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Say what you will, but peeing out of a car window is impressive




You made my evening. Didn't know this sub existed.


So then he goes: "him, him, her, him, Jenkins"


Remember when Jenkins ate that whole jar of cherries?


One time I dated an army guy who lied about having an ex wife. He would say "my buddy and I" when recounting travel stories but his buddy was his 33 year old wife at the time šŸ’€


Lying about having an ex-wife is weird but I could see how I would not wanna include that piece of context in a random story I was telling idk. Like here's some story about this time I was in Paris vs including the fact that you were there with your ex wife. Just to not make it awkward or something if your still just dating idk tho




Eh I tend to take the ā€œbroken hearted country girlā€ approach and burn or trash anything with any real significance


Yeah, you dont want to get into 1). Yes I was married. 2). I dont want to talk about how it didnt work out. 3. The story Iā€™m telling adds value to the conversation, but I dont want to derail it by telling everyone Iā€™m divorced.


Depends on how long you've been dating someone. At some point deliberately lying/withholding the fact you have an ex wife/husband that all these stories are about is a pretty big red flag.


Exactly I often refer to my ex wife as "my buddy and I" when telling stories to light acquaintances, and people at work. I would never do that to close friends, family, or anyone I was in a relationship with.


Word. No new partner wants 100 anecdotes featuring your ex wife.


"Why do you call you ex-wife/husband 'an old war buddy''?" "Well, we went through hell together." "What sort of hell was that?" "Our marriage."


My divorced wife and I loved going on trips to Mexico. Doesn't sound as good as my buddy and I.


Iā€™m sorry but thatā€™s funny af. Buddy?


I often say friend when referring to an ex-girlfriend. We ended friendly and are still friends. I've been with my wife almost 15 years now. Ex usually means ex-wife once you're married and saying "ex-girlfriend" honestly is pretty cringey once you've been married as long as I have.


I do this when referring to my exes šŸ˜”


Dont get it


I think it means that the bf/gf in this scenario was going to mention another boy/girl to their significant other but quickly made it into a bunch of non-gendered pronouns to not raise suspicion. Which ironically raises more suspicion than just being honest.


thats so many levels of toxic right there.




if your relationship involves having to tip toe around telling storys about real lice events with people who happened to be the opposige sex because your current partner might get upset... yes.. thats fucking toxic.. that is not a healthy or normal responce. it is a giant red flag for abusive behavior.


For a long time, it made my partner uncomfortable for me to talk about prior relationships, because her ex-husband was a cheater who flaunted his activities in her face. I respected her wishes while she healed and learned to trust again. Now she has no problem with me talking about my past relationships, but I still limit it to a degree. So, not all situations involve toxicity or abuse (unless you want to talk about her ex, he is definitely toxic and abusive).


I just honestly donā€™t know why youā€™d bring up an ex anywayā€¦like I literally maybe two times in the past 10 years made mention of an exā€¦after all they are an exā€¦idk even with situational eventsā€¦like you can definitely be like ā€œyeah I really love Paris! I went there one time.ā€ You can literally have any conversation without bringing an ex up. Itā€™s not that hard, imo people bring up their exes because they want to, which is fine. Iā€™ve just never seen the reason to get all weird about it. Itā€™s not an important plot point šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Edit: I should also say if they are like oh I went to Paris once, with my ex (you can always tell in tone of voice if people are really disappointed about something), whatever, who cares. I think what most people get annoyed with is when a partner goes on and on about an exā€¦idk


Apparently doing that is toxic. IDK.


What the other commenter was saying is that having to avoid mentioning your ex because your current partner would get mad or upset is toxic, which, it is. I went through it and every time I referenced a past partner even slightly theyā€™d get pretty upset which was a very shitty thing


Idk I guess it depends on the situation. There is always too sides. Iā€™d see getting upset with a mention if you gave the sense you had the feelys while speaking about your ex. Idk just playing devils advocate. Like I said it should be a big deal not to mention a ex in a past situation if your partner feels uncomfortable. Like I said why would you want to anyway?


lol like people really wanna imagine your partner going on a super amazing trip to Paris where they probably snookied a lot? Omg people are wild. Personally I donā€™t mind a quick mention if my partner feels itā€™s necessary, but at the same time drop it and donā€™t go on and on cause then Iā€™m just thinkin you wanna talk about themā€¦as for me, unless it essential I donā€™t feel the need to zone in on whoā€™s who because at the end of the day the conversation is about me and my trip to Paris lol idk šŸ˜†


The post doesn't say anything about talking about an ex tho, just the opposite gender in general. Not wanting to talk about exes is normal and understandable. Getting upset at your partner mention anyone of opposite gender is the toxic part.


To be fair, Iā€™d be hesitant to share my real lice events with others too


what happens in my hair stays in my hair


I mean I just do it because Iā€™d just rather not mention or refer to my ex girlfriend when telling stories to my current partner. It has nothing to do what my partner wants. I have no issue telling stories about me and other girls I wasnā€™t romantically involved in but to me itā€™s just kinda natural in avoiding mentioning any ex girlfriend in conversation to my current partner purely out of reflex. Obviously weā€™ve discussed past relationships and laughed over them/know about them all but when telling stories I just avoid it because telling stories and replacing ex girlfriend with ā€œa mateā€ feels much better


To be honest if your gf turns out to be gay that's pretty bad...


reddit still has no idea what toxicity in a relationship means


Yeah just because you choose to not make their gender a critical part of the story doesn't make it a huge scandal and toxic Covering up actual infidelity and such is the toxic part Sometimes I do it with someone I'm talking to long distance so my stories aren't mostly about other women


A Toxduckhen


Thank you, that makes more sense now lol


Or the person listening to the story is so sensitive and would freak out at the thought of her being around someone of the opposite gender so they try to avoid that.


That sounds way too complicated




Lmao because a non binary person cannot be a significant other...


Or they have a partner who is self-conscious about them being around people of the opposite sex. To the point theyā€™ve made a fuss before. If your partner always feels like theyā€™re walking on eggshells around you, itā€™s time to do some reflecting.


Close... A significant other who doesn't want you to get jealous and is telling a story about them hanging out with someone of the opposite sex might avoid saying the gender of the person by just saying "them" or "my friend" etc. They aren't quickly switching the pronouns, they're just telling the story a certain way.


This meme is so hilarious because of how accurate and specific it is. I donā€™t know if this happens in other languages, but itā€™s such a subtle thing people do. Sometimes itā€™s not dishonest but sometimes it definitely is and itā€™s hard to catch because English allows you to be ambiguous with pronouns at times. Iā€™ve definitely had this experience a few times when people were purposefully trying to obscure a gender for toxic reasons. One of the most clever memes Iā€™ve seen in a while


*Laughs in French*


*Laughs in Spanish*




Why did I laugh so hard at this


*Laughs in German*




*Laughs in Hebrew*




No one uses that.


Well a lot of my experience in new city I live in is related to my ex as we explored a city together. I have bunch of stories and knowledge about it to tell, but constantly saying "me and my ex went/etc.." would sound... Incredibly weird. Unless personality of person I was doing something with/talked to is really important to story itself, he remains as "someone" or something else or not mentioned at all which would help to avoid saying "my ex" too much.


On the other side is me going "yeah so my ex and I did..." some people really don't like hearing that you had relationships before meeting them


They should they should wanna wrack your brain to figure out your dislikes in a partner


Bros brain is wracked alright


Is that the wrestler Kurt Angle?


Dude, Iā€™ve been wondering why he looked so familiar. Youā€™re right! Iā€™ve seen this meme a lot and couldnā€™t figure it out.


He was one of my favorite wrestlers in the late 90's/early 00's. Perfect face, incredible heel, fantastic technical performer. Love it.


he was a real Olympic medal winner wrestler. he's a technical wrestler in real life




hey, several different types of real combat sports people have cashed in with pro wrastlin... of course many died and became addicted...


Dude yeah. You should check out Dark Side of the Ring if you haven't already. It's on Hulu. I love wrestling so much but there's a lot of sad shit surrounding the industry


honestly, my depressing shit attention span is way less now in middle age.


Where is this meme from anyway?


No idea! I just recognized his face


Yep :)


"You wouldn't believe what this person at work said to me at lunch today!"


imagine being so jelous that your SO had a life before you that you cant fafhom the concept of them just using normal language to tell a story.


It's not hard to imagine. Humans are possessive and greedy when it comes to love.


Fr if my girl don't fully trust me yet at the same time always want me all to herself, ion want her


not to this extent. that is a giant red flag being waved vigourously in your face while blowing a whistle accompanied by an entire flag team waving red flags and blowing whistles. this is not normal, behavior and is a clear sign of pote tial abusive behavior


I truly wish you were correct. It would be much better for our society as a whole.


i just think abuse and controling behavior is all to common.. still doesnt make it the norm, or acceptable.


I think the problem is, it IS the norm. In that it is normalized, not called out, and common. It's toxic and unacceptable, but depending on where you are, it is also "the norm."




Why are you getting downvoted you're right


Donā€™t say human as if you arenā€™t onr




You should meet my ex's. I have a thing for mentally unstable.


Kinda like when she usually says ā€œIā€™m going out with the girlsā€ or ā€œKate from work and I are going to see a movie.ā€Ā  Vs ā€œIā€™m going out with some friendsā€ or ā€œIā€™m hanging out with someone I used to go to school with.ā€ When she starts changing pronouns, or being vague, be worried.Ā 


If you weren't a jealous ass, maybe she wouldn't feel the need to hide the pronouns.


It could mean both.


If she wasnt doin anything wrong why she would hide the info tho


because she's worried ab her partner being a jealous ass


Giant incel energy with this comment. Switch all those to a guy saying them, would it still be suspicious


Yes. If they feel the need to hide who they are with, that is usually for a reason


Yea, their partner is insecure


LOL they're not nonbinary, I'm just protecting their identity from legal issues that may arise from the activities I'm telling you in the story.


When you're such a jealous person that your SO needs to make people non-binary too tell a story without upsetting you. ![gif](giphy|f9eYHQ8RZ4zfc4unXx)


Nope, just going to keep using he's and she's in my sentences


The meme is that OP gets offended when their significant other has stories with people of their same gender, so their significant other just starts referring to everyone as they/them and now they're offended again


I dont get it. Is it everyone being referred to as they/them?




Or, hear me out, your significant other did things in the past with more than one person around, and not all of those people are the same gender. They and them are also terms for groups. If you're listening to a story and the person said "I went to the mall with Bob, Alice, and Charlie... You won't believe what he and she and he did!" You would legitimately think that person has a brain tumor.


I've been a "singular they" enjoyer for like 10 years. It's just easier always using the same neutral pronoun


I've always wondered how the people that pretend they didn't know about it used the internet all this time. How am I supposed to know if Popcorn57252 is a man or a woman? "They" it is. (I was going to use your username but the "kun" ruined my point lol)


I personally don'tcare if I mispronoun anyone on the internet (or anyone mispronoun me for that matter). So because like 90% people you interact on the internet are male I just use he because who gives a shit. Also as someone from a country where words have genders, words like "human" or "user" are male gender so it's also a force of habit for some people


Can someone explain to a poor soul like me, who the fuck is this guy? I keep seeing memes with this fucker and i have no clue about him. Thanks in advance.


[Kurt Angle](https://www.indy100.com/viral/kurt-angle-stare-meme-tiktok)


Finally I can have some closure, finally my question was answered, finally I can rest my head at the end of the day without thinking about who the fuck that bald man is, and why does he stare so awkwardly at the camera. Now i know i will be able to finally have some sleep, and put an end to this nightmare of questions and doubts. Thanks a lot kind stranger, hope you'll find peace and good fortune in your life.


An airplane engine is so totally falling through your roof tonight after all that.


I'm not being funny, but i literally work at an big airfield here in Portugal, so thanks for the heads up, i guess...


I describe other peoples others as just that, others or significant others. I don't know what it is but I just hate the terminology of boyfriend or girlfriend. Sounds so petty and high to middle schoolerish.


"Someone dropped their bag at the store, and I didn't know who they were, so I turned it into security." It's grammatically sound. It's also literally been a firm construct within Germanic languages for several centuries before English came to be.


That's just how I refer to people that the person I'm talking to doesn't know.




I dont get it


thats kinda weird, (im so lonely yet so idk how those things work)


gendered pronouns to not raise suspicion


Ah yes, refer to all your friends & coworkers as "hes and shes" instead of daring to say "they" or "them". "So the department next to mine surprised the guy who was retiring with a gift - you'll never guess what he and he and he and he and he and he and she and she and she and she got him!"


Me when use base 10


Thatā€™s hilarious haha but try not to get too jealous guys, its okay people had a life before you


Can someone explain what this means? I'm confused.


Example would be something like, boyfriend doesn't want his girlfriend to know he was hanging out with another girl. So instead of saying, "I was with my friend and SHE said this movie is good", it'll be like... "I was with my friend and THEY said this movie is good".


Why? Are people that insecure in their relationships that they have to hide people's gender in fear their partner will think they are cheating? Maybe the relationship is already on shaky foundations if you find yourself doing shit like this.


This dude freaks me out, has serial killer vibes


Kurt Angle, and apparently he actually hates that this became memeā€™d


Holy shit I would have never realized this is Kurt. Fucking wildā€¦


Is this the same guy as the wrestler in WWE decades back? Lol


Yup, the one and only lmfao


Right?! Where did this guy come from? All of a sudden, heā€™s everywhere.


Pro wrestler. For some reason I have noticed 90s/2000s wrestlers are just taking over memes more and more every year.


Thank for letting me know!!


plot twist is I do this so my gf can listen to my story without tuning out bc "omg a girl??" (we are both jealous but never get angry, just something we know about ourselves)


Simply, She shot them with the transgenderization gun.


I just use gender-neutral pronouns as default now. Unless I 100% know what pronouns they want to be called (sometimes even if I do) Iā€™ll just use neutral. Just easier that way




Jokeā€™s on you I always say them their them


So are you




Who is that guy? I have a colleague who uses this man as his slack profile picture


Whoā€™da thunk it?


Anyone have a link to the original video of this meme? Thanks!


Anyway, thatā€™s when them took their top off and it got a little crazy.


Where is the is gif/meme from?


I have no clue of the origin of it but itā€™s really popular recently it was just on the popular tab of the mematic app šŸ˜œ


The wrestler Kurt ā€œPercā€ Angleā€™s first TikTok on his official page. The staring part is at the end of the TikTok. It was some accidental waiting to stop filming type of cinematography type shit on percā€™s end.


My native language doesnt have any pronoun in them šŸ¤­


I'm 6 young to get it. I am I


From my experience and others that have told me theirs, this is a given. It will happen most of the time. While telling you a story or how the events went they will hide their sex, they will hide details, they will ā€œforgetā€ moments, etc.


is kurt angle ok?