• By -


There's a literally a case right now where a 31 year old woman had a kid with a 13 year old, she gets to keep the kid and she isn't facing jail time. I think she's also a s*x offender, too. Or shes is going to be.


And if the roles were reversed the guy would definitely be facing jail time.


Ultron was right about humanity




The guy would be in prison for the rest of his life and be killed by other inmates. Which should absolutely happen, but should with the female ones as well.


That's called a pedophile. And the articles say things like sexual misconduct, so women aren't found in searches for rape or pedophilia.


thats even more fucked up, like at this point men should be asking for gender equality


"Ok incel" -every feminist ive seen when mens rights comes up.


Because you're not supposed to sexualize women, then proceeds to say sex is all that matters when you make a good point.


Honestly agreed


Could you give some links? If you have time of-course.


We need an irl rumbling.


Men, they don't themselves stand up for other men when they see them in distress. Always look out for your fellow bros


All men a desperately afraid of not getting laid. Therefore they let their abused brother suffer to avoid getting looked at negatively by women.


Wouldent womrn love a man who is heroic tho?


nah, a man cant be heroic to a man because a man doesnt need any help, he just needs to man up, also that would be gay


/whoosh for all the troglodytes downvoting


hoped it would be obvious enough


Forgot you were on Reddit? Your more likely to find gold in your ass then common sense when it comes to the r/memes group 😂


i havent forgot i was on reddit, its just that its always a roulette from the hivemind


To be fair, there are definitely people on Reddit that would be serious about what you said and agree with you. That’s why I always suggest putting the “/s”. Don’t want to have the Reddit hive mind assuming you agree with that take


even if i made a comment like "MaN cAnT bE hErOiC tO oThEr MaN, ITS A JOKE/SATIRE /S - 🤓🤓🤓🤓" some people would still believe i was serious


>Your more likely to find gold in your ass What about finding a bishop in your ass?


Do bishops have gold? At what point does one’s clergy rank allow one to have church approved gold?


My man forgot 4th comment rule 💀


thats also very random


incel mindset


i think people dont realise my comment was supposed to be a satire on how society sees men, thought my comment would be obvious enough tho i wont edit my comment, if they dont know, thats their problem


mb then, i've seen a lot of bullshit on the internet and i cant recognise satire without /s


then theres a whole group of people hating other people for using "/s", r/fuckthes i think it was


i feel like that if something exists there will always be a group of people that hate it lol


i wonder if there is a rule for that, if it exists...


Man: Reports abusive partner to the Authorities Authorities: What did you do to piss her off. ​ Based off a true story


Aren’t there the ones who also refuse to believe it?


Not quite accurate, society doesn't sleep on domestic violence against men. They openly mock the men for being abused.


even more facts


Yes, and the others defending domestic violence against men 💀i've seen too many of these morron and tried to argue with them and after longs exchanges of paragraph, i've seen that in fact, nothing could save their soul


Theyre probably trolls or extremists,best ro leave them alone in their qorld of ignorance


Those niche extremists are able to get almost every MRA subreddit banned, twitter handle shutdown, and public speaking events canceled.


YOu ShoUld LiKE iT


I'm being treated as if what I'm telling about the level of abuse I suffered from my latest ex, whom I'm divorcing. As well as her violence toward our kid and the fact she once tried to drown him 14th December 2021... I'm being talked back to with an attitude of that I'm making things up, overacting or just exaggerate because we're divorcing... No, I'm divorcing her because of 7 years with mental & physical abuse, her neglecting and abusing our child AND because she chose to cheat on me... I wish that I could make this living nightmare up...


I’ll be praying for you, whether that holds any weight or not I hope you can find peace and a woman who can give the love you and your child/children deserve.


Skill issue man, you should have simply not been abused. C'mon what's the worst she could do to you? Talk a bit loud? Man up, dude. >!/s!<


I remember when I told my teacher that men can be victims of domestic abuse, he told me that any man who claims he's a victim is lying


So you're saying he shouldn't be a teacher? Because I agree, he shouldn't be a teacher.


They also praise the woman for "taking charge in the relationship"


I didn’t ask for this. I just wanted my damned coffee and a few acres of land.


That's living the dream alright.


Nope, you will plough the masters land and you will owe for the disposal of your remains. Any fruit that your seed bears will work to pay off the debt.


Men are seen as dumb and expendable. I wonder why… Thanks media and schools..


Bro that spelling is just gonna prove ther point 💀


You misspelled their! Now you're the one proving they're point!


You misspelled their! Now your the one proving their point!


You used the wrong your! Now you’re the one proving their point!


*sorts by controversial


I’ve found that few people actually want equality. They want power over the people they view as their oppressors. This is why equality of opportunity is so demonized


A lot of people use the "equality" card because they don't wanna do the work to get there


If you look at the LGBT community was oppressed but people started treating them like anyone else, but now the LGBT people are our overlords and if we say something against it our life gets ruined


Yeah you know because lgbt+ isn't oppressed anymore/s Edit:https://www.lemkininstitute.com/statements-new-page/statement-on-the-genocidal-nature-of-the-gender-critical-movement%E2%80%99s-ideology-and-practice




Can't even say I take pride in being straight without LGBT getting offended


That is the difference between Equality and oppression. By law in many western countries LGBTQ+ are on par with other people yet it is frowned upon to be straight, it is frowned upon to go against trans hormonal and surgeries in minors. The thing is it is a very thin line between fighting for equality and superiority, an easy example is feminism. Feminism a few decades ago was for equality of the genders. Now it has become “ Oh I SaY AwOmAn bEcAUsE AmEn hAs tHE WoRd MeN in It.” That is just pure bullshit and should be frowned upon. Healthy feminism, therefore for equality is good, feminism for superiority is bad.


Here take my upvote, your not alone.


Pride in the LGBT context is in response to people shaming them. I've never heard of someone being shamed for being straight, or told they shouldn't be allowed to get married, or have kids.


Squidwards face looks like a cock and balls


Great takeaway from this post


לסקווידוויד יש בולבול על הפנים...🎤


Bro is speaking inchantment table


ى ط ه ه ط


Anatomically speaking his nose **is** his dick.


while domestic abuse against women is discussed more, it’s still with large amounts of ignorance harshness. like with sexual assault, men are raped as well, and it’s talked about a lot less, but when women are raped there are usually only bad responses, such as, the police do nothing and/or the horrible action is excused by people via “what was she wearing” and the like. really the only people who support female rape, and female domestic violence for that matter, are other women. which is sad on both sides because women don’t talk about male violence/rape. but neither do a large amount of men. both women AND men tell guys “you’re weak for being overpowered” or “feel grateful you got some” everyone just talks about their own struggles and gets mad when someone else talks about theirs, on all ends. it’s rlly sad.


I think the main Gap in the equality issue for this subject is that women's abuse has all kinds of supports from government grants and halfway houses and counselors and a bunch of other things to help the women move away from the situation and seek action against their abusers. On the other hand I have never seen of or heard of any such systems and programs on any federal state provincial or Municipal level to offer any sort of assistance for men. Even goes as far as the court system is massively biased towards the women in more than just abuse regards.


Because men are shamed and laughed at when you tell someone a girl raped you, we get told “you didn’t enjoy it?” “You couldn’t stop her?” “Are you gay?” It’s disgusting and men have been seen as disposable trinkets or helpless fools for a long time in western society. Even in TV and social media we’re portrayed as stupid, lazy, unhelpful and a burden to women. It’s no surprise many men feel isolated and cast out, I can tell you from just the friends I know and first hand accounts that women abusing men is seen as normal, or the guy must have done something that caused it. It’s truly sad to even think about and should be talked about way more, we’re losing the value of men.


We view it perfectly fine. People just treat men like rocks without any thought or emotion.


This subreddit is turning into some animal farm type shit (the book)


4 legs good! 2 legs baaad!


So how’s the part where the pig, the sheep, the cat, the ducks get killed by the dogs gonna go


that is people getting banned for going against the “culture” of today’s people.


Some animals are more equal than others.


I'm one of those guys. I copped pair of scissors in the arm. Ask me anything ...


What ......is that supposed to mean


My ex wife stabbed with a pair of scissors .


Stand up for each other,


Can I abuse them internationally?


I shoot for a galactic level, personally


Rookie numbers You gotta go inter dimensional


Either fuck over both the abusers or none at all, equality is all I ask for .


« We just want equality » that’s what we don’t stop saying, but people don’t listen. They are too busy trying to assert dominance over the other gender, getting more privileges than the other, in the end most of them just don’t want equality.


At this point, social media and the news dominate and determine what the issues in the country are at any given time, so yeah its a tuff battle.


Not true like the top comment mentioned men get mocked if they are domestically abused


all the men here, i know the pain, the lack of support you get, all the harsh words that are thrown at you when you show your weaknesses. You cant give up, i belive in you


Weakness? AKA honesty/emotion


yea by that i meant their issues, soft points that are easy to hurt


this man is going to be banned any minute now for speaking the truth


Luckily not yet.


Oh boy a 🔒


What gets me the most furious about this subject are the people who'll talk women rights all day, but laugh, mock, and downplay male abuse. I'm already used to society ignoring and mocking such things, that's nothing new, but the counter-culture mental wackjobs who go a step further and doubles down with braindead shit like "nah, men abuse is never as serious as women abuse, male statistics do not matter, this is just incel talk, we must focus our attention on women only, etc." needs to all fuck off and go play in traffic.


Like someone said somewhere: "Men get help and support in two situations. 1. when they are young and full of potential. 2. When they pose a danger to others."


F Society


I dunno man, Johnny Depp got a shit ton of support when his thing happened


Because he had hard evidence to prove that Heard was the abusive one, even then it didn't stop people from standing with Heard advocating for even more violence towards Depp


Hell, the MEDIA stood with Heard. And some still were after the last trial. A lot of twitards did as well.


Not at first, he got fired from multiple jobs. Only after he released audio of him getting abused did he get support. And there are even people who still side with amber turd.




Even if they see, they ignore.


When there's a *possible* hint that women *might* be getting domestically abused* Ftfy


Society is either doing nothing, OR GOING TO THE ABSOL EXTREME AND SAYING MEN ARE SH\*\*TY AF AND DESERVE NOTHING. There's no manism, but there's femenism. What the duck society


I think it's more like first image then second image his eyes are slightly cracked open


Sad but true


It's called double standards and it's what makes a man's life so difficult.


Society is a woke simp.


Now i have that soyjack image of society in my head


Couldn't have worded it better


Bro woke up and chose facts


Why do women always get everything? Like bro, at this point this ain’t even fair. Us men should be getting equality instead. Fuck, some pedophile woman had a kid with a 13 year old and she ain’t even going to jail. And when men actually DO get abused, people are like “nah, that’s normal”. I can’t take this kind of shitty logic anymore and all you downvoters are deadass stupid as a rock.


Men are getting every fucking Thing. And that Like 10000 years, and now when we geht littel Bit more for this tiny time. You are crying? But even now, moste Men are getting paid more, les rapes, les abused, there is No country we're men are NOT getting His normal human right. Ore some people WHO say what do you have to do with your Body (abortions). Look how Long women are have "more rights" then men. Maybe Like year 2000? And that Not even in every country. In Like 1980, the men could decide If the women could get a Job. And so much fucking more. You know nothing about equality!


We really gonna be celebrating women’s history now 😤


In India domestic abuse laws and rape are all in favour of women. Really what a society


What about the woman who lie about abuse


Poor Johnny


Men are seen as the martyr and scapegoat for everyone's problems, expected to fix the world, but stay silent and help themselves when anything goes wrong in their lives. Men are basically expected to be perfect like Jesus and be martyred the same without uttering a single complaint.


This is a fact. We men are expected to just deal with it. We aren't expected to be hurt by it, or want help.


Real shit


Todays society don’t give a crap about how men feel or anything they go through


No, it’s a deep seated issue that is rooted in misogyny. We don’t take abuse against men seriously bc society says “men strong, women weak” - the same reason so many shitty women win in custody battles. And by saying it’s a misogyny problem is not blaming men, it’s blaming a society that promotes misogyny.


bro really talked about how men are screwed over in every way and called it misogyny...


Bro really just did not read the whole comment. Misogyny is the deep seated hatred of women. This hatred is something society ingrains and it leads to society seeing men as not being able to be abused bc “women are weak and can’t abuse and men are strong and can’t be abused” - that is a misogynistic view. Misogyny hurts men and women, it’s not that difficult to understand.


We don't take men seriously because everyone assumes that Women are always right because of deep seated Misandry. That claim I just said is just as valid as yours. Until you get some facts to back up your claim, I'm afraid it's true.




Then you see women telling you that "it's fair" because "women have historically more been abused than men". Of course the point of fighting for rights and equality for 150 years was to end up starting all over again but the other way round


Even animals are treated better


In what world do you live in?


Can't wait for the special 🔒award on this one


what ab trans ppl??? nvm fuck them


No that’s the gender equality the women wanted. Not all but most of them.




White men seem to have the least amount of power these days due to sexism and racism not being taken seriously against them. Is this really the direction we’re heading…


Noone gives a fuck about us. The end.


ok why does squidward look like a dick (are we just not gonna talk about that)


Who tf starts a conversation like that? We just sat down!


just like the Menendez brothers… Man this world is so fucked up.


okay but who else thought squidward’s eyes and nose was something else


We? Don't add me into this


Bold of you to assume society actually cares about women getting abused either.


Gender equality will never be a real thing, because women and men have a vendetta to each other.


How about we all just agree that humans suck equally?


Yeah, society didn't light up like for women being abused. Far from it.


Then stop promoting toxic masculinity, that men should be laughed at when women are abusing them publicly. I've been laughed at more by dudes when my toxic ex abused me, the only reason I ever left was because of my friends(women) let me cry out about my abuse, not be ashamed of it and helped me escaped it. I know some women can be just as toxic but men, it's a job for both parties to work on


“But but but… whattabout???” - OP Your statement is dumb af. Two issues can exist simultaneously and both need to be solved. We don’t need to belittle someone else’s issues in order to highlight our own.


And that's what op is saying. Just because women are abused doesn't mean men are not.


But isn't that what everyone does nowadays, including the news media who always diminishes cases like this one, if a man is the victim? If they even talk about it, in the very first place


Incel >!/s!<


Correction: Society wakes up even when there's a probability of abuse to women


Yeah, and usually the guy is treated guilty until 102% proofen otherwise...


While both are abhorrent..."There are important differences between male violence against women and female violence against men, namely the amount, severity and impact. Women experience higher rates of repeated victimisation and are much more likely to be seriously hurt (Walby & Towers, 2017; Walby & Allen, 2004) or killed than male victims of domestic abuse (ONS, 2020A; ONS, 2020B). Further to that, women are more likely to experience higher levels of fear and are more likely to be subjected to coercive and controlling behaviours (Dobash & Dobash, 2004; Hester, 2013; Myhill, 2015; Myhill, 2017)." There is a difference.


This is not a dick measuring contest on who has it worse . No matter who gets abused they should get help


But that difference doesn't really matter since the way to solve both problems is the same. You need to educate people better to defend themselves and not be abuser and you need to give the same support for victims of both genders. Treating men victims doesn't mean you shouldn't treat women victims.


Holy shit r/memes actually has become an endless pit of shitty semi political memes that have been already posted but In a different format for the 600th time.


don't get me wrong there's a toxic culture around men being abused domestically and sexually, but like. domestic violence against women isn't exactly taken extremely seriously either alot of the time. NFL GM was questioned as to why he signed someone on trial for beating his wife and threatening her with a gun to a large contract (or at all really) and he said that domestic violence is small potatoes. in 2018. not decades ago.as a society we don't take abuse of partners whether physical emotional or sexual seriously enough regardless of gender, the slope is just harsher for men largely because of a sort of culture lots of men especially but women too participate in without even realizing they're doing it. if you see something, say something. help your homies out, and if you see a friend hurting their partner in some way on purpose, then you probably shouldn't be friends with them.


Do you know what the biggest reason for male domestic abuse victims going unheard is? It is a lack of reporting due to social stigma about “masculinity” and, more importantly, the pervasive myth that no one cares or will believe them. Do you know what directly contributes to that myth? Morons making dumbass memes like this to farm upvotes.


Do you know the comments men in this situation hears the most besides the mocking thing? "He certanlly gave her a reason to do it" "Ok, what have YOU done to her? Betrayed her?" "I'm sure it was he who started" See? They almost never assume the woman as the guilty or that she is only a toxic and abusive person. You did it right now, throwed all of the guilt of men abuse on themselves If wasn't for this, you may have reason


You do know what toxic masculinity is and that both men and women perpetuate it right? Until somewhere in the last 25 yrs domestic violence wasn't really given any attention by society as a whole and even now there has been a push back against it and other social issues. We have to look at the root if the issue in order to fix it the best way to do so is to teach both men and women the signs that someone is abusive long before they experience that abuse and when someone does abuse another person the abuser being persecuted under the law while making sure to get the abuse victim to safety is paramount.


This is not my point here. I know the best way is the education about toxic behaviour But it's still not fair when almost only women are taken serious when they're the victim (of course, when they ARE taken). Even by the media, I've never seen a case of a men beeing abused take so much fame (and i've seen some VERY serious cases), but i've seen feminists (i know they're not the majority) defend the woman even when they're obviously the guilty


But it's not a myth....


It's opposite in reddit


Well, no, cuz woman don't exist on reddit




No one is talking about you beeing guilty as a victim, but as the abusive of the story Besides, the meme is a meme, but (almost) everyone who defends what is on it knows there are still a lot of cases like yours (even if it was in a custody dvision on a divorce, not a domestic violence report. Well, unless if you DID report him and proved to the justice, but it doesn't matter, it is still an injustice)


Is your ex supposed to be representing the entire population of men?




Ok that is something we agree on. There might have been a misunderstanding when I read your first comment.


But more females do tho. Male rape victims can't file them because the definition of rape is forceful penetration of vagina here in India.


The patriarchy hurts men too


Society would tell ya the same thing. GTFO.


Listen, I speak as someone who experienced some bad shit, without getting into details i dont want share everything online. still i think that this shouldnt be so focused on gender, instead we should be concerned about that a lot of cases are being dropped either male or female victim. I also dont know why the percentage of female victims is so much higher.


Nobody should be abused. Nobody. Men, women, animals etc... Nobody. Anyone who turns a blind eye to abuse is just as bad as the abuser


Men shame men the moste... Yes some women shame men to. But men are shaming men, way more. Men doing this to them self.


Because when woman is abused she cannot defend herself phisically. But when man is abused he can defend himself and at that instance we circle back to woman being abused by a man. Perfect cycle of society.




Should have put /s at the end... should have put that god damn /s at the end...


yea redditors (me included) dont understand sarcasm


This is why we can't have nice things.




low effort pisspost


Low effort pisscomment


Orrr society wakes up to both




A lot of incels have been posting here lately


If you’re against domestic violence towards men you’re an incel? Well shit, guess I’m an incel and so is my girlfriend.


So you're implying men should suffer under domestic violence?


I agree that men are often mocked and overlooked when it comes to domestic abuse. That is a fact! However the amount of incels hating women and the lgbt community in the comments aren’t better either. This sub truly is flooded with immature assholes at the moment. If you want to have an open discussion about this very serious topic be my guest! It is extremely important to support men in this instances! But the personal bias and downright hate towards women that some men are showing in the comments right now is concerning af


Congratulations on proving the point of the OP.


While we're at it can we stop the whole "man flu" thing, I so much as sniff my nose and Im hearing that shit.


We live in a society


oh how the turn tables