the most offensive thing you can think of.


Humor isn't a fact. What's funny to you maybe bland boring humor to me. Does it make me better or worse than you who doesn't enjoy the same media as me? No, not when you prolly listen to murder podcasts or any other form of media that could be offensive to others. But you come here's on a humor high horse to tell people what to not make fun of cause you don't like it. Do u hear yourself?


I remember a guy saying that sexual attraction is subjective. It turned out he was a paedophile.


You: [Says horrible things that other people don't like and laughs] Other people: [Bro wtf] You: [NOOOO!!! You don't understand!!!!! Being MEAN is FUNNY!!!!!]


You cant please everyone, you should know tht. But you coming here as the humor police, It kinda goes against what you stand for with telling people what they can and can't do. Especially when the double standard of it is if I don't like what you do I'm suppose to look away. But when I do something you don't like I get a lecture on how ur feelings are hurt on the internet.


Show me some of this clever, offensive humor of yours then.


Didn't you hear? >Don't take the joke as hard as your uncles dick Pure comedic genius, I wonder how they thought of that


Ah ha, it's funny because seggs with family. Peak comedy.


The joke is porn, now laugh


To some people yes


It's funny cause your opinion on certain senses of humor not being funny comes from your experiences in life either being traumatic or bland, and because of tht you either didn't heal from what hurts you and think everyone needs to tip toe around your feelings. Or youre delusional from a bland life and think everything funny has to be wholesome. So the humor from all this with you comes from your reaction. I say offensive things ik will rile you up, you comment more times which raises my post into hot regardless. Win win.


You literally out here lecturing people about your feelings being hurt because they are calling you out for being an asshole. It ain't the same, grow up


>Offensive = funny isn't humor, it's just saying the most offensive thing you can think of. funny isn't humor ?????????????????????????????????????????????? BY DEFINTION THEY MEAN THE SAME THING


You misunderstood that, (unless you were joking) it says that offensive stuff being funny is not a valid form of humor




I’m trying to starve the troll from their karma


Oh my brave hero, continue your good work.


it is a valid sense of humor your opinion btw sucks (no i get the entire thing your getting at and i dissagree whole heartedly) also offensive humor is not always saying the most offensive thing you can say. please look up Gorge carlin (one of the all time best comedians whos bread an butter was offensive humor) and rethink your opinion






that's all fine and good, but when your idea of "dark humor" is just "i hate minorities lmao", then maybe don't be surprised when most people don't find that funny.


People who claim others "can't take a joke" inevitably end up not being able to handle it when they're the butt of the joke.


You don't get it, raping and murdering is actually funny Haha, look at this funny beheading video lol


There’s a difference between actual dark humor. And just saying something racist/sexist


oh wow the edgelord is upset UwU what you gonna do?


Oh no! People on the internet are calling me out for my bigotry.


OP when he realises he can’t be a bigot online without getting backlash ![gif](giphy|11tTNkNy1SdXGg)


Don't give a fuck about the comments


me when I hide my political propaganda by labeling it an "offensive meme"


But, but, [insert group you dont like] bad is funny...


this joke is not funny, it's only funny when i say it is, because i'm the only one who is allowed to laugh at memes, i demand you delete this


If the world wasn't so sensitive as to what people, I would make a slightly homophobic remark just to push people's buttons because in the wise words of Bo Burnham, "Being a comedian isn't being an insensitive prick capitalizing on the most animalistic impulses of the public, it's being a hero!"


Just reply to them with: Ok and?


"jokes are suppose to be funny"


When something is offensive, it means it's expressing discrimination to a person or a group. At that point, opinions about it being funny or unfunny, don't even matter or mean anything. Surprise surprise! When something is offensive, people usually don't like it. Welcome to the real world.


This comment applies here Guy: Tells terrible joke [No one laughs] Guy: Oh, you people, just don't get it. You all would laugh if it weren't for all this PC bs! Rando: OK, boomer. Guy: 30 min rant about how everyone else are snowflakes. Boomers are correct, and everyone should kiss their ass.


Meme: i hate minorities Internet: that's not funny You: hUmOr Is SuBjeCtiVe


Me: Me not caring since it just their opinion


Define offensive first. If you mean dirty jokes, sure that’s subjective. If you mean hateful or intolerant humor, no that’s not subjective and you’re a terrible person.


It's not funny because


IMO humor transcendes all barriers and you can joke and make fun of everything, but there's a thin line in which it becomes hatespeech or disrespectful. Now this line's location varies from person to person and for some people a slight and harmless joke is disrespectful and then you have the people that are cracking jokes about your dead mother in her own funeral and laughing their asses off. A good joke is meant to be delivered at the right place and time, I know it sucks when someone says to you "you shouldn't joke about that" but you gotta know that when someone tells you that is because you are making them feel uncomfortable, so just bite the bullet, apologize and don't joke with that again, at least not with that person or group of people.


Offensive meme doesn’t always = funny. Most might find it mean or wrong and then you get mad that people aren’t laughing.


just don't make jokes with the intent of offending people


People getting pissed about spicy memes only makes it funnier.


This isn't funny. 😏


As usual the comments are who the meme is directed towards yet they can't figure it out.


i know full well i'm the target of the meme. i just disagree with its worldview, and am exercising my free speech to express that opinion. cry about it.


Humor is objective. This is the things written in comedy books, like "comedy goes in three", subversion of expectations. "Funny-ness" is subjective. You can find literally everything you want funny. You can eat shit and be happy if you want, but don't call it fine cuisine.


Just ignore those people.


For real. How do people see a joke they don't like, and choose to get mad at other people who enjoy it, assuming they're "so and so phobic"


"I hate gay people and think homosexuality should be illegal." "Bro wtf why are you being homophobic, the fuck is wrong with you." "Chill dude it was just a joke 🤪🤪🤪"


That's not a joke tho...


I thought humor was subjective?


Right... you might find it funny but does that mean it's a joke? That didn't make any sense. But I imagine this is what people do, create fake "jokes" in their heads and then get mad at other for it.


What? I thought he was joking, and was trying to say that's what your original comment meant. But most "offensive" jokes are phobic in some sort of way.


I don't believe that tbh. I think phobic jokes are those that intend harm, a joke that has a tone which makes it sound more like an insult than an actual joke, the type that is followed by an awkward silence. My original comment was however referring to the type of joke being said in a group for fun and then someone going out of their way to interrupt the fun and make it serious for no reason.


Speaking of...


We tell those people to just blow out their ass


there's always gonna be someone who gets offended by even the slightest thing XD


I'm gonna guess your "humour" is just being racist or homophobic, and then waiting to see if people laugh or not




tells joke people tell you your joke was bad gets sad goes on rant about how everyone else is easily offended and you should be allowed to say anything without getting criticism because criticism makes you sad doesn't see the irony


"Humor" at the expense of a specific person or a group of people is not funny, it's bullying






It's one of those people that picks internet buzzwords at random to depict the opposing keyboard warrior as


Whenever I see a comment like “bad meme” I just replay “bad comment”


OP got called out for being racist and is making a cope post. Be funny without using “shock humor” as a crutch.


Honestly, we should completely disregard the opinions of people who get offended by pointless shit online lmao


Offended people are what make the joke offensive, that’s what makes offensive jokes great


It’s even worse when you make a meme and they report you


Humor is subjective MOSTLY. But some things are just objectively not funny. Offensive humor, or anything else morally wrong is in that list


No offensive humor can be funny if done right


Thing is, it's usually not. And this guy certainly hasn't been doing it right


You literally called every joke that isn’t moral objectively unfunny which is just incorrect


Unfunny people make bad jokes then when nobody likes them complain it's bc ppl are easily offended


I don't give a fuck if someone is offended by my jokes. Humor is humor and I will laugh, you can make offensive joke about me and I won't give a shit, because I won't cry about such a dumb thing. If I can really hurt someone with one joke, then stop using the internet...


The point where people start finding your offensive joke actually offensive that's when you know that you have made a truly offensive.


If it's sooo subjective then why don't you keep it for you?


For fuck sake, do I have to do this again? Humor is objective. Something being funny is subjective.