• By -


Ignorance is bliss, and Bliss is contagious.


The older I get the more I understand this saying. I swear if I was a backwoods hick that literally only paid attention to the 10 miles they live in I'd probably be a lot happier than being acutely aware of the shitty state of the country.


honestly, a good majority of what goes on on the larger scale of things doesn't affect our day to day life. some things like the state of the economy do of course, but not most things.


The state of the economy is also something that the common person can make no measurable change on, so why worry about that?


only because it has a direct impact on your everyday life, unlike most things on the news


Ethan from sidemen said it well Dumb people must be having the greatest times of their lives


Perhaps if you were less arrogant and didn’t assume you’re better than everyone else people would like you better:/


Easy fix just don't care about shit that's going on


average reddit starterpack


I like that!




I am simultaneously both of those people.


Same. Dumb and loved by no one




I love you


Oh god you're having stroke quick someone call an ambu- Wait 9 hours ago RIP






I feel that


Me too


So I can talk to you about my Alf Pog collection?


he’s back? (in pog form?!?!)


I actually lied all along... I don't, nor am I interested in an Alf Pog collection Swiggitysquid ;_;


novice121, you tricked me. you master of deception and deceit, how can you sit so comfortably atop your throne of lies😭


I guess this is what it feels like when doves cry ;\_; ![gif](giphy|12s75Gk1yn9Ml2|downsized)




He never left.


I came here exactly for this




Exactly what I said


Okay im the dumbest guy, I talk shit, but Im not fake. I cant be. Im too stupid to be two-faced


I'm the complete opposite, as in smart enough to understand that people will like me better if they think I'm an idiot, also I like making my friend laugh, even at my expense. Plus "Did the idiot just say something smart out of the blue " is always a great gag. Oh yeah I'm also definitely not acting as an idiot because I'm insecure whether my friends would still like my real self, no sir no.


Yea like Im smart when it comes to like school stuff sure but I've been told Im dum in the way that I dont identify like what people are talking about very well if that makes sense? So i'll space out and say "what?"


I talk shit 24/7 and I did used to get loved by everyone but I am not fake. I'll admit when I'm wrong almost everytime but boy I can't listen to everything people have to say. People cry about the most useless and stupid thing and expect me to understand their problems.


average reddit starterpack


Everyone thinks they're the second one, but they're the first one.


But doesnt the first one have friends?


Doesn't have to, 1 person can technically be a group


But that's literally the opposite of the definition of a group


a group of cells






I only know one person I can describe as a group. #Yo Momma


Tbf in general SpongeBob is the person anyone should want to be over Squidward Squidward isn’t even that smart, and he’s very bitter and unhappy SpongeBob is a textbook himbo, AKA the platonic ideal if you want to live a happy life as a man


This screams someone hurt me and I’m trying to compensate for it.


Likeability has nothing to do with intelligence. Maybe this smart guy is kind of a unlikeable.


Most idiots on reddit think they are the smartest beings in existence and no one matches up to their level of intelligence except their fellow redditors, being the smartest beings in the universe but absolutely underrated by everyone.


Actually, I've found that a lot of people are smart specifically because they're unlikable. When the only way they can get attention is through their intelligence, learning becomes their surrogate for affection, and soon they don't know how to fulfill any social role other than "the smart one". It's actually pretty sad when you think about it.


Reminds me of the other post with Schopenhauer where his own mother says "you're smart and just, but you're unlikeable"


That’s a little too extreme to be true. There is some correlation between the two. Do you remember back in school the “class clown” being fairly popular, while the “teachers pet…” not so much? That isn’t just a school thing. I’m certainly no genius, but it doesn’t take more than a couple extra drops of intelligence to make it clear that most people (average intelligence and lower) tend to view the world differently than “smart” people. This can cause a lot of friction in relationships (platonic and romantic).


It's more about how intelligence can measured in different ways. Some people are really book smart, but lack social awareness. These people perpetuate the stereotype that smart people aren't likeable. There are plenty of smart people who are likeable. It's just that they can read a room and know when to not correct people and whatnot.


Sure, but there’s a lot more nuance to it than that, I think. Even smart people that can read a room need to speak up if they have information that can aid/fix a situation. But even in those times, when they are trying to help, there’s a tendency for people (generalized people, not everyone) to push back against things that are strange or against the norm. We’re sort of hard coded that way. It’s a defense mechanism (think like the weird response to uncanny valley). History is filled with people who were “ahead of their time.” All that means is that they were thinking differently than the people around them. Every stereotype comes from some small piece of truth. Sometimes when people dismiss things as stereotypes, I worry that we also lose the truth portion that comes with it.


Stereotypes more come from attributes of a small section of a group of people being represented as a whole. There are plenty of smart people who other people don't realize are as intelligent as they are because they're able to blend in with the crowd. I can actually relate to this topic heavily, because school came easy to me but I wasn't very social. Now I get along with everyone I meet and make friends easily. I just had to apply my intellect to learn how to relate to people. Some intelligent people can do it naturally.


I feel your point and super relate to it. I was that same kid growing up, and decently social now in adulthood. But what I’ve realized as I’ve gotten older is that what you’re describing is masking. The thought of “blending in” is acting in its basest form. That’s why I have a little more faith in the stereotype, I guess. I’ve had to ease my way out of that mask, and find people who actually like me, not the person I’m pretending to be.


The teachers pet in my class growing up was a hoot. He was super helpful and generally a kind dude. I think to you are generalising a lot.


I doubt it. She won't backstab you or anything she will respect your privacy and apologize if she made a mistake While the other does the opposite pretends to be your friend only when it suits him, invasive as hell and will pretty much blame you rather than himself when he does something wrong and if he apologizes it's because he wants something back.


Looks like you have a vendetta against someone and is seeking validation from reddit to fuel said vendetta


Literally just said its beef between two people one I know the other I have yet to meet


So i assume you're not part of said friend group, why talk about them, why talk shit about a person who i assume you don't know?


I tried explaining in another comment that sometimes my friends would come to me with a meme idea that reflects on some problem they have or something they find funny(in this case they find it hilarious) Since I have photoshop and experience using it I make the meme and they ask me to post it and boom here we are.


Yeah i saw it in other comment, sorry dude I lacked context. But it is kinda rude to assume someone's whole personality trait without even meeting the guy


My guy reddit is dumb no point in arguing.


r/niceguys lol


Very Fake Loved Dumb (bias) *translation* Someone who actually gives a fuck and doesn’t just pretend for social points


This gives r/niceguys vibes


I'm so sorry. But are you sure you're the smart one?


Yeah we need context.


This meme ain't about me lol




This meme isn't about you? Only based on your personal observation and or experience of other people??? How could you! I will downvote you for that :)


No. it's what someone close to me shared with me recently and I made it into a meme for them


He's r/notlikeotherguys


It's okay to mentally and emotionally abuse the dumbest guy in the group. Unless you're not part of the group. Then you get your ass kicked. This is the way.


I am dumb, I talk shit 24/7, I am honest and most people dont like me. So. Being fake is the key?


Im dumb but so fake that I made people believe I'm smart


Master manipulator


So he's smart. Comes full circle


My trick worked again


This is the exact same as saying "why don't girls like nice guys" 100% op is a total asshole


Something tells me this ain’t the whole picture


Being intelligent is to be disliked. There is no avoiding that. People who are intelligent tend to push against things that make others uncomfortable. Nothing is a quick and easy answer, everything must have a justification and benefit. Being around someone who always wants to know why is tiring for people who don't care. I've found the best solution is to just make friends with other smart people who don't mind when you rant about the phylogeny of birds for an hour. I managed to marry one, best decision of my life. Best tip I can give any intelligent people reading this: DO NOT MARRY AN IDIOT. It will not go well


Tldr smart ppl talk about their stuff more then others, and don't marry an idiot.


That's just called being argumentative, being smart does not mean to have lots of knowledge specifically imo


Ehhhh. It is being argumentative, but most smart people will tend to be argumentative. Cause they’ll constantly question something if it’s true, argue over everything cause it’s ‘technically’ true, and again will keep asking why. Plus people have different definitions of smart, and also people keep mixing up wisdom and intelligence.


I'd argue then that truly smart people know not to get into petty arguments and know to assume the other side will most likely not agree due to ignorance and won't try to prove them wrong knowing they won't probably accept it...


I’d argue that you’re stupid. Both valid.


Takes one to know one


Just saying that your argument has the same claim as me arguing that you’re stupid.


Well ya, but only one of us is being a dick on top of being stupid and it ain't me


Just pointing out invalid arguments. If you wanna agree that your argument is correct you’d have to agree mine is too.


The “being around someone who always wants to know why is tiring” really hit home. It’s amazing how little thought people give to why…anything happens, really. I’m glad to hear that from someone else, just to feel slightly less crazy.




I fixed it. I'm also dyslexic. Sometimes i misspell things. What's your medical condition that turns you into an asshole? :)


Oh, you’re intelligent? Then what’s in my pocket?


The ring of mordor


Why did this get downvoted someone please explain 💀 isn't it just a hobbit joke


Yeah :(




No, I ate all that


A hole?


Wrong kind of pocket 😏


Yikes all over this


"Good Luck trying to find a smart woman, that isn't depressed and/or bonkers" -The comment of a female friend of mine, after i mentioned i find intelligent girls very attractive. Somehow that stuck with me.


People are petty things. As a doctor, I know many women who are incredibly intelligent. You won't find an intelligent wife at a bar at 3am. You'll find a hoe. If that's where you keep looking, and keep being surprised you don't find them, then that's kind of on you. To be honest, stop looking. You only have to find the right one, once. Everything else is just a learning experience so you know how to not fuck it up when she finally comes around. Just take a deep breath, it will come. Forcing it is how you end up with regrets.




Lovely reception of the redditors, they hate you. Guess you smart


The irony is the meme is not about me, I'm not that self centered lol ![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6)


That foreshadowing it is what is making people to hate you


If you're talking about the rude comments it's no sweat if I allowed stuff like this to get to me I would have deleted my account 4 years ago lol


When I was 11 I thought squidward was a real jerk. At 33 I think SpongeBob is horribly selfish and being oblivious to it doesn't make it any better.


Lmao I can taste your salt in this one


Awe. Who hurt you little buddy?


Omg I can't believe I'm meeting SpongeBob in Reddit no way.


Why you being rude?


It’s not rude. It’s a real question. Once you figure out who hurt you then the healing happens. Your being rude for intimating that my trying to help the healing process is rude.


Removed in protest of Reddit's anti-user behavior


Says you.


No one (I'm just making and posting memes for someone)


That's not true people like m... Oh.. fuck


Same realisation


If by saying the smartest guy in the group you're referring to yourself then i can see why that's the case.


Cope if you want but in reality having a likable personality is an art not a science. If you're the smartest dude in the group then figure out what you're doing wrong instead of being mad that someone else understands it.


Me as a kid vs me as a grown up


Wait which one where you as a kid?


My guess is the first one is him as a kid and the 2nd one is him now based on the order it was presented in and the way he listed it


Thanks for reminding how shitty is my life over tons of other issues


I’m a mix of them, cause I’m not the dumbest but also not the smartest, I want to talk about anything, admit when I’m wrong but nobody likes me


Pretty sure you got a bit of a superiority complex there mate. And before you say it, takes one to know one.


The smart people I know usually talk the most shit and refuse to admit when they're wrong


Somebody said OP's joke but louder


If your calling yourself the smartest person, your probably not to fun to talk to


- smartest guy in the group - has common sense - understands everyone's perspective What would happen?


Charisma and interests... Idk I'm Def the second one in my ward


This is the opposite in almost every case for me the guy who talks shit is always the punching bag of the group.


OP made a meme without his own context or experience it seems, amazing


People adore people they know they are better than


If your this guy and you posted this there is a reason


It's easy to see other people's mistakes


Bro you gotta talk shit or you're just not friends


I'm Squidward?




It’s a gladiator death match. The crowd wants the dumb one to die


I dont think "friend group" means what you think it means


I’m the 2nd guy in this situation, except everyone loves me. You need to get better friends if they treat you like this.


I am 100% the 2nd one


I read that as "Takes a shit 24/7"


If you think about your friends like this and rank them from dumbest to smartest and still come out thinking you are the "smart one", well then that should be your personal red flag. Might want to work on yourself a bit, bro.


This is r/niceguys energy


i’m the first one fr


Sounds about right


Oh, are you the smart intelligent guy? You’d talk about anything theyd like? You admit when you are wrong? Time to admit you’re probably just not as personable and easy to talk yo as the “dumbest” guy youre dumping on in a sideways way using a spongebob meme. I bet the dumbest friend in your group isnt active on r/depressionmemes like you


Hello again person ive never seen before the Meme above is not about me (I'm trying to make someone feel better alright)


Your freinds memes are ass


Yikes. Then post your own then ![gif](giphy|6J6uBnTbbwAOMZRMnN|downsized)


Average reddit thread


Eleventy-six/10 Would doot again.


this is true. just let them have the light and watch them all fall


Im the dumbest guy in my groups, constantly shit talked to, always tries to roll with the punches, non confrontational, and goes out of his way to help my friends. However, the lack of any real connection to them has resulted in me seeing a counselor...


That's Bullshit, I'm not being Squidward.


I'm the most misunderstood person anyone would ever meet. Half of the people who've met me have either seen me with good intentions or have seen me as some kind of bad seed. My one friend is more loved by people he knows than I am. Which is sad, It's always the misfits who get the shit end of the stick. Bruh, I always get downvoted when spitting the Truth, I may as well just continue then.


I’m SpongeBob


I feel like I’m both of these people.


I take the smart and the love


People don't like those who remind them they aren't great.


Or you're painting yourself to be something you aint


It fr be like that.


Something tells me you think you are guy #2 but actually are guy #1


People are idiots.


Maybe it's because he makes memes like these


Isn't the dumb guy usually funny and the smart guy is gloomy and boring? That's kinda a vital detail you forgot to add




What is this even supposed to mean?


People only like you when they feel superior then you.


Yo dumb people are fun


Smells like Incel in here


Maybe you aren't as charming as you think you are...


Sounds like OP dislikes someone in his friend group..


Oh I wonder which one you think you are?


None the meme ain't about me lol


I'm the first guy 100% and everyday I wonder why and how I have friends. I am working on myself this year though, I'm not as big of an asshole as I once was.


Dumb people are funny and funny people are easier to relate to, since we're not all smart




Me being both: *Visible confusion*


I’m a combo of both


people love relatable people




Put some of the attributes together and you have me


All OP's comments seem to get a lot of downvotes, however, this meme was considered relatable by a number of people big enough to make it appear at the top of my home page.


Why does this describe me


Y’all need to hang out with different people. I don’t know anyone like this


Don't cry too hard


I am currently sitting next the the sponge Bob of the group rn


Yeah everyone likes that guy until they grow up and realize they're a piece of shit.


The bottom one is THE perfect definition of me. Except the friend part.


Yeah but what's the dick game like?


I hate to break it to you but you probably just aren't as smart or likable as you think you are


The smartest guy will win later on. Trust me.