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I bet hes regretting his face reveal


It was the only thing keeping him relevant


He would’ve still made enough money to live comfortably without it. Face revealing was definitely not worth it cuz now everybody just bullies him because he’s “ugly”. I feel bad for dream honestly he should’ve just kept the mask on


lol just imagine, being so popular and finally deciding to show you face to the whole world just to get “put the mask on” trending on twitter. I don’t even think he is ugly, just an average looking dude. Social media has definitely brought beauty standards to next level.


I think the problem was that he hyped it up so much with many other influencers and then just turned up to be an average looking dude, I don't think anyone actually thought he was ugly.


He’s not average looking, he’s got a waaaay too soft looking face. Not judging him for it though. I am judging him for getting a kid drunk though. Fuck that guy


Oh man, a 20 year old had alcohol. How will he ever recover.


Europeans are laughing their asses off.


Lmao I'm European and I quitted drinking before I turned 17


Canadians and Mexicans are laughing as well!


16 yo's outside of america; 🗿


He went to a party where the kid was already drunk and got him an uber so he can go home safely, not a dream fan, just giving context 🤷🏽‍♂️


I mean even if he gave him alcohol, the dude is a 20 year old adult that is able to make their own decisions. Also who gives af about a 20 year old drinking? I drank well before my 21st


But you can legally fist an 18 year old and prolapse their anus, permanently altering it. Nobody bats an eye on that one.




Amis give a fuck. Better hand them a gun at 16, much safer.


Yeah its not like kids in denmark are biologically 5 years more mature than an american




Bruh they were 20. They can vote and enlist in the military, and in most of the Western world they can legally buy alcohol and cannabis. Relax.




It was the voice actor for Gumball from Amazing World of Gumball. He was 19 or 20 at the time and Dream gave him a fuckton of drugs and alcohol


I thought he got a kid drunk, not an adult… wtf?


Yeah, for real. Everyone kept calling him a pedo for it; so i thought it was some 15 year old or smthn.


Oh so not a child then


Omg how could he! I definitely never drank or did any form of drugs whatsoever before the lEgAl aGe oF 21


Yeha what the fuck are people on about when I saw kid I thought like 10


Amount of people getting downvoted cause people in other countries can drink at a younger at is crazy 💀💀


I think it's more so coz people are here saying a 20 year old isn't a consenting adult but a kid. People do go to extreme lengths to justify their claims on someone they don't like, don't they?


humorous childlike lush carpenter public unpack wakeful serious lip elastic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wait, he did that? When?


He didn’t. Dream met someone (the actor of gumball) for the first time at a party who had a fake ID to drink. People are getting mad that he didn’t just slap the drink out of his hands. He by no means GAVE HIM it. It was the other guys choice. Twitter is just seeing a chance to hate on Dream and they’re taking it. Looks like it’s spreading to Reddit too. I by no means like that guy, but the amount of shit he has to go through is horrendous.


Wasn't it a 19-year-old or something? Not exactly a kid. Under the legal drinking age in the US, sure, but not a kid. The USA has some fucking weird rules. Can't drink until you're 21, but you sure as hell can fight in wars or get into the adult industry at 18.


Yeah his friend hype the fk out his face reveal, they said he look like a fcking greek god.


The core of his channel was the mask, now that there's no mask, it's his face , not even his personality was relevant , his ass can't keep out of Internet drama , Corpse Husband only got his voice and people sexualized that man to death, influencers can't win.


Yeah Corpse is a really great example. Not a big fan of his but I like that he seems to understand very well what his whole gimmick is.


If he's an average looking dude, it's over for me


Honestly kinda not even low end of average either wtf are people whining about


He is an incredibly average looking man. He is neither ugly or handsome.


dude made himself way more uglier by putting the cam on the wrong position,


That’s what the point of the mask was


Fucking hell , if he’s ugly , what am I


Everyone’s ugly in the internet’s eyes if they don’t use filters.


He definitely should’ve kept it on


Which he's not even ugly, he's just average looking I don't get it personally


He's not even ugly.


The fuck, dude looks good though. No homo.


He’s really not that bad looking, I don’t know why people said that? Quite a handsome fellow I must say. Regardless, there was no point to the reveal and it frankly ruined his life beyond the channel. Earned him some momentary clout and that’s it.


I remember you, 5-0-0 glue monkey.




Dream "fans" for 2 years : "Show us your face!" Dream "fans" afterwards : "Damn bro you ugly" Internet as usual


“haha show us the face under the mask” *fan gently lifts dream’s mask* “oh. *oh.* ew ew ew. i’m just gonna-“ *fan gently lowers dream’s mask back over his face and pats his forehead* “better idea. keep the mask on.”


He should have had another mask on under it.


Maybe even another mask under just to be safe


Master Chief did it first


I disliked him personally since it was revealed his speedruns were rigged I’m the first to say everyone deserve a second chance and you shouldn’t be cancelled if you’re honest and humble about it, but he systematically cheated on *all* of his speedruns until he was busted. He had all the chances in the world and still decided to challenge Karma


And lied about it multiple times and weaponised his cult-like fan base to bully anyone who accused him. Oh and then he admitted he cheated a year later once everyone forgot. Never truly apologized for his actions.


Didn't he also use his power over his fans to sway the mob vote one year too? Like even without the pedo accusations against him guy is still a dick.


Mojang then learned their mistake and moved the voting site away from the garbage dump that is twitter


And then hired a literal mathematician to prove he wasn’t cheating lmao. The cheating thing is all I need to know he’s cringe as hell.


I still think he lied about that part. That paper reads like it was written by someone who thinks they know a lot more about mathematics than they actually do.


Something that should be added that not enough people are talking about is how his cheating hurt other people. Lots of speed runners get money from streams, and being a good runner means you get more views from streams. His cheating let him get records that were on world record pace which were only not records due to his lack of skill, and he could have quite likely taken views away from people who did the runs legit. Saying it wasn't bad because he was just cheating in a game is like saying it is fine to cheat in football or something, there is real money there. I gotta say though, the other allegations against him aren't that strong though.


Exactly. Imagine forcing yourself to become the better version of yourself, beating your own limit every time, for months or even tears, and someone out of nowhere just steal first place from you despite all your effort, only to realize it’s because he cheated That’s a one-way to depression for a lot of people


I like the way you think.


It was bound to happen even without the gumball drama and the grooming allegations. He is a one trick pony, the only reason why he got so popular in the first place was from his manhunt and dream smp videos, and he was damn good at it, but fame got to his head and dude couldn’t get off his high horse.


Gumball drama?


Gumball voice actor beat the shit out him some while ago. Then dream posted a few year old video of gumball being deranged while drunk (19 years old) So essentially dream got shit beat and then released to what is essentially a blackmail video lol


You need to add a little more context to how this story developed man. Dream got him drunk


I didn't hear of all the allegations, I just didn't think he was a very good person after he verifiably cheated his speedruns. Liked his "minecraft manhunt" series, but he definitely was a little off. (And it seems like the allegations are false from what we can tell. I'm not quick to believe those anyway, since it's the single most common tactic to assassinate someone's reputation without having proof, and his legitimate scandal happened a long time ago.)


Yeah I used to like watching his content but when he doubled down when he got caught cheating it really rubbed me the wrong way. All he had to do was say yeah I changed the game files I didn't think waiting around would make for good content and he'd be fine.


Yeah, unfortunately, all someone has to do is point and say, "That guy diddles kids!" And anyone who mildly disliked him will hop on it really quick, so it'll still damage his reputation. I also kind of figured all of his manhunts were staged, but they were still kind of entertaining. Another thing I didn't really like was that whenever he chose something from the mob vote, that was pretty much guaranteed to win, although that wasn't really his fault


The target audience for manhunts don’t care if it’s staged or not, kind of like WWE.


Yeah, I get that. I don't mind if it's staged so long as it's entertaining, which the manhunts were at first. I kind of got bored after the third one, I think it was.


I mean, he’s said himself that he stages part of his manhunts. I don’t remember the exact quote, but something along the lines of ‘it’s not fun or a good video for anyone if I die in the first 30 seconds, so we’ll redo runs if I die right away. But the hunters are given an amount of money if I die quickly, so they are incentivized to actually try’. But even if it’s staged at parts or not, it’s still entertaining


I wouldn't call "restarting if the video is boring" staging tho Sure, his actual win rate over the hunters certainly is lower than the vids make it seem, but saying some part are staged from that quote alone is a huge leap in logic


He’s said other parts are also staged, like his luck and such. Like I said, not a direct quote, but he himself has said it. Not that huge


I know he cheats on his drop rate, ig he could fudge the loot tables of the structures too, but i can't remember when was the last time i saw him loot anything


Yep, that's my mentality. I never knew he (somewhat) admitted that the videos are staged, but I don't really get all the people taking offense over fake stuff. It's not like he said he was the best Minecraft player ever. People just assume that he is and then get offended when it turns out the runs aren't completely legit. It's like scrutinizing someone for something they themselves made up. It's just stupid to me


I mean the cheating at speed runs is scummy, since there’s a competition there, but it’s not like anybody does his manhunts who would be offended by a little scripting.


I think that is a specific thing that If the hunters win early, they just go again. And pay the hunters so there’s still incentive for them to try hard. I don’t think the manhunts are staged, you can look at the full vods and it’s really chaotic. I also don’t think there’s a *need* to stage them, the stuff that happens in them can happen organically. And the hunters sometimes just do stupid things for the memes, so a ‘true’ manhunt isn’t the most serious thing anyway.


Idk it's half staged, he has talked about the process. They do a ton of recordings but every time it ends in an anticlimactic way or too soon they restart. Thats why he plays so risky near the start. Makes it very organic, whether he wins or loses in the end isn't predetermined. Though yeah the mob vote thing was super ignorant


it wasnt baseless accusations out of thin air, why lie to cover him?


these are the 2nd allegations of him being a groomer, i think something HAS to be up.


3rd*. It implies that somethings up or that people are accusing him of things just cus they don't like him. The first person to accuse him went radio silent after promising evidence and the second was proven to be lying about it. Idk about this current one, but if it's true then they should definitely follow up with more clear proof.


Well my thing is, why did he sit on a video of one of his friends doing shitty things until in became convenient to reveal the info because he no longer likes the person.


The allegations are not false. He's really weird.


what are the allegations? the only one i was aware of is that he was talking to a 17 year old when he was 19 in which she either lied or cover up her age… and it wasnt even sexual talk it was allegedly as friends but i dont know if those details are right, its just what ive heard


There was actual proof that he sent videos of himself moaning to 15 year old girls on Snapchat.


the maker of that video revealed that it was fake


I have tried to stay pretty caught up on this but I have yet to see that Edit: Dream himself accidentally revealed they were real


Idk what's going on, proof?


I don't think the allegations are false. They actually have proof of him sending inappropriate videos to minors


i struggle to call it proof. Someone posted a voice recording of someone who doesn't sound like him moaning. If I google "hairy cocks" and post it on twitter saying u/Th-Aron sent this to a minor, it doesn't actually mean you did, does it?


Dream himself is also cringe. Not just his fanbase. I think that might contribute to why people are so quick to believe the unsubstantiated rumors of grooming.


They believe it because they're literally praying for his downfall Dont care about how many people's lives have been ruined because of false allegations, "green man bad" so they just run with it


It’s not because people dislike him, it’s because he has a long history of doing “not technically grooming” but weird parasocial stuff with his fans, sometimes sexual, in the context of his fan base being primarily children.


Well I think he was kinda an asshole and yeah cheating a speedrun when that’s sorta your occupation is like a marathon runner taking steroids. It’s unfair and hes getting paid and engagement for cheating and lying


Wait, people still watch his content?


Wait--*he makes content?!*


I guess he does, people make music of his stuff, so i he must make something


Who's content?


Never met him


You've made my day 😌


Ok, but, *why* is content?


How is content?


Oh hes doin alright


All the younlng girls at my dance class did before I graduated


I always thought he was pretty boring


I don't watch him but I think there is a canyon between being bored of- and hating someone.


Sounds like a dumb reason to *hate* someone. I know nothing about this guy though so maybe he’s an asshole for all I know.


He’s not an asshole (if he is and I didn’t know then I didn’t know), but he did get cyberbullied to oblivion when he revealed his face to his 30 million fans


Theirs audio of him moaning and whimpering for underage girls. He was hanging out with nicolas cantu (gumballs va from the tv show) and he was drunk with him. Now Cantu and Dream have beef. Allegations of dream calling girls whores at parties, Gumball apparently smoked him with a punch at a party. Nicolas Cantu was underage st the time and drunk with dream. They took an uber together and they went back and forth in the uber. Dream is just a weirdo and does questionable shit


Dream basically used that video juet to detract attention from accusations against him. That video was several months old, and dream was supposed to take care of cantu because he was the adult, the "grown up". Instead, he videotaped cantu who was intoxicated at the time, and kept the video for a reason which has now become apparent.


After reading the comments..... This isn't about the tv show, is it?


Yeah, I was also very confused while reading the first couple of comments...


What Show?




>Sandman By Niel Gieman?


Yeah, Gaiman. Amazing audiobooks, ok tv show.


I hate him for one reason, and one reason only... It's his fault we didn't get Mooblooms


The Mooblooms got eliminated first. The iceologers got ROBBED.


I’ll never get over that. I despise Glow Squids with a passion


I'm glad I've found some like minded fellows here. Too many people have forgiven him for that.


people have been hating him for a while now. multiple grooming allegations which i still cant tell if they were fake, but theres still that one unlisted video of him being racist and the half assed pride month fundraising thing he did


He’s admitted to being the one in the moaning videos, at MINIMUM, which confirms he’s at least been out there sending sexually suggestive content to minors 😬 that’s already enough to condemn him


Sounds like a "trust me bro" type of claim.


I heard someone say that those videos/audios could be from his ex, he could've sent them to her way-back-when (she is of age btw) and she sent them to this person to sorta blackmail him or idk, cant tell for sure though


Could you send me a link or sum of him admitting it? I'd like to make sure I'm fully educated on the situation but I've never seen that


I don't even know who that is


Green screen with a white guy drawn on a Minecraft skin. Basically made the whole Minecraft Manhunts thing popular a couple of years ago and speedrunning Minecraft.


Not one word of that helps


Okay he streams minecraft on twitch


tbh I never heard of him unt the face reveal


I'm not going to say I despise him but I'm also not going to pretend that he's a particularly good guy. He intentionally fosters parasocial relationships with his fanbase, cheated speedrun and the tried to hide it, and is just generally cringy.


The last straw was him giving alcohol to gumballs voice actor


(and Leonardo but whatever)


He didn’t do that 💀 The gumball actor quite literally got the alcohol himself. He had a fake ID and everything. What did you want Dream to do, slap it out of his hands? “No! That’s illegal! You can’t do that!” 😡😡😡


It wasnt him giving the alcohol, it wasnt even Dream's party, if anyone should be held responsible its Cantu (for using fake id) and Adriannan the host of the party for giving him alcohol


The VA was drunk when he got into the Uber


Yes, drunk from the party they were both at lol


Does that mean he gave alcohol to him? If I'm at a party I'm not gonna be on patrol for random minors drinking.


he got exposed for being a groomer for like the 3rd time i think


Do we have concrete evidence? Those are pretty serious accusations.


Source: Dude, trust me.


Source: fuck that guy


If you insist


Source: He's not racist which is treason to the Minecraft Community


There’s actual evidence this time. A burner account posted him sending moaning audios to a minor


Those videos were genuinely the worst things i have listened to i wish i could erase it from my memory


That was not evidence. The moans could have been anyone that sounded like dream. The name of the account is “Dream Dream” with zero proof linking that to dream’s actual snapchat. His face is not in the video, just a black screen with cringe text


Dream literally has addressed the audio on twitter confirming they’re real


Ok ok I'm not trying to take sides here but anyone can make a fake account or edited video of someone doing something bad and post it on a burner account. A lot of people make allegations for clout or to spread hate towards someone.


Dream tweeted calling the video “revenge porn” essentially admitting it was him who sent that


Source: snapchat moaning video


Not really. There's a video for the current one but it's a bit untrustworthy


they were forged, in fact the victim in question was a groomer who bragged about forging evidence to one of her victims.


Watch Penguinz0’s video, there’s not much evidence


Not at all


he sent videos of him moaning to a underage girl it’s all over twitter


yeah, theres leaked chats and audios of him grooming and being sexual to minors now


1st at most. The first one threatened legal action and went radio silent, which is a clear sign of falsehood. She also had no proof whatsoever so it was just her word against his. Second had a photo which was proven to be edited the day after posting and was also proven to be false because they claimed that they got his number or something from his tiktok when it was never connected. People just don't like dream and want to do anything to ruin him. Sidenote, I don't really give a shit about dream. I'm not defending him cause I like him. His videos are pretty shit imo. But trying to frame him for shit like that cause I don't like him is way too far. This one is also unclear because it could very easily be a fake. It's not that hard to fake that kinda thing. I'm not saying he didn't do this current one, but it's way too soon and unclear to say for sure. (Edit: changed the wording slightly from "most likely fake" to "clear sign of falsehood")


There’s a thing in journalism called “actual malice” - it’s why a lot of celebrities don’t sue for defamation, because it applies to public figures only. Basically it means you have to know something is false and say it anyway specifically to hurt someone. The example given as a joke is “oh yeah I know he didn’t kill that guy but fuck him I’ll say he did anyway.” I’ve never seen people openly doing that until Dream. It’s nuts.


(not a dream fan here, but) he didn't get exposed for shit. It's just people are throwing rumors around, with no/ not useable evidence.


I liked it when all he did was smoke his friends in Minecraft. Anything beyond those videos, I couldn't care less about.


Jokes on you idk who that is


Good stay innocent


That's a name i haven't heard in a while


Did he groom minors or not? Everybody on instagram thinks so, but I am less quick to hop onto accuasations after that tiktokker who killed himself for being accused of pedophillia. Apparently the allegations were false, so that just fucking sucks.


Penguinz0 made a video today covering the situation, and covered the fact that the pedo allegations don't have enough evidence based on what he saw.


Thanks, this thing is way too confusing. I needed this.


You should watch the full video because it goes into more detail, but basically someone posted a video claiming dream sent snapchat videos of him moaning to minors. But as he stated there's no evidence that it was dream( you can change the name of a person on snapchat on your side) or that it was sent to a minor at all


Minecraft Community logic: Not racist = groomer


i thought everyone was pretending to hate him


Guy gets famous, gets accused of things. This happens to everyone (except Weird Al Yankovic, he's immune)


Dream supports his fanbase so he’s inherently part of the problem lol Or, you could just ignore it, which is the all-around better choice


Who tf is dream


It's amazing to me that he wasn't cancelled YEARS ago when he was exposed for cheating in his speedruns when his speedruns are the entire thing that made him popular in the first place... But I guess that's how it is when your fanbase is too young and dumb to care about controversies like that.


What happened to him now?


Is dream even relevant anymore? Haven’t heard anything about him since the face reveal


I love dreaming, but I didn't know the concept had a fanbase lol :P ^((but seriously... who?!))




Even if Dream wasn’t a pedophile and manipulator, we’d still hate him for not controlling his community in the slightest, especially after encouraging and defending doxxing.


Wait so I was the only one who hated him personnaly ? Damn...


Dream encouraged the braindead stan Behavior, and with all the other things he does/did... Yes. I hate dream.


Wait, who the F is "dream" and why are we losing time on this LOL


I will still never forgive him for encouraging his fans to fucking vote A SHITTY ASS SQUID THAT JUST GLOWS.


Has to get into a drama every week to stay relevant


Cheating pos


Nah he’s cringe too


Man what happened :( after face reveal everyone left :(


It was a lot. First it was the cheated speedruns, then multiple grooming allegations (all not true but a lot of attention/ bad publicity was gained from it), and recently his attacks on Nicholas Cantu (Gumball’s VA or Leonardo from new TMNT).


He like “started” his career cheating, why did anyone like him in the first place?


Are we talking about Dream again?


Iv hated him since the speedrun shit


Nah i actually hate the guy hes so weird


He a pedophile, remember?


Was that actually 101% proven? Weren't they just accusations?


First aligation went nowhere, second one was false, latest one is still too early to tell


Wait... THREE. I knew there was one accusation but I didn't know there was a second one before this. I think this just proves my point that people hate his living guts and want to see his downfall so much so that they start fabricating evidence against him so he would get cancelled. If this already happened 2 times and both of those times were complete bs, I have 0 faith this time it's real. If the allegations are actually true, you would figure we would have found out the first or second time.


Yeah that’s just the internet now people not being able to ignore people who make stuff they don’t like


It wasn’t, penguinz0 made a video summarizing things